Term of service three years. Mustered in at Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 4, 1862, by Captain George S. Pierce, United States Army. Transferred to the Thirty-fourth Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry (34th and 38th Consolidated), Jan. 1, 1865, unless otherwise noted.
Appleberry, Frank M. Age 24, residence Fredericksburgh, nativity Indiana, enlisted Aug. 10, 1862, transferred to Company G.
Baker, Horace Jr. Age 28, residence New Hampton, nativity Wisconsin, appointed First Lieutenant Aug. 15, 1862; promoted Captain Aug. 15, 1863; mustered out Dec. 31, 1864.
Barron, Florentine W. Age 30, residence Fredericksburgh, nativity Vermont, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, as First Sergeant, mustered Sept. 12, 1862; promoted Second Lieutenant Aug. 17, 1863; First Lieutenant Oct. 3, 1863; mustered out Dec. 12, 1864.
Beach, George W. Age 24, residence Chickasaw, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862; promoted Sixth Corporal Oct. 20, 1863; Fourth Corporal May 16, 1864; transferred to Company G.
Beach, John N. Age 18, residence Chickasaw, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 6, 1862; transferred to Invalid Corps Sept. 29, 1863; mustered out Sept. 13, 1865, Springfield, IL.
Beebe, Chester A. Age 25, residence Horton, nativity Illinois, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862,
mustered Sept. 12, 1862; died of disease Feb. 17, 1863, Horton, IA.
Bigelow, Zenas Age 44, residence Chickasaw, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 12, 1862; discharged for disability May 14, 1863, New Madrid, MO.
Blackwell, James F. Age 18, residence Bremer County, nativity Indiana, enlisted Jan. 31, 1864, mustered Jan. 31, 1864; transferred to Company G.
Blackwell, William H.C. Age 19, residence Waverly, nativity Indiana, enlisted Aug. 13, 1862; promoted eighth Corporal March 1, 1863; fourth Corporal Oct. 1, 1863; First corporal May 16, 1864; reduced to ranks; transferred to Company G.
Brant, John H. Age 18, residence Bremer county, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 20, 1862; transferred to Company G.
Brant, Nimrod Age 20, residence Bremer County, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 20, 1862; transferred to Company G.
Brown, Alvin A. Age 30, residence Fredericksburgh, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862; transferred to Company G.
Buckmaster, Francis M. Age 20, residence Waverly, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 12, 1862, mustered Sept. 12, 1862; transferred to Company K.
Byers, Samuel W. Age 26, residence North Washington, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 20, 1862, as fifer; transferred to Company K.
Carkins, Richmond Age 18, residence New Hampton, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862; mustered Sept. 12, 1862; promoted Fifth Corporal Oct. 1, 1863; died of disease Oct. 19, 1863, Carrollton, LA.
Carter, Benjamin Age 27, residence Chickasaw County, nativity Ireland, enlisted Aug. 18, 1862; transferred to Company G.
Clapper, Oscar J. Age 20, residence Chickasaw County, nativity Wisconsin, enlisted Aug. 20, 1862; transferred to Company G.
Clause, Oliver H. Age 30, residence Chickasaw County, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 22, 1862, as Third Corporal; promoted Second Corporal Nov. 4, 1862; Third Sergeant Oct. 1, 1862; Second Sergeant May 16, 1864; transferred to Company G.
Coffinger, Abram M. Age 38, residence Chickasaw, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 22, 1862, mustered Sept. 12, 1862; died of disease Sept. 28, 1863, Pontiac, Michigan.
Colby, Smith Age 35, residence Horton, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 12, 1862; transferred to Company I.
Cole, William A. Age 21, residence New Hampton, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 12, 1862; deserted May 20, 1863, St. Louis, MO.
Cook, George G. Age 19, residence Horton, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 12, 1862; died of disease May 5, 1863, New Madrid, MO.
Cotant, Thomas D. Age 26, residence New Hampton, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 8, 1862, as Third Sergeant, mustered Sept. 12, 1862, promoted Second Sergeant Nov. 4, 1862; died of disease Nov. 20, 1863, New Orleans, LA.
Cotant, William Age 23, residence New Hampton, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 18, 1862, mustered Sept. 12, 1862; died of disease Sept. 17, 1863, Independence, Iowa.
Culver, David F. Age 19, residence Deerfield, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 20, 1862; transferred to Company G.
Dayton, John Age 28, residence Fredericksburgh, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862; promoted Eighth Corporal Oct. 20, 1863; Sixth Corporal May 16, 1864; transferred to Company G.
Denniston, George Age 19, residence Bradford, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 20, 1862, mustered Sept. 12, 1862; died of disease Aug. 21, 1863, St. Louis, MO; buried in National Cemetery, Jefferson Barracks (St. Louis), MO; section 32, grave 48.
Downer, John L. Age 18, residence Bremer County, nativity Ohio, enlisted Feb. 2, 1864, mustered Feb. 24, 1864; transferred to Company G.
Dupas, Joseph Age 27, residence New Hampton, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 8, 1862; transferred to Company G.
Edgington, William O. Age 35, residence Waverly, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 13,1 862, mustered Sept. 12, 1862; transferred to Company K, Nov. 3, 1862; returned to Company Jan. 1, 1863; died of disease Aug. 15, 1863 on steamer "Nashville", Vicksburg, MS.
Ellis, Erastus, H. Age 29, residence Bradford, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 20, 1862; transferred to Company I.
Evans, Alson Age 18, residence Bremer County, nativity Illinois, enlisted Feb. 1, 1864, mustered Feb. 24, 1864; transferred to Company G.
Fairbanks, Lewis Age 22, residence Williamstown, nativity Illinois, enlisted Aug. 20, 1862, mustered Sept. 12, 1862; died of disease July 3, 1863, Vicksburg, MS; buried in National Cemetery, Vicksburg, MS; section G, grave 872.
Foresman, George Age 18, residence New Hampton, nativity Indiana, enlisted Aug. 8, 1862, transferred to Company G.
Foster, Charles W. Age 22, residence Bradford, nativity New York, enlisted June 27, 1862, as Second Sergeant, promoted Sergeant Major Nov. 4, 1862; see Field and Staff.
Gates, Emery J. Age 18, residence Horton,nativity Massachusetts, enlisted Aug. 12, 1862; transferred to Company G.
Glass, James A. Age 19, residence Bradford, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 19, 1862; transferred to Company G.
Green, John A. Age 20, residence Jacksonville, nativity New York, appointed Second Lieutenant Aug. 22, 1862; promoted First Lieutenant Aug. 18, 1763; resigned Oct. 2, 1863.
Harwood, Chiles S. Age 23, residence Bremer County, nativity New York, enlisted Oct. 8, 1862; transferred to Company G.
Harwood, George F. Age 21, residence Grove Hill, nativity New York, enlsited Aug. 19, 1862; transferred to Company G.
Hawkins, William W. Age 18, residence Chickasaw County, nativity Missouri, enlisted Aug. 22, 1862, mustered Sept. 12, 1862; died of disease Nov. 23, 1862, Cedar Falls, Iowa.
Henderson, David Age 27, residence Bradford, nativity Canada, enlisted Aug. 18, 1862, msutered Sept. 12, 1862; died of disease Sept. 233, 1864, on U.S. transport "Diana".
Henry, John Age 19, residence Bremer County, nativity Ohio, enlisted June 27, 1862, mustered Sept. 12, 1862; died of disease June 21, 1862, Dubuque, Iowa.
Hill, Ozro Age 29, residence Fredericksburgh, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 12, 1862; died of disease Aug. 15, 1863, St. Louis, MO; buried in National Cemetery, Jefferson Barracks (St. Louis), MO; section 31, grave 50.
Horning, Jacob Age 26, residence Fredericksburgh, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 20, 1862; mustered Sept. 12, 1862; promoted Sixth Corporal March 1, 1863; Fifth Sergeant Aug. 1, 1863; died of disease Sept. 30, 1863, Carrollton, LA.
Huffman, Henry H. Age 27, residence Fredericksburgh, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 20, 1862, mustered Sept. 12, 1862; died of disease Sept. 8, 1863, New Orleans, LA.
Jackson, James M. Age 19, residence New Hampton, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Jan. 16, 1864, mustered Jan. 16, 1864; transferred to Company G.
Johnton, Milton B. Age 19, residence Chickasaw County, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 22, 1862; transferred to Company G.
Johnston, William Age 33, residence New Hampton, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 18, 1862, as Eighth Corporal; promoted Seventh Corporal Nov. 4, 1862; Fifth Sergeant Oct. 1, 1863; transferred to Company G.
Jones, Jethro Age 34, residence Chickasaw County, nativity England, enlisted Aug. 20, 1862; transferred to Company G.
Keith, Julius D. Age 29, residence Fredericksburgh, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 13, 1862, mustered Sept. 12, 1862; died of disease Aug. 27, 1863, New Orleans, LA.
Kephart, Samuel Age 21, residence New Hampton, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 18, 1862, transferred to Company G.
Kepler, Henry Age 27, residence New Hampton, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862; transferred to Company G.
Kidder, Russell W. Age 29, residence Fredericksburgh, nativity Vermont, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, transferred to Company I.
King, Hiram Age 23, residence Waverly, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 8, 1862, as Wagoner, mustered Sept. 12, 1862; died of disease Feb. 2, 1863, New Madrid, MO.
King, Joseph A. Age 27, residence Fredericksburgh, nativity New Hampshire, enlisted Aug. 12, 1862; transferred to Company G.
Knott, John Age 25, residence Horton, nativity England, enlisted Aug. 12, 1862; transferred to Company G.
Legge, Ambrose B. Age 28, residence Fredericksburgh, nativity Canada, enlisted Aug. 10, 1862, as Sixth Corporal; promoted Fifth Corporal Nov. 4, 1862; Second Corporal Oct. 1, 1863; Fourth Sergeant May 16, 1864; transferred to Company G.
Lewis, Enos C. Age 29, residence Waverly, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 17, 1862, mustered Sept. 12, 1862; died of disease Oct. 8, 1863, Cairo, IL; buried in National Cemetery, Mound City, IL;
section A, grave 782.
Loveless, Frank Age 27, residence North Washington, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 20, 1862, as Fifth Sergeant; mustered Sept. 12, 1862; promoted Fourth Sergeant Nov. 4, 1862; First Sergeant Oct. 1, 1863; mustered out Dec. 12, 1864.
Lyman, James Age 26, residence Waverly, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 13, 1862, as Fourth Sergeant; mustered Sept. 12, 1862; promoted third Sergeant Nov. 4, 1862; Second Sergeant Aug. 17, 1863; died of disease Oct. 1, 1863, New Orleans, LA.
Miller, Earl G. Jr. Age 18, residence Chickasaw, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 20, 1862, mustered Sept. 12, 1862; discharged for disability April 21, 1863, New Madrid, MO.
Mills, Thomas E. Age 20, residence Chickasaw County, nativity Ireland, enlisted Aug. 18, 1862, transferred to Company G.
Milmine, Luke Age 28, residence Fredericksburgh, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, mustered Sept. 12, 1862; died of disease Sept. 9, 1863, New Orleans, LA.
Morton, Zalmon, Age 41, residence New Hampton, nativity New York, enlisted Jan. 22, 1864, mustered Jan. 22, 1864; transferred to Company G.
Nutting, Edgar J. Age 23, residence Horton, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862 as fifth Corporal, mustered Sept. 12, 1862; promoted Fourth Corporal Nov. 4, 1862; died of disease May 20, 1863, New Madrid, MO; buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, TN; section 3, grave 646.
Parks, Charles S. Age 31, residence Williamstown, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 20, 1862; transferred to Company G.
Parks, Herman H. Age 41, residence Williamstown, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 21, 1862, mustered Sept. 12, 1862; died of disease Feb. 4, 1864, Brownsville, TX; buried in National Cemetery, Brownsville, TX.
Parsons, Jacob H. Age 26, residence Williamstown, nativity Indiana, enlisted Aug. 20, 1862; promoted Seventh Corporal Oct. 20, 1863; Fifth Corporal May 16, 1864; transferred to Company G.
Philips, John S. Age 18, residence Bremer County, nativity Indiana, enlisted Feb. 4, 1864, mustered Feb. 24, 1864; transferred to Company G.
Phelps, Lavenus Age 30, residence Horton, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 16, 1862; promoted Eighth Corporal May 16, 1864; transferred to Company G.
Pullar, John Age 24, residence New Hampton, nativity Canada, enlisted March 31, 1864, mustered April 15, 1864; transferred to Company G.
Reynolds, Delay D. Age 25, residence New Hampton, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Jan. 9, 1864, mustered Jan. 9, 1864; transferred to Company G.
Roby, Milton C. Age 33, residence New Hampton, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 18, 1862, mustered Sept. 12, 1862; died of disease Aug. 24, 1863, Carrollton, LA.
Roe, John R. Age 33, residence Chickasaw County, nativity New Jersey, enlisted Aug. 20, 1862, transferred to Company I.
Rogers, Charles N. Age 25, residence Williamstown, nativity New Jersey, enlisted Aug. 18, 1862, as Seventh Corporal, mustered Sept. 12, 1862; promoted Sixth Corporal Nov. 4, 1862; deserted Feb. 3, 1863.
Rombaugh, William C. Age 24, residence Chickasaw County, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 21, 1862, mustered Sept. 12, 1862; died of disease Sept. 9, 1863, New Orleans, LA.
Scripture, George G. Age 23, residence Chickasaw County, nativity New Hampshire, enlisted Aug. 20, 1862; transferred to Company G.
Sherman, Cyrus O. Age 19, residence New Hampton, nativity Ohio, enlisted Dec. 25, 1863, mustered Dec. 25, 1863; transferred to Company G.
Shoemaker, Henry Age 18, residence Chickasaw, nativity Indiana, enlisted Aug. 20, 1862; thransferred to Company G.
Sholts, Henry L. Age 27, residence Fredericksburgh, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as First Corporal, mustered Sept. 12, 1862; promoted Fifth Sergeant Nov. 4, 1862; Second Sergeant Oct. 1, 1863; died of disease March 16, 1864, Brownsville, TX; buried in National Cemetery, Brownsfield, TX.
Simpson, George W. Age 37, residence Chickasaw County, nativity Indiana, enlisted Aug. 20, 1862; transferred to Company K, Nov. 3, 1862; returned to Company Jan. 1, 1863; transferred to Company I.
Snow, Charles P. Age 33, residence Fredericksburgh, nativity New York enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, mustered Sept. 12, 1862; discharged for disability Feb. 28, 1864, New Orleans, LA.
Spencer, Josiah W. Age 23, residence Williamstown, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 21, 1862; promoted fifth Corporal Oct. 20, 1863; Third Corporal May 16, 1864; transferred to Company G.
Staton, Joseph S. Age 18, residence New Hampton, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted July 8, 1862; transferred to Company G.
Steindorf, Henry F. Age 29, residence Chickasaw County, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 20, 1862, as Drummer; transferred to Company G.
Still, Franklin F. Age 38, residence Fredericksburgh, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, mustered Sept. 12, 1862; died of disease July 17, 1863, Vicksburg, MS.
Stone, William H. Age 23, residence Chickasaw County, nativity Vermont, enlisted Aug. 18, 1862; transferred to Company G.
Stowell, Charles G. Age 30, residence Chickasaw County, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 20, 1862, mustered Sept. 12, 1862; transferred to Company I.
Strong, George W. Age 23, residence Chickasaw, nativity Michigan, enlisted Aug. 20, 1862; promoted Eighth Corporal Nov. 4, 1862; Third Corporal Oct. 1, 1863; Second Corporal May 16, 1864; transferred to Company G.
Tinkham, Henry A. Age 29, residence Horton, nativity New York, appointed Captain Nov. 4, 1862; died of disease Aug. 14, 1863, Port Hudson, LA. See Field and Staff, Fourth Cavalry.
Trask, Henry B. Age 26, residence Chickasaw, nativity Massachusetts, enlisted Aug. 22, 1862, as Second Corporal; promoted First Corporal Nov. 4, 1862; reduced to Seventh Corporal May 16, 1864; transferred to Company G.
Tyler, Charles E. Age 30, residence New Hampton, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 17, 1862, as Fourth Corporal; promoted Third Corporal Nov. 4, 1862; fourth Sergeant Oct. 1, 1863; Third Sergeant May 16, 1864; transferred to Company G.
VanTassel, Albert Age 19, residence Chickasaw County, nativity new York enlisted Aug. 20, 1862; transferred to Company G.
Vaughn, Allen Age 43, residence Chickasaw County, nativity Vermont, enlisted Aug. 22, 1862, transferred to Company I.
Vaughn, Nehemiah Age 36, residence Chickasaw County, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 22, 1862, mustered Sept. 12, 1862; died of disease Jan. 21, 1864, Jacksonville, Iowa.
Weiler, Jacob Age 24, residence Chickasaw county, nativity Germany, enlisted July 20, 1862; transferred to Company G.
Wheeler, Alonzo Age 23, residence New Hampton, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 12, 1862; died of disease Nov. 7, 1863, New Orleans, LA.
Whitman, Lewis Age 18, residence Chickasaw County, nativity Illinois, enlisted Oct. 11, 1864, mustered Oct. 17, 1864; transferred to Company G.
Whitter, John C. Age 25, residence Bradford, nativity Maryland, enlisted Aug. 20, 1862, mustered Sept. 12, 1862; died of disease Dec. 9, 1862, Bradford, Iowa.
Williams, Thomas W. Age 23, residence Chickasaw County, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 21, 1862; transferred to Company G.
Wilson, James Age 22, residence Horton, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 13, 1862, transferred to Company G.
Wise, John Age 27, residence Waverly; nativity Indiana, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862; transferred to Company G.
Wood, Samuel A. Age 26, residence Waverly, nativity Indiana, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862; mustered Sept. 12, 1862; discharged for disability Jan. 20, 1863, St. Louis, MO.
Wortendyke, Abram Age 31, residence Fredericksburgh, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 12, 1862, mustered Sept. 27, 1862; transferred to Company D.
Wright, John G. Age 23, residence Chickasaw, nativity England, enlisted July 12, 1862, mustered Sept. 12, 1862; discharged for disability Sept. 12, 1863, Carrollton, LA.
Yager, Leonard H. Age 27, residence New Hampton, nativity Canada, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862; transferred to Company G.