Term of service three years. Mustered in at Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 4, 1862, by Captain George S. Pierce, United States Army. Transferred to the Thirty-fourth Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry (34th and 38th Consolidated), Jan. 1, 1865, unless otherwise noted.
Albright, Richard H. Age 22, residence Elgin, nativity Michigan, enlisted Aug. 9, 1862, as First corporal; died of disease Oct. 20, 1863, Carrollton, LA.
Armstrong, Lewis Age 36, residence Elgin, nativity Ohio, appointed Second Lieutenant July 28, 1862; resigned July 20, 1863.
Baldwin, Christian A. Age 18, residence Elgin, nativity Michigan, enlisted Aug. 12, 1862; discharged for disability Oct. 17, 1863, Carrollton, LA.
Bamer, Charles Age 18, residence Elgin, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862; died of disease Oct. 1863, Elgin, Iowa.
Bell, Robert F. Age 41, residence Elgin, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862; discharged for disability Sept. 14 1863, Carrollton, LA.
Brown, Samuel Rejected Nov. 4, 1862, by Mustering Officer.
Butcher, Thomas J. Age 31, residence Elgin, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, as Third Corporal; promoted Fourth Sergeant Nov. 15, 1863; First Lieutenant March 26, 1864; mustered out Dec. 31, 1864.
Cain, William J. Age 30, residence Elgin, nativity Indiana, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862; transferred to Company H.
Christianson, Martin Age 33, residence West Union, nativity Norway, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862; mustered Sept. 17, 1862; died of disease Sept. 4, 1863, Keokuk, Iowa.
Conner, Isaac Age 27, residence Elgin, nativity Indiana, enlisted Aug. 1, 1862; mustered Sept. 17, 1862; promoted Seventh Corporal July 1, 1864; transferred to Company H.
Conner, William T. Age 26, residence Elgin, nativity Illinois, enlisted Aug. 11, 1862; promoted Seventh Corporal Nov. 15, 1863; Fifth Corporal July 1, 1864; transferred to Company H.
Cooley, James C. Age 18, residence Elgin, nativity Indiana, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862; transferred to Company H.
Crain, Edgar Age 23, residence Elgin, nativity Illinois, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862; transferred to Company H.
Crain, Eleazer Age 18, residence Elgin, nativity Wisconsin, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862; transferred to Company H.
Curtess, Charles M. Age 29, residence Elgin, nativity Wisconsin, enlisted Aug. 4, 1862, as Third Sergeant; transferred to Company H.
Dennis, James N. Age 37, residence Clermont, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, as First Sergeant; transferred to Company I.
Desart, Dennis Age 18, residence Elgin, nativity Illinois, enlisted Aug. 13, 1862; transferred to Company H.
Desart, Leander Age 18, residence Elgin, nativity Wisconsin, enlisted Dec. 1, 1863; mustered Dec. 9, 1863; transferred to Company H.
Dibble, Benjamin Franklin Age 19, residence Clermont, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, as Eighth Corporal; reduced to ranks Aug. 18, 1862; transferred to Company H.
Donaldson, John Age 35, residence McGregor, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 5, 1862; mustered Sept. 17, 1862; died of disease Aug. 14, 1863, on steamer "John J. Roe", New Orleans, LA.
Dorland, Cornelius Age 44, residence Elgin, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, as Wagoner; mustered Sept. 17, 1862; died of disease Aug. 21, 1863, Jefferson Barracks, MO. Buried in National Cemetery, Jefferson Barracks (St. Louis), MO; section 7, grave 87.
Downie, Elisha B. Age 38, residence Clermont, nativity Canada, enlisted Aug. 5, 1862; promoted Second Corporal April 27, 1863; First Corporal Nov. 15, 1863; Fifth Sergeant July 1, 1864; transferred to Company H.
Edgar, George W. Age 25, residence West Union, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862; died of disease Aug. 9, 1863, Port Hudson, LA; buried in National Cemetery, Port Hudson, LA.
Foulett, Eliphalet Age 34, residence Elgin, nativity Ohio, appointed Captain July 23, 1862; mustered out Dec. 31, 1864.
Foulett, Otis Rejected Nov. 4, 1862, by Mustering Officer.
Follett, Thomas M. Age 28, residence Elgin, nativity Michigan, enlisted Aug. 10, 1862; mustered Sept. 17, 1862; promoted Third Corporal Nov. 15, 1863, Fourth Sergeant July 1, 1864; transferred to Company H.
Foster, Edwin Age 18, residence Clermont, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862; transferred to Company H.
Foster, George H. Age 22, residence Epworth, nativity Illinois, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862 as Fourth Sergeant; died of disease Aug. 23, 1863, St. Louis, MO; buried in National Cemetery, Mound City, IL; section A, grave 620.
Gage, William R. Age 32, residence Wadena, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862; mustered Sept. 17, 1862; deserted Jan. 1863, New Madrid, MO.
Garner, William H. Age 18, residence Epworth, nativity Indiana, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862; mustered Sept. 17, 1862; transferred to Company H.
Gillett, Shuble Age 19, residence Elgin, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 1, 1862; transferred to Company H.
Goodsill, Francis W. Age 25, residence Elgin, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862; mustered Sept. 17, 1862; died of disease Oct. 18, 1863, St. Louis, MO; buried in National Cemetery, Jefferson Barracks (St. Louis), MO; section 31, grave 72.
Grossman, Frederick Age 43, residence Clermont, nativity Germany, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862; transferred to Company H.
Gunnelson, Swan Age 19, residence Elgin, nativity Norway, enlisted Aug. 5, 1862; mustered Sept. 17, 1862; died of disease Dec. 6, 1863, Memphis, TN.
Harvey, Dennis R. Age 21, residence Elgin, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 11, 1862; died of disease Aug. 30, 1863, Keokuk, Iowa, buried in Oakland Cemetery, Keokuk, Iowa.
Herrington, Henry L. Age 24, residence Elgin, nativity Canada, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862; died of disease Oct. 28, 1863, Carrollton, LA.
Hosmer, Elisha Age 44, residence Elgin, nativity New York, appointed First Lieutenant July 27, 1862; resigned March 24, 1864, Brownsville, TX.
Howard, Hugh Age 37, residence Elgin, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 4, 1862; died of disease Sept. 23, 1863, Memphis, TN; buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, TN; section 1, grave 191.
Hutchinson, Samuel Rejected Nov. 4, 1862, by Mustering Officer.
Irwin, George W. Age 21, residence Clermont, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862 as Sixth Corporal; promoted Fourth Corporal, July 1, 1864; transferred to Company H.
Jende, Charles Age 22, residence New Madrid, MO; nativity Prussia; enlisted May 21, 1863; mustered May 21, 1863; died of disease Aug. 6, 1863, Port Hudson, LA.
Johnson, James Age 28, residence Elgin, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862; mustered Sept. 17, 1862; transferred to Company H.
Johnson, John L. Age 26, residence Winneshiek County, nativity Indiana, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862; mustered Sept. 17, 1862; died of disease Sept. 21, 1863, Carrollton, LA.
Ketchum, William Age 37, residence Clermont, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 9, 1862; died of disease Aug. 6, 1863, on steamer "R. C. Wood". Buried in National Cemetery, Mound City, IL; section B, grave 1104.
Kincade, Frederick Age 18, residence El Dorado, nativity Indiana, enlisted Oct. 11, 1864, mustered Oct. 11, 1864; transferred to Company H.
King, Benjamin Age 23, residence Elgin, nativity Kentucky, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862; discharged for disability Sept. 21, 1863, Carrollton, LA.
King, Nathaniel Age 21, residence Elgin, nativity Kentucky, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862; discharged for disability Sept. 21, 1863, Carrollton, LA.
Kinsel, James Age 27, residence Clermont, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 13, 1862; mustered Sept. 17, 1862; transferred to Company H.
Kinyan, William M. Age 21, residence Clermont, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 13, 1862, died of disease Oct. 12, 1863, Cairo, IL; buried in National Cemetery, Mound City, IL; section A, grave 357.
Knight, John W. Residence Elgin, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 2, 1862; promoted Eighth Corporal July 1, 1864; transferred to Company H.
LaPage, George Age 24, residence Clermont, nativity England, enlisted Aug. 13, 1862, as Seventh Corporal; reduced to ranks April 11, 1863; transferred to Company H.
Lee, Andrew Age 18, residence El Dorado, nativity Norway, enlisted Jan. 2, 1864, mustered Jan. 4, 1864; transferred to Company H.
Lee, Martin Age 18, residence El Dorado, nativity Norway, enlisted Aug. 12, 1862; mustered Sept. 17, 1862; transferred to Company H.
Linderman, James E. Age 32, residence Clermont, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, as Second Corporal; mustered Nov. 1, 1862; died of disease Aug. 10, 1863, Port Hudson, LA; buried in National Cemetery, Port Hudson, LA.
Lyon, Willis Age 18, residence Elgin, nativity Wisconsin, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862; transferred to Company H.
McMattocks, Wilder Age 25, residence Clermont, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 12, 1862; mustered Sept. 17, 1862; promoted Seventh Corporal April 23, 1863; Fourth Corporal Nov. 16, 1863; Second Corporal July 1, 1864; transferred to Company H. [NOTE: Surname should be "MATTOCKS", this was brought to my attention by a descendant of his sister, who is her second great-granddaughter; the error may have occurred because his middle name was "MACK" I would like to thank her for bringing this to my attention.]
Maffit, James Rejected Nov. 4, 1862, by Mustering Officer.
Marsh, Judson A. Age 24, residence Elgin, nativity Canada, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862; War Department reports "No record found".
Martindale, Albert Age 21, residence Elgin, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862; transferred to Company H.
Mathiasson, John M. Age 32, residence El Dorado, nativity Norway, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862; transferred to Company H.
Mattocks, Eli Age 18, residence Elgin, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 4, 1862; mustered Sept. 17, 1862; transferred to Company H.
Mattocks, William R. Age 21, residence Elgin, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 3, 1862; mustered Sept. 17, 1862; transferred to Company H.
Maze, Thomas Age 31, residence Clermont, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 13, 1862; transferred to Company H.
Miller, Phineas J. Age 46, residence Elgin, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 6, 1862; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps; returned to Company; transferred to Company H.
Minger, Frederick Age 28, residence Elgin, nativity Switzerland, enlisted Aug. 12, 1862; promoted Eighth Corporal Nov. 16, 1863; Sixth Corporal July 1, 1864; transferred to company H.
Mitchell, Roland, N. Age 40, residence Elgin, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862; transferred to Company H.
Moats, Ambrose Age 18, residence HIghland, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862; transferred to Company H.
Myers, Eleazar Age 19, residence El Dorado, nativity Indiana, enlisted Aug. 12, 1862; died of disease Aug. 7, 1863, on steamer "City of Memphis"; buried in National Cemetery, Mound City, IL; section B, grave 1346.
Myers, Richard Age 18, residence El Dorado, nativity Indiana, enlisted Oct. 11, 1864; mustered Oct. 11, 1864; transferred to Company H.
Myers, William H.H. Age 22, residence El Dorado, nativity Indiana, enlisted Aug. 12, 1862, as Second Sergeant; transferred to Company H.
Nichols, Wesley Age 23, residence Clermont, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862; mustered Sept. 17, 1862; transferred to Company H.
Owen, Alonzo F. Age 41, residence Elgin, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862; died of disease Aug. 28, 1863, Carrollton, LA.
Packer, Gustavus A. Age 19, residence Clermont, nativity Connecticut, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862; promoted Eighth Corporal Aug. 18, 1862; Second Corporal Nov. 15, 1863; First Corporal July 1, 1864; transferred to Company H.
Rilay, John Age 18, residence El Dorado, nativity Wisconsin, enlisted Oct. 11, 1864; mustered Oct. 11, 1864; transferred to Company H.
Ropes, Charles F. Age 18, residence Fayette County, nativity Ne Hampshire, enlisted Jan. 4, 1864; mustered Jan. 4, 1864; transferred to Company H.
Saltsgiver, Adam Age 26, residence Elgin, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862; died of disease Aug. 20, 1863, on Hospital Steamer "R. C. Wood".
Schlupp, Jacob Age 20, residence Elgin, nativity Switzerland, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862; mustered Sept. 17, 1862; transferred to Company H.
Schmitt, William M. Age 25, residence Giard, nativity France, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862; transferred to Company H.
Schneider, William Albert Age 37, residence New Madrid, MO; nativity Poland; enlisted May 22, 1863; mustered May 22, 1863; transferred to Company H.
Smith, John Age 30, residence Elgin, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862; died of disease Oct. 28, 1863, New Orleans, LA.
Smith, Sidney R. Age 19, residence Fayette, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862; transferred to Company H.
Sparks, John C. Age 31, residence Elgin, nativity Kentucky, enlisted Aug. 12, 1862; died of disease Oct. 25, 1863, Memphis, TN; buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, TN; section 1, grave 249.
Stirk, Joseph W. Age 18, residence El Dorado, nativity Indiana, enlisted Aug. 13, 1862; transferred to Company H.
Sullivan, Thomas Rejected Nov. 4, 1862, by Mustering Officer.
Travers, Nicholas Age 32, residence Clermont, nativity Ireland, enlisted Aug. 13, 1862; transferred to Company H.
Twombly, Cyrus L. Age 20, residence Dyersville, nativity Massachusetts, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 17, 1862; transferred to Company H.
Warren, Abel Age 28, residence Elgin, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 9, 1862; died of disease Nov. 27, 1863, Brownsville, TX; buried in National Cemetery, Brownsville, TX.
Wattenbaugh, Andrew Age 27, residence Elgin, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 1, 1862; died of disease Aug. 21, 1863, Jefferson Barracks, MO; buried in National Cemetery, Jefferson Barracks (St. Louis), MO.
Webb, Gilbert J. Age 45, residence West Union, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, as Fourth Corporal; mustered Sept. 17, 1862; discharged for disability Sept. 14, 1863.
West, Joseph H. Age 45, residence Clermont, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, as Fifer; died of disease Aug. 29, 1863, New Orleans, LA.
West, Marshall E.R. Age 15, residence Clermont, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, as Drummer; died of disease Sept. 12, 1863, United States Hospital, Louisiana.
Whiting, Benjamin Age 35, residence Elgin, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 11, 1862; died of disease Aug. 9, 1863, Port Hudson, LA.
Whiting, William Age 36, residence Elgin, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 5, 1862, as Fifth Sergeant, died of disease Oct. 30, 1863, Elgin, Iowa.
Zimmerman, George Age 26, residence Elgin, nativity Germany, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862; promoted Fifth Corporal Nov. 15, 1863; Third Corporal July 1, 1864; transferred to Company H.