Term of service three years. Mustered in at Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 4, 1862, by Captain George S. Pierce, United States Army. Transferred to the Thirty-fourth Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry (34th and 38th Consolidated), Jan. 1, 1865, unless otherwise noted.
Roster of Field, Commissioned and Non-Commissioned Staff Officers at muster in of organization, together with subsequent appointments from civil life.
D. Henry Hughes Appointed Colonel Oct. 27, 1862. Died Aug. 7, 1863, Port Hudson, LA. Joseph O. Hudnutt Appointed Lieutenant Colonel Oct. 27, 1862. Mustered out Dec. 31, 1864. Charles Chadwick Appointed Major Nov. 4, 1862. Resigned Jan. 7, 1864. H. W. Pettit Appointed Adjutant Sept. 15, 1862, resigned April 16, 1863. Charles F. Losche Appointed Adjutant Oct. 11, 1863. Mustered Oct. 23, 1863. Mason R. Lyons Appointed Quartermaster, Sept. 16, 1862, resigned April 14, 1863. Henry W. Hart Appointed Surgeon Sept. 10, 1862, mustered out Jan. 1, 1865; see Field and Staff, Ninth Infantry. Robert McNutt Appointed Assistant Surgeon Sept. 10, 1862, discharged Sept. 18, 1864. S.E. Robinson Appointed Assistant Surgeon Nov. 11, 1864, commission declined and returned Dec. 7, 1864; see Company F, Third Infantry. Edward A. Duncan Appointed Assistant Surgeon Nov. 3, 1862, mustered Nov. 7, 1862, resigned July 24, 1863; see Field and Staff Twenty-first Infantry. John Webb Appointed Chaplain Sept. 23, 1862, resigned July 23, 1863. Amasa H. Houghton Appointed Chaplain April 9, 1864, mustered June 11, 1864, resigned Oct. 1, 1864.
Charles W. Foster Promoted Sergeant Major from Second Sergeant of Company C, Nov. 4, 1862; discharged for promotion Feb. 4, 1864; see Company B, Seventh Infantry. Henry A. Maydoe Promoted Quartermaster Sergeant from Commissary Sergeant Sept. 1, 1863; promoted Quartermaster March 18, 1864. Albert P. White Promoted Hospital Steward from Company G, Nov. 4, 1862. Henry T. Hulbert Promoted Drum Major from Drummer of Company A, Oct. 1, 1863. Aaron Richards Promoted Principal Musician from Fifer of Company G, Sept. 1, 1863; mustered out Jan. 1, 1865.