For service record of men transferred from the 34th Regiment IA Volunteer Infantry see Company after name. All were mustered out August 15, 1865 in Houston, TX, unless otherwise noted.
I do not have these records in my possession, all information is for assisting you in your research. Please contact the appropriate agencies for documentation and obtaining records.
Company F
Line Officers Names of company Officers at muster in of their companies. Service record given opposite their names in the alphabetical roster.
James H.B. Harris, Captain Ezra Crosby, First Lieutenant Barsnett D. Everingham, Second Lieutenant
"A" Adams, Cassius M.C., Age 18, residence Howard County, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 11, 18862, mustered Oct. 1, 1862, see Company I, 38th Infantry.
"B" Bailey, William T., Age 18, residence Fayette, nativity Connecticut, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862, see Company A, 38th Infantry. Barnum, Joseph C. Age 29, residence West Union, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 9, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862, see Company A, 38th Infantry. Bartie, Thomas, Age 18, residence Douglass, nativity England, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862, promoted Seventh Corporal March 17, 1865, see Company A, 38th Infantry. Bayes, Lorenzo D., Age 26, residence Howard County, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 16, 1862, mustered Oct. 1, 1862, see Company I, 38th Infantry. Bennett, Jason, Age 27, residence Howard County, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Oct. 1, 1862, see Company I, 38th Infantry. Burgess, Charles W., Age 29, residence Howard County, nativity New York, enlisted Jan. 4, 1864, mustered Jan. 28, 1864, see Company I, 38th Infantry. Burk, John, Age 26, residence West Union, nativity Virginia, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862, see Company A, 38th Infantry. Burrel, James, Age 26, residence West Union, nativity Scotland, transferred from Company A, 38th Infantry as Third Corporal, Jan. 1, 1865. Butler, Henry, Age 18, residence West Union, nativity Virginia, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862, died of disease May 37, 1865, New Orleans, LA, buried in National Cemetery, New Orleans, LA; see Company A, 38th Infantry. Buter, Jesse, Age 30, residence West Union, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862, see Company A, 38th Infantry.
"C" Callahan, Jerome, Age 22, residence Lansing, nativity Illinois, enlisted Dec. 29, 1863, mustered Dec. 29, 1863, mustered out May 31, 1865, Greenville, LA; see Company A, 38th Infantry. Clamer, William, Age 21, residence Illyria, nativity Germany, enlisted Aug. 15, 18862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; see Company A, 38th Infantry. Cline, Jacob, Age 37, residence Fayette County, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862; see Company A, 38th Infantry. Clow, Nelson B., Age 21, residence Fayette County, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862, promoted Eighth Corporal March 17, 1865, see Company A, 38th Infantry. Colson, Isaac, Age 34, residence Howard County, nativity Illinois, enlisted Jan. 4, 1864, mustered Jan. 14, 1864, see Company I, 38th Infantry. Cook, George W., Age 20, residence West Union, nativity Ohio, transferred from Company A, 38th Infantry as First Sergeant, Jan. 1, 1865. Cook, John G., Age 19, residence Fayette, nativity Canada, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862, see Company A, 38th Infantry. Corbin, Daniel, Age 26, residence Fayette, nativity Illinois, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862, see Company A, 38th Infantry. Courrier, Alfred M., Age 26, residence Fayette, nativity Massachusetts, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, as Fifer, mustered Sept. 6, 1862, see Company A, 38th Infantry. Craghill, Charles, Age 31, residence Howard County, nativity England, enlisted Aug. 9, 1862, mustered Oct. 1, 1862, see Company I, 38th Infantry. Crosby, Ezra, Age 41, residence West Union, nativity Maine, transferred from Company A, 38th Infantry, as First Lieutenant, Jan. 1, 1865, see Company A, 38th Infantry. Crow, Abraham, Age 18, residence Fayette, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862, see Company A, 38th Infantry; see also Company F, Third Infantry. Curtis, Oren D, Age 33, residence Howard County nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 22, 1862 as Wagoner, mustered Oct. 1, 1862, see Company I, 38th Infantry.
"D" Dauberschmidt, Fred L., Age 21, residence Howard County, nativity Germany, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Oct. 1, 1862, see Company I, 38th Infantry. Davis, Josiah, Age 25, residence Lima; nativity Indiana, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept 6, 1862, see Company A, 38th Infantry. Dawes, George W., Age 30, residence Howard County, nativity New York, transferred from Company I, 38th Infantry, as Sixth Corporal, Jan. 1, 1865, promoted Fourth Corporal Mach 17, 1865, died Aug. 7, 1865. Houston, TX. Dawes, George W., Age 36, residence Howard County, nativity England, enlisted Aug. 22, 1862, mustered Oct. 1, 1862, see Company I, 38th Infantry. Duffy, George, Age 36, residence Howard County, nativity England, enlisted Aug. 22, 1862, mustered Oct. 1, 1862, see Company I, 38th Infantry. Duffy, James, Age 18, residence Howard County , nativity England, enlisted Dec. 21, 1863, mustered Jan. 14, 1864, see Company I, 38th Infantry; see also Company A, 32nd Infantry. Duningham, Orville R., Age 17, residence Marion County, nativity Indiana, enlisted Feb. 20, 1864, mustered March 4, 1864; see Company G, 33rd Infantry.
"E" Eaton, Artemus W., Age 24, residence Howard County, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Dec. 16, 1863, mustered Jan. 14, 1864, see Company I, 38th Infantry. Elsberry, Benjamin W., Age 29, residence West Union, nativity Indiana, transferred from Company A, 38th Infantry as Fifth Sergeant Jan. 1, 1865. Everingham, Barsnett D., Age 31, residence Howard County, nativity Canada, enlisted Aug. 25, 1862, mustered Oct. 1, 1862, promoted Second Lieutenant Jan. 10, 1865, see Company I, 38th Infantry.
"F" Fisk, Harvey F., Age 18, residence Marion county, nativity Iowa, enlisted Feb. 17, 1864, mustered March 4, 1864, see Company G, 33rd Infantry. Fitch, Elmer E., Age 18, residence Fayette, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 25, 1862, see Company A, 38th Infantry. Forbes, Daniel C., Age 30, residence West Union, nativity Scotland, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862, see Company A, 38th Infantry. Forester, James, Age 21, residence Howard, nativity Ireland, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Oct. 1, 1862, see Company I, 38th Infantry. Fussel, Adam, Age 25, residence Howard county, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 16, 1862, mustered Oct. 1, 1862, see Company I, 38th Infantry.
"G" Granahan, Anthony, Age 19, residence Lansing, nativity Scotland, enlisted Dec. 16 1863, mustered Dec. 16, 1863, see Company A, 38th Infantry. Gray, William F., Age 18, residence Volga, nativity Canada, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862, see Company A, 38th Infantry. Guptil, Cornelius C., Age 18, residence Canfield, MN, nativity Vermont, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, mustered Oct. 1, 1862, see Company I, 38th Infantry.
"H" "I" Ivens, Edmund M., Age 19, residence Howard County, nativity England, enlisted Nov. 21, 1862, mustered Dec. 9, 1862, mustered out Sept. 12, 1865, St. Louis, MO, see Company I, 38th Infantry.
"J" Jennings, John C., Age 24, residence Fayette County, nativity Illinois, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862, see Company A, 38th Infantry. Jennings, Joseph M., Age 18, residence Fayette County, nativity Illinois, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862, see Company A, 38th Infantry. Johnson, William S., Age 27, residence Fayette, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 16, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862, mustered out Aug. 1, 1865, see Company A, 38th Infantry.
"K" Kingsley, Jerry B., Age 21, residence Howard County, nativity Vermont, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, mustered Oct 1, 1862, see Company I, 38th Infantry. Kinsey, William, Age 21, residence West Union, nativity Wales, transferred from Company A, 38th Infantry, as Fifth Corporal, Jan. 1, 1865, promoted Third Corporal March 17, 1865, wounded slightly April 9, 1865, Fort Blakely, AL.
"L" Licicum, Jesse, Age 26, residence Fayette County, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862, discharged for disability June 14, 1865, Mobile, AL, see Company A, 38th Infantry.
"M" McCaffrey, Cornelius, Age 20, residence Lansing, nativity Ireland, enlisted Dec. 29, 1863, mustered Dec. 19, 1863, see Company A, 38th Infantry. Maloney, Henry, Age 18, residence St. Louis, MO, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Dec. 24, 1862, mustered Dec. 25, 1862, see Company I, 38th Infantry. Manning, George H., Age 20, residence West Albany, VT, nativity Vermont, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, mustered Oct. 1, 1862, see Company I, 38th Infantry. Marooney, John, Age 18, residence West Union, nativity Ireland, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862, see Company I, 38th Infantry. Maynard, John W., Age 29, residence Howard County, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 9, 1862, mustered Oct. 1, 1862, see Company I, 38th Infantry. Miner, Edgar, Age 18, residence Howard County, nativity Vermont, enlisted Jan. 4, 1864, mustered Jan. 14, 1864, see Company I, 38th Infantry. Miner, William, Age 41, residence Granger, MN, nativity Vermont, enlisted Aug. 19, 1862, mustered Oct. 1, 1862, see Company I, 38th Infantry. Mintey, Walter, Age 21, residence Howard County, nativity England, enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, mustered Oct. 1, 1862, see Company I, 38th Infantry. Moore, Alexander, Age 18, residence Marion County, nativity Illinois, enlisted Dec. 30, 1863, mustered Jan. 15, 1864, see Company G, 33th Infantry. Myers, Delano, Age 21, residence Jasper County, nativity Ohio, enlisted Feb. 24, 1864, mustered Feb. 24, 1864, see Company G, 33rd Infantry.
"N" "Neftzger, Jacob F., Age 23, residence West Union, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862, see Company A, 38th Infantry. Nichols, Samuel, Age 22, residence Howard County, nativity New Hampshire, enlisted Aug. 21, 1862, mustered Oct. 1, 1862, see Company I, 38th Infantry. Nicoll, Alexander, Age 31, residence Fayette, nativity Ireland, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 25, 1862, see Company A, 38th Infantry. Niles, Moses, Age 44, residence Howard County, nativity Vermont, enlisted Dec. 16, 1863, mustered Jan. 14, 1864, see Company I, 38th Infantry. Nye, William C., Age 30, residence Howard County, nativity New York, enlisted Dec. 16, 1863, mustered Jan. 14, 1864, see Company I, 38th Infantry.
"O" Obert, Henry C., Age 23, residence Eatonville, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 13, 1862, mustered Oct. 1, 1862, see Company I, 38th Infantry.
"P" Pepin, Abner S. Age 24, residence Howard County, nativity Canada, enlisted Aug. 9, 1862, mustered Oct. 1, 1862, see Company I, 38th Infantry. Pepin, Charles M., Age 22, residence Howard County, nativity Michigan, enlisted Aug. 9, 1862, mustered Oct. 1, 1862, see Company I, 38th Infantry. Phillips, James M., Age 28, residence Howaard County, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 21, 1862, mustered Nov. 4, 1862, see Company I, 38th Infantry.Phillips, Peter, Age 24, residence Howard County, nativity Michigan, enlisted Aug. 21, 1862, mustered Nov. 4, 1862, see Company I, 38th Infantry. Pitts, John H., Age 24, residence Windsor, nativity New York, transferred from Company A, 38th Infantry as First Corporal, Jan. 1, 1865, promoted Fifth Sergeant, March 17, 1865. Powell, Alexander, Age 18, residence Howard County, nativity Illinois, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, mustered Oct. 1, 1862, see Company I, 38th Infantry. Purrington, John B., Age 28, residence Howard County, nativity Illinois, enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, mustered Oct. 1, 1862, see Company I, 38th Infantry.
"Q" "R" Ransom, Francis H., Age 22, residence Howard County, nativity Michigan, enlisted Aug. 21, 1862, mustered Oct. 1, 1862, see Company I, 38th Infantry. Reed, Lewis G., Age 24, residence Albion, nativity Vermont, enlisted Jan. 4, 1864, mustered Jan. 28, 1864, mustered out June 17, 1865, New Orleans, LA, see Company I, 38th Infantry.
"S" Sawyer, Charles W., Age 39, residence Howard County, nativity Vermont, transferred from Company I, 38th Infantry, as Second Sergeant, Jan. 1, 1865. Shaw, James, Age 18, residence Howard County, nativity Scotland, enlisted Aug. 2, 1862, mustered Oct. 1, 1862, see Company I, 38th Infantry. Smith, Calvin J., Age 20, residence Howard County, nativity Michigan, enlisted Oct. 28, 1864, mustered Oct. 31, 1864, see Company I, 38th Infantry, see also Third Artillery. Smith, Mordecai, Age 24, residence Albion, nativity Virginia, enlisted Jan. 4, 1864, mustered Jan. 28, 1864, see Company I, 38th Infantry. Staples, Stephen D., Age 20, residence Fayette, nativity Canada, enlisted Aut. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862, see Company A, 38th Infantry. Starr, Barnard, Age 32, residence Fayette, nativity Ireland, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862, see Company A, 38th Infantry. Stewart, Brown, Age 22, residence Fayette County, nativity Virginia, transferred from Company A, 38th Infantry, as Third Sergeant, Jan. 1, 1865.
"T" Taft, Madison, Age 31, residence Howard County, nativity New York, transferred from Company I, 38th Infantry, as Fourth Sergeant, Jan. 1, 1865. Talif, Ole, Age 21, residence Howard County, nativity Norway, transferred from Company I,
38th Infantry, as Eighth Corporal, Jan. 1, 1865, promoted Sixth Corporal March 17, 1865. thompson, Samuel L., Age 21, residence Lime Spring, nativity Scotland, transferred from Company I, 38th Infantry, as Fourth Corporal, Jan. 1, 1865, promoted Second Corporal March 17, 1865. Tuttle, Lloyd, Age 18, residence Fayette County, nativity New York, enlisted Aug. 15, 1762, mustered Sept. 24, 1862, see Company A, 38th Infantry.
"U" "V" Vawser, John, Age 36, residence West Union, nativity England, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862, see Company A, 38th Infantry.
"W" Walls, Thomas A., Age 20, residence West Union, nativity Pennsylvania, enlisted Aug. 12, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862, see Company A, 38th Infantry. Walters, Martin, Age 33, residence Clayton County, nativity Ohio, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept 6, 1862, see Company A, 38th Infantry. Wayman, Thomas C., Age 22, residence West Union, nativity England, transferred from Company A, 38th Infantry, as Seventh Corporal, Jan. 1, 1865, promoted Fifth Corporal March 17, 1865. Weller, George W., Age 21, residence Howard County, nativity New YOrk, enlisted Aug. 2, 1862, mustered Oct. 1, 1862, see Company I, 38th Infantry. Woods, Neri, Age 19, residence Fayette County, nativity Indiana, enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, mustered Sept. 6, 1862, see Company A, 38th Infantry.