FIELD AND STAFF George W. Clark age 28, Residence Indianola, nativity Indiana. Appointed Colonel Sept 1, 1862, mustered Oct. 15, 1862, transferred to Thirty-fourth and Thirty-eighth Consolidated, Jan. 1, 1865. Warren S. Dungan age 40, Residence Chariton, nativity Pennsylvania. Appointed Lieutenant Colonel Sept. 16, 1862. Mustered Oct. 15, 1862. Transferred to Thirty-fourth Consolidated Battalion, Nov. 12, 1864. Racine D. Kellogg age 33, residence Garden Grove, nativity New York, appointed Major Sept. 16, 1862, mustered Oct. 5, 1862, resigned April 21, 1863. William M. Bryant age 19, residence Indianola, nativity Indiana, appointed Adjutant Sept. 12, 1862, mustered Occt 15, 1862, mustered out Nov. 12, 1854. John D. Sarver age 37, residence Chariton, nativity Ohio, appointed Quartermaster Oct. 7, 1862, mustered Oct. 15, 1862. Resigned Feb 13, 1864. Charles W. Davis age 33, residence Indianola, nativity Indiana, appointed Surgeon Sept. 5, 1862, mustered Oct. 15, 1862. Resigned Nov. 25, 1863. Henry W. Jay age 29, residence Chariton, nativity Indiana, appointed Assistant Surgeon Sept 16, 1862, mustered Oct. 15, 1862. Resigned Feb. 2, 1863, Arkansas. John D. McCleary Residence St. Louis, MO, Appointed Assistant Surgeon March 12, 1863, mustered April 11, 1863. Resigned June 26, 1863. M. A. Dashiell Residence Hartford, appointed Assistant Surgeon Sept. 5, 1864, Commission declined. Victor H. Coffman age 23, residence Indianola, nativity Ohio, appointed Assistant Surgeon Sept. 16, 1862; Promoted Surgeon Nov. 26, 1863, transferred to Field and Staff, Thirty-fourth Consolidated Battalion, Nov. 12, 1864. Joseph R. Jay residence Chariton, appointed Assistant Surgeon Jan. 28, 1864, Commisssion declined and returned July 8, 1864. Ichabod King age 25, residence Platteville, appoointed Assistant Surgeon July 12, 1864, mustered out Nov. 12, 1864. Uri P. Golliday age 52, residence Garden Grove, nativity Ohio, appointed Chaplain Oct. 5, 1862, mustered Nov. 3, 1862, resigned March 13, 1863, St. Louis, MO. Return to top Return Home Non-Commissioned Staff View My Guestbook Sign My Guestbook Copyright © 2001 - D. J. Coover |