The Gallery

The Gallery

Click on the thumbnail or link to see a larger version of the photos and documents stored on this web page.

Feel free to print any photo for use with your own genealogy records.  However, please do not download any images for display on another website, or to be used for profit, without permission of the original owner.


Hays cemetery   Hays Cemetery, DeWitt County, IL

Hays Cemetery 2  A second view of Hays Cemetery, DeWitt county, IL

  The family of Benjamin Kirby Coppenbarger and Sarah Davenport Coppenbarger

  Rachel Jane Griner

  John Coppenbarger's Family Bible Excerpt from the bible of John B. Coppenbarger, dating from 1798 to 1904

 Josiah Randolph Coppenbarger's Obituary and photo

Dewitt County Cemeteries map

Millstones from John Coppenbarger's grist mill displayed outside Kenney Civic Center

Ida B. Coppenbarger and the Coppenbarger School in Decatur

Surnames Gallery Blackhawk War