[S1] Howard Blackburn/William H. Welfley, "History of Bedford and Somerset Counties, Pennsylvania" Bedford County by E. Howard Blackburn, Somerset County by William H. Welfley. (New York, NY: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1906). Hereinafter cited as The History of Bedford and Somerset Counties, PA.
[S8] Henry County Alabama, BRIDE'S LIST (1822-1868), AlGenWeb Henry County, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Henry County Alabama Record.
[S28] Mrs. Marvin Scott, compiler, History of Henry County, Alabama , by Mrs. Marvin Scott, Chapter XXIX, "Abstract of Henry County, Alabama Wills (1822-1870), Page 129 by Mrs. Marvin Scott. (n.p.: n.pub.). Hereinafter cited as "Abstract of Henry County, Alabama Wills (1822-1870).
[S44] Interview with Beverly Jean (Crumbly) Register (Ashburn, Georgia), by Daniel Curtis Phillips, 13 June 2005. Daniel Curtis Phillips Sr. (Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona, 85022).
[S53] Marrage, International Genealogical Index (IGI) (unknown repository address: unknown repository, June 2005).
[S55] Transcribed from the WPA records by Jean Wall, Baltzer Wagner Cemetery Marker, (n.p.: Salisbury-Elk Lick Historic Association). Hereinafter cited as Baltzer Wagner Cemetery Marker.
[S57] Interview with Gladys Fern Price (Las Vages, NV), by Daniel Curtis Phillips, Dec 2005. Daniel Curtis Phillips Sr. (Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona, 85022).
[S72] Unknown author, Records of Echo Cemetery of Henry County, Alabama (n.p.: n.pub.). Hereinafter cited as Echo Cemetery of Henry County, Alabama.
[S83] Baltzer Wagner, 21 Oct 1850 Micro-Film, Washington, District of Columbia, 20408, The Federal Records Centers at the National Archives and Records Administration M432-828.
[S86] Joe Patterson, The DeHaven Family in America (n.p.: n.pub., 1997). Hereinafter cited as The DeHaven Family in America.
[S87] Unknown household, 1840 Micro-Film, Washington, District of Columbia, 20408, The Federal Records Centers at the National Archives and Records Administration.
[S113] WH Wolfe Associates, compiler, Decatur County, Georgia - Past and Present 1823-1991, Decatur County Historical Society, compiler, (Roswell, Georgia: WH Wolfe Associates, Historical Publications Division, 1991), 352 (Roswell, Georgia: WH Wolfe Associates, Historical Publications Division, 1991). Hereinafter cited as Decatur County, Georgia - Past and Present 1823-1991.
[S114] Unknown household, 1830 Film, Washington, District of Columbia, 20408, The Federal Records Centers at the National Archives and Records Administration.
[S115] Unknown household, 1790 Film, Washington, District of Columbia, 20408, The Federal Records Centers at the National Archives and Records Administration.
[S116] Obituaries, Meyersdale Republican Newspaper, Orpha Mae Wagner (Obituary), Meyersdale, Pennsylvania, July 28, 1966. Hereinafter cited as Republican.
[S133] Obituaries, Meyersdale Republican Newspaper, Hubert G. Wagner (Obituary), Meyersdale, Pennsylvania, August 3, 1966. Hereinafter cited as Republican.
[S134] Obituaries, Meyersdale Republican Newspaper, Jacob Wagner (Obituary), Meyersdale, Pennsylvania, August 3, 1967. Hereinafter cited as Republican.
[S135] Stephanie Renee (Lynch) Troyer, "Stephanie Renee (Lynch) Troyer Re: Ida Kate Wagner Family History," e-mail message from e-mail address (South Carolina) to Daniel Curtis Phillips, 2 Aug 2006. Hereinafter cited as "Wagner Family History".
[S152] James Y. Hackler, History of Skippack & Vicinity (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date). Hereinafter cited as History of Skippack & Vicinity.
[S170] Matthew E. Faulkerson, "Faulkerson Family Tree," e-mail message from e-mail address (e-mail address) to Daniel Curtis Phillips, 25 Nov 2006. Hereinafter cited as "Faulkerson Family History".
[S189] Unknown household, 1850 Micro-Film, Washington, District of Columbia, 20408, 1850 United States Federal Census, The Federal Records Centers at the National Archives and Records Administration 1850. M432, 1,009 rolls..
[S211] Alfred Phillips, 1840 Micro-Film, Washington, District of Columbia, 20408, The Federal Records Centers at the National Archives and Records Administration.
[S219] Michelle Christine French, Birth Certification 124-66-030093 (5 July 1966), Daniel Curtis Phillips Sr., Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona, 85022.
[S221] Isaac Phillips entry, Digest of Taxable Property of Decatur County, Georgia for the year 1824., Decatur County; unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Digest of Taxable Property of Decatur County.
[S227] Joseph Patterson, "Jost Justus Stutzman Family Group Sheet", June2007 (Somerset County, Pennsylvania). e-mail address. Hereinafter cited as "Jost Justus Stutzman Family Group".
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[S269] Jacob Wagner and Mary, 21 Oct 1850 database on-line, Washington, District of Columbia, 20408, Seventh Census of the United States, 1850. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1850. M432, 1,009 rolls., The Federal Records Centers at the National Archives and Records Administration Year: 1850; Census Place: Elk Lick, Somerset, Pennsylvania; Roll: M432_828; Page: 290; Image: 572..
[S270] James Guptill, June 1860 database on-line, Washington, District of Columbia, 20408, Year: 1860; Census Place: Porter, Oxford, Maine; Roll: M653_444; Page: 0; Image: 303., The Federal Records Centers at the National Archives and Records Administration Year: 1860; Census Place: Porter, Oxford, Maine; Roll: M653_444; Page: 0; Image: 303..
[S298] Baltzer Wagner, Oct 1840 Micro-Film, Washington, District of Columbia, 20408, The Federal Records Centers at the National Archives and Records Administration M704-494.
[S299] Jacob B. Wagner, Oct 1840 Micro-Film, Washington, District of Columbia, 20408, The Federal Records Centers at the National Archives and Records Administration M704-494.
[S300] William Dehaven, Oct 1840 Micro-Film, Washington, District of Columbia, 20408, The Federal Records Centers at the National Archives and Records Administration M704-494.
[S301] Peter Wagner, Oct 1840 Micro-Film, Washington, District of Columbia, 20408, Year: 1840; Census Place: , Somerset, Pennsylvania, The Federal Records Centers at the National Archives and Records Administration Roll: 494; Page: 43..
[S305] Guptill, 28 Aug 1850 Micro-Film, Washington, District of Columbia, 20408, Portland Ward 2, Cumberland, Maine; Roll: M432_252; Page: 76; Image: 148., The Federal Records Centers at the National Archives and Records Administration Portland Ward 2, Cumberland, Maine; Roll: M432_252; Page: 76; Image: 148..
[S327] Theophilus and Mary Wagner, Aug 1870 Film, Washington, District of Columbia, 20408, Year: 1870; Census Place: Salisbury, Somerset, Pennsylvania; Roll: M593_1452; Page: 304; Image: 186., The Federal Records Centers at the National Archives and Records Administration Year: 1870; Census Place: Salisbury, Somerset, Pennsylvania; Roll: M593_1452; Page: 304; Image: 186..
[S349] Unknown household, June 1890 Micro-Film, Washington, District of Columbia, 20408, 1890 Veterans Schedules, The Federal Records Centers at the National Archives and Records Administration 1890. M123, 118 rolls..