Phillips - Balkcom - Price - Wagner Family History - James E. Balkcom Chart
Phillips - Balkcom - Price - Wagner Family History
The Daniel Dewitt Phillips and Velma Arlene Price Family
James E. Balkcom Chart
Decendents of
James E. Balkcom
Mary (Polly) Murphy
James A. Balkcom
John W. Balkcom
Joseph D. Balkcom
Colista J. Balkcom
Benjamin K. Balkcom
Ivey Balkcom
Brantley Balkcom
Albert Balkcom
Delilah W. Balkcom
Priscilla Balkcom
Neissa Balkcom
James H. Balkcom
Ransom Balkcom
Mary J. Balkcom
Sarah L. Brannon
Emma Balkcom
Albert Balkcom
Infant S. 2. o. J. A. B. Balkcom
Infant S. 1. o. J. A. B. Balkcom
William J. Balkcom
Benjamin A. Balkcom
Anzilla D. Balkcom
Anzada Balkcom
Sara O. Balkcom
L. E. Balkcom
Rev. Caswill C. Balkcom
Lucinda J. Deal
Benjamin M. Balkcom
M. E. Balkcom
George Balkcom
J. A. Balkcom
Elizabeth E. Kirkland
Archy C. Balkcom
Uriah W. Balkcom
James T. Balkcom
Alexander H. Balkcom
Rose A. Brannon
William J. Balkcom
John I. Balkcom
Noah B. Balkcom
Izetta Balkcom
Elizabeth Balkcom
Norman G. Balkcom
George W. Balkcom
Lucy E. Balkcom
Leola Balkcom
Sarah Holland
Joseph Balkcom
Archie Balkcom
J. T. Balkcom
Margaret E. Collins
Zelotes B. Balkcom
Pearl Balkcom
Arnie Balkcom
Minnie E. Balkcom
Auburn Balkcom
Lula B. Balkcom
John Q. Phillips
Millard M. Phillips
Estelle Phillips
James W. Phillips Sr.
John A. Phillips
Ozell Phillips
Daniel D. Phillips
Noah B. Phillips
Cody E. Phillips
Dalton G. Phillips
Sarah I. Phillips
Henry M. Phillips
Arthur J. Thomas
John Thomas
Ada Thomas
Taudie Thomas
Beulah Thomas
Arnie S. Thomas
Clifton A. Thomas
Henry W. Thomas
Alma F. Thomas
Carnelius W. Skinner
Albert S. Skinner
Carson T. Skinner
Orpie O. Skinner
Sara T. Skinner
Talmage Skinner
Garfield A. Skinner
Henry S. Skinner
Dalton D. Skinner
Cecil C. Skinner
John A. Hartzog
James L. Hartzog
James R. Hartzog
Beda M. Kirkland
Elmeda Balkcom
Lois Balkcom
James R. Balkcom
Daniel W. Balkcom
David P. Balkcom
Johnnie S. Balkcom
Adrianna E. Deal
Ora Balkcom
Carson Balkcom
Leota Balkcom
Benjamin Balkcom
Annabelle Balkcom
Martha (?)
Annie Balkcom
Orm Balkcom
Jodomus Balkcom
George W. Woodham
Essie Woodham
William Woodham
Theron Woodham
Cloy Woodham
Mary Woodham
Vassie A. Woodham
Georgia Woodham
Estelle Woodham
Laura I. Deal
Ralph O. Balkcom
Edna W. Balkcom
James T. Balkcom
Leon C. Balkcom
Leah Balkcom
Emma E. Balkcom
Harvey Balkcom
Dewey W. Balkcom
Addie O. Balkcom
Sarah J. Barby
William H. Balkcom
Willie B. Balkcom
Ida L. Baldwin
Mae E. Balkcom
Euel E. Balkcom
Thelma L. Balkcom
J. V. Balkcom
Iona (?)
Ezra Balkcom
J. D. Balkcom
Willie M. Balkcom
Authur Balkcom
Robert Balkcom
Cleota Balkcom
Inez Balkcom
Vera Balkcom
Minnie L. Tice
Mattie L. Balkcom
A. D. Balkcom
William B. Balkcom
Mary E. Balkcom
Junior P. Balkcom
Lyverne Balkcom
Ardella Clark
H. D. Balkcom
Carrie Balkcom
Lillie M. (?)
Agnes I. Balkcom
Littie M. Balkcom
Thomas J. Balkcom
Gladys Bell
Archibald Balkcom
Henry H. Balkcom
Zelotes M. Balkcom
Dorothy Balkcom
Willie J. Register
Clayton Register
Adie A. Register
Velma M. Register
John A. Register
Katie R. Register
Daniel C. Register
Bertha L. Register
Bessie I. Campbell
Charles W. Phillips
James W. Phillips Sr.
Jerry Phillips
Marie Watkins
Charlene Phillips
Daisy M. Hartzog
John T. Phillips
Susie M. Phillips
Hosey B. Phillips
James D. Phillips Sr.
Julian C. Phillips
Alma L. Phillips
Archie B. Smith
Earline Smith
Patsy J. Smith
Velma A. Price
Drucilla J. Phillips
Nancy J. Phillips
Janice A. Phillips
Sherly A. Phillips
Marcia A. Phillips
Daniel C. Phillips Sr.
Scenia E. Brickins
Betty L. Phillips
Robert B. Phillips
Paul E. Phillips
Hubert Phillips
Marguerite A. Smith
Delores M. Phillips
William E. Phillips
Cody C. Phillips
Claria M. Thomas
Glenn L. Phillips
Carmen L. Phillips
Edwin H. Ray
Jo A. Ray
Edwin H. Ray Jr.
Sarah J. Ray
Wes Newton
Sara N. Newton
(?) Kingry
Betty Kingry
Bob Clark
Bobbie Clark
Myrtice Clark
Louise Singletary
Hettie S. Thomas
Patricia A. Thomas
Pete Thomas
James A. Thomas
Mammie Carroll
Dwight Skinner
Horace M. Skinner
Maudine Skinner
Doris A. White
Margaret Skinner
Lemon Bedsole
Mary N. Bedsole
Hattie Cook
Joann Skinner
Carey C. Harrison
Dalton W. Skinner
Norma Garner
James M. Hartzog
Nickey J. Hartzog
James R. Hartzog
Sandra Hartzog
Esther (?)
Joanne Hartzog
Sam Hinson
Lorraine Hinson
Florence Stough
B. M. Balkcom
Nellie Balkcom
Alice S. (?)
Betty J. Balkcom
Geraldine Balkcom
Dewitt T. Bayne
Elizabeth E. Bayne
Patricia A. Bayne
Marguerite Bayne
Laura C. Bayne
Reba L. Bayne
Lucille Bayne
Robert D. Bayne
Marie Lizenby
James L. Balkcom
William H. Devault
Judy A. Devault
Ronald G. Devault
Mildred I. Wingate
Timothy W. Balkcom
Dewey B. Balkcom
Harvey L. Thompson
Laura Y. Thompson
Harvey L. Thompson Jr.
W. L. Wells
Wayne Wells
Zela N. Franks
Robert L. Balkcom
Kenneth P. Balkcom
George W. Ellis
Waydean Ellis
Ila V. Ellis
Camella F. Ellis
William D. McKnight
Luke McKnight
Andrew J. Davis
Jeannie J. Davis
Ronald Davis
Betty R. Davis
Barbara Davis
Margaret Scott
Debra Register
Donald A. Register
Harry J. Register
Thomas Register
Marilyn E. Register
Joseph L. Crumbly
Beverly J. Crumbly
Lois Charles
Daniel Register
Syntha Register
Brenda F. Register
Danny K. Register
(?) Vivan
Michael Register
Donna Register
Haywood Thames
Sonja L. Thames
Sheila K. Thames
Syble Messer
Jennifer Phillips
Jammie Phillips
Rennie Phillips
Paula Phillips
James W. Phillips Jr.
Ann M. Whitaker
Gary Phillips
Timothy L. Phillips
Ralph Howell
Heather M. Howell
Aaron W. Howell
Veleria Kirkland
Charles K. Phillips
Ronald S. Phillips
Gregory L. Phillips
Christine Danford
Nancy D. Phillips
Marcus Scott
Marilyn Scott
Montine Scott
Marline Scott
Audry M. Scott
Mary E. Corbitt
Robert W. Phillips
Karen J. Phillips
Wonda L. Phillips
Donald W. Phillips
Bobbie J. Pickering
James D. Phillips Jr.
Mary L. Infinger
Roger Phillips
Glen Phillips
Wallace R. Lassiter
Wallace Wayne (Tim) Lassiter
Ronald D. Lassiter
Phyllis C. Lassiter
Brenda D. Lassiter
Kenneth W. Lassiter
David P. Roland
Charles D. Roland
Susan J. Roland
Lee O. Bodine
Nancy L. Bodine
Patricia A. Bodine
Joseph Shewchuk
Kathy A. Shewchuk
Curtis J. Shewchuk
Thomas E. Knowles
Thomas E. Knowles
Robert D. Knowles
Norma R. Knowles
Jeffrey W. Knowles
Dr. Clarence W. Rawson
Scott S. Rawson
David P. Rawson
Sallie R. Payne
Debra K. Phillips
Kimberly R. Phillips
Daniel C. Phillips Jr.
Milton D. Pisdale
Elisabeth A. Pisdale
Wayne M. Pisdale
Philip D. Pisdale
Don H. Merrill
Charlotte A. Blount
Shelly K. Phillips
Stacie A. Phillips
Mary B. Phillips
Brenda G. Duncan
Allison G. Phillips
Todd J. Phillips
Clay J. Phillips
Willard Woolfolk
Sybil C. Woolfolk
James A. Evens
Joseph P. Evens
Robert C. Colwell
Garrick C. Colwell
Roxann L. Colwell
Barbara A. Drescher
Edwin H. Ray III
Pamela D. Ray
Charles R. Fletcher
Sarah T. Fletcher
Dale R. Fletcher
Art Thomas
Kyle Skinner
Doyle L. Skinner
Mandy Headrick
Michael A. Hartzog
Shanna L. Hartzog
Susan Hutto
Michael C. Hartzog
James B. Hartzog
Jeffery Funderburk
Brandy H. Funderburk
Willard J. T. Nicks
Darla S. Nicks
Jon T. Nicks
Lionel B. ChisHolm
Wanda D. ChisHolm
Larry B. ChisHolm
Pamela B. ChisHolm
Linda M. Tiffany
David B. Balkcom
Britt D. Balkcom
Erica C. Balkcom
Holli T. Balkcom
Alisa R. Balkcom
Stephanie K. Crumbly
Beverly J. Crumbly
B. J. Hart
Monte Hart
Milissa Hart
Larry Cowart
Nikki Cowart
Samantha Cowart
Red Borman
Krystal Borman
Jessy Alander
Joey Horner
Leigh A. Horner
Jessica Horner
Jordan Horner
Rachel Horner
Michele (?)
Brad Phillips
Kristine Phillips
Julia Castro
Tolbert Phillips
Rachel Phillips
Lora Phillips
Stewart Phillips
Susan Bunat
Colby Phillips
Michael Phillips
Ashley Phillips
James Hudman
Jimmy Hudman
Amy Hudman
(?) Haller
Tina L. Haller
Malcom Green
Vincen D. Green
Rodney Walters
Dr. Paul M. Walters
Meredith Walters
Nathan S. Walters
Sharon L. Vickers
Shannon M. Phillips
Stephaine L. Phillips
Robert S. Phillips
Larry McClenny
Kerry D. McClenny
Phillip S. McClenny
Steve Hickman
Bridget L. Hickman
Leah N. Hickman
Ronda K. Davis
Justin W. Phillips
Kelsey L. Phillips
Karen Kirkland
Melissa Phillips
Casey Phillips
Dallas Phillips
Nan Coffee
Christy Phillips
Amy Phillips
Barbara White
Laura E. Lassiter
Timothy W. Lassiter
Matthew R. Lassiter
Sherry Oliver
Pamula K. Lassiter
Dorotha Carroll
Margret D. Lassiter
James R. Sewell
Keith R. Sewell
Janet C. Sewell
Bradley C. Sewell
Michael L. Barrentine
Garret M. Barrentine
Rhonda Guy
Marlene M. Lassiter
Lawernce Delk
Lawernce D. Delk
Dale A. Cochoy
Jarrod A. Cochoy
Cody L. Cochoy
Graig W. Heyl
Jennifer M. Heyl
Sandra L. Stevenson
Ryan J. Shewchuk
Ehren L. Shewchuk
Gale H. Erdvig
Tora A. Knowles
Brittany A. Knowles
Polly Faris
Christina M. Knowles
David Poore
Johnathan P. Poore
Mathew L. Poore
Michael T. Poore
Sarah A. Poore
Vivian Delgato
Janice M. Knowles
Lindsey A. Knowles
Christon B. Knowles
Ashley Johnson
Caroline F. Rawson
Knox D. Rawson
Rachael Hoover
Daniel P. Rawson
Harry H. Rawson
Joel B. Holdbrooks
Nicholas W. Holdbrooks
Charles A. Holdbrooks
Robert W. Ross
Lindsay S. Ross
Katherine N. Ross
Michelle C. French
Sydney R. Phillips
Noah D. Phillips
William R. Yaeger
Samantha L. Yaeger
Winifred Lindsey
Matthew J. Pisdale
Milton T. Pisdale
Lindsey Pisdale
Jeff Pickard
Carly Pickard
Aryn Pickard
Kathleen M. V. Phillips
Frank Yarbrough
Cody Yarbrough
Hunter Yarbrough
James Cunningham
Kyle M. Cunningham
Glynn R. Cunningham
Sandra Bowen
Serena L. Colwell
Mary Powell
Kyle W. Colwell
Cameron C. Colwell
Clarke E. Colwell
Carson A. Colwell
Steven L. Rotundo
Nicole L. Rotundo
Bryan L. Rotundo
Laura Strauss
Justin G. Ray
Kristine Tams
Dylan T. Ray
Kathryn A. Ray
Mark A. Kinder
Mark A. Kinder
Beth Bolster
Cody R. Fletcher
Jennifer Thames
Matthew J. Hartzog
Ray Devy
Amanda Devy
Aaron Devy
Adam Devy
James W. Dempsey
Jeffrey S. Dempsey
Brian W. Dempsey
Rich Chiniquy
Cassidy Chiniquy
Todd Rowlands
Savannah C. Rowlands
London N. Rowlands
Jason Roberts
Ireland Roberts
Lane Larson
Brittany L. Larson
Kenneth E. Forest
Isabelle L. Forest
William S. Forest
Max A. Forest
Nicholas C. Forest
Travis A. Balkcom
Mario Gallegos
Kessler D. Gallegos
JaNise P. Gallegos
David W. Stringer
Derek D. Stringer
Roger Fincher
Kaila Fincher
Ryan Skates
Kyle Skates
Kristfer Skates
Terry Salter
Hailey Salter
Tiffney Salter
Michael Cronk
Addison Cronk
Danielle Beamus
Trevor J. Hudman
Haley Hudman
Larry Pelton
Shannon M. Pelton
Ronnie L. Pelton
Kyle Green
Tracie R. Green
David B. Green
Charles T. Brown
Ashley M. Brown
Heather M. Brown
Earl T. Watson
Chase T. Watson
Danielle T. Schuler
Robert B. Phillips
Chris Woodham
Karissa D. Woodham
Kayley J. Woodham
Kendra L. Woodham
Bryson (?)
Andy Penn
Hannah (?)
Hadden N. (?)
Hope Jackson
Ruthie G. Sewell
Tobin W. Sewell
Marlee M. Lassiter
Tammy Young
Kaitlyn Dempsey
James Dempsey
Madelyn Dempsey
Daniel Curtis Phillips Pedigree Chart
Jourdan Phillips Chart
James E. Balkcom Chart
William G. W. Price Chart
Daniel Wagner Chart