Biography of William & Nancy Brown
Descendants of Leonard & Sarah Kimbrough Brown

Their Children:
Biography of William Brown

William Brown was born around 1767 probably in Orange (later Caswell) County, NC. Based on the presumed birth order listing of children in Leonard Brown's will, it appears that William is the eldest son of Leonard and Sarah Kimbrough Brown. He may have been named after William Brown of Orange County, VA, the probable father of Leonard Brown; however, the relationship between the elder William Brown and Leonard Brown has not been proven.
William Brown received 150 acres of land in Caswell County, NC, from his father, Leonard Brown, in 1791. In Caswell County Deed Book H, p. 121, it shows that on 21 Sep 1791, Leonard Brown of Caswell County, NC, deeded 150 acres to his son William Brown "for love and affection." The land was part of the survey where Leonard Brown then lived. The witnesses to the transaction were Daniel Williams and William Dorris. (Source: Caswell County, North Carolina Deed Books, 1777-1817, abstracts by Katharine Kerr Kendall, 1989, p. 140.)
William was listed in the 1800 Caswell County census as follows:
    • one male (26-45, b. 1755-1774) - probably William, b. ca 1767
    • one female (26-45, b. 1774-1784) - probably Nancy, b. ?
    • one female (10-18, b. 1782-1790) - probably Mary "Polly" b. ca 1789?
    • one male (< 10, b. 1790-1800) - probably Azariah b. ?
    • one female (< 10, b. 1790-1800). - probably Nancy b. ?
On 30 Dec 1800, Leonard Brown sold another 100 acres of his land adjacent Solomon Brown to his son William for 65 lbs. The witnesses were Robert Dorris and Thomas Brown. (Source: Deed Book L, p. 363, Caswell County, North Carolina Deed Books, 1777-1817, abstracts by Katharine Kerr Kendall, 1989, p. 214.)
In 1804 William sold his land in Caswell County, NC, apparently in anticipation of his move to Sumner County,TN. In Caswell County Deed Book O, p. 14 & 15, it shows that on 1 Oct 1804, William Brown of Caswell County sold 261 acres to George Shelton also of Caswell County for $520.00. The land was located on the south fork of Country Line Creek and was a part of the grant from State to Leonard Brown, adjacent Goforth near the old log meeting house, Solomon Brown, Thomas Brown, and William Slade. The witnesses were William Dickie and William L. McNeill. (Source: Caswell County, North Carolina Deed Books, 1777-1817, abstracts by Katharine Kerr Kendall, 1989, p. 256.)
The amount of land that William sold to George Shelton does not total to the amount of land he had received earlier (150 acres plus 100 acres). The remaining eleven acres has not been accounted for.
William Brown and his family migrated from Caswell County, NC sometime between 1804 and 1808, when William died in Sumner County, TN. It is likely that they made the move nearer 1804 of 1805, since William had time to locate and purchase land in Sumner County prior to his death.
According to William's estate records, he died on 10-Dec-1808, probably in Sumner County, TN. His wife, Nancy, and brother-in-law, William Dorris, were the administrators of his estate. (See the transcription of the records of administration of William Brown's estate.)
No record of William's marriage has been located, but his wife Nancy was listed by name in his estate records and deed transaction with Edward Gwin. William and Nancy were probably married around 1788, as their daughter Mary "Polly" Brown married John "Jack" Garrison on 11 Jan 1809 in Sumner County, TN. Presuming a 1788 marriage date and a 1789 birthyear for Mary "Polly", then William would have been about 21 years of age at the time of his marriage to Nancy, and his daughter Polly would have about 20 years of age at the time of her marriage to Mr. Garrison.
The children of William and Nancy Brown are listed in Sumner County Deed Book Vol. 6, pages 158-159. Edward Gwin sold 120 acres of land to William Brown prior to William's death. The bond for such sale was listed in the William Brown estate record. The actual deed recording, dated 22-Jan-1811, is from Edward Gwin to Nancy Brown, Mary Garrison, Azariah Brown, Nancy Brown, heirs of William Brown, decd. The transfer was for a tract of land on both sides of the Caney Fork of Drake's Creek of the Barren River, being 120 acres, adjacent Willie Cherry at a cost of $120.00. The deed was recorded during the March 1812 term of County Court in Deed Record 6, pp. 158-159 (See the deed transcription.)
Information on this family becomes fairly scant after 1811. In the "Record of the Taxable Property and Polls in Sumner County for the year 1816," there is a listing for a Widow Brown with 30 acres on the waters of Drake's Creek. The "Record of the Taxable Property and Polls in Sumner County for the year 1818" shows a Nancy Brown with 30 acres on Drake's Creek. These two references are probably for Nancy Brown, the widow of William Brown. Since there were four heirs--Nancy (the wife), Mary "Polly", Azariah, and Nancy (the daughter), they must have received 30 acres of land each. The Garrisons can also be found in the early tax records.
No further records for the two Nancys or Azariah Brown have been located.
The only child for whom descendants have been traced is Mary "Polly" Brown, who married John "Jack" Garrison, Jr. See the Genealogy Report for William and Nancy Brown.
The children of William and Nancy Brown are as follows:

  1. Mary "Polly" Brown b. ca 1789 d. between 1829 and 1831 m.18-Jan-1808, Sumner County, TN to John "Jack" Garrison, Jr. b. ca 1780 d. 1850/52 Sumner County, TN.

    Note about Mary and Jack: The bondsmen for their marriage license were John Garrison, Sr. and John McMurtry, Jr. That Mary "Polly" died before 1831 is supported by the fact that John "Jack" married second to Nancy Preston on 07 Dec 1831 in Sumner County, TN.

  2. Azariah Brown, b. bet 1790-1800, no further information known

  3. Nancy Brown, b. bet 1790-1800, no further information known

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