1Royal R. Hinman, Records of Wethersfield, Conn., NEHGR Vol. 18, p. 58 (Jan 1864).
"Hurlbut, Stephen and Phebe, his wife, were m. Dec. 12, 1678. Is.---Stephen, b. Sept. 17, '79; Thomas, Jan. 28, '81; Joseph, July 10, '83; Benjan, Oct. 29, '85; Phebe, Aug. 2, '88; Dorothy, Mar. 5, 1691.".
1Royal R. Hinman, Records of Wethersfield, Conn., NEHGR Vol. 18, p. 58 (Jan. 1864).
"Hurlbut, Thomas and Rebecca, dau. of John Meekins, were m. Jan. 11, 1705. Is---Stephen, b. Feb. 3, '06; Hannah, Mar. 8, '08; John, Oct. 1, '10; Rebecca, Jan. 12, '13; Thomas, Feb. 19, '15; Amos, April 14, '17; Elijah, Dec. 0, '19; Timothy, Jan. 16, 1723.".