Maximilian Gastel [Parents] was born on 12 Nov 1874 in Karlsruhe,Baden,Germany. He died on 12 Nov 1914 in Riasville,Verdun,France. He married Erna Henni Auguste Marie Reimann on 11 Jun 1901 in Freiburg,Baden,,Germany.
Erna Henni Auguste Marie Reimann was born on 21 Jun 1880 in Hamburg,Hamburg,Germany. She died on 14 Aug 1943 in Hamburg,Hamburg,Germany. She married Maximilian Gastel on 11 Jun 1901 in Freiburg,Baden,,Germany.
They had the following children:
M i Otto Helmuth Georg Max Gastel
Otto Helmuth Georg Max Gastel [Parents] was born on 19 Jun 1902 in Freiburg,Breisigau,Baden,Germany. He died on 7 Apr 1994 in Bad Aibling,Bavaria,Germany. He married Katharina Maria Pastaetter on 6 Nov 1951 in Munich,,Germany.
They had the following children:
F i Ingeborg Brigitte Gastel ^
Guillaume IV de Dampierre [Parents] was born in 1248. He died in 1311. He married Alix de Clermont in 1286.
Alix de Clermont [Parents] was born in 1270. She died in 1330. She married Guillaume IV de Dampierre in 1286.
They had the following children:
M i Jean de Flandres
Seigneur Simon de Clermont [Parents] was born in 1134. He died after 1187. He married Mahaut de Breteuil.
Mahaut de Breteuil [Parents] was born in 1161. She died in 1204. She married Seigneur Simon de Clermont.
They had the following children:
M i Raoul I de Clermont
Raoul I de Clermont [Parents] was born in 1185. He died in 1225. He married Gertrude de Nesle.
Gertrude de Nesle [Parents] was born about 1176 in Nesle,Somme,Picardie,France. She died in Sep 1220. She married Raoul I de Clermont.
Other marriages:de Montmorency, Mathieu II
They had the following children:
M i Simon II de Clermont
Simon II de Clermont [Parents] was born in 1208. He died on 15 Feb 1288. He married Dame Alix de Montfort de Houdan.
Dame Alix de Montfort de Houdan was born in 1230. She died in 1279. She married Simon II de Clermont.
They had the following children:
M i Raoul II de Clermont
Raoul II de Clermont [Parents] was born in 1245. He died on 11 Jul 1302. He married Alix de Beu.
Alix de Beu was born in 1255. She died in 1302. She married Raoul II de Clermont.
They had the following children:
F i Alix de Clermont
Louis I de la Tremoille [Parents] was born in 1429. He died in 1483. He married Marguerite d'Amboise on 22 Aug 1446.
Marguerite d'Amboise was born in 1429. She died in 1475. She married Louis I de la Tremoille on 22 Aug 1446.
They had the following children:
M i Louis II de la Tremoille
Louis II de la Tremoille [Parents] was born in 1460. He died in 1524. He married Gabrielle de Bourbon-Montpensier in 1485.
Gabrielle de Bourbon-Montpensier [Parents] was born in 1465. She died in 1516. She married Louis II de la Tremoille in 1485.
Elector Ludwig III of Palatine [Parents] was born on 23 Jan 1377/1378 in of,Amberg,Pberpfalz,Bavaria. He died on 30 Dec 1436 in Heidelberg,Heidelberg,Baden. He married Countess Matilde de Savoie on 30 Nov 1417 in Pinerolo,Torino,Italy.
Countess Matilde de Savoie [Parents] was born about 1390 in of,Pinerolo,Torino,Italy. She died on 4 May 1438 in Germersheim.Pfalz,Bavaria. She married Elector Ludwig III of Palatine on 30 Nov 1417 in Pinerolo,Torino,Italy.
They had the following children:
M i Ludwig IV of Palatine