Gaines Moses Boynton [Parents] was born in 1837 in ,Talbot,Ga. He died on 23 May 1919 in Clint,,Tx. He married Elizabeth Sartwell about 1878.
Other marriages:,
Elizabeth Sartwell was born about 1839. She married Gaines Moses Boynton about 1878.
Gus Wirt Boynton [Parents] was born on 18 Dec 1869 in ,Shelby,Tx. He died on 25 Aug 1942 in Austin,,Tx. He married Minnie Asa Braddock on 17 Dec 1889 in Austin,,Tx.
Minnie Asa Braddock was born about 1871. She married Gus Wirt Boynton on 17 Dec 1889 in Austin,,Tx.
They had the following children:
M i Elbert Wirt Boynton
Elbert Wirt Boynton [Parents] was born on 4 Jan 1900 in Swift,,Tx. He died on 4 Jun 1962 in Beaumont,,Tx. He married Maude Mary Marionneaux on 11 Nov 1922 in Beaumont,,Tx.
Maude Mary Marionneaux was born about 1902. She married Elbert Wirt Boynton on 11 Nov 1922 in Beaumont,,Tx.
They had the following children:
F i Peggy Ruthe Boynton
Peggy Ruthe Boynton [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i Donald Everett Trahan ^
Donald Everett Trahan ^ [Parents]
They had the following children:
F i Kimberly Michelle Trahan F ii Amy Melissa Trahan
Prence Snow [Parents] was born on 22 May 1674 in Eastham,Barnstable,Ma. He died on 7 Jul 1742 in Harwich,Barnstable,Ma. He married Hannah Storrs about 1698.
Hannah Storrs was born on 28 Mar 1672 in Barnstable,Barnstable,Ma. She died in 1751 in Harwich,Barnstable,Ma. She married Prence Snow about 1698.
They had the following children:
M i Jonathan Snow
Jonathan Snow [Parents] was born on 22 Dec 1709 in Harwich,Barnstable,Ma. He died on 20 May 1787 in Brewster,Barnstable,Ma. He married Sarah Bangs on 24 Feb 1736.
Sarah Bangs [Parents] was born on 23 Oct 1716. She married Jonathan Snow on 24 Feb 1736.
They had the following children:
F i Sarah Snow
John Ford [Parents] was born on 14 Aug 1659. He died in May 1724 in ,Morris,Nj. He married Joanna Andrews in 1679 in Scarboro,,Me.
Joanna Andrews was born about 1663 in Braveboat Harbor,Kittery,Me. She died in 1735 in Scarboro,,Me. She married John Ford in 1679 in Scarboro,,Me.
They had the following children:
F i Lettice Ford F ii Sarah Ford
Samuel Whitney [Parents] was born on 5 May 1707 in York,York,Me. He died about 1794 in Maugerville,Nb,Canada. He married Lydia Spooner on 23 Aug 1730 in Kittery,York,Me.
Lydia Spooner [Parents] was born about 1710 in Kittery,York,Me. She died after 1770 in Maugerville,Nb,Canada. She married Samuel Whitney on 23 Aug 1730 in Kittery,York,Me.
They had the following children:
M i Ebenezer Whitney
Ebenezer Whitney [Parents] was born in 1747 in New Meadows (Brunswick),Me. He died on 15 Aug 1810 in Whitney,Nb,Canada. He married Huldah Mooers on 17 Jan 1769 in Sheffield,Sunbury,Nb,Canada.
Huldah Mooers [Parents] was born on 1 Jul 1751 in Rowley,Essex,Ma. She died before 6 Jul 1815 in Whitney,Nb,Canada. She married Ebenezer Whitney on 17 Jan 1769 in Sheffield,Sunbury,Nb,Canada.
They had the following children:
M i Ebenezer Whitney II