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Site Help

Common features of the site

Author: R. A. Davis
Date: May 2007

This page documents the ubiquitous aspects of pages on this site. Individual help pages are provided for specific collections of pages that have their own unique characteristics.

Site StructureUp arrow Down arrow

Index Index Index Index Index
Pedigrees ODTs Sources Celebs Annex

The diagram shows the essential structure of the site. There are other pages in various nooks and corners, but this is the layout of the chief pages -- my mental image of the site. (The resemblance of the background to a brick wall is no accident!)

The pages are classified by type (Pedigree, ODT, etc.) as well as by family. An index of families is provided for each type because some families may have no representatives of certain type of page; pedigrees are provided only for ancestral families, for example.

Once a family has been selected, the buttons on the pink NavBar can be used to navigate to the different types of pages for that family.

Genealogy pages
Organized by families, these pages will be recognized by the pink NavBar with buttons to select the various page types within the particular family named on the left edge of the NavBar. The buttons on the pink NavBar look like this.
For ancestral families, these pages lay out my pedigree leading into the particular family.
These pages lay out the descendant trees for each subfamily in the family. Subfamilies are families that share a surname, but may or may not be related to each other.
These are bibliographies of sources for each family. Some special source pages are included as well.
Persons of note in the family are documented here.
Each family is also represented here, where the presentation form is different from my ODT layout. The same data is used, with additional people, notes and specific source citations.
Images associated with the family. To date, no gallery pages have been produced.

Note that the button color matches the background color of the pages in that collection.

Various ancillary pages.

Page LayoutUp arrow Down arrow

reduced image of a typical page
As may be seen in the figure, each page has five distinct sections or areas.
  1. Headerjump to
  2. Contentjump to
  3. Servicesjump to
  4. Trailerjump to
  5. Backgroundjump to
This is a block positioned at the top of every page. It is divided into three sections, left to right:
  • Left: Forward and back buttons, in case your browser doesn't have them. Handy links to sundry services.
  • Center: Links to the indices of each group of pages. The complete URL of the page. An image indicating that the page is loading, which changes to an American flag when loading completes.
  • Right: The site logo, either Genealogy, et Cetera or Celebrities, et Cetera. A link to my news blog. A button which shows the other pages that link to this page, as known by Google.
The content particular to the selected type of page and for the selected family.
This block, positioned just before the trailerjump to block at the bottom of each page,
  • The URL of the page
  • The date when the page was last uploaded
  • A counter of visits

W3C Tokens positioned in the right margin are links to additional services and declarations. For example the W3C HTML token will validate the page html and display the result.

This block, positioned at the end of every page, is divided into two rows of three cells each.
  1. First row:
    1. Left: Colophonjump to
    2. Center: Copyright
    3. Right: Contact informationjump to
  2. Second row: (This row is suppressed for printing.)
    1. Left:Search box
    2. Center: Navigation links
    3. Right: Monitor box
The same background is used for all pages in a collection, e.g. all ODTs have the same tan background.

Common FeaturesUp arrow Down arrow

The following are common attributes or features of all or most pages on this site.

Abbreviations and acronyms
A special sort of popup, these will provide a definition for most abbreviations and acronyms found throughout the site. They may be recognized by the dotted underline, like this: ABCFM. The definition should popup when you hover your mouse cursor over it. The cursor should also change to the query cursor (the help cursor) as you roll by.
The host facility, RootsWeb, posts advertising at the top ond bottom of the page, i.e. above and below the page layout.jump to Advertizing helps to support the repository.
Located in the Trailerjump to, clicking on the image brings up a page of explanation.
Common styling
Content Emphasis levels
Ordinary text
Book titles
Sample input
Sample output
  1. (001) Emphasis
  2. (010) Emphasis
  3. (011) Emphasis
  4. (100) Emphasis
  5. (101) Emphasis
  6. (110) Emphasis
  7. (111) Emphasis
  • As far as possible, links will be rendered on a yellow background with thin red outline as you roll your mouse cursor over them, . This will help you identify links that are not distinguished by color or underlining, Easter eggs, for example.

If your browser does not support CSS, you will miss many details on my site. CSS is used extensively to style my pages. Without CSS support, the pages should be intelligible, but probably with much difficulty.

Contact information
In the Trailerjump to block, at the bottom of the page: My email address and postal address.
Easter eggs
This term, well known to the arcade crowd, denotes hidden aspects of a page. They are usually provided for my own convenience, but may be of some use to others.
Located in the middle pane of the header, links to the indices for the various collections of pages.
Page Navigators
Headings: Two buttons (previous button next button) positioned at the right end of headings on some pages allow navigation to previous and next heading. (Some browsers have this capability built-in, e.g. Opera, "W" and "S")
Vertical: These three buttons are supplied on certain pages, fixed to the right edge at the middle of the window. (Opera insists on placing them at the top of the window.) The three buttons are links, from top to bottom,
  1. [TOP] To the TOP of the page
  2. [TOC] To the TOC of the page
  3. [BOT] To the BOTtom of the page
Pink NavBar Pink NavBar
The Pink NavBar appears at the top of the Content of genealogy pages. It is always identified with a specific family, which is noted on its left end, and provides navigation between the various types of pages for the family.
Popup tooltips
Many of the features make use of the title= property to pop up short descriptions for selected page elements. These operate when you hover your mouse cursor over an element that has this property. Here is an example: Hold your mouse cursor over this word: "test". If your browser doesn't display this: popup tooltip, perhaps after a short rest, you should probably get a better browser. This facility is standard, and has been available on conforming browsers for several years.

Another example: You have perhaps noticed the popup that occurs within the text of this page, identifying the heading under which the cursor rests.

If your browser doesn't support this, the page will work, because tooltips do not affect page functionality, but you will be missing many help opportunities.

Each page is arranged to automatically print efficiently and economically.
  1. Backgrounds are suppressed.
  2. Non-essential items are suppressed.
Site navigation

Help PagesUp arrow Down arrow

Feature Add Date* *Added:
Sep 2007
Feature Add Dates (such as shown at the right) are displayed for added features that do not immediately propagate to all documents.

Other Help PagesUp arrow Down arrow


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