Samuel Gregory Dodrill [Parents] was born on 7 Nov 1852. He died on 17 Aug 1940. He married Francena Hamrick on 16 Apr 1874.
Francena Hamrick.Francena married Samuel Gregory Dodrill on 16 Apr 1874.
Jacob Wycoff (Piatt) [Parents] was born in 1871. He married Irene Gillespie.
Irene Gillespie.Irene married Jacob Wycoff (Piatt).
Adam Ferguson [Parents] was born in 1723 in Logierait, Scotland. He died in 1816.
He had the following children:
M i Samuel Ferguson
John Henry Ferguson was born in 1692.
He had the following children:
M i Adam Ferguson
Justin Lee Robinson [Parents]
He had the following children:
F i Holly Renee Robinson
Jonathan Green [Parents].Jonathan married Mary Hamrick on 11 Jan 1866 in Braxton Co., Va..
Mary Hamrick [Parents].Mary married Jonathan Green on 11 Jan 1866 in Braxton Co., Va..
Cyrus Hamrick [Parents] was born in 1806 in Va. He died in 1879. He married Jane James.
Jane James was born in 1807 in Va. She died in 1876. She married Cyrus Hamrick.
They had the following children:
F i Mary Hamrick
Samuel Given [Parents] was born on 18 Nov 1811 in Nicholas County, Wv. He died on 14 Nov 1892 in Braxton County, Wv. He married Cynthia Duffield.
Other marriages:, Rebecca
Cynthia Duffield [Parents] was born on 15 Mar 1817 in Nicholas County, Wv. She died on 29 Mar 1862 in Braxton County, Wv. She married Samuel Given.
They had the following children:
M i Uriah Given was born on 21 Sep 1837. He died on 22 Mar 1862. F ii Isabel Given was born on 20 Mar 1839. F iii Jane Given M iv Hamilton Clement Given F v Ruth Given F vi Lydia E Given M vii James Corley Given M viii Kesner Given was born on 18 Mar 1855. M ix Newton Given was born on 20 May 1856. M x Dow Camden Given F xi Martha E Given
Robert Vance Duffield.Robert married Nancy Cottle.
Nancy Cottle.Nancy married Robert Vance Duffield.
They had the following children:
F i Cynthia Duffield F ii Ruth Duffield
William Given [Parents] was born in 1808. He died in 1830. He married Mahetabel Taylor on 8 Sep 1833 in Nicholas Co., Wv.
Other marriages:Brown, Susan Lisa
Mahetabel Taylor was born in 1810. She married William Given on 8 Sep 1833 in Nicholas Co., Wv.
They had the following children:
F i Eliza Given was born in 1835. M ii Samuel Franklin Given was born in 1837. M iii Thomas Given was born in 1840. M iv Clinton Given M v James Given was born in 1846. M vi William Taylor Given M vii Jasper Given