Other marriages:Unknown
She had the following children:
F i Sandra Leah Steele
Audry Leo Cutlip [Parents]
Hershell Andy Crawford [Parents] was born on 1 Oct 1926 in Troy, Bell, Texas, USA. He died on 1 Feb 1947 in Troy, Bell, Texas, USA. He was buried in Roberts Cem.,,Bell,Texas. He married Helen LeDean Guthrie Private.
They had the following children:
F i Nelda Kathleen Crawford
Hunton Kellam [Parents] was born on 18 Oct 1884 in , , Texas. He died on 2 Jun 1923. He married Ina Mae Richardson.
Ina Mae Richardson.Ina married Hunton Kellam.
Alfred McKee.Alfred married Anna Michem.
Anna Michem.Anna married Alfred McKee.
They had the following children:
F i Elizabeth Ann McKee
Charles William Ketterer was born on 16 Dec 1902 in Butler,,Pa. He died on 27 Nov 1956 in Pittsburgh,,Pa. He married Clara Berry Swisher on 20 Apr 1935 in Oil City,,Pa.
Clara Berry Swisher [Parents] was born on 21 Jan 1909 in Oil City,,Pa. She died on 7 Feb 1942 in Butler,,Pa. She married Charles William Ketterer on 20 Apr 1935 in Oil City,,Pa.
They had the following children:
M i William George Ketterer
Ethel Virginia Spencer was born on 13 Jan 1908 in Carey, Blaine County, Idaho. She died on 9 Jun 1968 in Hailey, Blaine County, Idaho. She married Hyram Linam. She had other parents.
They had the following children:
M i Jay H Linam
She had the following children:
M i Joshua Scott Beeghley M ii Nathan Lee Beeghley
Adam Aultz [Parents] was born on 22 Jun 1797 in Rockingham Co., Va. He died on 12 Jun 1868 in Kanawha Co., Wv. He married Martha Samuels on 6 Apr 1818 in Kanawha Co, Va. He had other parents.
Martha Samuels was born about 1803 in Kanawha Co., Va. She died on 7 Mar 1892 in Kanawha Co., Wv. She married Adam Aultz on 6 Apr 1818 in Kanawha Co, Va. She had other parents.
They had the following children:
F i Mary Aultz F ii Elizabeth Aultz F iii Hester Aultz F iv Catherine Aultz F v Martha Aultz M vi Henry Fry Aultz F vii Melissa Dias Aultz F viii Louesa Ann Aultz F ix Louisa Jane Aultz M x William Brown Aultz was born about 1841. He died on 29 Jun 1875 in Kanawha Co., Wv. F xi Nancy Aultz was born about 1843 in Kanawha Co., WVa. She died on 13 Oct 1859 in Kanawha Co., WVa. M xii Adam C Aultz
She had the following children:
M i Harold Bever M ii Rick Bever F iii Connie Bever F iv Diane Bever M v Darrell Bever