The “David Malcolm” Emigrant Ship.


At early dawn on Thursday morning this fine barque with 250 emigrants on board made her appearance in the Gulf and

was so soon abreast of the Flagstaff, that the mails were

In town before the usual time of opening the Post Office. We are happy to learn that the

Few casualties on the passage were as usual among the young children, and the deaths, as often heretofore, were

counterbalanced by the number of births on board. A Seaman who was washed overboard in a gale of wind, was the only

adult lost during the voyage.


The emigrants were chiefly from Huntingdonshire, Wiltshire, Devon and Cornwall and we have no doubt they will prove

a most useful selection of industrious servants. Their

Names and other particulars will be found duly recorded in our arrival column.


The David Malcolm having taken her final departure from Plymouth on the 21st December, the voyage has been accomplished

in ninety three days. As another emigrantShip was to be dispatched in January, our fears of any suspension of emigration may

be given to the winds, so long as we have a full exchequer, or the means of replenishing it by productive land sales. We have

been assured that the disastrous failures in England have at length been succeeded by some return of commercial confidence and

brighter prospects; and that the effects of disaster are not likely to prejudice this colony. Two cargo and passenger ships the

Hindoo and the Enmore, having sailed before the David Malcolm left, may be hourly expected; and other vessels mentioned in

our shipping intelligence may also be looked for soon.




Extract from The South Australia Register, Saturday, 1st April 1848

Police Court, Wednesday 29th March 1848


Henry Allen, cook, was charged with being absent without leave from the David Malcolm. Jacob Williamson, master of the vessel,

stated that the prisoner had not leave of absence, and had been almost continually absent from the ship since her arrival. Defendant

said he was charged with stealing some articles by the third mate, and he had come ashore for the purpose of bringing the captain

and mate to account.His Worship-With that I have nothing to do. You have left your ship without leave.

Captain Williamson said he had lost six men since the vessels arrival, and he understood it was the prisoners intention to desert her.

His Worship said that the masters and owners were put at great loss and inconvenience by their crews leaving their vessels,

and so far as he could he would put a stop to it. He would send him to gaol for a month.


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