Hector McLeod's 1843 Land Grant Petition

To His Excellency Sir
W. M. G. COLEBROOKE, K. H., Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of the Province of New Brunswick, &c. &c. &c.

The Petition of Hector McLeod
That he is a British Subject, and desirous of purchasing, for actual Settlement, One Hundred Acres of Crown Land, situated as follows:-

In the Parish of Sussex being Lot No. 6 in the Fourth Tier of Lots ??? Fairweather's Survey South of Kenebecasis River and joining west of John B. Campbell's application and thereon he has made considerable improvements.

        Agreeably to the Regulations passed in Council on the 11th day of May, 1843.

                          And as in duty bound will ever pray.
20th Sept. 1843
                                                                Hector McLeod