From Tue May 26 15:45:45 1998 Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 18:44:35, -0500 From: MR DAN A SULLIVANTo: Subject: Re: James Barber, son of John of Anson County David, Since the copy I have is typed, I went ahead and scanned it in. I left the typos in that were in my copy. I'm going to paste it in at the end of the note, but I can send it as a Word 95 document attachment if you would rather have it that way. Its got a map of the plat of the Abraham deed. I can send it as an image file if you would like it. Can you handle a JPEG compressed image?
I've included all the Barber deeds I have but I'm thinking about ordering some more from Anson. It will probably be a couple of months before I get around to it. Dan Anson County, NC Deed Book H-2, page 540-543 660 DIVISION OF LAND BETWEEN THE HEIRS OF JOHN BARBER, DEC'D. Pursant to an order of the County Court of Anson appointing Dennis Henby Cornelious Moore Richard Allen Thomas Lacy & John Battle Esqr. Juriors to Lay off and allot to Mary Barber Widow and relict of John Barber Decd. the third part of all the land the said Barber was possessed off at his Death And also to Divide all the sd. Barbers land amongst his heirs we the sd. Juriors Lay off &- Divide as follows The first Lot No. 1 as marked in the above plot Beginning at the second corner of the Dowry Land a pine & runs North thirty five West Eighty Chains to a stake thence North fifty five East thirty one chains to a stake thence North forty Eight East twenty chains to a stake in the back Line of a fifty acre survey thence with the lines of the said survey end the lines of the Dowry land to the Beginning Containing forty acres allotted for Abraham Barber. The second Lot No. 2 marked as above Beginning at a stake the second corner of Lot No. 1 on the Dowry line and runs with the Dowry line North thirty five West seven chains and seventy five links to a stake then North fifty five East thirty one chains to a stake then North forty Eight East twenty one chains to a stake thence South twenty nine East Eight chains to a stake the corner of Lot No. I then with Lines of sd. Lot to the Beginning Containing forty acres allotted for John Davis in right of his wife Nicey the third Lot marked No, 3 Beginning at a stake the second corner of Lot No. 2 in the Dowry Line and runs North thirty five , West Eight chains to a stake thence North fifty two East fifty seven chains and fifty links to a stake in the Back Line of sd. 50 acre survey thence with the lines of sd. survey as in the above plot doth appear to the corner of Lot No. 2 thence with the lines of the sd. Lot to the Beginning containing 40 acres alloted for Siday Barber. The fourth Lot marked No. 4 Begining at a stake the second corner of Lot No. 3 in the Dowry Line and runs North thirty five West Eight chains to a corner of the Dowry Land and runs with the line of the sd. Dowry North fifty four East sixty two chains to a stake in a line of sd. fifty acre survey thence with the line of sd. survey to the corner of Lot No. 3 thence with the line of sd. lot to the Beginning Containing 4 [this is probably 40 but is typed as 4] acres allotted for be Heirs of William Barber &C. The fifth Lot marked No. 5 Beginning at Richard Allens corner pine & runs with his line south two West fifteen Chains to a white oak 3 sugar trees then North seventy Eight West three chains to Rossers corner then with his line North twenty six to a stake among three black Jacks then North fifty five East fourteen Chains to a corner of the sd. Dowry thence South thirty four East twenty five Chains seventy five links to a stake in Richard Allens Line then with his line North -Eighty Eight West twenty two chains to the Beginning Containing 40 acres allotted for Arbey Barber &C. The sixth Lot marked No. 6 Beginning at a stake among three black Jacks a corner of Lot No. 5 in Rossers Line and runs with his line North sixteen Chains & 50 links to a post oak thence North fifty five East twenty six chains to a stake thence South thirty five East thirteen . chains and thirty links to a stake in the Dowry line thence with sd. line South fifty five West thirty five chains and sixty links to the Beginning Containing 40 acres allotted for Zibey Barber &C. The Seventh Lot marked No. 7 Beginning at a white oak in the Dowry line the third corner of No. 6 And runs with the line of No. 4 North fifty five East forty chains to a stake in a line of the fifty acre survey thence with the said line North forty five West twelve chains and seventy links to a corner thence South twenty West fourteen chains to a stake in Henbys line then with sd. line North seventy West Eleven chains to a stake the Begining of Lot No. 8 then south fifty five West twenty chains & fifty links to a red oak at the corner of Lot No. 6 thence to the Beginning Containing forty acres allotted for James Barber &C. The Eighth Lot Marked No. 8 beginning at a stake in an old field corner of Lot marked No. 7 near the bank of Pinch Gut and runs North seventy West thirteen chains and fifty links to a stake two post oaks pointers thence South fifty five West thirty two chains to a stake in Rossers Line thence -South fourteen chains to a Post oak then North fifty five East forty Eight Chains to the Beginning Containing 40 acres allotted for John Barber &C. The Ninth Lot marked No. 9 Beginning at Rossers corner black Jack & runs with his line West sixteen chains to a stake thence North ten West two chains & sixty links to a stake thence North fifty five East thirty five chains & seventy five links to a pine thence South seventy East fourteen chains & sixty links to a stake with two post oaks pointers a corner of Lot No. 8 thence with the line of sd. Lot South fifty five West thirty two chains to a stake thence fifty links to the Beginning containing 40 acres allotted for Nancey Barber &C. The tenth Lot marked No. 10 Beginning at a pine a corner of Lot No. 9 and runs North seventy West twenty chains to a pine saplin thence South fifty five West sixteen chains and fifty links to a stake thence South four East nine chains to a stake then South ten East ten chains to a stake a corner of Lot No. 9 thence witb the line of sd. Lot to the Beginning Containing 40 acres allotted for Allen Barber &C. The Eleventh Lot marked No. 11 Beginning at a pine saplin the second corner of Lot No. 10 and runs with the second line of sd. Lot South fifty five West sixteen chains and fifty links to a stake thence North five West thirty three chains & fifty links to a stake thence North Eighty East thirteen chains and fifty links to a stake in Henbys line then with his line South twenty six chains and fifty links to his corner thence to the Beginning Containing forty acres allotted Gatsey Barber &C. The twelveth Lot marked No. 12 Beginning at a stake the third corner of Lot No. 11 and runs North five West thirty three Chains & fifty links to a corner Spanish oak thence South fifty five East twenty chains to a stake thence South twenty chains to a stake in corner of Lot No. 11 thence with the line of said Lot South Eighty West thirteen Chains & fifty links to the Beginning Containing 40 acres allotted for Mary Barber & Nov. 10th. 1802. State of No. Carolina J. Battle Anson County April 1803.. C. Moore The the within Lotts of land was duly Re- Dennis Hanby turned in open Court & ordered to be Re- Richard Allen registered. Thos. Lacy Tod Robinson Clk. Hugh Ross D. Sen. 661 WIDOW MARY BARBER'S_DOWRY Pursuant to an order of Court and the Direction of a Jury appointed to lay off and allott for Mary Barber Widow and relict of John Barber Dec'd. one third part of all the land the sd. Barber was possessed off. Surveyed for Mary Barber beginning at a poplar on the Bank of the North prong of Pinch Gut and runs South fifty five West thirty one Chains to a pine then North thirty five West thirty one chains and seventy five links to a stake thence North fifty five East twenty two chains to a white oak at the corner of a field then North Eighty two East ten Chains to a stake thence South thirty five East three chains and Twenty five links to a hickory saplin thence North twenty East thirty five Chains to a stake in Dennis Henbys line then South forty five East fifteen Chains to a stake then South twenty West ten chains to Hammon's line then with his line North seven West three chains & fifty links to his corner thence with his other line South twenty nine East fourteen chains to Boggans Line thence South thirteen West ten chains to Lentons line thence with his line South Eighty five West fourteen Chains to a stake thence to the Beginning Containing 160 acres being one third part of 480 acres which the said John Barber I,was possessed of at his Death. Nov. 10th. 1802. State of No. Carolina Anson County Hugh Ross D. Sur. April Court 1803. Then the within was released by Hugh Ross D. Surveyor & ordered to be registered. T. Robinson Clk. 662 WIDOW MARY BARBER'S DOWRY Pursuant to an order of Court & the Direction of a Jury (appointed to lay off and allot for Mary Barber Widow & relict of John Barber Decd. one third part of all the Land the sd. Barber was possessed off) Surveyed for Mary Barber Beginning at a poplar on the bank of the North prong of Pinch Gut and runs South fifty five West thirty one chains to a pine thence North thirty five West thirty one chains seventy five links to a stake thence North fifty five East twenty two chains to a white oak at the corner of a field then North Eighty two East ten chains to a stake thence South thirty five East three chains and twenty five links to a hicory saplin thence North twenty East thirty five chains to a stake in Densons Henby's line thence South forty five East fifteen chains to a stake thence South twenty West ten chains to Hammon's line thence with his line North seven West three chains and fifty links to his corner thence with his other line South twenty nine East fourteen chains to Boggan's line then South thirteen West Ten chains to Lentons line thence with his line South Eighty five West fourteen chains to a stake thence to the Beginning Containing 160 acres being one third part of 480 acres of land which the sd. John Barber was possessed of at his Death. Nov. 10th. 1803. State of North Carolina Hugh Ross D. Sur Anson County April Sessions 1803. Then the within Plot was Returned in open Court and ordered to be registered. Tod Robinson Clk. Anson County, NC Deed Book N& O, page 293-294 DIVISION AMONG THE HEIRS OF ABRAHAM BARBER DECD. PURSUANT to an order of court and the diretion of a Jury summoned and sworn to Lay off and Divide the lands of Abraham Barber decd. between the Widow and Legatees of sd. Barber first by the Direction of the Jury laid off to Rodah Barber one third part of the lands of the sd. Barber decd. Including the mansion house et Beginning at a black Jack and Runs. so. 48 wt. 219 poles to a stale then so. 42 Et. 110 poles to a stake then No. 48 Et. 219 poles to a stake then No. 6 wt; 122 poles to a stake by a Gum and small pine then so. 70 wt. to the beginning for one hundred and seventy six acres Then by the Five Commissioners divided between the legatees of sd. Barber decd. as directed by sd. Commissioners all the lands between the Legatees including the dower as by the plat doth appear and each lot distinguished by letters as follows: Lot A drawn by Richard Sasser Beginning at a stake the 4th corner of the widows dower and Runs so. 18 Et. 185 poles to a stake then No. 60 Et. 32 poles to a stake then No. 12 wt. 300 poles to a stake so. 70wt. 50 poles to a stake then so. 5 Et. to the Beginning for 142 acres Lot B. drawn by John Barber Beginning at a stake in the 3rd. line of the dower and Runs. so. 16 Et. 162 poles to a pine and post oak then No. 74 Et. 80 poles to a black Jack then No. 16 wt. 166 poles to a stake then to the beginning for 142 acres Lot C. drawn by Noah Barber Beginning at a stake and Runs No. 5 wt. 180 poles to a stake in the Dower line then No. 70 Et. 44 poles to a stake then so. 5 Et. 122 poles to a stake then so. 18 Et. 186 poles to a stake then so. 60 wt. 23 poles to a stake then to the Beginning for 142 acres Lot. D. drawn by Uriah Tison Beginning at a stake the 2zid corner of lot C. and runs. so. 5 Et. 180 poles to a stake then so. 74 wt. 75 poles to a stake then No. 11 wt. 130 poles to a stake then so. 48 Et. 70 poles to a black Jack then to the Beginning for 142 acres Lot E. drawn by Thomas Hemby Beginning at a stake the Beginning of Lot B . and runs No. 11 wt. 130 poles to a stake then so. 48 wt. 149 poles to a stake then so. 42 Et. 110 poles to a stake then to the beginning for 142 acres Lot. F. drawn by Abraham barber Beginning at a Black Jack and Runs so. 60 wt. 24 poles to a stake then so. 48 wt. 100 poles to a pine then No. 42 wt. 80 poles to a Gum then No. 10 Et. 87 poles to a stake then so. 42 Et. 116 to a stake then to the Beginning for 142 acres Lot G drawn by James Barber Beginning at a Gum on the Cabbin branch and Runs No. 48 Et. 170 poles to a pine then so. 42 St. 24 poles to a stake then so. 10 wt. 87 poles to a Gum then so. 48 wt. 23 poles to a hickory stump on the bank of' the creek then down the creek to the mouth of the branch then up the various Courses of the Branch to the Beginning for compliment No. Carolina 12th Jany. 1811 J H Hammond survr Anson County Jany. sess. 1811 then this plat was Returned and ordered to be Registered Ted Robinson CLK