This info was sent to me by Clyda Angeli in the 1980s/1990s.
(Thanks to Ann Flowers for additional info on the Collins intermarriages with Satterwhite and Hallmark)Thomas Satterwhite, lived in Lunenburg County, Virginia, later became Mecklenburg CO Va, married ca. 1734 Hannah ____. Their son:
Michael Satterwhite, born ca 1735, died 24 March 1804, Granville County, North Carolina, married Amy Mitchell ca 1756-1759. (See Raleigh Register, 9 April 1804, & Register of Co, 1777-1804, Granville Co. NC 1768 The parents of Amy Mitchell were James Mitchell, a captain in the Revolutionary War, and Amy Davis. James Mitchell sold Mecklenburg CO Va land in 1767 and born land in Granville Co NC in 1767. He died ca 1778-1779. Sale of Estate: Granville Wills & Estates, Bk 1, 1786, p 499-508, 13,978 pounds, 19 shillings.
Children of Michael Satterwhite and Amy Mitchell 1. James Satterwhite, born ca 1760, died ca 1822 and buried Granville County, North Carolina, married Frances "Frankie" Childs 26 May 1778, Granville Co. NC. Frances was born ca 1759, d ca 1833, Granville Co NC. (Don't have the info on their children, which Clyda got from a Mrs. Fowler) 2. David Satterwhite married Rebecca Willingham? He died May/June 1831, Harris County, Georgia. In the Richland Primitive Baptist Church minutes, Grainger County, Tennessee, 1791-1795 David Satterwhite and 2 Willingham men, John and Krt, were members. David also owned land in Blount County Tennessee in 1801, according to the tax digest. A. Amy Satterwhite, born 1785, Tennessee, married John Hallmark in 1799 in Knox COunty, Tennessee. In the 1830s they went from Harris County Georgia to Houston, Texas. Both died in Texas. a. John Hallmark b. David Hallmark c. Stephen Hallmark (b. 1817 TN; d. ? TX presumed) married Ann Kitty(Ritty?) Collins (b. 1818 GA; d. ? TX presumed) on March 29, 1835 in Troup Co., GA. Sources: Early Marriages in Troup Co., Ga by Bruce; Probate Records for Levin and Anna Collins; 1860 Harrison Co., Tx census; 1870 Upshur Co., TX census; 1880 Hunt Co., Tx census. d. Satterwhite Hallmark B. Obediah Satterwhite, born 2 February 1790, died 27 Feb 1857, buried Mt. Hickory Cemetery, near Penton, Chambers County, AL, married Mary (Polly) Green ca 1812, Georgia. Mary was born 26 October 1796, died 1 September 1862, buried Mt. Hickory Cemetery. I don't have the info on the children. C. Elizabeth Satterwhite, born ca 1793, married John Nall III ca 1819, Georgia. John was born ca 1786 a. James Monroe Nall b. David Satterwhite Nall c. Ambrose P. Nall d. Nancy Nall e. Steven Benjamin Nall D. James Satterwhite married Elizabeth Manning before 1823. Elizabeth was born 1792, died 1887, and was the daughter of Adam Manning, who died in Putnam County, Georgia in 1823. Manning's will names his son-in-law James Satterwhite, and James's father, David Satterwhite. James and Elizabeth Satterwhite used to live very near Elijah Satterwhite at Pine Mountain, Troup County, Georgia. Info from Hinton Smith, a Satterwhite descendant who used to live in Elijah Satterwhite's house. Anne Cox found an old cemetery with a grave of a James Satterwhite, wife and child, south of Flat Shoal Cemetery, that could have been in either Troup or Harris County. a. Rebecca Satterwhite (b. 1828 GA; d.? TX presumed), daughter of James Satterwhite (1792 Ga-1880 TX) and Elizabeth Manning (1792 GA-1877 Harrison Co., TX), married John G. Collins on Aug. 5, 1843 in Harris co., GA. He was born 1820, the son of Levin Collins (1784 DE/MD-1855 Upshur Co., TX) and Anna___ (1788 MD-1860? Upshur Co., TX). Sources: 40,000 Early Ga Marriages by Maddox; 1860 Harrison Co., TX Census; notes from Linda Murchison[[email protected]]. Buried at Bluff Springs Cemetery, Harrison Co., TX J. H. Satterwhite 1846-1907 Minerva Satterwhite 8-31-1868 to 6-13-1905 Mary Ann Satterwhite 1-17-1847 to 7-19-1870 James Satterwhite 2-4-1792 to 12-27-1880 "War of 1812" Elizabeth Satterwhite 9-1-1792 to 3-12-1877 E. Elijah Satterwhite, born 1799, Georgia? or Ohio? died 28 August 1885, buried Flat Shoals Cemetery, Pine Mountain, Troup County, Ga, married Rebecca Manning 13 November 1819 in Putnam County, Georgia. Rebecca, the daughter of Adam Manning, was born 1 January 1802, died 14 August 1870, buried Flat Shoals Cemetery. a. David Cicero Satterwhite b. Elizabeth R. Satterwhite (b. abt 1837 GA; d. ? TX presumed), daughter of Elijah Satterwhite (b. 1796 Ga; d. 8-28-1885 Troup Co., GA) and Rebecca Manning (b. 1-1-1802 GA; d. 8-4-1870 in Troup Co.), married in Troup Co., GA on 9-8-1852 to Seabourn Key Collins (b. 1830 Ga; d. aft 1903 in TX, possibly Wilbarger Co.). He was the son of Levin and Anna Collins (see above). Sources: Early Marriages in Troup Co., GA by Bruce; 1860 Upshur Co., TX census; 1870 Marion Co, TX census; 1880 Hunt Co., TX census; 1900 TX Soundex; notes from Linda Murchison. F. Edward Satterwhite, born 1801, Georgia? or Ohio? died 20 December 1854, Harris County, Georgia, married Susan Bartee 16 August 1821 in Jones County, Ga. Susan was born 1800 in Georgia, living in 1857 in Harris County, Ga. a. Sarah Satterwhite, born 1822, Jones County, Georgia, died after 1900, Oklahoma Territory, buried Oakdale Cemetery near Mountain View, Washita County, Ok. She married James Madison Hollis 20 December 1841, Harris County, Georgia. Hollis Family b. John M. Satterwhite, born 1830, Georgia, died 1855? Harris Co GA, married Eliza ____ in 1849-1850. c. Isaac W. Satterwhite, born 1832, Georgia, married Martha Stringer 27 December 1855, Harris County, Georgia. d. Rebecca Willingham Satterwhite, born 1832, Georgia, married Fleming Parker 4 October 1850, Harris County, Georgia. e. James E. Satterwhite, born 1836, Georgia. f. Joseph Satterwhite, born 1838, Georgia, died before 1850, Harris County, Georgia. G. David M. Satterwhite, born ca 1805, Georgia, married before 1830. Is this the D.M. Satterwhite that was in Walker County GA in 1840. On 26 November 1839 D.M. Satterwhite was 2nd Lieutenant, Walker Co Ga. W. A. Satterwhite, Fort Worth, Texas, states that his grand father, David Satterwhite, came from Dade County Georgia by wagon train in 1871 to Tarrant County, Texas. Dade County is next to Walker County. H. John Satterwhite, born 27 December 1807-1809, Elbert County? GA, died 12 November 1869, Texas, buried at Shady Grove Cemetery near Crockett, Harris County, Texas. He married Emoline Morris 28 September 1827 in Jasper County, Georgia. Emoline was born 17 January 1808, Virginia, died 4 June 1872, Crockett, Harris Co Tx Moved to Texas in 1854. Have name of one son. a. James Madison Satterwhite 3. Frances Satterwhite married Joseph P. Davis 12 December 1774 in Granville County, North Carolina. 4. Ursula Satterwhite married Francis Wilkerson 16 April 1783, Granville Co. NC 5. Nancy Anna Satterwhite married James/William Hunt 16 April 1785, Granville Co. NC, was a widow as of 1810. 6. Elizabeth Satterwhite married Thomas Daniel 19 January 1793, (92 according to Bears) Granville Co NC. Thomas was the son of Josiah Daniel and Elizabeth Jordan and grandson of James and Jane (Hicks) Daniel and Arthur and Elizabeth Jordan. 7. Martha Satterwhite married Logustin P. Pool (Pettipool?) 1794, Granville Co. NC 8. Susanna Satterwhite, born ca 1765, Granville Co NC, died 1820-25, buried Family Cemetery, Jones CO GA, married John Childs ca. 1774. John was the son of Nathan Childs, he was born ca 1751, SC, died 20 June 1825, Jones CO Ga. David Satterwhite was a witness to John Childs will. Susanna and John Childs were "GA complaintants" in Court Case, 1810. David Satterwhite sold a house he had built in Jones County to Susannah and John Childs. 9. Stephen Satterwhite married Nancy Knott 6 August 1795, Granville Co NC 10. Mitchell Satterwhite married Lucy Knott 3 January 1799, Granville Co NC Marriage Bond #3653. Mitchell died 1846? 11. Smith Satterwhite, died by 1815, Granville Co NC
Some notes by Clyda Angeli
Information for this page is from the Court Case mentioned above, Stephen, Mitchell and Smith Satterwhite were "of Granville Co" and the defendants. Case - 1810. The rest of the children were the complaintants. The case names the children of Michael Satterwhite, and gives the husbands of his daughters. SOme of the information was from the Virginia Satterwhites. Marriage dates are from Granville Co NC marriage records and from Hunting for Bears, in Salt Lake, Utah and informaton is also frm a Mrs Fowler, who sent info to Mary Lou Williams, Chattanooga, TN.
A Mrs. Polly descends from James, wife Francy Childs. A family page on James Satterwhite, their son, married Sophia Hunt 1814, Granville CO NC
The info on the Daniel family came from Mrs. E.E. Hallmark of Dallas, TX, whose husband is descended from John Hallmark-Amy Satterwhite.
State of Georgia ) Harris County ) Book 66 Appraisals ) Know all men by these presents that I David Satterwhite of County aforesaid being under affliction but in perfect memory wishes to dispose of my property in the following manner, as my Last will & testament. First I will & bequeath unto my wife Rebecca P Satterwhite the land and plantation on which I now reside. Secondly I will & bequeath unto her two negroes Chlor & George. Thirdly I will & bequeath unto her all the household furniture also one ox cart & tools such as she may (need?) likewise I will or bequeath unto David M. Satterwhite the land and plantation where he now lives three years from the present date also John Satterwhite to have the land he has cleared this year or what he may clear hereafter the same term of time all the above bequeathed to my wife Rebekah Satterwhite to be her own during her natural life then after her death to be equally divided among my children. Also I desire Elijah Satterwhite & James Satterwhite to be joint-executors to this my last will & testament, given under my hand and seal, this county, first day of May one thousand eight-hundred & thirty one. Signed Sealed & delivered in the presence of David Satterwhite N. Hutchinson Nicholas Hutchinson Green Posey Georgia ) Harris County ) Personally came into open court Nathaniel Hutchinson & Green Posey who being duly sworn deposeth & saith that they saw David Satterwhite in his lifetime sign, seal & deliver the within will to said Nathaniel Hutchinson for the purpose therein contained & that Nicholas Hutchinson subscribed the same as a witness together with these deponents. Sworn to in open N. Hutchinson Court 13th June 1831 Green Posey Test L.K. Guerry C.C.O.