page contains one note:
DNA Study Note #11:
Updated, 23 May 2003
Updated 1 February 2008:
The subject of this note is a discussion of certain aspects of the DNA Study as it relates to "The Strange of Balcaskie and certain associated groups", here referred to as the “Strange of Balcaskie” Group:Refer to: for presentation of information relating to the Kits discussed here.
I will preface what follows with the caution that a lot of this is the result of "first impressions"... sober second thought may result in modification of my comments below. Particularly, I need to spend some more "in depth" thought regarding the various differences which are apparent. I MAY be falling into the trap of finding patterns which are more indicative of DIFFERENT Haplotypes rather than of mutations away from a modal standard which I am calling the Assumed Strange of Balcaskie Haplotype.
Note also, that what I have termed the "Ulster Divide" below, may
in fact just be another way of saying the Ulster Group are members of separate
and distinct haplotypes. Similarly, I may be pushing the envelope
to include the
Sub-Group "Balcaskie" (6 kits): Kit # 8881 represents “The Strange of
Balcaskie”. That is a "term of art", and generally means
that he has been recognized by the Lord Lyon as The Chief of Clan Strange of Balcaskie,
We are honored that The Strange of Balcaskie has participated in the DNA
Study, and I think I can reassure him, based on the evidence of the DNA
results, taken together with all of the circumstancial evidence and the
documented proof he has of his lineage, that he is indeed whom he represents to
be! The Strange of Balcaskie has a lengthy genealogy, covering some
20+ generations, and dating back to the 13th Century in
Many differing but possibly related lineages are discussed in John R. Mayer’s book, “Strange of Balcaskie” . Given a 20+ generation genealogy, there have been plenty of opportunities for the occurance of mutations away from the original haplotype of the original Strange of Balcaskie. Indeed, it is highly likely there have been mutations in the direct lineage itself. It seems clear there are many Strang/Strong/Strange/Stronge families which may be related to Strange of Balcaskie... so it is most important for the purposes of our DNA Study that the present The Strange of Balcaskie agreed to participate. I think the results are most revealing!
In the attached chart, you will note that I have assigned an "Assumed Strange of Balcaskie Haplotype", which very nearly approximates the DNA signature of The Strange of Balcaskie. I am assuming a "chunk mutation" in his lineage at DYS #392, with his value of 15 resulting in his having a two step difference from the other participants in the group, each of the rest of whom have a value of 13. It appears that he may also have mutations at DYS #389-2, where he has a value of 30, vice the usual 29; and at DYS #449, where he has a value of 29 vice the apparent 28 held by other subgroups.
I have placed Kit # 6680 , formerly standing alone
as a “Pennsylvania Sub-group”, and Kits # 16001 and 23314 , in the same group with Kit #8881. As indicated, we now
have results for Kit #16001, confirming the haplotype
for #6680; these
three kits represent descendants of a common ancestor, Samuel Strong of Mifflin
The "
Group "Tynan Abbey?" (7 kits):
What appears to be the Tynan Abbey lineage has a large "chunk
mutation" away from the Assumed Strange of Balcaskie Haplotype at DYS
#385b (16-12=4 steps), plus several other mutations differentiating them from
the main Strange of Balcaskie Assumed Haplotype by a total of 6 steps (if we
count the suggested DYS#385b mutation as only one step). It has prompted me to introduce
the "Ulster Divide Circa 1600" which correlates to the period of the
It is not the first time doubts have been raised concerning the relationship
between the Tynan Abbey Stronges and Strange of Balcaskie. See, for example,
John A. Marshall, "History of the Parish of Tynan in the
Burke's has a discussion concerning Stronge of Tynan Abbey in County Armagh, Ireland; see: John Burke and Sir Bernard Burke, C.B., Burke's Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage, 105th edition, edited by Peter Townend, London: Burke's Peerage Limited 1970; p.2564ff. John R. Mayer also discusses the Tynan Abbey family in his book "Strange of Balcaskie". The Tynan Abbey Stronges have always claimed to be scions of Strange of Balcaskie. I have a fairly lengthy section on the family on my website. See: Stronge of Tynan Abbey, County Armagh, Ireland, HTML SPECULATIVE Descendency Chart.
Several years ago, the participant in Kit #8920 hypothesized that the Strongs of County Monaghan might be descendants of William Strong, youngest son of Rev. John Stronge of Tynan Abbey (the latter whom died c.1744). See:
Later, the nephew of participant in Kit #7548 also reminded me of some previous research by
a relation of his which was to the effect that his ancestor, John Strong of
The results for Kits # 8920 (Monaghan) and #7548 (Borders) seem to confirm the hypotheses that these lines are indeed: (a) closely related (exact matches), and (b) by virtue of confirming each other, tending to indicate that they are indeed of the Tynan Abbey lineage. Now, we need a test of a scion of the main Tynan Abbey Stronge lineage to confirm the analysis! And, we have an answer to Kit #9014 's "Brickwall"... he is also an exact match of this lineage. I suspect his ancestor, James Strong, was probably a close connection of Kit #8920 's ancestor, Michael Strong.
Note #16 for additional discussion of these kits, plus Kits # 24614 and 106170
Sub-Group "Antrim, Down, &
Note that the Antrim, Down & SC group, including Kits # 6256 [with 25 markers] and #6386 , [while lacking a full
set of 25 markers], seems to fit with the supposed "Tynan Abbey"
lineage. Kit #6386 so far has only a 1
step difference at DYS 391 (12-11=1). Kit
#6256, one of the members of the
Antrim, Down & SC group, received an upgrade to 25 markers to help verify
the relationship indicated above. Kit #6256 has a two step difference
which includes the one step at DYS391=12vs11, plus an additional step at
DYS389-1, where (13-12=1). All of the
remaining markers from Kit#6256 match the rest of the overall “Tynan Abbey” group, for a 23/25 match. There is extensive
discussion of the possible relationship of the Antrim, Down & SC group to
the Strang families of
Sub-Group "
The Kit #6822 results appear to have a number of
almost unique variations from both groupings, namely
Kits #8881, #6680#, #5825; and Kits #7548, #8920, #9014, #6256, #6386.
In particular the allele for DNA Y-chromosome segments 390 (a
2 step difference), 392 (a 1 step difference), 447 (a 1 step difference),
448 (a 1-2 step difference), 449 ( a 2-3 step difference) and 464a-d (a 2 step
difference) differ uniquely from the results obtained from all the other kits
referred to above. The two additional test kits from the County Longford Strong
lineage which we had been awaiting did not confirm a hypothesis that the
B. Strong (Click for contact information).
DNA Study Coordinator &
Database and manuscript. See especially Chap. 13,
entitled "Lineages"; and Chapt. 15, "DNA Study"
Research and study of Counties Donegal and Fermanagh Strongs and
related families.
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