Conrad of ANTIOCH - James APLEBY

Conrad of ANTIOCH

Father: Conrad of ANTIOCH
Mother: Beatrix LANCIA
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Conrad of ANTIOCH

                               /-Henry VI of SICILY , Holy Roman Emperor
                    /-Frederick II of GERMANY , Emperor of Germany
                    |          \-Constance of SICILY
         /-Conrad of ANTIOCH
         |          \-Mathilde of ANTIOCH
Conrad of ANTIOCH
         \-Beatrix LANCIA

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Conrad of ANTIOCH

Father: Frederick II of GERMANY , Emperor of Germany
Mother: Mathilde of ANTIOCH
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Beatrix LANCIA
Child: Conrad of ANTIOCH

Ancestors of Conrad of ANTIOCH

                               /-Frederick I BARBAROSSA , Holy Roman Emperor
                    /-Henry VI of SICILY , Holy Roman Emperor
                    |          \-Beatrix of BURGUNDY , Countess of Burgundy
         /-Frederick II of GERMANY , Emperor of Germany
         |          |          /-Roger II the GREAT , King of Naples and Sicily
         |          \-Constance of SICILY
         |                     \-Beatrice of RETHEL
Conrad of ANTIOCH
         \-Mathilde of ANTIOCH

Descendents of Conrad of ANTIOCH

1 Conrad of ANTIOCH
  =Beatrix LANCIA
    2 Conrad of ANTIOCH

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Constance Guiscard of ANTIOCH

Father: Bohemond II Guiscard of ANTIOCH
Mother: Alice of JERUSALEM
Birth: ABT. 1127
Death: 1164

Partnership with: Raymond I of POITIERS , Prince of Antioch
Marriage: ABT. 1140
Child: Baldwin of ANTIOCH
Child: Bohemond III the Stammerer of ANTIOCH Birth: ABT. 1142
Child: Maria of ANTIOCH Birth: ABT. 1145
Child: Philippa of ANTIOCH Birth: AFT. 1145
Partnership with: Reginald of CHATILLON , Prince of Antioch
Child: Agnes of ANTIOCH
Child: Reynald of ANTIOCH

Ancestors of Constance Guiscard of ANTIOCH

                               /-Robert Guiscard of APULIA , Duke of Apulia
                    /-Bohemond I Guiscard of ANTIOCH
                    |          \- ALBERADA
         /-Bohemond II Guiscard of ANTIOCH
         |          |          /-King Philip I the Fair of FRANCE
         |          \-Constance of FRANCE
         |                     \-Bertha of HOLLAND
Constance Guiscard of ANTIOCH
         |                     /-Hugo I of RETHEL , Count of Rethel
         |          /-Baldwin II of RETHEL , King of Jerusalem
         |          |          \-Melisende of MONTHERY
         \-Alice of JERUSALEM
                    |          /-Gabriel of MELITENE
                    \-Morfia of MELITENE

Descendents of Constance Guiscard of ANTIOCH

1 Constance Guiscard of ANTIOCH
  =Raymond I of POITIERS , Prince of Antioch  Marriage: ABT. 1140
    2 Baldwin of ANTIOCH
    2 Bohemond III the Stammerer of ANTIOCH
      =Orgueilleuse of HARENC
        3 Raymond IV of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch
          =Adelheid of ARMENIA , Heiress of Toron
        3 Bohemond IV the One Eyed of ANTIOCH
          =Melisende of Cyprus and JERUSALEM
          =Plaisance Embriaco of JEBAIL
      =Theodora of BYZANTIUM
      = SIBILLE
        3 Alice of ANTIOCH
          =Guy I Embriaco of JEBAIL
        3 Bohemond of ANTIOCH
          =Heiress of (Plivano) BOTRUN
      = ISABELLE?
        3 William of ANTIOCH
        3 Bohemond of BOUTRAN
    2 Maria of ANTIOCH
      =Emperor Manuel I Comnenus of BYZANTIUM
        3 Eudoxia Comnena of BYZANTIUM
          =William VIII of MONTPELLIER
        3 Emperor Alexius II Comnenus of BYZANTIUM
          =Agnes Capet of FRANCE  Marriage: 2 MAR 1180
          =Philippa of ANTIOCH
    2 Philippa of ANTIOCH
      =Emperor Alexius II Comnenus of BYZANTIUM
        3 Son of Alexius II Comnenus of BYZANTIUM
      =Emperor Andronicus I of BYZANTIUM
      =Humphrey II of TORUN , Lord of Torun
  =Reginald of CHATILLON , Prince of Antioch
    2 Agnes of ANTIOCH
      =King Bela III of HUNGARY
        3 Constance of HUNGARY
    2 Reynald of ANTIOCH

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Frederick of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch

Father: Frederick II of GERMANY , Emperor of Germany
Mother: Mathilde of ANTIOCH
Death: 1258

Partnership with: Margarethe POLI

Ancestors of Frederick of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch

                               /-Frederick I BARBAROSSA , Holy Roman Emperor
                    /-Henry VI of SICILY , Holy Roman Emperor
                    |          \-Beatrix of BURGUNDY , Countess of Burgundy
         /-Frederick II of GERMANY , Emperor of Germany
         |          |          /-Roger II the GREAT , King of Naples and Sicily
         |          \-Constance of SICILY
         |                     \-Beatrice of RETHEL
Frederick of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch
         \-Mathilde of ANTIOCH

Descendents of Frederick of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch

1 Frederick of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch
  =Margarethe POLI

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Henry of ANTIOCH

Father: Bohemond IV the One Eyed of ANTIOCH
Mother: Plaisance Embriaco of JEBAIL
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Isabella of CYPRUS
Child: Hugh III of CYPRUS , King of Cyprus
Child: Margaret of ANTIOCH

Ancestors of Henry of ANTIOCH

                               /-Raymond I of POITIERS , Prince of Antioch
                    /-Bohemond III the Stammerer of ANTIOCH
                    |          \-Constance Guiscard of ANTIOCH
         /-Bohemond IV the One Eyed of ANTIOCH
         |          \-Orgueilleuse of HARENC
Henry of ANTIOCH
         |                     /-Hugh II of JEBAIL
         |          /-Hugo III EMBRIACO , Lord of Jebail
         \-Plaisance Embriaco of JEBAIL
                    |          /-Adam of BEISAN
                    \-Stephanie of MILLY
                               \- HELVIS

Descendents of Henry of ANTIOCH

1 Henry of ANTIOCH
  =Isabella of CYPRUS
    2 Hugh III of CYPRUS , King of Cyprus
      =Isabella of Cyprus of IBELIN
        3 John II of CYPRUS , King of Cyprus
        3 Almaric of CYPRUS , Governor of Cyprus
          =Isabella of ARMENIA
        3 Henry II of CYPRUS , King of Cyprus
          =Constanza of Aragon of SICILY
        3 John I of Jerusalem and CYPRUS
        3 Bohemond of Jerusalem and CYPRUS
    2 Margaret of ANTIOCH
      =John of MONTFORT

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Isabella of ANTIOCH

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Leo II of ARMENIA , King of Armenia
Child: Stephanie of ARMENIA

Descendents of Isabella of ANTIOCH

1 Isabella of ANTIOCH
  =Leo II of ARMENIA , King of Armenia
    2 Stephanie of ARMENIA
      =John I of BRIENNE , King of Jerusalem

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Father: Bohemond of ANTIOCH
Mother: Heiress of (Plivano) BOTRUN
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of John of ANTIOCH

                               /-Raymond I of POITIERS , Prince of Antioch
                    /-Bohemond III the Stammerer of ANTIOCH
                    |          \-Constance Guiscard of ANTIOCH
         /-Bohemond of ANTIOCH
         |          \- SIBILLE
         \-Heiress of (Plivano) BOTRUN

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Father: Bohemond I Guiscard of ANTIOCH
Mother: Constance of FRANCE
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of John of ANTIOCH

                               /-Tancred of HAUTEVILLE
                    /-Robert Guiscard of APULIA , Duke of Apulia
                    |          \-Fredesende of NORMANDY
         /-Bohemond I Guiscard of ANTIOCH
         |          \- ALBERADA
         |                     /-King Henry I of FRANCE
         |          /-King Philip I the Fair of FRANCE
         |          |          \-Jaroslavna (Anna) of KIEV , Princess of Kiev
         \-Constance of FRANCE
                    |          /-Florenz I of HOLLAND , Count of Holland
                    \-Bertha of HOLLAND
                               \-Gertrude of SAXONY

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Lucy of ANTIOCH , Princess of Antioch

Father: Bohemond VI of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch
Mother: Sibylla of ARMENIA
Death: AFT. 1289

Partnership with: Narjot of TONCY

Ancestors of Lucy of ANTIOCH , Princess of Antioch

                               /-Bohemond IV the One Eyed of ANTIOCH
                    /-Bohemond V of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch
                    |          \-Plaisance Embriaco of JEBAIL
         /-Bohemond VI of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch
         |          \-Alice of JERUSALEM , Queen Dowager of Cyprus
Lucy of ANTIOCH , Princess of Antioch
         |                     /-Constantine of ARMENIA , Regent of Armenia
         |          /-Hethoum of LAMPRON
         |          |          \-Daughter of HETHOUM
         \-Sibylla of ARMENIA
                    |          /-Leo II of ARMENIA , King of Armenia
                    \-Isabella of ARMENIA
                               \-Sibylla of Jerusalem and CYPRUS

Descendents of Lucy of ANTIOCH , Princess of Antioch

1 Lucy of ANTIOCH , Princess of Antioch
  =Narjot of TONCY

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Margaret of ANTIOCH

Father: Henry of ANTIOCH
Mother: Isabella of CYPRUS
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: John of MONTFORT

Ancestors of Margaret of ANTIOCH

                               /-Bohemond III the Stammerer of ANTIOCH
                    /-Bohemond IV the One Eyed of ANTIOCH
                    |          \-Orgueilleuse of HARENC
         /-Henry of ANTIOCH
         |          |          /-Hugo III EMBRIACO , Lord of Jebail
         |          \-Plaisance Embriaco of JEBAIL
         |                     \-Stephanie of MILLY
Margaret of ANTIOCH
         |                     /-Amalric II of LUSIGNAN , King of Jerusalem
         |          /-Hugh I of Cyprus of LUSIGNAN , King of Cyprus
         |          |          \-Queen Isabelle I of JERUSALEM
         \-Isabella of CYPRUS
                    |          /-Henry II of CHAMPAGNE , Palatine of Champagne
                    \-Alice of CHAMPAIGNE
                               \-Queen Isabelle I of JERUSALEM

Descendents of Margaret of ANTIOCH

1 Margaret of ANTIOCH
  =John of MONTFORT

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Maria of ANTIOCH

Father: Bohemond VI of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch
Mother: Sibylla of ARMENIA
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Nicholas of SAINT-OMER

Ancestors of Maria of ANTIOCH

                               /-Bohemond IV the One Eyed of ANTIOCH
                    /-Bohemond V of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch
                    |          \-Plaisance Embriaco of JEBAIL
         /-Bohemond VI of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch
         |          \-Alice of JERUSALEM , Queen Dowager of Cyprus
Maria of ANTIOCH
         |                     /-Constantine of ARMENIA , Regent of Armenia
         |          /-Hethoum of LAMPRON
         |          |          \-Daughter of HETHOUM
         \-Sibylla of ARMENIA
                    |          /-Leo II of ARMENIA , King of Armenia
                    \-Isabella of ARMENIA
                               \-Sibylla of Jerusalem and CYPRUS

Descendents of Maria of ANTIOCH

1 Maria of ANTIOCH
  =Nicholas of SAINT-OMER

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Maria of ANTIOCH

Father: Richard of the PRINCIPATE
Mother: Daughter of ODO
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Joscelin I of EDESSA , Count of Edessa

Ancestors of Maria of ANTIOCH

                               /-Tancred of HAUTEVILLE
                    /-William of the PRINCIPATE , Lord of Salerno
                    |          \-Fredesende of NORMANDY
         /-Richard of the PRINCIPATE
Maria of ANTIOCH
         |          /-Odo the Good MARQUIS
         \-Daughter of ODO
                    |          /-Robert Guiscard of APULIA , Duke of Apulia
                    \-Emma of HAUTEVILLE
                               \-Sigelgaita of SALERNO

Descendents of Maria of ANTIOCH

1 Maria of ANTIOCH
  =Joscelin I of EDESSA , Count of Edessa

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Maria of ANTIOCH

Father: Bohemond IV the One Eyed of ANTIOCH
Mother: Melisende of Cyprus and JERUSALEM
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Maria of ANTIOCH

                               /-Raymond I of POITIERS , Prince of Antioch
                    /-Bohemond III the Stammerer of ANTIOCH
                    |          \-Constance Guiscard of ANTIOCH
         /-Bohemond IV the One Eyed of ANTIOCH
         |          \-Orgueilleuse of HARENC
Maria of ANTIOCH
         |                     /-Amery I DE LUSIGNAN
         |          /-Amalric II of LUSIGNAN , King of Jerusalem
         \-Melisende of Cyprus and JERUSALEM
                    |          /-King Amalric I of JERUSALEM
                    \-Queen Isabelle I of JERUSALEM
                               \-Maria COMNENA

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Maria of ANTIOCH

Father: Raymond I of POITIERS , Prince of Antioch
Mother: Constance Guiscard of ANTIOCH
Birth: ABT. 1145
Death: 27 AUG 1182

Partnership with: Emperor Manuel I Comnenus of BYZANTIUM
Child: Eudoxia Comnena of BYZANTIUM Birth: ABT. 1162
Child: Emperor Alexius II Comnenus of BYZANTIUM Birth: 10 SEP 1167

Ancestors of Maria of ANTIOCH

                               /-William VI (VIII) (Guido) of AQUITAINE
                    /-William IX (VII) the Troubador of AQUITAINE
                    |          \-Hildegard of BURGUNDY
         /-Raymond I of POITIERS , Prince of Antioch
         |          |          /-William IV of TOULOUSE , Count of Toulouse
         |          \-Philippa (Mathilde) of TOULOUSE
         |                     \- MATILDA
Maria of ANTIOCH
         |                     /-Bohemond I Guiscard of ANTIOCH
         |          /-Bohemond II Guiscard of ANTIOCH
         |          |          \-Constance of FRANCE
         \-Constance Guiscard of ANTIOCH
                    |          /-Baldwin II of RETHEL , King of Jerusalem
                    \-Alice of JERUSALEM
                               \-Morfia of MELITENE

Descendents of Maria of ANTIOCH

1 Maria of ANTIOCH
  =Emperor Manuel I Comnenus of BYZANTIUM
    2 Eudoxia Comnena of BYZANTIUM
      =William VIII of MONTPELLIER
        3 Maria of MONTPELLIER
          =King Pedro II the Catholic of ARAGON  Marriage: 1204
    2 Emperor Alexius II Comnenus of BYZANTIUM
      =Agnes Capet of FRANCE  Marriage: 2 MAR 1180
      =Philippa of ANTIOCH
        3 Son of Alexius II Comnenus of BYZANTIUM

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Mathilde of ANTIOCH

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Frederick II of GERMANY , Emperor of Germany
Child: Frederick of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch
Child: Conrad of ANTIOCH

Descendents of Mathilde of ANTIOCH

1 Mathilde of ANTIOCH
  =Frederick II of GERMANY , Emperor of Germany
    2 Frederick of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch
      =Margarethe POLI
    2 Conrad of ANTIOCH
      =Beatrix LANCIA
        3 Conrad of ANTIOCH

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Philip of ANTIOCH

Father: Bohemond IV the One Eyed of ANTIOCH
Mother: Plaisance Embriaco of JEBAIL
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Isabella of ARMENIA

Ancestors of Philip of ANTIOCH

                               /-Raymond I of POITIERS , Prince of Antioch
                    /-Bohemond III the Stammerer of ANTIOCH
                    |          \-Constance Guiscard of ANTIOCH
         /-Bohemond IV the One Eyed of ANTIOCH
         |          \-Orgueilleuse of HARENC
Philip of ANTIOCH
         |                     /-Hugh II of JEBAIL
         |          /-Hugo III EMBRIACO , Lord of Jebail
         \-Plaisance Embriaco of JEBAIL
                    |          /-Adam of BEISAN
                    \-Stephanie of MILLY
                               \- HELVIS

Descendents of Philip of ANTIOCH

1 Philip of ANTIOCH
  =Isabella of ARMENIA

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Philippa of ANTIOCH

Father: Raymond I of POITIERS , Prince of Antioch
Mother: Constance Guiscard of ANTIOCH
Birth: AFT. 1145
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Emperor Alexius II Comnenus of BYZANTIUM
Child: Son of Alexius II Comnenus of BYZANTIUM
Partnership with: Emperor Andronicus I of BYZANTIUM
Partnership with: Humphrey II of TORUN , Lord of Torun

Ancestors of Philippa of ANTIOCH

                               /-William VI (VIII) (Guido) of AQUITAINE
                    /-William IX (VII) the Troubador of AQUITAINE
                    |          \-Hildegard of BURGUNDY
         /-Raymond I of POITIERS , Prince of Antioch
         |          |          /-William IV of TOULOUSE , Count of Toulouse
         |          \-Philippa (Mathilde) of TOULOUSE
         |                     \- MATILDA
Philippa of ANTIOCH
         |                     /-Bohemond I Guiscard of ANTIOCH
         |          /-Bohemond II Guiscard of ANTIOCH
         |          |          \-Constance of FRANCE
         \-Constance Guiscard of ANTIOCH
                    |          /-Baldwin II of RETHEL , King of Jerusalem
                    \-Alice of JERUSALEM
                               \-Morfia of MELITENE

Descendents of Philippa of ANTIOCH

1 Philippa of ANTIOCH
  =Emperor Alexius II Comnenus of BYZANTIUM
    2 Son of Alexius II Comnenus of BYZANTIUM
        3 Alexius COMNENUS I, Emperor of Trebizond
  =Emperor Andronicus I of BYZANTIUM
  =Humphrey II of TORUN , Lord of Torun

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Plaisance of ANTIOCH

Father: Bohemond V of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch
Mother: Alice of JERUSALEM , Queen Dowager of Cyprus
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Henry I of Lusignan of CYPRUS , King of Cyprus
Child: Hugh II of Lusignan of CYPRUS , King of Cyprus

Ancestors of Plaisance of ANTIOCH

                               /-Bohemond III the Stammerer of ANTIOCH
                    /-Bohemond IV the One Eyed of ANTIOCH
                    |          \-Orgueilleuse of HARENC
         /-Bohemond V of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch
         |          |          /-Hugo III EMBRIACO , Lord of Jebail
         |          \-Plaisance Embriaco of JEBAIL
         |                     \-Stephanie of MILLY
Plaisance of ANTIOCH
         \-Alice of JERUSALEM , Queen Dowager of Cyprus

Descendents of Plaisance of ANTIOCH

1 Plaisance of ANTIOCH
  =Henry I of Lusignan of CYPRUS , King of Cyprus
    2 Hugh II of Lusignan of CYPRUS , King of Cyprus
      =Isabella of Beirut of IBELIN

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Plaisance of ANTIOCH

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Balian of JERUSALEM , Bailli of Jerusalem
Child: Joanna of JERUSALEM
Child: Nicola of JERUSALEM
Child: John III of ARSUF

Descendents of Plaisance of ANTIOCH

1 Plaisance of ANTIOCH
  =Balian of JERUSALEM , Bailli of Jerusalem
    2 Joanna of JERUSALEM
      =Baldwin of STAMBOLI
    2 Nicola of JERUSALEM
      =Tibald of BEISAN
    2 John III of ARSUF
      =Isabella of Beirut of IBELIN

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Raymond-Roupen of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch

Father: Raymond of ANTIOCH
Mother: Alice of ARMENIA
Death: 1222

Partnership with: Helvis (Lusignan) of CYPRUS
Child: Maria of ARMENIA , Heiress of Toron

Ancestors of Raymond-Roupen of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch

         /-Raymond of ANTIOCH
Raymond-Roupen of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch
         |                     /-Stephen of ARMENIA
         |          /-Roupen III of ARMENIA , Prince of Armenia
         |          |          \-Daughter of LAMPRON
         \-Alice of ARMENIA
                    |          /-Humphrey III of TORUN , Lord of Torun
                    \-Isabella of TORUN
                               \-Stephanie of MILLY , Heiress of Oultrejourdain

Descendents of Raymond-Roupen of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch

1 Raymond-Roupen of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch
  =Helvis (Lusignan) of CYPRUS
    2 Maria of ARMENIA , Heiress of Toron
      =Philip of MONTFORT , Lord of Tyre
        3 John of TYRE , Lord of Tyre and Toron
          =Margaret of LUSIGNAN-ANTIOCH
        3 Humphrey of TYRE , Lord of Tyre and Beirut
          =Eschiva of IBELIN , Heiress of Beirut

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Raymond IV of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch

Father: Bohemond III the Stammerer of ANTIOCH
Mother: Orgueilleuse of HARENC
Birth: ABT. 1169
Death: ABT. 1199

Partnership with: Adelheid of ARMENIA , Heiress of Toron

Ancestors of Raymond IV of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch

                               /-William IX (VII) the Troubador of AQUITAINE
                    /-Raymond I of POITIERS , Prince of Antioch
                    |          \-Philippa (Mathilde) of TOULOUSE
         /-Bohemond III the Stammerer of ANTIOCH
         |          |          /-Bohemond II Guiscard of ANTIOCH
         |          \-Constance Guiscard of ANTIOCH
         |                     \-Alice of JERUSALEM
Raymond IV of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch
         \-Orgueilleuse of HARENC

Descendents of Raymond IV of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch

1 Raymond IV of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch
  =Adelheid of ARMENIA , Heiress of Toron

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Raymond of ANTIOCH

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Alice of ARMENIA
Child: Raymond-Roupen of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch

Descendents of Raymond of ANTIOCH

1 Raymond of ANTIOCH
  =Alice of ARMENIA
    2 Raymond-Roupen of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch
      =Helvis (Lusignan) of CYPRUS
        3 Maria of ARMENIA , Heiress of Toron
          =Philip of MONTFORT , Lord of Tyre

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Raymond of ANTIOCH

Father: Bohemond IV the One Eyed of ANTIOCH
Mother: Plaisance Embriaco of JEBAIL
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Raymond of ANTIOCH

                               /-Raymond I of POITIERS , Prince of Antioch
                    /-Bohemond III the Stammerer of ANTIOCH
                    |          \-Constance Guiscard of ANTIOCH
         /-Bohemond IV the One Eyed of ANTIOCH
         |          \-Orgueilleuse of HARENC
Raymond of ANTIOCH
         |                     /-Hugh II of JEBAIL
         |          /-Hugo III EMBRIACO , Lord of Jebail
         \-Plaisance Embriaco of JEBAIL
                    |          /-Adam of BEISAN
                    \-Stephanie of MILLY
                               \- HELVIS

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Reynald of ANTIOCH

Father: Reginald of CHATILLON , Prince of Antioch
Mother: Constance Guiscard of ANTIOCH
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Reynald of ANTIOCH

         /-Reginald of CHATILLON , Prince of Antioch
Reynald of ANTIOCH
         |                     /-Bohemond I Guiscard of ANTIOCH
         |          /-Bohemond II Guiscard of ANTIOCH
         |          |          \-Constance of FRANCE
         \-Constance Guiscard of ANTIOCH
                    |          /-Baldwin II of RETHEL , King of Jerusalem
                    \-Alice of JERUSALEM
                               \-Morfia of MELITENE

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Roger of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch

Father: Richard of the PRINCIPATE
Mother: Daughter of ODO
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Cecilia of LE BOURG
Partnership with: Cecilia of RETHEL

Ancestors of Roger of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch

                               /-Tancred of HAUTEVILLE
                    /-William of the PRINCIPATE , Lord of Salerno
                    |          \-Fredesende of NORMANDY
         /-Richard of the PRINCIPATE
Roger of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch
         |          /-Odo the Good MARQUIS
         \-Daughter of ODO
                    |          /-Robert Guiscard of APULIA , Duke of Apulia
                    \-Emma of HAUTEVILLE
                               \-Sigelgaita of SALERNO

Descendents of Roger of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch

1 Roger of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch
  =Cecilia of LE BOURG
  =Cecilia of RETHEL

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Tancred of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch

Mother: Daughter of GUISCARD
Death: 1112

Ancestors of Tancred of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch

Tancred of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch
         |                     /-Tancred of HAUTEVILLE
         |          /-Robert Guiscard of APULIA , Duke of Apulia
         |          |          \-Fredesende of NORMANDY
         \-Daughter of GUISCARD
                    \- ALBERADA

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William of ANTIOCH

Father: Bohemond III the Stammerer of ANTIOCH
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of William of ANTIOCH

                               /-William IX (VII) the Troubador of AQUITAINE
                    /-Raymond I of POITIERS , Prince of Antioch
                    |          \-Philippa (Mathilde) of TOULOUSE
         /-Bohemond III the Stammerer of ANTIOCH
         |          |          /-Bohemond II Guiscard of ANTIOCH
         |          \-Constance Guiscard of ANTIOCH
         |                     \-Alice of JERUSALEM
William of ANTIOCH
         \- ISABELLE?

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Father: Antiochus II THEOS
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Son of ANTIOCHUS

                               /-Seleucus I NICATOR
                    /-Antiochus I SOTER
                    |          \- APAMA
         /-Antiochus II THEOS
         |                     /-Ptolemy I SOTER
         |          /-Ptolemy II PHILADELPHUS
         |          |          \- BERENICE
         \- BERENICE
                    |          /- LYSIMACHUS
                    \- ARSINOE I

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: THESEUS

Descendents of ANTIOPE


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Father: ASOPUS
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: ZEUS
Partnership with: King of Sicyon EPOPEUS

Ancestors of ANTIOPE

         /- ASOPUS

Descendents of ANTIOPE

  = ZEUS
    2  AMPHION
      = NIOBE
        3 Twelve children of AMPHION
    2  ZETHUS
      = THEBE
  =King of Sicyon EPOPEUS

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)

Descendents of ANTIPATER

      =Ptolemy I SOTER
        3 Ptolemy CERAUNUS

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Antoine LA ROUX
Marriage: 1630, Picardy, France
Child: Abraham LA ROUX Birth: 1632
Child: Jacques LA ROUX
Child: Franz LA ROUX

Descendents of Jeanne ANTOINE

1 Jeanne ANTOINE
  =Antoine LA ROUX  Marriage: 1630, Picardy, France
    2 Abraham LA ROUX
      =Jeanne DUFOUR  Marriage: 8 DEC 1658
        3 Jeanne ROUX
        3 Marie ROUX
        3 Abraham LAROUX
          =Maria-Magdalene (Usirlie) UZILLE
          =Alche GERRITSZEN
        3 Anne ROUX
    2 Jacques LA ROUX
    2 Franz LA ROUX

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Flandrine of NAMUR
Child: William D'ANTOING
Child: Joscelin D'ANTOING
Child: Hugo II D'ANTOING
Child: Gerhard D'ANTOING
Child: Daughter D'ANTOING

Descendents of Hugo I of ANTOING

1 Hugo I of ANTOING
  =Flandrine of NAMUR
    2 William D'ANTOING
    2 Joscelin D'ANTOING
    2 Hugo II D'ANTOING
      =Ancilia of WAVRIN
        3 Hugues III D'ANTOING
          =Agnes of MONS
        3 Jean D'ANTOING
    2 Gerhard D'ANTOING
    2 Daughter D'ANTOING
      =Dietrich D'ANVAING

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Father: Thomas ANTON
Birth: ABT. 1540
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: John WEAVER
Child: Thomas WEAVER Birth: 1564, Presteigne, Rador, Wales

Ancestors of Alice ANTON

         /-Thomas ANTON

Descendents of Alice ANTON

1 Alice ANTON
  =John WEAVER
    2 Thomas WEAVER
      =Margaret ADAMS
        3 Clement WEAVER I
          =Rebecca HOLBROOK  Marriage: 19 MAY 1617, St. Johns, Glastonbury, Somerset, England

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Thomas ANTON

Birth: ABT. 1510, Presteigne, Rador, Wales
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Alice ANTON Birth: ABT. 1540

Descendents of Thomas ANTON

1 Thomas ANTON
    2 Alice ANTON
      =John WEAVER
        3 Thomas WEAVER
          =Margaret ADAMS

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Father: ClaudiusTiberius Drusus Nero GERMANICUS
Mother: Aelia PAETINA
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Claudia ANTONIA

                               /-Tiberius Claudius NERO
                    /-Nero Claudius DRUSUS
                    |          \-Livia (Augusta) DRUSILLA
         /-ClaudiusTiberius Drusus Nero GERMANICUS
         |          |          /-Marcus Antonius III TRIUMVIR
         |          \-Antonia MINOR
         |                     \-Octavia MINOR
         \-Aelia PAETINA

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Annetje COUWENHOVEN
Marriage: AFT. 11 NOV 1704

Descendents of Johannes ANTONIDES

1 Johannes ANTONIDES
  =Annetje COUWENHOVEN  Marriage: AFT. 11 NOV 1704

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Father: Cosimo I of Tuscany DE'MEDICI
Mother: Eleanor of TOLEDO
Birth: 1548
Death: 1548

Ancestors of ANTONIO

                               /-Giovanni DE'MEDICI
                    /-Giovanni DE'MEDICI
                    |          \-Catarina SFORZA
         /-Cosimo I of Tuscany DE'MEDICI
         |          |          /-Jacopo SALVIATI
         |          \-Maria SALVIATI
         |                     \-Lucrezia DE'MEDICI
         |          /-Pedro of TOLEDO
         \-Eleanor of TOLEDO

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Father: King Manuel I the Fortunate of PORTUGAL
Mother: Maria of Castille and LEON
Birth: 9 SEP 1516, Lisbon
Death: 9 SEP 1516, Lisbon

Ancestors of ANTONIO

                               /-King Duarte of PORTUGAL
                    /-Fernando of PORTUGAL , Duque de Beja
                    |          \-Leonora of ARAGON
         /-King Manuel I the Fortunate of PORTUGAL
         |          |          /-Joao of PORTUGAL , Grand Master of Santiago
         |          \-Beatriz of PORTUGAL
         |                     \-Isabella of BRAGANCA
         |                     /-Juan II of TRASTAMARA , King of Aragon
         |          /-King Ferdinand V "The Catholic" of SPAIN
         |          |          \-Juana ENRIQUEZ
         \-Maria of Castille and LEON
                    |          /-King John II (Juan II) of CASTILE
                    \-Queen Isabell "The Catholic" of CASTILE
                               \-Isabella of PORTUGAL

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Mary GARWOOD

Descendents of John ANTRIM


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Obadiah ANTRIM

Birth: Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts
Death: 1665, at sea of a voyage Nevis

Partnership with: Martha BAKER

Descendents of Obadiah ANTRIM

1 Obadiah ANTRIM
  =Martha BAKER

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Father: GESECG
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)

Ancestors of ANTSECG

                               /- ODIN-WODIN-WOTAN
                    /- SEAXNEAT
                    |          \- FRIGG-FRIGIDA
         /- GESECG

Descendents of ANTSECG

    2  SWEPPA
        3  SIGEFUGEL

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Gerhard IV of Diest and ANTWERP

Death: 1333

Partnership with: Johanna of DENDERMONDE

Descendents of Gerhard IV of Diest and ANTWERP

1 Gerhard IV of Diest and ANTWERP
  =Johanna of DENDERMONDE

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Herrand III of ANTWORT

Father: Herrand II of FALKENSTEIN
Mother: Sophia of VOHBURG
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Herrand III of ANTWORT

                               /-Herrand I of FALKENSTEIN
                    /-Rudolf of FALKENSTEIN , Count of Falkenstein
         /-Herrand II of FALKENSTEIN
         |          |          /-Sigiboto II of WEYARN
         |          \-Gertrud of WEYARN
         |                     \-Adelheid of SULZBACH
Herrand III of ANTWORT
         |                     /-Diepold II in NORDGAU
         |          /-Diepold III of VOHBURG , Margrave of Vohburg
         |          |          \-Liutgard of ZAHRINGEN
         \-Sophia of VOHBURG
                    |          /-Wiprecht of Groitzsch of BAR
                    \-Kunigunde of BEICHLINGEN
                               \-Kunigunde of WEIMAR

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Judith of ANTWORT

Father: Herrand II of FALKENSTEIN
Mother: Sophia of VOHBURG
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Judith of ANTWORT

                               /-Herrand I of FALKENSTEIN
                    /-Rudolf of FALKENSTEIN , Count of Falkenstein
         /-Herrand II of FALKENSTEIN
         |          |          /-Sigiboto II of WEYARN
         |          \-Gertrud of WEYARN
         |                     \-Adelheid of SULZBACH
Judith of ANTWORT
         |                     /-Diepold II in NORDGAU
         |          /-Diepold III of VOHBURG , Margrave of Vohburg
         |          |          \-Liutgard of ZAHRINGEN
         \-Sophia of VOHBURG
                    |          /-Wiprecht of Groitzsch of BAR
                    \-Kunigunde of BEICHLINGEN
                               \-Kunigunde of WEIMAR

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Sigiboto of ANTWORT

Father: Herrand II of FALKENSTEIN
Mother: Sophia of VOHBURG
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Sigiboto of ANTWORT

                               /-Herrand I of FALKENSTEIN
                    /-Rudolf of FALKENSTEIN , Count of Falkenstein
         /-Herrand II of FALKENSTEIN
         |          |          /-Sigiboto II of WEYARN
         |          \-Gertrud of WEYARN
         |                     \-Adelheid of SULZBACH
Sigiboto of ANTWORT
         |                     /-Diepold II in NORDGAU
         |          /-Diepold III of VOHBURG , Margrave of Vohburg
         |          |          \-Liutgard of ZAHRINGEN
         \-Sophia of VOHBURG
                    |          /-Wiprecht of Groitzsch of BAR
                    \-Kunigunde of BEICHLINGEN
                               \-Kunigunde of WEIMAR

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Father: Marcus Antonius III TRIUMVIR
Mother: FLAVIA
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of ANTYLLUS

                    /-Marcus Antonius II CRETICUS
         /-Marcus Antonius III TRIUMVIR
         |          |          /-Lucius Julius CAESAR III
         |          \- JULIA
         |                     \- COSSUTIA
         \- FLAVIA

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Father: Anund HARALDSSON
Mother: Ingeborg ELOFSDOTTER
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Magnus RAGVALDSSON

Ancestors of Helga ANUNDSDOTTER

         /-Anund HARALDSSON
         |                     /-Magnus Minneskold Bengtsson FOLKUNG
         |          /-Eskil MAGNUSSON
         \-Ingeborg ELOFSDOTTER
                    |          /-Nils BLAKA
                    \-Christina (Kristin) NILSDOTTER
                               \-Katharina ERIKSDOTTIR

Descendents of Helga ANUNDSDOTTER


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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Lars ULFSSON
Child: Kristina LARSDOTTER
Child: Holmger LARSSON
Child: Ulf LARSSON
Child: Katarina LARSDOTTER
Child: Helena LARSDOTTER

Descendents of Ingrid ANUNDSDOTTER

    2 Kristina LARSDOTTER
      =Birger ALGOTSSON
        3 Algot BIRGERSSON
    2 Holmger LARSSON
    2 Ulf LARSSON
    2 Katarina LARSDOTTER
    2 Helena LARSDOTTER

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Father: Anund HARALDSSON
Mother: Ingeborg ELOFSDOTTER
Death: ABT. 1299

Partnership with: Lars BOBERG
Child: Ramfrid LARSDOTTER
Child: Bengt BOBERG
Child: Magnus BOBERG
Child: Erik BOBERG

Ancestors of Kristina ANUNDSDOTTER

         /-Anund HARALDSSON
         |                     /-Magnus Minneskold Bengtsson FOLKUNG
         |          /-Eskil MAGNUSSON
         \-Ingeborg ELOFSDOTTER
                    |          /-Nils BLAKA
                    \-Christina (Kristin) NILSDOTTER
                               \-Katharina ERIKSDOTTIR

Descendents of Kristina ANUNDSDOTTER

  =Lars BOBERG
    2 Botil LARSDOTTER
      =Algo JONSSON
        3 Bengta ALGOTSDOTTER
        3 Birger ALGOTSSON
          =Kristina LARSDOTTER
        3 Johan (Jons) ALGOTSSON
    2 Ramfrid LARSDOTTER
    2 Bengt BOBERG
    2 Magnus BOBERG
    2 Erik BOBERG

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Father: King Anund (Jacob) Olafsson of SWEDEN
Death: 1055

Partnership with: King Svend II Estridsen of DENMARK

Ancestors of Guda ANUNDSDOTTIR

                               /-King Erik Bjornsson VI  the Victorious of SWEDEN
                    /-King Olaf Skotkonung of SWEDEN
                    |          \-Sigrid (Swietoslawa) Storrade the HAUGHTY
         /-King Anund (Jacob) Olafsson of SWEDEN
         |          \-Princess Astrid of the OBOTRITES

Descendents of Guda ANUNDSDOTTIR

  =King Svend II Estridsen of DENMARK

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Ingeborg SVANTEPOLKSDOTTIR
Child: Gustav TUNESSON

Descendents of Tune ANUNDSSON

    2 Gustav TUNESSON

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Birth: ABT. 1505
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Jane AMYAS Birth: 1528, Kent, England

Descendents of John ANYAS

1 John ANYAS
    2 Jane AMYAS
      =John FIELD  Marriage: 1 JAN 1546, East Ardsley, Yorkshire, England
        3 William FIELD
          =Jane SOTWELL

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Father: Fiachu (Fiachaidh Swighde) SUIDGE
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Arttchuirp (ARTCHARP)

Ancestors of AONGHUS

                               /-Tuathal TEACHTMAN
                    /-Feidhlimhioh (Fedlimid) REACHTMAR
         /-Fiachu (Fiachaidh Swighde) SUIDGE

Descendents of AONGHUS

    2 Arttchuirp (ARTCHARP)
        3 Echach (EOCHAID)

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Father: Conn of 100 Battles CEADCHADHACH
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Cormac Ulfhada MACART

Ancestors of Art AONTHIR

                               /-Tuathal TEACHTMAN
                    /-Feidhlimhioh (Fedlimid) REACHTMAR
         /-Conn of 100 Battles CEADCHADHACH

Descendents of Art AONTHIR

    2 Cormac Ulfhada MACART
        3 Cairbre (Coirpre) LIFFEACHAIRE

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)

Ancestors of AORIC

         /- ARIARIC

Descendents of AORIC

        3  ALARIC I
          =Daughter of MODARES

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Thomas of AOSTA

Father: Philipp of SAVOY , Count of Piemont
Mother: Catherine del la Tour DU PIN
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Thomas of AOSTA

                               /-Thomas II of Flanders of SAVOY
                    /-Thomas III of SAVOY , Count of Maurienne
                    |          \-Beatrice FIESCHI
         /-Philipp of SAVOY , Count of Piemont
         |          |          /-Hugh of BURGUNDY , Count of Burgundy
         |          \-Guye of CHALON
         |                     \-Adelheid of ANDECHS-MERANIE
Thomas of AOSTA
         \-Catherine del la Tour DU PIN

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Seleucus I NICATOR
Child: Antiochus I SOTER

Descendents of APAMA

  =Seleucus I NICATOR
    2 Antiochus I SOTER
        3 Antiochus II THEOS
          = BERENICE
          = LAODICE

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Father: Roger of APLEBY
Birth: 1222, Buglawton, Cheshire, England
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Robert TOUCHET
Marriage: FEB 1244
Child: Thomas TOUCHET Birth: 1244, Buglawton, Cheshire, England

Ancestors of Eva of APLEBY

         /-Roger of APLEBY

Descendents of Eva of APLEBY

1 Eva of APLEBY
  =Robert TOUCHET  Marriage: FEB 1244
    2 Thomas TOUCHET
        3 Robert TOUCHET
          = AGNES  Marriage: BEF. 1298

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Birth: ABT. 1410
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Jane APLEBY Birth: ABT. 1440

Descendents of James APLEBY

1 James APLEBY
    2 Jane APLEBY
      =John WEAVER
        3 Jenkin WEAVER
          =Marquerite NANTON

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