Father: Emperor Leo I of BYZANTIUM
Mother: VERINA
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: ZENO
Child: Emperor Leo II of BYZANTIUM
Child: ZENO
Partnership with: ANASTASIUS

Ancestors of ARIADNE

         /-Emperor Leo I of BYZANTIUM
         \- VERINA

Descendents of ARIADNE

  = ZENO
    2 Emperor Leo II of BYZANTIUM
    2  ZENO

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Father: MINOS
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: DIONYSUS

Ancestors of ARIADNE

                               /- CRONUS
                    /- ZEUS
                    |          \- RHEA
         /- MINOS
         |          |          /-King of Phoenicia AGENOR
         |          \- EUROPA
         |                     \- TELEPHASSA

Descendents of ARIADNE


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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Cornelius HOOGLANDT
Child: Dirk Cornelisze HOOGLANDT

Descendents of Aeltie ARIAENS

1 Aeltie ARIAENS
  =Cornelius HOOGLANDT
    2 Dirk Cornelisze HOOGLANDT
      =Elizabeth RAPALJE  Marriage: ABT. 1665, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York
        3 Joris Dirckse HOOGLANDT
          =Catherine RICHAUD  Marriage: 1689
        3 Marrietje HOOGLANDT
          =Lambert VAN DYCK  Marriage: 1705

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: AORIC

Descendents of ARIARIC

    2  AORIC
        3  ATHANARIC

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Elvira ARIAS

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Nuno GUTIERREZ , Cde

Descendents of Elvira ARIAS

1 Elvira ARIAS
  =Nuno GUTIERREZ , Cde
    2 Goto GUTIERREZ
      =Sancho ORDONEZ , Titular King of Leon  Marriage: BEF. 927

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: AMR

Ancestors of ARIB

                               /- KAHLAN
                    /- ZAYD
         /- YASHJUB

Descendents of ARIB

    2  AMR
        3  HUMAYSA

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Dorothea Ariberte of ARIBERT

Father: Georg Aribert of ANHALT-DESSAU
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Dorothea Ariberte of ARIBERT

                               /-Joachim Ernst of ANHALT , Prince of Anhalt
                    /-John Georg I of ANHALT-DESSAU
                    |          \-Agnes of BARBY
         /-Georg Aribert of ANHALT-DESSAU
         |          |          /-John Kasimir of PALATINE
         |          \-Dorothea of PALATINE-SIMMERN
         |                     \-Elisabeth of Saxony WETTIN
Dorothea Ariberte of ARIBERT

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Johanna of ARIBERT

Father: Georg Aribert of ANHALT-DESSAU
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Johanna of ARIBERT

                               /-Joachim Ernst of ANHALT , Prince of Anhalt
                    /-John Georg I of ANHALT-DESSAU
                    |          \-Agnes of BARBY
         /-Georg Aribert of ANHALT-DESSAU
         |          |          /-John Kasimir of PALATINE
         |          \-Dorothea of PALATINE-SIMMERN
         |                     \-Elisabeth of Saxony WETTIN
Johanna of ARIBERT

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Father: Arnold I in ROTGAU
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of ARIBO

                               /-Meginhard II of POIGEN
                    /-Meginhard III in TRAUNGAU
         /-Arnold I in ROTGAU

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Jannetje ARIENS

Birth: ABT. 1621
Death: ABT. 1662, Albany, Albany County, New York

Partnership with: Jan Barentsen KUNST
Child: Heyltje Jans KUNST Birth: BEF. 1662, Albany, Albany County, New York

Descendents of Jannetje ARIENS

1 Jannetje ARIENS
  =Jan Barentsen KUNST
    2 Heyltje Jans KUNST
      =Nicholas ROOSEVELT
        3 Johannes ROOSEVELT
          =Heyltje SIOERTS
        3 Jacobus ROOSEVELT
          =Catherina HARDENBROECK  Marriage: 31 JAN 1713, New York City, New York

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Jansz SYBRANT
Child: Wintijie SYBRANDS

Descendents of Lysbeth ARIENSZ

1 Lysbeth ARIENSZ
  =Jansz SYBRANT
    2 Wintijie SYBRANDS
      =Willem (William) BOGARDUS  Marriage: 29 AUG 1659, Dutch Reformed Church City of New York
        3 Magdeline BOGARDUS
        3 Fytze BOGARDUS
        3 William BOGARDUS
        3 Sybrought BOGARDUS
        3 John BOGARDUS
        3 Elizabeth Nancy BOGARDUS
          =John TOURNEUR
          =Jacob MACKENBUSH  Marriage: 11 AUG 1716
        3 Adam BOGARDUS
          =Deborah ALLEN  Marriage: 15 JUL 1717
        3 Peter BOGARDUS
          =Elizabeth MACKENBUSH
        3 Unitigie BOGARDUS

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Claes SWITS
Child: Cornelis Claeszen SWITS Birth: 1614
Child: Gillesje Claes SWITS Birth: Zierickzee, Holland

Descendents of ARIENTIE

  =Claes SWITS
    2 Cornelis Claeszen SWITS
      =Ariaentje Cornelisz TROMMELS
        3 Claes Cornelis SWITS
        3 Apolonitje SWITS
        3 Jacob SWITS
        3 Isaac Cornelis SWITS
          =Susanna GROOT  Marriage: ABT. 1676
        3 Jacob SWITS
          =Aletje FREDRIX
        3 Abraham SWITS
        3 Appolonia Cornelisse SWITS
          =Jan Thomasze ECKERSON  Marriage: 8 NOV 1665, Dutch Reformed Church, NYC
        3 Cornelis SWITS
          =Jannetje DEWITT  Marriage: 12 FEB 1662
        3 Pieter SWITS
        3 Cornelia SWITS
        3 Claes Corneilis SWITS
    2 Gillesje Claes SWITS
      =Harman Myndertse VAN DER BOGART  Marriage: 1639, New Amsterdam
        3 Frans VAN DER BOGART
          =Annetje TJERKSE  Marriage: ABT. 1668, Schenectady County, New York
        3 Lysbet VAN DER BOGART
          =Harmen Janse KNICKERBACKER
        3 Helena VAN DER BOGART
          =Reyer Jacobse SCHERMERHORN  Marriage: 1684
        3 Myndaert Harmense VAN DER BOGART
          =Helena SCHERMERHORN  Marriage: BEF. 1685
      =Jan LABATIE  Marriage: AFT. 1647

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Saint James the Just of ARIMATHEA

Father: Joseph ben HELI
Mother: MARIA
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Anna (ENYGEUS)

Ancestors of Saint James the Just of ARIMATHEA

                               /- MATTHAT
                    /- HELI
         /-Joseph ben HELI
Saint James the Just of ARIMATHEA
         |          /- JOACHIM
         \- MARIA
                    \-Anne (SAINT)

Descendents of Saint James the Just of ARIMATHEA

1 Saint James the Just of ARIMATHEA
    2 Anna (ENYGEUS)
      =Bran (Bron) the Blessed of SILURIA
        3  PENARDUN
          =Marius of SILURIA , King of Siluria
        3 Beli (BELIM\HELI)

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of ARION

                               /- URANUS
                    /- CRONUS
                    |          \- GAEA
         /- POSEIDON
         |          |          /- URANUS
         |          \- RHEA
         |                     \- GAEA
         |                     /- URANUS
         |          /- CRONUS
         |          |          \- GAEA
         \- DEMETER
                    |          /- URANUS
                    \- RHEA
                               \- GAEA

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Father: APOLLO
Mother: CYRENE
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of ARISTAEUS

                               /- CRONUS
                    /- ZEUS
                    |          \- RHEA
         /- APOLLO
         |          |          /- COEUS
         |          \- LETO
         |                     \- PHOEBE
         |          /-King HYPSEUS
         \- CYRENE

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Jan of ARKEL

Death: 1428

Partnership with: Johanna of JULICH
Child: Maria of ARKEL

Descendents of Jan of ARKEL

1 Jan of ARKEL
  =Johanna of JULICH
    2 Maria of ARKEL
      =John II of EGMOND , Count of Egmond
        3 Arnold of EGMOND , Duke of Geldern
          =Katherina of CLEVES  Marriage: 1430
        3 William IV (VI) of EGMOND , Count of Egmond
          =Walpurgis of Mors in MORS

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John of ARKEL

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Kunigunde of VIRNEBURG

Descendents of John of ARKEL

1 John of ARKEL
  =Kunigunde of VIRNEBURG

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Maria of ARKEL

Father: Jan of ARKEL
Mother: Johanna of JULICH
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: John II of EGMOND , Count of Egmond
Child: Arnold of EGMOND , Duke of Geldern Birth: 1410
Child: William IV (VI) of EGMOND , Count of Egmond Birth: 1412

Ancestors of Maria of ARKEL

         /-Jan of ARKEL
Maria of ARKEL
         |                     /-William I of JULICH , Duke of Julich
         |          /-William II of JULICH , Count of Julich
         |          |          \-Johanna of Hainault and HOLLAND
         \-Johanna of JULICH

Descendents of Maria of ARKEL

1 Maria of ARKEL
  =John II of EGMOND , Count of Egmond
    2 Arnold of EGMOND , Duke of Geldern
      =Katherina of CLEVES  Marriage: 1430
        3 Marie of GELDERN
          =King James II Stuart of SCOTLAND  Marriage: 3 JUL 1449, Holyrood Abbey, Edinburgh  Scotland
        3 William of GELDERN
        3 Margareta of GELDERN
          =Frederick I of PALATINE-SIMMERN
        3 Adolf of GELDERN , Duke of Geldern
          =Catherine of BOURBON  Marriage: 18 DEC 1463
        3 Katharina of GELDERN
    2 William IV (VI) of EGMOND , Count of Egmond
      =Walpurgis of Mors in MORS
        3 William of EGMOND-HERPEN
          =Margarete of CULEMBURG
        3 John III of EGMOND , Count of Egmond
          =Magdalena of WERDENBERG-SARGANS
        3 Frederick of EGMOND , Count of Buren
          =Adleheid of CULEMBURG
        3 Anna of EGMOND
        3 Margarete of EGMOND
        3 Elisabeth of EGMOND

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Mechtild of ARKEL

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: William VI of HORN , Count of Horn
Child: William VII of HORN , Count of Horn

Descendents of Mechtild of ARKEL

1 Mechtild of ARKEL
  =William VI of HORN , Count of Horn
    2 William VII of HORN , Count of Horn
      =Johanna of HEINSBERG
        3 William VIII of HORN , Count of Horn
          =Jeanne of MONTIGNY
        3 Oda (Ida) of HORN
          =John of GEMEN
        3 Margareta of HORN

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Otto of ARKEL

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: ALEYD?

Descendents of Otto of ARKEL

1 Otto of ARKEL
  = ALEYD?

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Walram of ARKEL

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Katharina of EGMOND

Descendents of Walram of ARKEL

1 Walram of ARKEL
  =Katharina of EGMOND

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Boso II of ARLES

Death: 968

Partnership with: CONSTANCE
Child: William II "the Liberator" of ARLES Birth: 950
Partnership with: FOLCOARA

Ancestors of Boso II of ARLES

         /- ROUBAUD
Boso II of ARLES

Descendents of Boso II of ARLES

1 Boso II of ARLES
    2 William II "the Liberator" of ARLES
      = ARSINDA
      =Adele (Adelaide) of ANJOU  Marriage: 981
      =Gerberge of MACON  Marriage: 1002

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Ermengarde of ARLES

Father: William III Taillefer of TOULOUSE
Mother: Arsinde (Blanka or Adelaide) of ANJOU
Birth: 962
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Ermengarde of AUVERGNE Birth: ABT. 980

Ancestors of Ermengarde of ARLES

                               /-Raymond II of TOULOUSE , Count of Toulouse
                    /-Raymond III Pons of TOULOUSE , Count of Toulouse
                    |          \- GUILDENILDE
         /-William III Taillefer of TOULOUSE
         |          \- GARSINDE
Ermengarde of ARLES
         |                     /-Geoffrey I "Grisegonelle" of ANJOU
         |          /-Fouques III the Black of ANJOU , Count of Anjou
         |          |          \-Adelais of VERMANDOIS
         \-Arsinde (Blanka or Adelaide) of ANJOU
                    \- HILDEGARDE

Descendents of Ermengarde of ARLES

1 Ermengarde of ARLES
    2 Ermengarde of AUVERGNE
      =Odo II (Eudes) of BLOIS , Count of Blois  Marriage: ABT. 1010
        3 Bertha of BLOIS
          =Alain III (V) the Great of BRITTANY  Marriage: 1018
          =Hugo IV of MAINE , Count of Maine
        3 Theobald III of BLOIS , Count of Blois
          = IRMGARD  Marriage: 1010
          =Gersende (Bertha) of MAINE
          =Alix of VALOIS  Marriage: 1049
        3 Stephen II of BLOIS , Count of Blois
          = ADELE

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Godfrey I of ARLES , Count of Provence

Father: William IV of PROVENCE , Count of Provence
Mother: Gerberge of MACON
Birth: ABT. 1004
Death: 2 JUL 1061
Death: 7 FEB 1081

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Bertram II of PROVENCE , Count of Provence Birth: ABT. 1040
Partnership with: Stephanie (Douce) of PROVENCE
Child: Gerberga of PROVENCE Birth: 1057

Ancestors of Godfrey I of ARLES , Count of Provence

                               /-Bozon of PROVENCE , Count of Provence
                    /-William I of PROVENCE
                    |          \- CONSTANCE
         /-William IV of PROVENCE , Count of Provence
         |          |          /-Geoffrey I "Grisegonelle" of ANJOU
         |          \-Adela (Blanca) of ANJOU
         |                     \-Adelais of VERMANDOIS
Godfrey I of ARLES , Count of Provence
         |                     /-Otto-Henry the Great of BURGUNDY
         |          /-Otto William of MACON , Count of Burgundy
         |          |          \-Gerberga of (Chalons) BURGUNDY
         \-Gerberge of MACON
                    |          /-Renaud of Rheims and ROUCY
                    \-Ermentrude of ROUCY
                               \-Alberade of LORRAINE

Descendents of Godfrey I of ARLES , Count of Provence

1 Godfrey I of ARLES , Count of Provence
    2 Bertram II of PROVENCE , Count of Provence
      = MATHILDE
        3 Caecilie of PROVENCE
          =Bernhard Atton IV of NIMES , Count of Nimes
  =Stephanie (Douce) of PROVENCE
    2 Gerberga of PROVENCE
      =Gilbert of (Rhodes) MILHAUD
        3 Stephania of RHODES
        3 Dolca I of GEVAUDAN , Countess of Provence
          =Ramon Berengar III the Great of BARCELONA  Marriage: 1112

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Hugo of ARLES , King of Italy

Father: Theobald of Arles and VIENNE
Mother: BERTHA
Birth: ABT. 895
Death: 10 APR 947

Partnership with: HILDA
Child: Lothar of ITALY , King of Italy
Child: Alda of VIENNE
Partnership with: Willa of BURGUNDY
Child: Hulbert of VIENNE Birth: ABT. 931
Child: Thietberge of VIENNE Birth: ABT. 945
Partnership with: WANDELMODA
Child: Hubert of TUSCANY
Partnership with: PEZOLA
Child: Bertha of VIENNE
Child: Boso of VIENNE
Partnership with: ROTRUDA
Child: Rotlinda of VIENNE
Partnership with: Marozia of ROME , Senatrix of Rome
Marriage: 932
Partnership with: Bertha of SWABIA
Marriage: 12 DEC 936
Partnership with: STEPHANIA
Child: Theobald of VIENNE
Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Gotifred of VIENNE

Ancestors of Hugo of ARLES , King of Italy

                               /- BOSA
                    /-Hucbert of VIENNE
         /-Theobald of Arles and VIENNE
Hugo of ARLES , King of Italy
         |                     /-Lothar (I) , Holy Roman Emperor
         |          /-Lothar II of LORRAINE , King of Lorraine
         |          |          \-Ermengarde of TOURS
         \- BERTHA
                    \-Waldrada of ALSACE

Descendents of Hugo of ARLES , King of Italy

1 Hugo of ARLES , King of Italy
    2 Lothar of ITALY , King of Italy
      =Empress Adelaide (Saint) of ITALY
        3 Emma of (Burgundy) ITALY
          =King Lothar of FRANCE
    2 Alda of VIENNE
      = ALBERICH
        3 Pope John XII OCTAVIAN
  =Willa of BURGUNDY
    2 Hulbert of VIENNE
      =Daughter of SPOLETO
        3 Humbert I "Bianco Mano" of SAVOY
          =Ancilia of NOYEN  Marriage: ABT. 1020
    2 Thietberge of VIENNE
      = ARTAUD II
    2 Hubert of TUSCANY
      =Willa of CAMERINO
        3 Hugo of TUSCANY , Margrave of Tuscany
        3 Waldrada of TUSCANY
          =Pietro of CANDIANO
    2 Bertha of VIENNE
      =Emperor Romanus II Lecapenus of BYZANTIUM
    2 Boso of VIENNE
    2 Rotlinda of VIENNE
      =Bernhard of PAVIA
        3 Ubertus of BURGUNDY
        3 Two boys and two girls of BURGUNDY
  =Marozia of ROME , Senatrix of Rome  Marriage: 932
  =Bertha of SWABIA  Marriage: 12 DEC 936
    2 Theobald of VIENNE
    2 Gotifred of VIENNE

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Teutberga of ARLES

Father: Theobald of Arles and VIENNE
Mother: BERTHA
Birth: ABT. 881
Death: BEF. SEP 948

Partnership with: GARNIER
Child: TEUTBERGE Birth: ABT. 900

Ancestors of Teutberga of ARLES

                               /- BOSA
                    /-Hucbert of VIENNE
         /-Theobald of Arles and VIENNE
Teutberga of ARLES
         |                     /-Lothar (I) , Holy Roman Emperor
         |          /-Lothar II of LORRAINE , King of Lorraine
         |          |          \-Ermengarde of TOURS
         \- BERTHA
                    \-Waldrada of ALSACE

Descendents of Teutberga of ARLES

1 Teutberga of ARLES
      =Charles CONSTANTINE

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William II "the Liberator" of ARLES

Father: Boso II of ARLES
Birth: 950
Death: 994

Partnership with: ARSINDA
Partnership with: Adele (Adelaide) of ANJOU
Marriage: 981
Partnership with: Gerberge of MACON
Marriage: 1002

Ancestors of William II "the Liberator" of ARLES

                    /- ROUBAUD
         /-Boso II of ARLES
William II "the Liberator" of ARLES
         \- CONSTANCE

Descendents of William II "the Liberator" of ARLES

1 William II "the Liberator" of ARLES
  =Adele (Adelaide) of ANJOU  Marriage: 981
  =Gerberge of MACON  Marriage: 1002

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Fulco of ARLON

Father: Walram I of ARLON , Count of Arlon
Mother: Adele of Lower LORRAINE
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Fulco of ARLON

         /-Walram I of ARLON , Count of Arlon
Fulco of ARLON
         |                     /-Frederick I of Verdun and BAR , Duke of Lorraine
         |          /-Thierry I of LORRAINE , Duke of Lorraine
         |          |          \-Beatrice of FRANCE
         \-Adele of Lower LORRAINE
                    \-Richildis of LUNEVILLE

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Walram I of ARLON , Count of Arlon

Death: 1052

Partnership with: Adele of Lower LORRAINE
Child: Walram II of ARLON , Count of Arlon
Child: Fulco of ARLON

Descendents of Walram I of ARLON , Count of Arlon

1 Walram I of ARLON , Count of Arlon
  =Adele of Lower LORRAINE
    2 Walram II of ARLON , Count of Arlon
      =Jutta of Lower LORRAINE
        3 Henry I of Lower LORRAINE , Duke of Lorraine
          =Adelheid of POTTENSTEIN
        3 Conrad of MERHEIM
    2 Fulco of ARLON

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Walram II of ARLON , Count of Arlon

Father: Walram I of ARLON , Count of Arlon
Mother: Adele of Lower LORRAINE
Death: 1070

Partnership with: Jutta of Lower LORRAINE
Child: Henry I of Lower LORRAINE , Duke of Lorraine Birth: ABT. 1059
Child: Conrad of MERHEIM

Ancestors of Walram II of ARLON , Count of Arlon

         /-Walram I of ARLON , Count of Arlon
Walram II of ARLON , Count of Arlon
         |                     /-Frederick I of Verdun and BAR , Duke of Lorraine
         |          /-Thierry I of LORRAINE , Duke of Lorraine
         |          |          \-Beatrice of FRANCE
         \-Adele of Lower LORRAINE
                    \-Richildis of LUNEVILLE

Descendents of Walram II of ARLON , Count of Arlon

1 Walram II of ARLON , Count of Arlon
  =Jutta of Lower LORRAINE
    2 Henry I of Lower LORRAINE , Duke of Lorraine
      =Adelheid of POTTENSTEIN
        3 Matilda of Lower LORRAINE
          =Henry of DE LA ROCHE , Count of la Roche
        3 Walram III Paganus of Lower LORRAINE
          =Jutta of GELDERN
        3 Henry of LUTTICH , Bishop of Luttich
        3 Agnes of Lower LORRAINE
          =Frederick III of SAXONY , Count of Saxony
        3 Adelheid of Lower LORRAINE
          =Frederick of ARNSBERG , Count of Arnsberg
          =Conrad (II) of DACHAU , Duke of Meranie
          =Kuno of HORBURG , Count of Horburg
    2 Conrad of MERHEIM

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Walram of ARLON , Count of Arlon

Father: Walram III Paganus of Lower LORRAINE
Mother: Jutta of GELDERN
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Walram of ARLON , Count of Arlon

                               /-Walram II of ARLON , Count of Arlon
                    /-Henry I of Lower LORRAINE , Duke of Lorraine
                    |          \-Jutta of Lower LORRAINE
         /-Walram III Paganus of Lower LORRAINE
         |          |          /-Botho of POTTENSTEIN
         |          \-Adelheid of POTTENSTEIN
         |                     \-Judith of SWABIA
Walram of ARLON , Count of Arlon
         |                     /-Dietrich FLAMENS
         |          /-Gerhard I Flaminius of Wassenberg & GELDERN
         \-Jutta of GELDERN
                    |          /-William (Peter) V (VII) of AQUITAINE
                    \-Clementia of POITOU
                               \-Ermesinde of LONGWY

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Margaret ARMAGER

Birth: ABT. 1558
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Richard ADAMS

Descendents of Margaret ARMAGER

1 Margaret ARMAGER
  =Richard ADAMS

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Jeanne of NAVARRE

Descendents of Jean V of ARMAGNAC

1 Jean V of ARMAGNAC
  =Jeanne of NAVARRE

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Adelheid of ARMENIA , Heiress of Toron

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Raymond IV of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch
Partnership with: Hethum of SASOIGNE

Descendents of Adelheid of ARMENIA , Heiress of Toron

1 Adelheid of ARMENIA , Heiress of Toron
  =Raymond IV of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch
  =Hethum of SASOIGNE

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Alice of ARMENIA

Father: Roupen III of ARMENIA , Prince of Armenia
Mother: Isabella of TORUN
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Raymond of ANTIOCH
Child: Raymond-Roupen of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch
Partnership with: Hethoum of SASSOUN

Ancestors of Alice of ARMENIA

                               /-Leo I of ARMENIA , Prince of Armenia
                    /-Stephen of ARMENIA
         /-Roupen III of ARMENIA , Prince of Armenia
         |          \-Daughter of LAMPRON
Alice of ARMENIA
         |                     /-Humphrey II of TORUN , Lord of Torun
         |          /-Humphrey III of TORUN , Lord of Torun
         |          |          \-Heiress of BANYAS
         \-Isabella of TORUN
                    |          /-Philip of NEOPOLIS , Lord of Karak
                    \-Stephanie of MILLY , Heiress of Oultrejourdain
                               \-Isabella of OULTREJOURDAIN

Descendents of Alice of ARMENIA

1 Alice of ARMENIA
  =Raymond of ANTIOCH
    2 Raymond-Roupen of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch
      =Helvis (Lusignan) of CYPRUS
        3 Maria of ARMENIA , Heiress of Toron
          =Philip of MONTFORT , Lord of Tyre
  =Hethoum of SASSOUN

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Father: Taphnuz of ARMENIA
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Baldwin I of BOULOGNE , King of Jerusalem

Ancestors of Arda of ARMENIA

         /-Taphnuz of ARMENIA

Descendents of Arda of ARMENIA

1 Arda of ARMENIA
  =Baldwin I of BOULOGNE , King of Jerusalem

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Constantine I of ARMENIA

Father: Roupen I of ARMENIA
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Daughter of ARMENIA
Child: Leo I of ARMENIA , Prince of Armenia
Child: Thoros I of ARMENIA , Prince of Armenia

Ancestors of Constantine I of ARMENIA

         /-Roupen I of ARMENIA
Constantine I of ARMENIA

Descendents of Constantine I of ARMENIA

1 Constantine I of ARMENIA
    2 Daughter of ARMENIA
      =Joscelin I of EDESSA , Count of Edessa
        3 Joscelin II of Courtenay of EDESSA
          = BEATRICE
    2 Leo I of ARMENIA , Prince of Armenia
        3 Stephen of ARMENIA
          =Daughter of LAMPRON
        3 Thoros II of ARMENIA
        3 Roupen of ARMENIA
        3 Daughter of ARMENIA
        3 Daughter of ARMENIA
          =Vasil DGHA , Lord of Kaisoun
    2 Thoros I of ARMENIA , Prince of Armenia

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Constantine II ARMENIA

Father: Leo III of ARMENIA
Mother: Anna of LAMPRON
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Constantine II ARMENIA

                               /-Constantine of ARMENIA , Regent of Armenia
                    /-Hethoum of LAMPRON
                    |          \-Daughter of HETHOUM
         /-Leo III of ARMENIA
         |          |          /-Leo II of ARMENIA , King of Armenia
         |          \-Isabella of ARMENIA
         |                     \-Sibylla of Jerusalem and CYPRUS
Constantine II ARMENIA
         \-Anna of LAMPRON

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Constantine of ARMENIA , Regent of Armenia

Father: Vasac of LAMPRON
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Daughter of HETHOUM
Child: Basil of TRAZARGH , Archbishop of Trazargh
Child: Stephanie of LAMPRON
Child: Sempad of LAMPRON , Constable of Lampron
Child: Oshin of CORYCUS
Child: Hethoum of LAMPRON
Child: Maria of LAMPRON

Ancestors of Constantine of ARMENIA , Regent of Armenia

                               /-Hethoum of LAMPRON
                    /-Sempad of LAMPRON
         /-Vasac of LAMPRON
Constantine of ARMENIA , Regent of Armenia

Descendents of Constantine of ARMENIA , Regent of Armenia

1 Constantine of ARMENIA , Regent of Armenia
  =Daughter of HETHOUM
    2 Basil of TRAZARGH , Archbishop of Trazargh
    2 Stephanie of LAMPRON
      =Henry I of Lusignan of CYPRUS , King of Cyprus
    2 Sempad of LAMPRON , Constable of Lampron
    2 Oshin of CORYCUS
    2 Hethoum of LAMPRON
      =Isabella of ARMENIA
        3 Euphemia of ARMENIA
          =Julian of SIDON
          =Julian of SIDON
        3 Maria of ARMENIA
          =Guy of CYPRUS
        3 Sibylla of ARMENIA
          =Bohemond VI of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch
        3 Leo III of ARMENIA
          =Anna of LAMPRON
        3 Thoros of ARMENIA
    2 Maria of LAMPRON
      =John of IBELIN , Count of Jaffa

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Daughter of ARMENIA

Father: Thoros II of ARMENIA
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Hethoum of LAMPRON
Child: Daughter of HETHOUM

Ancestors of Daughter of ARMENIA

                               /-Constantine I of ARMENIA
                    /-Leo I of ARMENIA , Prince of Armenia
         /-Thoros II of ARMENIA
Daughter of ARMENIA

Descendents of Daughter of ARMENIA

1 Daughter of ARMENIA
  =Hethoum of LAMPRON
    2 Daughter of HETHOUM
      =Constantine of ARMENIA , Regent of Armenia
        3 Basil of TRAZARGH , Archbishop of Trazargh
        3 Stephanie of LAMPRON
          =Henry I of Lusignan of CYPRUS , King of Cyprus
        3 Sempad of LAMPRON , Constable of Lampron
        3 Oshin of CORYCUS
        3 Hethoum of LAMPRON
          =Isabella of ARMENIA
        3 Maria of LAMPRON
          =John of IBELIN , Count of Jaffa

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Daughter of ARMENIA

Father: Leo I of ARMENIA , Prince of Armenia
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Vasil DGHA , Lord of Kaisoun

Ancestors of Daughter of ARMENIA

                               /-Roupen I of ARMENIA
                    /-Constantine I of ARMENIA
         /-Leo I of ARMENIA , Prince of Armenia
Daughter of ARMENIA

Descendents of Daughter of ARMENIA

1 Daughter of ARMENIA
  =Vasil DGHA , Lord of Kaisoun

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Daughter of ARMENIA

Father: Leo I of ARMENIA , Prince of Armenia
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Thomas of ARMENIA , Regent of Armenia

Ancestors of Daughter of ARMENIA

                               /-Roupen I of ARMENIA
                    /-Constantine I of ARMENIA
         /-Leo I of ARMENIA , Prince of Armenia
Daughter of ARMENIA

Descendents of Daughter of ARMENIA

1 Daughter of ARMENIA
    2 Thomas of ARMENIA , Regent of Armenia

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Daughter of ARMENIA

Father: Constantine I of ARMENIA
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Joscelin I of EDESSA , Count of Edessa
Child: Joscelin II of Courtenay of EDESSA

Ancestors of Daughter of ARMENIA

                    /-Roupen I of ARMENIA
         /-Constantine I of ARMENIA
Daughter of ARMENIA

Descendents of Daughter of ARMENIA

1 Daughter of ARMENIA
  =Joscelin I of EDESSA , Count of Edessa
    2 Joscelin II of Courtenay of EDESSA
      = BEATRICE
        3 Agnes of Courtenay of EDESSA
          =King Amalric I of JERUSALEM
          =Hugo of Ramleh of IBELIN
          =Reginald of SIDON , Lord of Sidon
          =Reynald of MARASH
        3 Joscelin III of EDESSA , Titular Count of Edessa
          =Agnes of MILLY

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Doleta of ARMENIA

Father: Stephen of ARMENIA
Mother: Daughter of LAMPRON
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Betrand EMBRIACO

Ancestors of Doleta of ARMENIA

                               /-Constantine I of ARMENIA
                    /-Leo I of ARMENIA , Prince of Armenia
         /-Stephen of ARMENIA
Doleta of ARMENIA
         \-Daughter of LAMPRON

Descendents of Doleta of ARMENIA

1 Doleta of ARMENIA
  =Betrand EMBRIACO

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Doleta of ARMENIA

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Bertrand of JEBAIL
Child: Hugh of JEBAIL

Descendents of Doleta of ARMENIA

1 Doleta of ARMENIA
  =Bertrand of JEBAIL
    2 Hugh of JEBAIL
      =Maria PORCELET
        3 Bertrand of JEBAIL
          =Beatrix of SAINT-SYMEON

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Euphemia of ARMENIA

Father: Hethoum of LAMPRON
Mother: Isabella of ARMENIA
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Julian of SIDON
Child: Balian II of SIDON
Child: Margaret of SIDON
Partnership with: Julian of SIDON

Ancestors of Euphemia of ARMENIA

                               /-Vasac of LAMPRON
                    /-Constantine of ARMENIA , Regent of Armenia
         /-Hethoum of LAMPRON
         |          |          /-Hethoum of LAMPRON
         |          \-Daughter of HETHOUM
         |                     \-Daughter of ARMENIA
Euphemia of ARMENIA
         |                     /-Stephen of ARMENIA
         |          /-Leo II of ARMENIA , King of Armenia
         |          |          \-Daughter of LAMPRON
         \-Isabella of ARMENIA
                    |          /-Amalric II of LUSIGNAN , King of Jerusalem
                    \-Sibylla of Jerusalem and CYPRUS
                               \-Queen Isabelle I of JERUSALEM

Descendents of Euphemia of ARMENIA

1 Euphemia of ARMENIA
  =Julian of SIDON
    2 Balian II of SIDON
    2 Margaret of SIDON
      =Guy II Embriaco of JEBAIL
        3 Peter I Embriaco of JEBAIL
          =Agnes of JEBAIL
  =Julian of SIDON

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Hethoum II of ARMENIA

Father: Leo III of ARMENIA
Mother: Anna of LAMPRON
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Hethoum II of ARMENIA

                               /-Constantine of ARMENIA , Regent of Armenia
                    /-Hethoum of LAMPRON
                    |          \-Daughter of HETHOUM
         /-Leo III of ARMENIA
         |          |          /-Leo II of ARMENIA , King of Armenia
         |          \-Isabella of ARMENIA
         |                     \-Sibylla of Jerusalem and CYPRUS
Hethoum II of ARMENIA
         \-Anna of LAMPRON

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Hethoum of ARMENIA

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Isabella of CYPRUS

Descendents of Hethoum of ARMENIA

1 Hethoum of ARMENIA
  =Isabella of CYPRUS

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Isabella of ARMENIA

Father: Leo II of ARMENIA , King of Armenia
Mother: Sibylla of Jerusalem and CYPRUS
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Hethoum of LAMPRON
Child: Euphemia of ARMENIA
Child: Maria of ARMENIA
Child: Sibylla of ARMENIA
Child: Leo III of ARMENIA
Child: Thoros of ARMENIA
Partnership with: Philip of ANTIOCH

Ancestors of Isabella of ARMENIA

                               /-Leo I of ARMENIA , Prince of Armenia
                    /-Stephen of ARMENIA
         /-Leo II of ARMENIA , King of Armenia
         |          \-Daughter of LAMPRON
Isabella of ARMENIA
         |                     /-Amery I DE LUSIGNAN
         |          /-Amalric II of LUSIGNAN , King of Jerusalem
         \-Sibylla of Jerusalem and CYPRUS
                    |          /-King Amalric I of JERUSALEM
                    \-Queen Isabelle I of JERUSALEM
                               \-Maria COMNENA

Descendents of Isabella of ARMENIA

1 Isabella of ARMENIA
  =Hethoum of LAMPRON
    2 Euphemia of ARMENIA
      =Julian of SIDON
        3 Balian II of SIDON
        3 Margaret of SIDON
          =Guy II Embriaco of JEBAIL
      =Julian of SIDON
    2 Maria of ARMENIA
      =Guy of CYPRUS
        3 Thoros of CYPRUS
          =Sibylla de la Roche of ATHENS
        3 Isabella of CYPRUS
          =Hethoum of ARMENIA
    2 Sibylla of ARMENIA
      =Bohemond VI of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch
        3 Bohemond VII of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch
          =Margaret of BEAUMONT
        3 Lucy of ANTIOCH , Princess of Antioch
          =Narjot of TONCY
        3 Maria of ANTIOCH
          =Nicholas of SAINT-OMER
    2 Leo III of ARMENIA
      =Anna of LAMPRON
        3 Maria-Xene of ARMENIA
          =Emperor Michael IX Palaeologus of BYZANTIUM
        3 Sempad I of ARMENIA
          =Isabella of CYPRUS
        3 Isabella of ARMENIA
          =Almaric of CYPRUS , Governor of Cyprus
        3 Hethoum II of ARMENIA
        3 Thoros III of ARMENIA
          =Margaret of CYPRUS
        3 Constantine II ARMENIA
        3 Oshin of ARMENIA
          =Isabella of CYPRUS
          =Joanna of ANJOU-TARANTO
    2 Thoros of ARMENIA
  =Philip of ANTIOCH

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Isabella of ARMENIA

Father: Leo III of ARMENIA
Mother: Anna of LAMPRON
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Almaric of CYPRUS , Governor of Cyprus
Child: Agnes of (Tyre) CYPRUS
Child: Guy I of CYPRUS
Child: Bohemond of CORYCUS , Count of Corycus
Child: John of CYPRUS

Ancestors of Isabella of ARMENIA

                               /-Constantine of ARMENIA , Regent of Armenia
                    /-Hethoum of LAMPRON
                    |          \-Daughter of HETHOUM
         /-Leo III of ARMENIA
         |          |          /-Leo II of ARMENIA , King of Armenia
         |          \-Isabella of ARMENIA
         |                     \-Sibylla of Jerusalem and CYPRUS
Isabella of ARMENIA
         \-Anna of LAMPRON

Descendents of Isabella of ARMENIA

1 Isabella of ARMENIA
  =Almaric of CYPRUS , Governor of Cyprus
    2 Agnes of (Tyre) CYPRUS
      =Leo IV of ARMENIA
    2 Guy I of CYPRUS
      =Daughter of SYRGIANES
      =Daughter CANTACUZENA
    2 Bohemond of CORYCUS , Count of Corycus
      =Euphemia of NEGHIR
    2 John of CYPRUS
      =Soldana of GEORGIA
        3 Margaret of CYPRUS
          =Manuel Cantacuzenus of MOREA , Despot of Morea
        3 Leo VI of ARMENIA
          =Margaret of SOISSONS

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Leo I of ARMENIA , Prince of Armenia

Father: Constantine I of ARMENIA
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Stephen of ARMENIA
Child: Thoros II of ARMENIA
Child: Roupen of ARMENIA
Child: Daughter of ARMENIA
Child: Daughter of ARMENIA

Ancestors of Leo I of ARMENIA , Prince of Armenia

                    /-Roupen I of ARMENIA
         /-Constantine I of ARMENIA
Leo I of ARMENIA , Prince of Armenia

Descendents of Leo I of ARMENIA , Prince of Armenia

1 Leo I of ARMENIA , Prince of Armenia
    2 Stephen of ARMENIA
      =Daughter of LAMPRON
        3 Roupen III of ARMENIA , Prince of Armenia
          =Isabella of TORUN
        3 Leo II of ARMENIA , King of Armenia
          =Isabella of ANTIOCH
          =Sibylla of Jerusalem and CYPRUS
        3 Doleta of ARMENIA
          =Betrand EMBRIACO
    2 Thoros II of ARMENIA
        3 Roupen II of ARMENIA
        3 Daughter of ARMENIA
          =Hethoum of LAMPRON
    2 Roupen of ARMENIA
    2 Daughter of ARMENIA
        3 Thomas of ARMENIA , Regent of Armenia
    2 Daughter of ARMENIA
      =Vasil DGHA , Lord of Kaisoun

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Leo II of ARMENIA , King of Armenia

Father: Stephen of ARMENIA
Mother: Daughter of LAMPRON
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Isabella of ANTIOCH
Child: Stephanie of ARMENIA
Partnership with: Sibylla of Jerusalem and CYPRUS
Child: Isabella of ARMENIA

Ancestors of Leo II of ARMENIA , King of Armenia

                               /-Constantine I of ARMENIA
                    /-Leo I of ARMENIA , Prince of Armenia
         /-Stephen of ARMENIA
Leo II of ARMENIA , King of Armenia
         \-Daughter of LAMPRON

Descendents of Leo II of ARMENIA , King of Armenia

1 Leo II of ARMENIA , King of Armenia
  =Isabella of ANTIOCH
    2 Stephanie of ARMENIA
      =John I of BRIENNE , King of Jerusalem
  =Sibylla of Jerusalem and CYPRUS
    2 Isabella of ARMENIA
      =Hethoum of LAMPRON
        3 Euphemia of ARMENIA
          =Julian of SIDON
          =Julian of SIDON
        3 Maria of ARMENIA
          =Guy of CYPRUS
        3 Sibylla of ARMENIA
          =Bohemond VI of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch
        3 Leo III of ARMENIA
          =Anna of LAMPRON
        3 Thoros of ARMENIA
      =Philip of ANTIOCH

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Father: Hethoum of LAMPRON
Mother: Isabella of ARMENIA
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Anna of LAMPRON
Child: Maria-Xene of ARMENIA
Child: Sempad I of ARMENIA
Child: Isabella of ARMENIA
Child: Hethoum II of ARMENIA
Child: Thoros III of ARMENIA
Child: Constantine II ARMENIA
Child: Oshin of ARMENIA

Ancestors of Leo III of ARMENIA

                               /-Vasac of LAMPRON
                    /-Constantine of ARMENIA , Regent of Armenia
         /-Hethoum of LAMPRON
         |          |          /-Hethoum of LAMPRON
         |          \-Daughter of HETHOUM
         |                     \-Daughter of ARMENIA
         |                     /-Stephen of ARMENIA
         |          /-Leo II of ARMENIA , King of Armenia
         |          |          \-Daughter of LAMPRON
         \-Isabella of ARMENIA
                    |          /-Amalric II of LUSIGNAN , King of Jerusalem
                    \-Sibylla of Jerusalem and CYPRUS
                               \-Queen Isabelle I of JERUSALEM

Descendents of Leo III of ARMENIA

  =Anna of LAMPRON
    2 Maria-Xene of ARMENIA
      =Emperor Michael IX Palaeologus of BYZANTIUM
        3 Manuel Palaeologus of BYZANTIUM
        3 Emperor Andronicus III Palaeologus of BYZANTIUM
          =Johanna (Anna) of SAVOY
          =Adelheid-Irene of BRUNSWICK-GRUBENHAGEN
        3 Anna Palaeologina of BYZANTIUM
          =Thomas of EPIRUS , Despot of Epirus
          =Nicholas ORSINI , Count of Cephalonia
        3 Theodora of BYZANTIUM
          =Michael III SISMAN
          =Theodore SVETOSLAV  Marriage: 1307
    2 Sempad I of ARMENIA
      =Isabella of CYPRUS
    2 Isabella of ARMENIA
      =Almaric of CYPRUS , Governor of Cyprus
        3 Agnes of (Tyre) CYPRUS
          =Leo IV of ARMENIA
        3 Guy I of CYPRUS
          =Daughter of SYRGIANES
          =Daughter CANTACUZENA
        3 Bohemond of CORYCUS , Count of Corycus
          =Euphemia of NEGHIR
        3 John of CYPRUS
          =Soldana of GEORGIA
    2 Hethoum II of ARMENIA
    2 Thoros III of ARMENIA
      =Margaret of CYPRUS
        3 Leo IV of ARMENIA
          =Agnes of (Tyre) CYPRUS
    2 Constantine II ARMENIA
    2 Oshin of ARMENIA
      =Isabella of CYPRUS
        3 Leo V of ARMENIA
          =Constanza of Aragon of SICILY
          =Alice of KIRAKOS
      =Joanna of ANJOU-TARANTO
        3 Maria of ARMENIA

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Father: Thoros III of ARMENIA
Mother: Margaret of CYPRUS
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Agnes of (Tyre) CYPRUS

Ancestors of Leo IV of ARMENIA

                               /-Hethoum of LAMPRON
                    /-Leo III of ARMENIA
                    |          \-Isabella of ARMENIA
         /-Thoros III of ARMENIA
         |          \-Anna of LAMPRON
         \-Margaret of CYPRUS

Descendents of Leo IV of ARMENIA

  =Agnes of (Tyre) CYPRUS

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Father: Oshin of ARMENIA
Mother: Isabella of CYPRUS
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Constanza of Aragon of SICILY
Partnership with: Alice of KIRAKOS

Ancestors of Leo V of ARMENIA

                               /-Hethoum of LAMPRON
                    /-Leo III of ARMENIA
                    |          \-Isabella of ARMENIA
         /-Oshin of ARMENIA
         |          \-Anna of LAMPRON
         \-Isabella of CYPRUS

Descendents of Leo V of ARMENIA

1 Leo V of ARMENIA
  =Constanza of Aragon of SICILY
  =Alice of KIRAKOS

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Father: John of CYPRUS
Mother: Soldana of GEORGIA
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Margaret of SOISSONS

Ancestors of Leo VI of ARMENIA

                               /-Hugh III of CYPRUS , King of Cyprus
                    /-Almaric of CYPRUS , Governor of Cyprus
                    |          \-Isabella of Cyprus of IBELIN
         /-John of CYPRUS
         |          |          /-Leo III of ARMENIA
         |          \-Isabella of ARMENIA
         |                     \-Anna of LAMPRON
         \-Soldana of GEORGIA

Descendents of Leo VI of ARMENIA

  =Margaret of SOISSONS

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Maria-Xene of ARMENIA

Father: Leo III of ARMENIA
Mother: Anna of LAMPRON
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Emperor Michael IX Palaeologus of BYZANTIUM
Child: Manuel Palaeologus of BYZANTIUM
Child: Emperor Andronicus III Palaeologus of BYZANTIUM Birth: 1301
Child: Anna Palaeologina of BYZANTIUM
Child: Theodora of BYZANTIUM

Ancestors of Maria-Xene of ARMENIA

                               /-Constantine of ARMENIA , Regent of Armenia
                    /-Hethoum of LAMPRON
                    |          \-Daughter of HETHOUM
         /-Leo III of ARMENIA
         |          |          /-Leo II of ARMENIA , King of Armenia
         |          \-Isabella of ARMENIA
         |                     \-Sibylla of Jerusalem and CYPRUS
Maria-Xene of ARMENIA
         \-Anna of LAMPRON

Descendents of Maria-Xene of ARMENIA

1 Maria-Xene of ARMENIA
  =Emperor Michael IX Palaeologus of BYZANTIUM
    2 Manuel Palaeologus of BYZANTIUM
    2 Emperor Andronicus III Palaeologus of BYZANTIUM
      =Johanna (Anna) of SAVOY
        3 Despot MICHAEL
        3 Irene of BYZANTIUM
          =Michael ASEN
        3 Maria of BYZANTIUM
          =Francesco GATTILUSIO II, Ruler of Lesbos
        3 Emperor John V Palaeologus of BYZANTIUM
          =Helena CANTACUZENA  Marriage: 27 MAY 1347
      =Adelheid-Irene of BRUNSWICK-GRUBENHAGEN
        3 Son Palaeologus of BYZANTIUM
    2 Anna Palaeologina of BYZANTIUM
      =Thomas of EPIRUS , Despot of Epirus
      =Nicholas ORSINI , Count of Cephalonia
    2 Theodora of BYZANTIUM
      =Michael III SISMAN
      =Theodore SVETOSLAV  Marriage: 1307

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Maria of ARMENIA

Father: Oshin of ARMENIA
Mother: Joanna of ANJOU-TARANTO
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: CONSTANTINE III
Child: OSHIN
Child: LEO

Ancestors of Maria of ARMENIA

                               /-Hethoum of LAMPRON
                    /-Leo III of ARMENIA
                    |          \-Isabella of ARMENIA
         /-Oshin of ARMENIA
         |          \-Anna of LAMPRON
Maria of ARMENIA
         \-Joanna of ANJOU-TARANTO

Descendents of Maria of ARMENIA

1 Maria of ARMENIA
    2  OSHIN
    2  LEO

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Maria of ARMENIA , Heiress of Toron

Father: Raymond-Roupen of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch
Mother: Helvis (Lusignan) of CYPRUS
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Philip of MONTFORT , Lord of Tyre
Child: John of TYRE , Lord of Tyre and Toron
Child: Humphrey of TYRE , Lord of Tyre and Beirut

Ancestors of Maria of ARMENIA , Heiress of Toron

                    /-Raymond of ANTIOCH
         /-Raymond-Roupen of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch
         |          |          /-Roupen III of ARMENIA , Prince of Armenia
         |          \-Alice of ARMENIA
         |                     \-Isabella of TORUN
Maria of ARMENIA , Heiress of Toron
         |                     /-Amery I DE LUSIGNAN
         |          /-Amalric II of LUSIGNAN , King of Jerusalem
         \-Helvis (Lusignan) of CYPRUS
                    |          /-Baldwin of Ramleh of IBELIN
                    \-Eschiva of RAMLEH
                               \-Richelda of BEISAN

Descendents of Maria of ARMENIA , Heiress of Toron

1 Maria of ARMENIA , Heiress of Toron
  =Philip of MONTFORT , Lord of Tyre
    2 John of TYRE , Lord of Tyre and Toron
      =Margaret of LUSIGNAN-ANTIOCH
    2 Humphrey of TYRE , Lord of Tyre and Beirut
      =Eschiva of IBELIN , Heiress of Beirut
        3  ROUPEN

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Maria of ARMENIA

Father: Hethoum of LAMPRON
Mother: Isabella of ARMENIA
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Guy of CYPRUS
Child: Thoros of CYPRUS
Child: Isabella of CYPRUS

Ancestors of Maria of ARMENIA

                               /-Vasac of LAMPRON
                    /-Constantine of ARMENIA , Regent of Armenia
         /-Hethoum of LAMPRON
         |          |          /-Hethoum of LAMPRON
         |          \-Daughter of HETHOUM
         |                     \-Daughter of ARMENIA
Maria of ARMENIA
         |                     /-Stephen of ARMENIA
         |          /-Leo II of ARMENIA , King of Armenia
         |          |          \-Daughter of LAMPRON
         \-Isabella of ARMENIA
                    |          /-Amalric II of LUSIGNAN , King of Jerusalem
                    \-Sibylla of Jerusalem and CYPRUS
                               \-Queen Isabelle I of JERUSALEM

Descendents of Maria of ARMENIA

1 Maria of ARMENIA
  =Guy of CYPRUS
    2 Thoros of CYPRUS
      =Sibylla de la Roche of ATHENS
    2 Isabella of CYPRUS
      =Hethoum of ARMENIA

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