Elizabeth DEMING - Ingeborg Valdemarsdottir of DENMARK

Elizabeth DEMING

Father: Jonathan DEMING
Mother: Elizabeth GILBERT
Birth: 1595, England
Death: 28 JUL 1683

Partnership with: Nathaniel FOOTE
Child: Mary FOOTE
Child: Elizabeth FOOTE Birth: ABT. 1616, England

Ancestors of Elizabeth DEMING

         /-Jonathan DEMING
Elizabeth DEMING
         |          /-Josiah GILBERT
         \-Elizabeth GILBERT
                    \-Elizabeth Bachelor GREGORY

Descendents of Elizabeth DEMING

1 Elizabeth DEMING
  =Nathaniel FOOTE
    2 Mary FOOTE
      =John GOODRICH  Marriage: APR 1674
    2 Elizabeth FOOTE
      =Josiah CHURCHILL  Marriage: 1638, Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut
        3 Hannah CHURCHILL
          =Samuel ROYCE  Marriage: 9 JAN 1667, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut

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Birth: 1615, Shalford, England
Birth: 1615
Death: 21 NOV 1705

Partnership with: Honor TREAT
Marriage: 1637
Child: Mercy DEMING Birth: 1650

Descendents of John DEMING

  =Honor TREAT  Marriage: 1637
    2 Mercy DEMING
      =Joseph CURTIS  Marriage: 8 FEB 1674, Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut
        3 Thomas CURTIS
          =Mary GOODRICH
          =Rachel MORGAN
        3 David CURTIS
          =Abigail GOODRICH  Marriage: 25 APR 1706, Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Mary GRAVES
Marriage: 5 JUN 1684

Descendents of John DEMING

  =Mary GRAVES  Marriage: 5 JUN 1684

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Jonathan DEMING

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Elizabeth GILBERT
Marriage: ABT. 1593, Essex, England
Child: Elizabeth DEMING Birth: 1595, England

Descendents of Jonathan DEMING

1 Jonathan DEMING
  =Elizabeth GILBERT  Marriage: ABT. 1593, Essex, England
    2 Elizabeth DEMING
      =Nathaniel FOOTE
        3 Mary FOOTE
          =John GOODRICH  Marriage: APR 1674
        3 Elizabeth FOOTE
          =Josiah CHURCHILL  Marriage: 1638, Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Thomas BEARDSLEE
Child: Esther BEARDSLEE

Descendents of Mary DEMING

    2 Esther BEARDSLEE
      =Benjamin DE FOREST  Marriage: 18 APR 1744, Stratford, Connecticut

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Father: John DEMING
Mother: Honor TREAT
Birth: 1650
Death: 17 DEC 1714

Partnership with: Joseph CURTIS
Marriage: 8 FEB 1674, Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut
Child: Thomas CURTIS Birth: 1680
Child: David CURTIS Birth: 29 NOV 1682, Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut

Ancestors of Mercy DEMING

         /-John DEMING
         |                     /-Robert TREAT
         |          /-Richard TREAT
         |          |          \- HONOURA
         \-Honor TREAT
                    |          /-Hugh GAYLORD
                    \-Alice GAYLORD
                               \- JOAN

Descendents of Mercy DEMING

1 Mercy DEMING
  =Joseph CURTIS  Marriage: 8 FEB 1674, Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut
    2 Thomas CURTIS
      =Mary GOODRICH
      =Rachel MORGAN
    2 David CURTIS
      =Abigail GOODRICH  Marriage: 25 APR 1706, Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut

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Jonathan DEMMING

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Elizabeth GILBERT

Descendents of Jonathan DEMMING

1 Jonathan DEMMING
  =Elizabeth GILBERT

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Joseph DEMMING , Jr.

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Bathsheba SAGE
Marriage: 17 APR 1760

Descendents of Joseph DEMMING , Jr.

1 Joseph DEMMING , Jr.
  =Bathsheba SAGE  Marriage: 17 APR 1760

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Caterina van DEN BERG

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Cornelis WINNE

Descendents of Caterina van DEN BERG

1 Caterina van DEN BERG
  =Cornelis WINNE

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Catherine van DEN BERGHE

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Jacques I Meeuve of BRABANT
Child: Marie Meeuve of BRABANT
Child: Katharine Meeuve of BRABANT

Descendents of Catherine van DEN BERGHE

1 Catherine van DEN BERGHE
  =Jacques I Meeuve of BRABANT
    2 Marie Meeuve of BRABANT
      =Ludwig of the BORCHT
    2 Katharine Meeuve of BRABANT
      =John of the TYMPEL

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Anna Myndertse van DEN BOGART

Father: Myndaert Harmense VAN DER BOGART
Birth: 1683
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Pieter Cornellise VIELE
Marriage: 17 MAR 1704, Albany, New York
Child: Suster VIELE Birth: ABT. 29 APR 1705

Ancestors of Anna Myndertse van DEN BOGART

                               /-Myndert VAN DER BOGART
                    /-Harman Myndertse VAN DER BOGART
         /-Myndaert Harmense VAN DER BOGART
         |          |          /-Claes SWITS
         |          \-Gillesje Claes SWITS
         |                     \- ARIENTIE
Anna Myndertse van DEN BOGART
         |                     /-Jan SCHERMERHORN
         |          /-Jacob Janse SCHERMERHORN
         \-Helena SCHERMERHORN
                    |          /-Cornelius Segertse VAN EGMONT
                    \-Janette Egmont VAN VOORHOUT
                               \-Brechtje JACOBS

Descendents of Anna Myndertse van DEN BOGART

1 Anna Myndertse van DEN BOGART
  =Pieter Cornellise VIELE  Marriage: 17 MAR 1704, Albany, New York
    2 Suster VIELE
      =Myndert VAN GYSELING  Marriage: 1721
        3 Elias VAN GYSELING
          =Elizabeth QUACKENBOS  Marriage: 17 SEP 1763
        3 Jacob VAN GYSELING
          =Helena LANSING
          =Jeanetje FELING  Marriage: 3 JUN 1773
        3 Pieter VAN GYSELING
          =Anna (Annatje) BECK

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Arnold Adriaensz Van DEN BURCHGRAEFF

Father: Adriaen BURCHGRAVE
Birth: ABT. 1522, Herto Genbusch, Holland
Death: Hansoen, Holland

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Adriaen Van DEN BURGHGRAEFF Birth: ABT. 1561, Hensden, South Holland

Ancestors of Arnold Adriaensz Van DEN BURCHGRAEFF

                               /-Dirck de Burggrave DIRKSON
                    /-Dirck DE BURGRAEF
                    |          \-Margareth HONTAPPEL
         /-Adriaen BURCHGRAVE
         |          \-Gertrude BRANT
Arnold Adriaensz Van DEN BURCHGRAEFF

Descendents of Arnold Adriaensz Van DEN BURCHGRAEFF

1 Arnold Adriaensz Van DEN BURCHGRAEFF
    2 Adriaen Van DEN BURGHGRAEFF
        3 Hendrick Adrienje VAN DER BURCHGRAEFF
          =Annetje JANSE  Marriage: 1598

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Catharina Van DEN BURG

Father: Matthys Van DEN BURG
Mother: Rebecca HANER
Birth: BEF. 16 OCT 1739
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Catharina Van DEN BURG

         /-Matthys Van DEN BURG
Catharina Van DEN BURG
         |                     /-Curdt (Conrad) HANER
         |          /-Johannes HANER
         |          |          \-Anna SCHAUBEN
         \-Rebecca HANER
                    |          /-Hans Jacob (Mustirr) MONSIEUR
                    \-Catharina (Mustirr) MONSIEUR
                               \-Anna Catharine BOHMER

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Johannes Van DEN BURG

Father: Matthys Van DEN BURG
Mother: Rebecca HANER
Birth: BEF. 8 FEB 1747
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Johannes Van DEN BURG

         /-Matthys Van DEN BURG
Johannes Van DEN BURG
         |                     /-Curdt (Conrad) HANER
         |          /-Johannes HANER
         |          |          \-Anna SCHAUBEN
         \-Rebecca HANER
                    |          /-Hans Jacob (Mustirr) MONSIEUR
                    \-Catharina (Mustirr) MONSIEUR
                               \-Anna Catharine BOHMER

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Matthys Van DEN BURG

Father: Matthys Van DEN BURG
Mother: Rebecca HANER
Birth: BEF. 7 SEP 1755
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Matthys Van DEN BURG

         /-Matthys Van DEN BURG
Matthys Van DEN BURG
         |                     /-Curdt (Conrad) HANER
         |          /-Johannes HANER
         |          |          \-Anna SCHAUBEN
         \-Rebecca HANER
                    |          /-Hans Jacob (Mustirr) MONSIEUR
                    \-Catharina (Mustirr) MONSIEUR
                               \-Anna Catharine BOHMER

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Matthys Van DEN BURG

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Rebecca HANER
Marriage: 5 JUL 1734
Child: Catharina Van DEN BURG Birth: BEF. 16 OCT 1739
Child: Peter Van DEN BURG Birth: BEF. 2 JUN 1744
Child: Johannes Van DEN BURG Birth: BEF. 8 FEB 1747
Child: Matthys Van DEN BURG Birth: BEF. 7 SEP 1755

Descendents of Matthys Van DEN BURG

1 Matthys Van DEN BURG
  =Rebecca HANER  Marriage: 5 JUL 1734
    2 Catharina Van DEN BURG
    2 Peter Van DEN BURG
    2 Johannes Van DEN BURG
    2 Matthys Van DEN BURG

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Peter Van DEN BURG

Father: Matthys Van DEN BURG
Mother: Rebecca HANER
Birth: BEF. 2 JUN 1744
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Peter Van DEN BURG

         /-Matthys Van DEN BURG
Peter Van DEN BURG
         |                     /-Curdt (Conrad) HANER
         |          /-Johannes HANER
         |          |          \-Anna SCHAUBEN
         \-Rebecca HANER
                    |          /-Hans Jacob (Mustirr) MONSIEUR
                    \-Catharina (Mustirr) MONSIEUR
                               \-Anna Catharine BOHMER

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Father: Arnold Adriaensz Van DEN BURCHGRAEFF
Birth: ABT. 1561, Hensden, South Holland
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Hendrick Adrienje VAN DER BURCHGRAEFF Birth: ABT. 1582, Laeckervelt, Holland

Ancestors of Adriaen Van DEN BURGHGRAEFF

                               /-Dirck DE BURGRAEF
                    /-Adriaen BURCHGRAVE
                    |          \-Gertrude BRANT
         /-Arnold Adriaensz Van DEN BURCHGRAEFF

Descendents of Adriaen Van DEN BURGHGRAEFF

    2 Hendrick Adrienje VAN DER BURCHGRAEFF
      =Annetje JANSE  Marriage: 1598
        3 Mayken Hendrickse VAN DER BURCHGRAEFF
          =Cornelius Hendrikse VAN NESS  Marriage: 31 JUL 1625
        3 Adrien Hendrick VAN DER BURCHGRAEFF

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Wouter Albertsz van DEN UYTHOFF

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Elizabeth Hendrickse ten KATE
Marriage: FEB 1654

Descendents of Wouter Albertsz van DEN UYTHOFF

1 Wouter Albertsz van DEN UYTHOFF
  =Elizabeth Hendrickse ten KATE  Marriage: FEB 1654

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Stephan of DENAIN

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Richardis of MONS

Descendents of Stephan of DENAIN

1 Stephan of DENAIN
  =Richardis of MONS

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Mother: Alice of CLERMONT
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Jean I of CHALON

Ancestors of Alix of DENDERMONDE

                               /-William II of DAMPIERRE
                    /-Guido I of FLANDERS , Count of Flanders
                    |          \-Margaret II of Hainault and FLANDERS
         |          \-Mathilde of BETHUNE-DENDERMONDE
         \-Alice of CLERMONT

Descendents of Alix of DENDERMONDE

  =Jean I of CHALON

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Mother: Alice of CLERMONT
Death: 1342

Partnership with: Gerhard IV of Diest and ANTWERP
Partnership with: Otto of CUYCK

Ancestors of Johanna of DENDERMONDE

                               /-William II of DAMPIERRE
                    /-Guido I of FLANDERS , Count of Flanders
                    |          \-Margaret II of Hainault and FLANDERS
         |          \-Mathilde of BETHUNE-DENDERMONDE
         \-Alice of CLERMONT

Descendents of Johanna of DENDERMONDE

1 Johanna of DENDERMONDE
  =Gerhard IV of Diest and ANTWERP
  =Otto of CUYCK

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Father: Guido I of FLANDERS , Count of Flanders
Death: ABT. 1312

Partnership with: Alice of CLERMONT
Child: Jean of CREVECOEUR
Child: Jean I of CHALON
Child: William of Nevele and Dendermonde of CHATEAUDUN
Child: Jean of Crevecoeur of CHATEAUDUN
Child: Johanna of DENDERMONDE
Child: Guy V of RICHEBOURG
Child: Marie of CHATEAUDUN
Child: Alix of DENDERMONDE
Child: Mathilde of CREVECOEUR
Child: Isabelle of CREVECOEUR
Child: Isabelle of BRIOS


                               /-Guido of DAMPIERRE
                    /-William II of DAMPIERRE
                    |          \-Mathilde of BOURBON
         /-Guido I of FLANDERS , Count of Flanders
         |          |          /-Baldwin IX (VI) of FLANDERS , Count of Flanders
         |          \-Margaret II of Hainault and FLANDERS
         |                     \-Marie of CHAMPAGNE
         \-Mathilde of BETHUNE-DENDERMONDE

Descendents of William IV of DENDERMONDE-CREVECOEUR

  =Alice of CLERMONT
    2 Jean of CREVECOEUR
    2 Jean I of CHALON
      =Alix of DENDERMONDE
    2 William of Nevele and Dendermonde of CHATEAUDUN
      =Maria of VIANDEN
    2 Jean of Crevecoeur of CHATEAUDUN
      =Beatrix of CHATILLON
        3 Alix of RICHEBOURG
          =Jean I of LUXEMBURG
        3 Marie of NEVELE
          =Enguerrand of AMBOIS
        3 Marguerite of Crevecoeur of CHATEAUDUN
          =William of Craon of CHATEAUDUN
        3 Johanna of CREVECOUR
          =Miles X of Noyers of JOIGNY
    2 Johanna of DENDERMONDE
      =Gerhard IV of Diest and ANTWERP
      =Otto of CUYCK
    2 Guy V of RICHEBOURG
      =Marie D'ENGHIEN
      =Beatrix of PUTTEN
    2 Marie of CHATEAUDUN
      =Robert VII of Auvergne and BOULOGNE
    2 Alix of DENDERMONDE
      =Jean I of CHALON
    2 Mathilde of CREVECOEUR
    2 Isabelle of CREVECOEUR
    2 Isabelle of BRIOS

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: James PALMER
Child: Elizabeth PALMER

Descendents of Sarah DENHAM

1 Sarah DENHAM
  =James PALMER
    2 Elizabeth PALMER
      =Benjamin FINCH  Marriage: 18 APR 1717
        3 Anna FINCH
        3 Rebecca FINCH
        3 Benjamin FINCH
          =Sarah KNAPP  Marriage: 13 DEC 1750

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Teunise VAN WOERT
Child: Elizabeth Teunise VAN WOERT

Descendents of Sarah DENIJS

1 Sarah DENIJS
  =Teunise VAN WOERT
    2 Elizabeth Teunise VAN WOERT
      =Jacobus PEECK
        3 Sarah PEECK
          =Philip GROOT
        3 Annatje PEECK
          =Joseph CLEMENT
        3 Ludovicus PEECK
        3 Margriet PEECK
        3 Elisabeth PEECK
          =Joost VAN SICE
          =Cornelis VANDER VOLGEN
        3 Maria PEECK
          =Simon Danielse VAN ANTWERPEN  Marriage: 22 DEC 1706
        3 Jacobus PEECK
          =Margarite VAN SLYCK
        3 Johannes PEECK
          =Annatje VEDDER

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Edward DENISON , Captain

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Elizabeth WELD
Marriage: 30 MAR 1641, Roxbury, Suffolk County, Massachusetts

Descendents of Edward DENISON , Captain

1 Edward DENISON , Captain
  =Elizabeth WELD  Marriage: 30 MAR 1641, Roxbury, Suffolk County, Massachusetts

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George DENISON , Jr.

Death: 1711, Westerly, Rhode Island

Partnership with: Mercy GORHAM

Descendents of George DENISON , Jr.

1 George DENISON , Jr.
  =Mercy GORHAM

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Birth: BET. 1618 - 1620, Bishop Stortford, Hertfordshire, Eng.
Interred: 10 DEC 1620, Stratford, Hertford, Eng.
Death: 9 JUL 1689, New London, New London, CT

Partnership with: Bridget THOMPSON
Marriage: MAY 1640, Roxbury, Norfolk, MA
Child: Sarah DENISON Birth: 20 MAR 1641, Roxbury, Norfolk County, Massachusetts

Descendents of George DENISON

1 George DENISON
  =Bridget THOMPSON  Marriage: MAY 1640, Roxbury, Norfolk, MA
    2 Sarah DENISON
      =Thomas STANTON  Marriage: 1658, Stonington, New London County, Connecticut
        3 Mary STANTON
          =Robert LAY  Marriage: 22 JAN 1679, Saybrook, Middlesex County, Connecticut

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Birth: ABT. 1640
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Joseph SAXTON
Child: Mercy SAXTON Birth: 30 MAY 1686, Stonington, Connecticut

Descendents of Hannah DENISON

1 Hannah DENISON
  =Joseph SAXTON
    2 Mercy SAXTON
      =Isaac BAILEY
        3 Joseph BAILEY
          =Abigail INGRAHAM  Marriage: 12 MAY 1724
        3 Mary BAILEY
          =John TICKNOR  Marriage: 14 MAY 1724, Lebanon, Connecticut
        3 Isaac BAILEY
          =Abigail HUNT
        3 Saxton BAILEY
          =Hannah HUNT

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Martha SYMONDS

Descendents of John DENISON

  =Martha SYMONDS

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Father: Unknown DENISON
Mother: Mary WETHERELL
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Unknown HARRIS
Child: Ebenezer HARRIS

Ancestors of Phebe DENISON

         /-Unknown DENISON
         |                     /-William WETHERELL
         |          /-Daniel WETHERELL
         |          |          \-Mary FISHER
         \-Mary WETHERELL
                    |          /-Jonathan BREWSTER
                    \-Grace BREWSTER
                               \-Lucretia OLDHAM

Descendents of Phebe DENISON

  =Unknown HARRIS
    2 Ebenezer HARRIS

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Return BADCOCK
Child: Dorothy BADCOCK Birth: 10 JAN 1684, Bristol, Rhode Island

Descendents of Sarah DENISON

  =Return BADCOCK
    2 Dorothy BADCOCK
      =Jacques PINEO  Marriage: MAY 1706, Bristol, Bristol County, Rhode Island
        3 James PINEO
        3 Elizabeth PINEO
        3 Sarah PINEO
        3 Daniel PINEO
        3 Submit PINEO
          =Silas NEWCOMB  Marriage: 5 MAR 1739, Lebanon, New London County, Connecticut
        3 Dea James PINEO
        3 Joseph PINEO
        3 Peter PINEO
        3 Dorothy PINEO

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Father: George DENISON
Mother: Bridget THOMPSON
Birth: 20 MAR 1641, Roxbury, Norfolk County, Massachusetts
Death: 17 DEC 1701, Stonington, New London County, Connecticut

Partnership with: Thomas STANTON
Marriage: 1658, Stonington, New London County, Connecticut
Child: Mary STANTON Birth: 1660, Saybrook, Middlesex County, Connecticut

Ancestors of Sarah DENISON

         /-George DENISON
         \-Bridget THOMPSON

Descendents of Sarah DENISON

  =Thomas STANTON  Marriage: 1658, Stonington, New London County, Connecticut
    2 Mary STANTON
      =Robert LAY  Marriage: 22 JAN 1679, Saybrook, Middlesex County, Connecticut
        3 Temperance LAY
          =Joseph GRISWOLD  Marriage: 29 DEC 1714, Killingworth, Middlesex County, Connecticut

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Mary WETHERELL
Child: Phebe DENISON

Descendents of Unknown DENISON

1 Unknown DENISON
    2 Phebe DENISON
      =Unknown HARRIS
        3 Ebenezer HARRIS

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Mary BOREMAN

Descendents of Unknown DENISON

1 Unknown DENISON

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Death: 1661

Partnership with: Thomas AYLESBURY , Sir
Marriage: 3 OCT 1611
Child: Frances AYLESBURY

Descendents of Anne DENMAN

  =Thomas AYLESBURY , Sir  Marriage: 3 OCT 1611
    2 Frances AYLESBURY
      =Edward HYDE , Earl of Clarendon 1  Marriage: 10 JUL 1634
        3 Anne HYDE
          =King James II Stuart of BRITAIN  Marriage: 24 NOV 1659, Breda, Holland
        3 Francis (Catherine) HYDE , Lady
          =Thomas KEIGHTLEY , Rt Hon.

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Christian DENMAN

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Nicholas PATCH

Descendents of Christian DENMAN

1 Christian DENMAN
  =Nicholas PATCH

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Thomas BEARDSLEY

Descendents of Sarah DENMAN

1 Sarah DENMAN
    2 Mary BEARDSLEY
      =Peter MALLORY
        3 Mary MALLORY
          =Lemuel HOTCHKISS  Marriage: 2 JAN 1757, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut
        3 Peter MALLORY
          =Mary MUNSON  Marriage: 17 FEB 1756, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut
        3 Charity MALLORY
          =Jesse HOTCHKISS  Marriage: 2 OCT 1759, Waterbury, New Haven County, Connecticut
        3 Jonah MALLORY
          =Hannah SMITH
        3 Samuel MALLORY
        3 Urank MALLORY
          =Elemuel HOADLEY  Marriage: 5 JAN 1767, Waterbury, New Haven County, Connecticut
        3 Elisha MALLORY
          =Esther CHATTERTON  Marriage: 13 JAN 1762, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut
        3 Andrew MALLORY
        3 Eliakim MALLORY
          =Olive JOHNSON
          =Sarah BRADLEY  Marriage: 13 OCT 1771, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut

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Astrid ( Margaret) Svendsdottir of DENMARK

Father: King Sven I Forkbeard Haraldsson of DENMARK
Mother: Sigrid (Swietoslawa) Storrade the HAUGHTY
Birth: ABT. 967
Death: 9 MAY 1020

Partnership with: Richard II "Good" of NORMANDY , Duke of Normandy
Marriage: 1017
Partnership with: Ulf (Wolf) THORKILSSON , Jarl of Denmark
Marriage: ABT. 1018
Child: Beorn Ulfsen in ENGLAND , Earl in England
Child: Asbjorn ULFSEN , Earl in England
Child: King Svend II Estridsen of DENMARK Birth: ABT. 1019
Partnership with: Robert I "the Devil" of NORMANDY
Marriage: 1031

Ancestors of Astrid ( Margaret) Svendsdottir of DENMARK

                               /-King Gorm the Old of JUTLAND , King of Denmark
                    /-King Harald II Gormsson Bluetooth of DENMARK
                    |          \-Thyra KLACKSDOTTIR
         /-King Sven I  Forkbeard Haraldsson of DENMARK
         |          \-Gyrid OLAFFSDOTTIR
Astrid ( Margaret) Svendsdottir of DENMARK
         |                     /-Ziemomysl (Ziemonislaw) of POLAND
         |          /-King Mieczislaw (Burislaf) I of POLAND
         |          |          \- GORKA
         \-Sigrid (Swietoslawa) Storrade the HAUGHTY
                    |          /-Boleslav I the Terrible of BOHEMIA
                    \-Dobravy of BOHEMIA
                               \-Adiva of ENGLAND

Descendents of Astrid ( Margaret) Svendsdottir of DENMARK

1 Astrid ( Margaret) Svendsdottir of DENMARK
  =Richard II "Good" of NORMANDY , Duke of Normandy  Marriage: 1017
  =Ulf (Wolf) THORKILSSON , Jarl of Denmark  Marriage: ABT. 1018
    2 Beorn Ulfsen in ENGLAND , Earl in England
        3 Asmund Bjornsen ENGLAND
    2 Asbjorn ULFSEN , Earl in England
        3 Margaret ASBJORNSDOTTIR
          =King Harald IV Hen Svendsson of DENMARK
    2 King Svend II Estridsen of DENMARK
      =Concubine of SVEN
        3 King Svein Svendsson of DENMARK
      =Gunnhild SVEINSDOTTIR
        3 Sigrid Svensdottir of DENMARK
          =Gottschalk of WENDEN , Prince of Wenden
        3 King Harald IV Hen Svendsson of DENMARK
          =Margaret ASBJORNSDOTTIR
        3 Benedict SVENSSON
        3 King Knud (St.) II Svendsson the Holy of DENMARK
          =Adele of FLANDERS  Marriage: ABT. 1080
        3 King Olof I Svendsson Hunger of DENMARK
          =Ingigerd HARALDSDOTTIR
        3 Bjorn SVENSSON
        3 King Erik I Svendsson the Evergood of DENMARK
          =Bothilde THORGUNNASDOTTIR
          =Concubine of ERIC
        3 Ragnhild SVENSDDOTTIR
          =Svein ASLAKSSON
        3 Thorgil SVENSSON
        3 Sigurd SVENSSON
        3 Guttorm SVENSSON
        3 Eymund SVENSSON
        3 Ulf SVENSSON
        3 Helen (Gunhild) SVENSDOTTIR
        3 Svend Svensson of DENMARK
          =Florine of BURGUNDY
        3 King Niels Svendsson of DENMARK
          =Margaret (Fredkulla) Frithpoll of SWEDEN  Marriage: ABT. 1105
          =Ulfhild HAKONSDOTTIR
        3 King Magnus of DENMARK
        3 Ingirid Svendsdottir of DENMARK
          =King Olav III Haraldsson the Gentle of NORWAY  Marriage: 1067
      =Benedikt of DENMARK
      =Thorgisl of DENMARK
      =Elisabeth (Ellisif) Jaroslavna of KIEV  Marriage: 1067
  =Robert I "the Devil" of NORMANDY  Marriage: 1031

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Benedikt of DENMARK

Death: 10 JUL 1086

Partnership with: King Svend II Estridsen of DENMARK

Descendents of Benedikt of DENMARK

1 Benedikt of DENMARK
  =King Svend II Estridsen of DENMARK

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Benedikt of DENMARK

Father: King Erik I Svendsson the Evergood of DENMARK
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Benedikt of DENMARK

                               /-Ulf (Wolf) THORKILSSON , Jarl of Denmark
                    /-King Svend II Estridsen of DENMARK
                    |          \-Astrid ( Margaret) Svendsdottir of DENMARK
         /-King Erik I Svendsson the Evergood of DENMARK
         |          |          /-Svein Hakonson of Ladir and NORWAY
         |          \-Gunnhild SVEINSDOTTIR
         |                     \-Daughter OLAFSDOTTIR
Benedikt of DENMARK

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Bjorn Jernsida Haraldson of DENMARK

Father: Harald Kesja of DENMARK , Prince of Denmark
Mother: Ragnhild MAGNUSDOTTIR
Death: 1134

Partnership with: Katarina INGESDOTTIR
Child: Kristina BJORNSDOTTIR

Ancestors of Bjorn Jernsida Haraldson of DENMARK

                               /-King Svend II Estridsen of DENMARK
                    /-King Erik I Svendsson the Evergood of DENMARK
                    |          \-Gunnhild SVEINSDOTTIR
         /-Harald Kesja of DENMARK , Prince of Denmark
         |          \-Concubine of ERIC
Bjorn Jernsida Haraldson of DENMARK
         |                     /-King Olav III Haraldsson the Gentle of NORWAY
         |          /-King Magnus III Olavsson Barelegs of NORWAY
         |          |          \-Thora JOHNSDOTTIR
         \-Ragnhild MAGNUSDOTTIR
                    |          /-King Inge I Stenkilsson the Elder of SWEDEN
                    \-Margaret (Fredkulla) Frithpoll of SWEDEN
                               \- HELEN

Descendents of Bjorn Jernsida Haraldson of DENMARK

1 Bjorn Jernsida Haraldson of DENMARK
    2 Kristina BJORNSDOTTIR
      =King Erik (Saint) Jedvardsson of SWEDEN
        3 King Knut Eriksson of SWEDEN
          =Cecilia JOHNSDOTTIR
        3 Filip ERIKSSON
          =Margaret or KRISTIN
        3 Son of Erik Jedvardsson of SWEDEN
        3 Katharina ERIKSDOTTIR
          =Nils BLAKA
        3 Margaret ERIKSDOTTIR
          =King Sverre Sigurdsson of NORWAY  Marriage: 1185

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Caecilie of DENMARK

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Erich of GOTLAND , Jarl of Gotland
Child: Carl (Eriksen) of GOTLAND

Descendents of Caecilie of DENMARK

1 Caecilie of DENMARK
  =Erich of GOTLAND , Jarl of Gotland
    2 Carl (Eriksen) of GOTLAND
        3 Carl CARLSEN
        3 Knud CARLSEN
        3 Bent CARLSEN

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Cecile Knudsdottir of DENMARK

Father: King Knud (St.) II Svendsson the Holy of DENMARK
Mother: Adele of FLANDERS
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Erich of GOTLAND , Jarl of Gotland
Child: Knud ERIKSEN
Child: Carl (Eriksen) of GOTLAND

Ancestors of Cecile Knudsdottir of DENMARK

                               /-Ulf (Wolf) THORKILSSON , Jarl of Denmark
                    /-King Svend II Estridsen of DENMARK
                    |          \-Astrid ( Margaret) Svendsdottir of DENMARK
         /-King Knud (St.) II Svendsson the Holy of DENMARK
         |          |          /-Svein Hakonson of Ladir and NORWAY
         |          \-Gunnhild SVEINSDOTTIR
         |                     \-Daughter OLAFSDOTTIR
Cecile Knudsdottir of DENMARK
         |                     /-Baldwin V "the Pious"  of FLANDERS
         |          /-Robert I of Flanders and ARTOIS
         |          |          \-Adela (Alix) of FRANCE
         \-Adele of FLANDERS
                    |          /-Bernhard II of (Billung) SAXONY , Duke of Saxony
                    \-Gertrude of SAXONY
                               \-Eilika of SCHWEINFURT

Descendents of Cecile Knudsdottir of DENMARK

1 Cecile Knudsdottir of DENMARK
  =Erich of GOTLAND , Jarl of Gotland
      =Asser RIG
        3 Ingefred ASSERSDATTER
          = PEDER
        3 Esbern SNARRE
          =Helene GUTTORMSDOTTER
          = HOLMFRED
          = INGEBORG
        3 Absalon of ROSKILDE , Bishop of Roskilde
    2 Knud ERIKSEN
    2 Carl (Eriksen) of GOTLAND
        3 Knud CARLSEN
        3 Carl CARLSEN
        3 Bent CARLSEN

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Christina Oldenburg of DENMARK

Father: King Christian II Oldenburg of DENMARK
Mother: Isabella HABSBURG
Birth: 1521
Death: 10 DEC 1590

Partnership with: Francesco II SFORZA , Duke of Milan
Marriage: 4 MAY 1534
Partnership with: Francis I of LORRAINE , Duke of Lorraine
Marriage: 10 JUL 1541
Child: Charles II (III) the Great of LORRAINE Birth: 15 FEB 1543
Child: Renata of LORRAINE Birth: 20 APR 1544, Nancy
Child: Dorothea of LORRAINE Birth: 24 MAY 1545

Ancestors of Christina Oldenburg of DENMARK

                               /-King Christian I (VII) Oldenburg of DENMARK
                    /-King John (Hans) Oldenburg of DENMARK
                    |          \-Dorothea of BRANDENBURG
         /-King Christian II Oldenburg of DENMARK
         |          |          /-Ernst I of Saxony WETTIN , Elector of Saxony
         |          \-Christina of Saxony WETTIN
         |                     \-Elisabeth of BAVARIA
Christina Oldenburg of DENMARK
         |                     /-Maximilian I Habsburg of AUSTRIA
         |          /-King Philip I the Handsome Habsburg of CASTILE
         |          |          \-Maria of BURGUNDY , Queen of Low Countries
         \-Isabella HABSBURG
                    |          /-King Ferdinand V "The Catholic" of SPAIN
                    \-Queen Joanna the Mad (Juana) of CASTILE
                               \-Queen Isabell "The Catholic" of CASTILE

Descendents of Christina Oldenburg of DENMARK

1 Christina Oldenburg of DENMARK
  =Francesco II SFORZA , Duke of Milan  Marriage: 4 MAY 1534
  =Francis I of LORRAINE , Duke of Lorraine  Marriage: 10 JUL 1541
    2 Charles II (III) the Great of LORRAINE
      =Claude of FRANCE
        3 Henry II of LORRAINE , Duke of Lorraine
          =Catherine D'ALBRET , Duchess of Albret
          =Margarete GONZAGA
        3 Christine of LORRAINE
          =Ferdinando I of Tuscany DE'MEDICI
        3 Karl of METZ , Bisho of Metz
        3 Antonie of LORRAINE
          =John William of CLEVES , Julich and Berg
        3 Francis II of Vaudemont of LORRAINE
          =Christina of SALM
        3 Katharina of LORRAINE
        3 Elisabeth Renata of LORRAINE
          =Maximilian I of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
        3 Claude of LORRAINE
        3 Karl of GORZE
        3 Anna of LORRAINE
    2 Renata of LORRAINE
      =William V the Pious WITTELSBACH , Duke of Bavaria
        3 Christoph of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
        3 Christine of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
        3 Maximilian I of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
          =Maria Anna of Austria HABSBURG
          =Elisabeth Renata of LORRAINE
        3 Marie Anna of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
          =Ferdinand II HABSBURG , Holy Roman Emperor  Marriage: 23 APR 1600
        3 Philipp WILLIAM , Bishop of Regensburg
        3 Ferdinand WITTELSBACH , Archbishop of Cologne
        3 Eleonore Magdalena of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
        3 Karl of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
        3 Albrecht VI WITTELSBACH
          =Mechtildis of LEUCHTENBERG
        3 Magdalene of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
          =Wolfgang William of PALATINE-NEUBURG
    2 Dorothea of LORRAINE
      =Marc of Marquis of Varambon RYE

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Daughter of DENMARK

Birth: ABT. 1370
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: William of WESCOTE
Child: Guy of WESCOTE Birth: ABT. 1400

Descendents of Daughter of DENMARK

1 Daughter of DENMARK
  =William of WESCOTE
    2 Guy of WESCOTE
        3 Thomas of WESCOTE
          =Elizabeth LITTLETON

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Daughter of DENMARK

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Henry of RATZEBURG , Count of Ratzeburg
Child: Bernhard I of RATZEBURG , Count of Ratzeburg
Child: Henry of RATZEBURG
Child: Volrad of RATZEBURG

Descendents of Daughter of DENMARK

1 Daughter of DENMARK
  =Henry of RATZEBURG , Count of Ratzeburg
    2 Bernhard I of RATZEBURG , Count of Ratzeburg
      =Margareta of POMMERANIA-SCHLAWE
        3 Bernhard II of RATZEBURG , Count of Ratzeburg
          =Adelheid of WASSEL
    2 Henry of RATZEBURG
    2 Volrad of RATZEBURG

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Dorothea Oldenburg of DENMARK

Father: King Frederick I Oldenburg of DENMARK
Mother: Sophie of POMMERANIA
Birth: 1528
Death: 11 NOV 1575

Partnership with: Christoph of MECKLENBURG-GADEBUSCH
Marriage: 27 OCT 1573
Child: (Margarethe) Elisabeth of MECKLENBURG-GADEBUSCH Birth: 11 JUL 1584

Ancestors of Dorothea Oldenburg of DENMARK

                               /-Dietrich of OLDENBURG-WELSBURG
                    /-King Christian I (VII) Oldenburg of DENMARK
                    |          \-Heilwig of (Holstein) SCHAUENBURG
         /-King Frederick I Oldenburg of DENMARK
         |          |          /-John the Alchemist III of HOHENZOLLERN-NURNBERG
         |          \-Dorothea of BRANDENBURG
         |                     \-Barbara SAXE-WITTENBERG
Dorothea Oldenburg of DENMARK
         |                     /-Erich II of POMMERANIA-WOLGAST
         |          /-Bogislav X of POMMERANIA , Duke of Pommerania
         |          |          \-Sophia of POMMERANIA-STARGARD
         \-Sophie of POMMERANIA
                    |          /-King Casimir IV of POLAND
                    \-Anna of POLAND
                               \-Elisabeth of Austria HABSBURG

Descendents of Dorothea Oldenburg of DENMARK

1 Dorothea Oldenburg of DENMARK
  =Christoph of MECKLENBURG-GADEBUSCH  Marriage: 27 OCT 1573
    2 (Margarethe) Elisabeth of MECKLENBURG-GADEBUSCH
      =John Albrecht II of MECKLENBURG-GUSTROW
        3 John Christoph of MECKLENBURG-GUSTROW
        3 Sophia Elisabeth of MECKLENBURG-GUSTROW
          =August the Younger of BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL
        3 Christine Margarete of MECKLENBURG-GUSTROW
          =Christian Ludwig I of MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN
          =Franz Albrecht of SAXE-LAUENBURG-RATZEBURG
        3 Karl Henry of MECKLENBURG-GUSTROW

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Dorothea Oldenburg of DENMARK

Father: King Frederick I Oldenburg of DENMARK
Mother: Anna of Brandenburg HOHENZOLLERN
Birth: 1 AUG 1504
Death: 11 APR 1547

Partnership with: Albert of Prussia HOHENZOLLERN , Duke of Prussia
Marriage: 1 JUL 1526
Child: Anna Sophie of Prussia HOHENZOLLERN Birth: 11 JUN 1527

Ancestors of Dorothea Oldenburg of DENMARK

                               /-Dietrich of OLDENBURG-WELSBURG
                    /-King Christian I (VII) Oldenburg of DENMARK
                    |          \-Heilwig of (Holstein) SCHAUENBURG
         /-King Frederick I Oldenburg of DENMARK
         |          |          /-John the Alchemist III of HOHENZOLLERN-NURNBERG
         |          \-Dorothea of BRANDENBURG
         |                     \-Barbara SAXE-WITTENBERG
Dorothea Oldenburg of DENMARK
         |                     /-Albrecht Achilles of Brandenburg HOHENZOLLERN
         |          /-John Cicero HOHENZOLLERN , Elector of Brandenburg
         |          |          \-Margarethe Zahringen of BADEN
         \-Anna of Brandenburg HOHENZOLLERN
                    |          /-William III the Brave of Saxony WETTIN
                    \-Margaretha of Saxony WETTIN
                               \-Anna of Austria HABSBURG

Descendents of Dorothea Oldenburg of DENMARK

1 Dorothea Oldenburg of DENMARK
  =Albert of Prussia HOHENZOLLERN , Duke of Prussia  Marriage: 1 JUL 1526
    2 Anna Sophie of Prussia HOHENZOLLERN
      =John Albert I of MECKLENBURG-GUSTROW  Marriage: 24 FEB 1555
          =Sophie of SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP  Marriage: 17 FEB 1588
        3 Sigismund August of MECKLENBURG-IVENACK
          =Klara Maria of POMMERANIA

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Elizabeth Oldenburg of DENMARK

Father: King John (Hans) Oldenburg of DENMARK
Mother: Christina of Saxony WETTIN
Birth: 1485
Death: 10 JUN 1555

Partnership with: Joachim I Nestor Hohenzollern of BRANDENBURG
Marriage: 10 APR 1502
Child: Joachim II Hector Hohenzollern of BRANDENBURG Birth: 9 JAN 1505
Child: Anna HOHENZOLLERN Birth: 1507
Child: Elisabeth of Brandenburg HOHENZOLLERN Birth: 24 AUG 1510
Child: Margarete of BRANDENBURG Birth: 29 SEP 1511
Child: John (II) of Brandenburg-Kustrin HOHENZOLLERN Birth: 3 AUG 1513

Ancestors of Elizabeth Oldenburg of DENMARK

                               /-Dietrich of OLDENBURG-WELSBURG
                    /-King Christian I (VII) Oldenburg of DENMARK
                    |          \-Heilwig of (Holstein) SCHAUENBURG
         /-King John (Hans) Oldenburg of DENMARK
         |          |          /-John the Alchemist III of HOHENZOLLERN-NURNBERG
         |          \-Dorothea of BRANDENBURG
         |                     \-Barbara SAXE-WITTENBERG
Elizabeth Oldenburg of DENMARK
         |                     /-Frederick II the Gentle Wettin of SAXONY
         |          /-Ernst I of Saxony WETTIN , Elector of Saxony
         |          |          \-Margaretha Habsburg of AUSTRIA
         \-Christina of Saxony WETTIN
                    |          /-Albert III the Pious of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
                    \-Elisabeth of BAVARIA
                               \-Anna of BRUNSWICK-GRUBENHAGEN-EINBECK

Descendents of Elizabeth Oldenburg of DENMARK

1 Elizabeth Oldenburg of DENMARK
  =Joachim I Nestor Hohenzollern of BRANDENBURG  Marriage: 10 APR 1502
    2 Joachim II Hector Hohenzollern of BRANDENBURG
      =Magdalena of Saxony WETTIN  Marriage: 6 NOV 1524
        3 John Georg of Brandenburg HOHENZOLLERN
          =Sophie of SILESIA , Duchess of Silesia  Marriage: 15 FEB 1545
          =Sabina of BRANDENBURG-ANSBACH  Marriage: 12 FEB 1548
          =Elisabeth Anna of ANHALT  Marriage: 6 OCT 1577
        3 Barbara of BRANDENBURG
          =Georg II of SILESIA-BRIEG
        3 Frederick of MAGDABURG , Archbishop of Magdeburg
      =Jadwiga of POLAND  Marriage: 1 SEP 1535
        3 Elisabeth of BRANDENBURG
          =Franz Otto of LUNEBURG-CELLE
        3 Sigmund of MAGDEBURG , Archbishop of Magdeburg
        3 Hedwig of BRANDENBURG
        3 Sophie of BRANDENBURG
          =William of ROSENBERG
      =Albert V of MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN  Marriage: 17 JAN 1524
        3 John Albert I of MECKLENBURG-GUSTROW
          =Anna Sophie of Prussia HOHENZOLLERN  Marriage: 24 FEB 1555
          =Elizabeth OLDENBURG  Marriage: 16 FEB 1556
        3 Georg of MECKLENBURG-GUSTROW
        3 Christoph of MECKLENBURG-GADEBUSCH
          =Dorothea Oldenburg of DENMARK  Marriage: 27 OCT 1573
          =Elisabeth of SWEDEN
          =Elizabeth VASA  Marriage: 14 MAY 1581
        3 Karl I of RATZEBURG , Bishop of Ratzeburg
    2 Elisabeth of Brandenburg HOHENZOLLERN
      =Erik I the Elder of BRUNSWICK , Duke of Brunswick  Marriage: 12 MAR 1525
        3 Erik II the Younger of BRUNSWICK
        3 Elisabeth of BRUNSWICK-CALENBERG
          =Georg Ernst of HENNEBERG-SCHLEUSINGEN
          =Sidonia of Saxony WETTIN
          =Dorothea of LORRAINE
          =Katharina of WEDDEN
        3 Anne Marie of BRUNSWICK-CALENBERG
          =Albert of Prussia HOHENZOLLERN , Duke of Prussia  Marriage: 26 FEB 1550
        3 Katharina of BRUNSWICK-CALENBERG
          =William of ROSENBERG
      =Poppo XII of HENNEBERG , Count of Henneberg
    2 Margarete of BRANDENBURG
        3 Georgia of POMMERANIA-WOLGAST
          =Stanislaw of Labiszyn LATALSKI
      =John II of ANHALT-ZERBST
        3 Karl of ANHALT , Prince of Anhalt
          =Anna of POMMERANIA-STETTIN
        3 Maria of ANHALT
        3 Bernhard VII of ANHALT , Prince of Anhalt
        3 Elisabeth of ANHALT
        3 Joachim Ernst of ANHALT , Prince of Anhalt
          =Agnes of BARBY  Marriage: 3 MAR 1560
    2 John (II) of Brandenburg-Kustrin HOHENZOLLERN
        3 Elisabeth of Brandenburg-Kustrin HOHENZOLLERN
          =Georg Frederick I of BRANDENBURG-ANSBACH
        3 Katharina of Brandenburg-Kustrin HOHENZOLLERN
          =Joachim Frederick of Brandenburg HOHENZOLLERN  Marriage: 8 JAN 1570

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Gunhilda (Kunigunde) of DENMARK

Father: King Canute II the Great of England and DENMARK
Mother: Emma of NORMANDY
Birth: ABT. 1020
Death: 18 JUL 1038, Adriatic Coast

Partnership with: Henry III of GERMANY , Holy Roman Emperor
Marriage: 10 JUN 1036, Nimeguen, Germany
Child: Beatrix of SWABIA Birth: ABT. 1038

Ancestors of Gunhilda (Kunigunde) of DENMARK

                               /-King Harald II Gormsson Bluetooth of DENMARK
                    /-King Sven I  Forkbeard Haraldsson of DENMARK
                    |          \-Gyrid OLAFFSDOTTIR
         /-King Canute II the Great of England and DENMARK
         |          |          /-King Mieczislaw (Burislaf) I of POLAND
         |          \-Gunnhild (Swjatoslawa) of POLAND
         |                     \-Dobravy of BOHEMIA
Gunhilda (Kunigunde) of DENMARK
         |                     /-William I " Longsword" of NORMANDY
         |          /-Richard I "the Fearless" of NORMANDY
         |          |          \-Sprota (Adela) of SENLIS
         \-Emma of NORMANDY
                    |          /-Herbastus of CREPON
                    \-Gunnor of CREPON

Descendents of Gunhilda (Kunigunde) of DENMARK

1 Gunhilda (Kunigunde) of DENMARK
  =Henry III of GERMANY , Holy Roman Emperor  Marriage: 10 JUN 1036, Nimeguen, Germany
    2 Beatrix of SWABIA

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Hakon Haraldsson of DENMARK

Father: King Harald II Gormsson Bluetooth of DENMARK
Death: ABT. 987

Ancestors of Hakon Haraldsson of DENMARK

                               /-Harda-Knut (Horda-Knud) SIGURDSSON
                    /-King Gorm the Old of JUTLAND , King of Denmark
         /-King Harald II Gormsson Bluetooth of DENMARK
         |          |          /-King Harald Klack of JUTLAND
         |          \-Thyra KLACKSDOTTIR
Hakon Haraldsson of DENMARK
         \-Gyrid OLAFFSDOTTIR

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Harald Kesja of DENMARK , Prince of Denmark

Father: King Erik I Svendsson the Evergood of DENMARK
Mother: Concubine of ERIC
Death: 1135

Partnership with: Ragnhild MAGNUSDOTTIR
Marriage: Denmark
Child: Bjorn Jernsida Haraldson of DENMARK
Child: Magnus HARALDSSON
Child: Harald HARALDSSON
Child: Sivard HARALDSSON
Child: Benedict HARALDSSON
Child: Mistivint HARALDSSON

Ancestors of Harald Kesja of DENMARK , Prince of Denmark

                               /-Ulf (Wolf) THORKILSSON , Jarl of Denmark
                    /-King Svend II Estridsen of DENMARK
                    |          \-Astrid ( Margaret) Svendsdottir of DENMARK
         /-King Erik I Svendsson the Evergood of DENMARK
         |          |          /-Svein Hakonson of Ladir and NORWAY
         |          \-Gunnhild SVEINSDOTTIR
         |                     \-Daughter OLAFSDOTTIR
Harald Kesja of DENMARK , Prince of Denmark
         \-Concubine of ERIC

Descendents of Harald Kesja of DENMARK , Prince of Denmark

1 Harald Kesja of DENMARK , Prince of Denmark
  =Ragnhild MAGNUSDOTTIR  Marriage: Denmark
    2 Bjorn Jernsida Haraldson of DENMARK
      =Katarina INGESDOTTIR
        3 Kristina BJORNSDOTTIR
          =King Erik (Saint) Jedvardsson of SWEDEN
    2 Magnus HARALDSSON
    2 Harald HARALDSSON
    2 Sivard HARALDSSON
    2 Niels HARALDSSON
    2 Benedict HARALDSSON
    2 Mistivint HARALDSSON

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Helen Valdemarsdottir of DENMARK

Father: King Valdemar I the Great of DENMARK
Mother: Sophie Volodarovna of (Polotzk) NOVGOROD
Birth: 1176
Death: 22 NOV 1233

Partnership with: William of Brunswick-Luneburg of WINCHESTER
Marriage: JUL 1202
Child: Otto I Puer of BRUNSWICK-LUNEBURG Birth: 1204

Ancestors of Helen Valdemarsdottir of DENMARK

                               /-King Erik I Svendsson the Evergood of DENMARK
                    /-Knud Lavard Eriksson of South JUTLAND
                    |          \-Bothilde THORGUNNASDOTTIR
         /-King Valdemar I the Great of DENMARK
         |          |          /-Prince Mstislav I (Harald) the Great of KIEV
         |          \-Ingeborg of NOVGOROD
         |                     \-Kristina Ingesdottir of SWEDEN
Helen Valdemarsdottir of DENMARK
         |                     /-Gleb Vseslavitsch of MINSK , Prince of Minsk
         |          /-Volodar of MINSK , Prince of Minsk
         |          |          \-Anastasia of VLADIMIR
         \-Sophie Volodarovna of (Polotzk) NOVGOROD
                    |          /-King Boleslaw III Crooked Mouth of POLAND
                    \-Richiza (Ryksa) of POLAND
                               \-Salome of BERG-SCHELKLINGEN

Descendents of Helen Valdemarsdottir of DENMARK

1 Helen Valdemarsdottir of DENMARK
  =William of Brunswick-Luneburg of WINCHESTER  Marriage: JUL 1202
      =Matilda of BRANDENBURG  Marriage: 1228
        3 Elisabeth of BRUNSWICK-LUNEBURG
          =William II of HOLLAND , Holy Roman Emperor
        3 Adelheid of BRUNSWICK
          =Henry I the Child of HESSE , Landgrave of Hesse
        3 John (I) of BRUNSWICK-LUNEBURG
          =Luitgard of SCHAUENBURG
        3 Otto of BRUNSWICK-LUNEBURG
        3 Mathilde of BRUNSWICK-LUNEBURG
          =Henry II of ANHALT-ASCHERSLEBEN
        3 Conrad of BRUNSWICK-LUNEBURG
        3 Helene of BRUNSWICK-LUNEBURG
          =Albrecht I of SAXONY , Duke of Saxony  Marriage: 1247
          =Hermann II of THURINGIA , Landgrave of Thuringia
        3 Albrecht I the Great of BRUNSWICK-LUNEBURG
          =Elisabeth of BRABANT  Marriage: 13 JUL 1254
          =Alessina of MONTFERRAT  Marriage: 1263
        3 Agnes of BRUNSWICK-LUNEBURG
          =Wizlaw II of RUGEN , Prince of Rugen

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Hildegard Knudsdottir of DENMARK

Father: King Knud III Magnuson of DENMARK
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Jaromar I of RUGEN , King\Prince of Rugen
Child: Pygygnev of RUGEN
Child: Wizlav I of RUGEN , Prince of Rugen Birth: ABT. 1180
Child: Lucia of RUGEN Birth: BEF. 1190
Child: Barnuta of RUGEN Birth: BEF. 1193
Child: Zventepolk of RUGEN Birth: BEF. 1207

Ancestors of Hildegard Knudsdottir of DENMARK

                               /-King Niels Svendsson of DENMARK
                    /-King Magnus Nielson of DENMARK
                    |          \-Margaret (Fredkulla) Frithpoll of SWEDEN
         /-King Knud III Magnuson of DENMARK
         |          |          /-King Boleslaw III Crooked Mouth of POLAND
         |          \-Richiza (Ryksa) of POLAND
         |                     \-Salome of BERG-SCHELKLINGEN
Hildegard Knudsdottir of DENMARK
         |                     /-King Eric (Kol) Yearlucky Blotsson of SWEDEN
         |          /-King Sverker I Kolsson the Elder of SWEDEN
         \-Ingegerd SVERKERSDOTTIR
                    |          /-Hakon FINSSON
                    \-Ulfhild HAKONSDOTTIR

Descendents of Hildegard Knudsdottir of DENMARK

1 Hildegard Knudsdottir of DENMARK
  =Jaromar I of RUGEN , King\Prince of Rugen
    2 Pygygnev of RUGEN
    2 Wizlav I of RUGEN , Prince of Rugen
      =Margarete of SWEDEN
        3 Jaromar II of RUGEN , Prince of Rugen
          =Eufemia of POMMERANIA
        3 Petrus of RUGEN
        3 Jarozlav of RUGEN
        3 Vizlav of RUGEN
        3 Burizlav of RUGEN
        3 Nikolaus of RUGEN
    2 Lucia of RUGEN
      =Wladislaw III Laskonogi of POLAND
    2 Barnuta of RUGEN
      = SLAUMERA
        3 Dobislav of GRISTOV
        3 John I of GRISTOV
        3 Jaroslav of GRISTOV
    2 Zventepolk of RUGEN

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Ingard of DENMARK

Death: AFT. 1236

Partnership with: Casimir II (III) of POMMERANIA-DEMMIN
Child: Elisabeth of POMMERANIA
Child: Wartislaw III (II) of POMMERANIA-DEMMIN Birth: ABT. 1210

Descendents of Ingard of DENMARK

1 Ingard of DENMARK
    2 Elisabeth of POMMERANIA
    2 Wartislaw III (II) of POMMERANIA-DEMMIN
      =Sophia of ARNSTEIN

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Inge Nielson of DENMARK

Father: King Niels Svendsson of DENMARK
Mother: Margaret (Fredkulla) Frithpoll of SWEDEN
Death: ABT. 1121

Ancestors of Inge Nielson of DENMARK

                               /-Ulf (Wolf) THORKILSSON , Jarl of Denmark
                    /-King Svend II Estridsen of DENMARK
                    |          \-Astrid ( Margaret) Svendsdottir of DENMARK
         /-King Niels Svendsson of DENMARK
         |          |          /-Svein Hakonson of Ladir and NORWAY
         |          \-Gunnhild SVEINSDOTTIR
         |                     \-Daughter OLAFSDOTTIR
Inge Nielson of DENMARK
         |                     /-King Stenkil I Ragnvaldsson of SWEDEN
         |          /-King Inge I Stenkilsson the Elder of SWEDEN
         |          |          \-Daughter of EMUNDSSON
         \-Margaret (Fredkulla) Frithpoll of SWEDEN
                    \- HELEN

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Ingeborg Eriksdottir of DENMARK

Father: King Erik IV Valdemarsson Ploughpenny of DENMARK
Mother: Jutta of SAXONY
Death: 1287

Partnership with: King Magnus VI Haakonsson Law-mender of NORWAY
Marriage: 11 SEP 1261
Child: Olaf MAGNUSSON Birth: 1262
Child: Magnus MAGNUSSON Birth: 1264
Child: King Eirik II Magnusson Priest-hater of NORWAY Birth: 1268
Child: King Haakon V Magnusson Longlegs of NORWAY Birth: 10 APR 1270

Ancestors of Ingeborg Eriksdottir of DENMARK

                               /-King Valdemar I the Great of DENMARK
                    /-King Valdemar II the Victorious of DENMARK
                    |          \-Sophie Volodarovna of (Polotzk) NOVGOROD
         /-King Erik IV Valdemarsson Ploughpenny of DENMARK
         |          |          /-King Sancho I Martino of PORTUGAL
         |          \-Berengaria of PORTUGAL
         |                     \-Dulcia of (Aragon) BARCELONA
Ingeborg Eriksdottir of DENMARK
         |                     /-Bernhard III of SAXONY , Duke of Saxony
         |          /-Albrecht I of SAXONY , Duke of Saxony
         |          |          \-Judyta of POLAND
         \-Jutta of SAXONY
                    |          /-Leopold VI of AUSTRIA , Duke of Austria
                    \-Agnes of AUSTRIA
                               \-Theodora of BYZANTIUM

Descendents of Ingeborg Eriksdottir of DENMARK

1 Ingeborg Eriksdottir of DENMARK
  =King Magnus VI Haakonsson Law-mender of NORWAY  Marriage: 11 SEP 1261
    2 Olaf MAGNUSSON
    2 Magnus MAGNUSSON
    2 King Eirik II Magnusson Priest-hater of NORWAY
      =Margaret of SCOTLAND  Marriage: 31 AUG 1281, Bergen, Norway
        3 Margaret Maid of Norway EIRIKSDOTTIR
      =Isabel BRUCE  Marriage: 1293
        3 Ingeborg EIRIKSDOTTIR
          =Valdemar MAGNUSSON , Duke of Finland  Marriage: 29 SEP 1312
    2 King Haakon V Magnusson Longlegs of NORWAY
      =Euphamia of RUGEN  Marriage: 1299
        3 Ingeborg Haakonsdottir of NORWAY
          =Eric MAGNUSSON , Duke of Sudermannland
          =Knud PORSE , Duke of Halland
        3 Agnes HAAKONSDOTTIR
          =Hafthor JONSON

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Ingeborg Valdemarsdottir of DENMARK

Father: King Valdemar IV Atterdag Christofsson o DENMARK
Mother: Heilwig ERICSDOTTIR
Birth: 1 APR 1347
Death: BEF. 16 JUN 1370

Partnership with: Henry I (III) of MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN
Marriage: 1361
Child: Marie of MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN Birth: 1363
Child: Ingeborg of MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN Birth: 1368

Ancestors of Ingeborg Valdemarsdottir of DENMARK

                               /-King Erik V Christofsson Klipping of DENMARK
                    /-King Christopher II Eriksson of DENMARK
                    |          \-Agnes of BRANDENBURG
         /-King Valdemar IV Atterdag Christofsson o DENMARK
         |          |          /-Bogislaw IV of POMMERANIA-WOLGAST
         |          \-Euphamia of POMMERANIA-WOLGAST
         |                     \-Margarete of RUGEN
Ingeborg Valdemarsdottir of DENMARK
         |                     /-Waldemar (IV) ERICSSON , Duke of Schleswig
         |          /-Eric VALDEMARSSON
         |          |          \-Elizabeth of SAXE-LUNENBURG
         \-Heilwig ERICSDOTTIR
                    |          /-Henry I of SCHAUENBURG , Count of Holstein
                    \-Adelheid of HOLSTEIN
                               \-Heilwig of BRONKHORST

Descendents of Ingeborg Valdemarsdottir of DENMARK

1 Ingeborg Valdemarsdottir of DENMARK
  =Henry I (III) of MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN  Marriage: 1361
      =Elisabeth of (Holstein) SCHAUENBURG
      =John V of WERLE , Prince of Werle
      =Wratislaw VII of POMMERANIA-STOLP
        3 Katherine of POMMERANIA
          =John of PALATINE-NEUMARKT  Marriage: 15 AUG 1407
        3 King Erik VII of Pomerania of DENMARK
          =Philippa PLANTAGENET  Marriage: 26 OCT 1406, Lund, Sweden

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Ingeborg Valdemarsdottir of DENMARK

Father: King Valdemar I the Great of DENMARK
Mother: Sophie Volodarovna of (Polotzk) NOVGOROD
Birth: ABT. 1175
Death: 29 JUL 1236, Corbeil

Partnership with: King Philip II Capet Augustus of FRANCE
Marriage: 14 AUG 1193

Ancestors of Ingeborg Valdemarsdottir of DENMARK

                               /-King Erik I Svendsson the Evergood of DENMARK
                    /-Knud Lavard Eriksson of South JUTLAND
                    |          \-Bothilde THORGUNNASDOTTIR
         /-King Valdemar I the Great of DENMARK
         |          |          /-Prince Mstislav I (Harald) the Great of KIEV
         |          \-Ingeborg of NOVGOROD
         |                     \-Kristina Ingesdottir of SWEDEN
Ingeborg Valdemarsdottir of DENMARK
         |                     /-Gleb Vseslavitsch of MINSK , Prince of Minsk
         |          /-Volodar of MINSK , Prince of Minsk
         |          |          \-Anastasia of VLADIMIR
         \-Sophie Volodarovna of (Polotzk) NOVGOROD
                    |          /-King Boleslaw III Crooked Mouth of POLAND
                    \-Richiza (Ryksa) of POLAND
                               \-Salome of BERG-SCHELKLINGEN

Descendents of Ingeborg Valdemarsdottir of DENMARK

1 Ingeborg Valdemarsdottir of DENMARK
  =King Philip II Capet Augustus of FRANCE  Marriage: 14 AUG 1193

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