William Ritter Wanieczky of GEMNISSTKY - Margarete (Beatrice) of GENEVA

William Ritter Wanieczky of GEMNISSTKY

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Margarete of NASSAU-WIESBADEN

Descendents of William Ritter Wanieczky of GEMNISSTKY

1 William Ritter Wanieczky of GEMNISSTKY
  =Margarete of NASSAU-WIESBADEN

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Death: 358

Partnership with: (Unknown)

Ancestors of GENEBAUD


Descendents of GENEBAUD

        3  CLODIUS

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Father: Flaithbbertach macLoingsig O'NEILL
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Ruaidri ua CANANNAIN , King of Ireland

Ancestors of Five GENERATIONS

                               /-Oengus macDomnaill O'NEILL
                    /-Loingsech macOengus O'NEILL , King of Ireland
         /-Flaithbbertach macLoingsig O'NEILL

Descendents of Five GENERATIONS

    2 Ruaidri ua CANANNAIN , King of Ireland

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Father: Nathi i MACFIACHRACH , King of Ireland
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Coman macCobthaig O'FIACHRACH , King of Connacht

Ancestors of Five GENERATIONS

                               /-Echu MUGMEDON , King of Ireland
                    /- FIACHRA
                    |          \-Carien CHASDUB
         /-Nathi i MACFIACHRACH , King of Ireland

Descendents of Five GENERATIONS

    2 Coman macCobthaig O'FIACHRACH , King of Connacht
        3 Guaire Aidni Colmain O'FIACHRACH
        3 Laidgnen macColmain O'FIACHRACH

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Father: Aed macFlaithbertaig O'NEILL , King of Ailech
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Aed "In Macaem Toinlesc" O'NEILL

Ancestors of Five GENERATIONS

                               /-Muirchertach macDomnnaill O'NEILL , King of Mide
                    /-Flaithbertach macMuirchertaig O'NEILL
         /-Aed macFlaithbertaig O'NEILL , King of Ailech

Descendents of Five GENERATIONS

    2 Aed "In Macaem Toinlesc" O'NEILL
        3 Niall Ruad macAedo O'NEILL
        3 Aed Meith macAedo O'NEILL , King of Tir Eogain

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Father: Nathi i MACFIACHRACH , King of Ireland
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Dunchad Muirisci macTipraiti O'FIACHRACH

Ancestors of Four GENERATIONS

                               /-Echu MUGMEDON , King of Ireland
                    /- FIACHRA
                    |          \-Carien CHASDUB
         /-Nathi i MACFIACHRACH , King of Ireland

Descendents of Four GENERATIONS

    2 Dunchad Muirisci macTipraiti O'FIACHRACH
        3 Indrechtach macDunchado MUIRISCI
        3 Son O'FIACHRACH

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Father: Suibne macColmain O'NEILL
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Domnall Midi O'NEILL , King of Ireland

Ancestors of Four GENERATIONS

                               /-Diarmait macCerbaill O'NEILL , King of Ireland
                    /-Colman madDiarmait O'NEILL
         /-Suibne macColmain O'NEILL

Descendents of Four GENERATIONS

    2 Domnall Midi O'NEILL , King of Ireland
        3 Donnchad Midi macDomnaill Midi O'NEILL

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Father: Cu CHORB
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Findchad macGarrchon King of LEINSTER

Ancestors of Four GENERATIONS

         /-Cu CHORB

Descendents of Four GENERATIONS

    2 Findchad macGarrchon King of LEINSTER
        3 Froech macFindchada O'GARRCHON

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Father: Daui Tengae Umai MACBRIUIN , King of Connacht
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Fergal macAirt O'ROURKE , King of Connacht

Ancestors of Fourteen GENERATIONS

                               /-Echu MUGMEDON , King of Ireland
                    /- BRION
                    |          \-Carien CHASDUB
         /-Daui Tengae Umai MACBRIUIN , King of Connacht

Descendents of Fourteen GENERATIONS

    2 Fergal macAirt O'ROURKE , King of Connacht
        3 Aed macFergal O'ROURK

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Mother: Lucy Australopithecus AFARENSIS
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: ADAM

Ancestors of Many GENERATIONS

         \-Lucy Australopithecus AFARENSIS

Descendents of Many GENERATIONS

    2  ADAM
      = EVE
        3  CAIN
        3  ABEL
        3  SETH
      = LILITH

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Father: Eogan Caech macNath i O'CHENNSELAIG
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Cinaed macCairpre O'CHEINNSELAIG

Ancestors of Seven GENERATIONS

                               /-Crimthann macEndae CHENNSELAIG , King of Leinster
                    /-Nath i macCrimthann O'CHENNSELAIG
         /-Eogan Caech macNath i O'CHENNSELAIG

Descendents of Seven GENERATIONS

    2 Cinaed macCairpre O'CHEINNSELAIG
        3 Cellach macCinaeda O'CHEINNSELAIG

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Father: Congalach macConaing Cuirre O'NEILL
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Congalach Cnogba macMael MITHIG , King of Ireland

Ancestors of Six GENERATIONS

                               /-Congal macAedo Slaine O'NEILL
                    /-Conaing Cuirre macCongail O'NEILL
         /-Congalach macConaing Cuirre O'NEILL

Descendents of Six GENERATIONS

    2 Congalach Cnogba macMael MITHIG , King of Ireland

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Father: Maine MAL
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Aed Dibchine macSenaig Dibig O'MAIL

Ancestors of Six GENERATIONS

                               /-Cu CHORB
                    /-Three GENERATIONS
         /-Maine MAL

Descendents of Six GENERATIONS

    2 Aed Dibchine macSenaig Dibig O'MAIL
        3 Ronan Crach macAedo Dibchine O'MAIL
        3 Crimthann macAedo Dibchine O'MAIL

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Findleach of Moray MACRORY , Mormaer of Moray

Ancestors of Ten GENERATIONS

                               /- AINFCELLACH
                    /- MUIREDACH
         /- EOCHAID

Descendents of Ten GENERATIONS

    2 Findleach of Moray MACRORY , Mormaer of Moray
      = DOVADA  Marriage: 1004
        3 King Macbeth (Maelbeatha) of SCOTLAND
          =Gruoch of DUFF  Marriage: 1032

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Father: Cu CHORB
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Cathair MAR , King of Leinster
Child: Maine MAL

Ancestors of Three GENERATIONS

         /-Cu CHORB

Descendents of Three GENERATIONS

    2 Cathair MAR , King of Leinster
        3 Fiachu Ba hAiccid macCathair MAR
        3 Daire Barrach macCathair MAR
        3 Bressal Enechglass macCathair MAR
    2 Maine MAL
        3 Six GENERATIONS

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Father: Daui Tengae Umai MACBRIUIN , King of Connacht
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Echu Tirmcharnae macFergusso O'BRIAN

Ancestors of Three GENERATIONS

                               /-Echu MUGMEDON , King of Ireland
                    /- BRION
                    |          \-Carien CHASDUB
         /-Daui Tengae Umai MACBRIUIN , King of Connacht

Descendents of Three GENERATIONS

    2 Echu Tirmcharnae macFergusso O'BRIAN
        3 Aed macEchach Tirmcharnai O'BRIAN

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Father: Indrechtach macMuiredaig MUILLETHAIN
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Muirgius macTommaltaig O'BRIAN , King of Connacht
Child: Diarmait macTommaltaig O'BRIAN , King of Connacht
Child: Finsnechtae macTommaltaig O'BRIAN

Ancestors of Two GENERATIONS

                               /-Fergus macRogallaig O'BRIAN
                    /-Muiredach Muillethan macFergusso O'BRIAN
         /-Indrechtach macMuiredaig MUILLETHAIN

Descendents of Two GENERATIONS

    2 Muirgius macTommaltaig O'BRIAN , King of Connacht
        3 Tadg mor macMuirguisso O'BRIAN
        3 Cathal macMuirgiusso O'BRIAN , King of Connacht
    2 Diarmait macTommaltaig O'BRIAN , King of Connacht
    2 Finsnechtae macTommaltaig O'BRIAN

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Gautrek the GENEROUS

Father: GAUT
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: King ALGAUT

Ancestors of Gautrek the GENEROUS

         /- GAUT
Gautrek the GENEROUS

Descendents of Gautrek the GENEROUS

1 Gautrek the GENEROUS
    2 King ALGAUT
      = ALOF
        3 Gauthild ALGAUSDOTTIR
          =King Ingjald Evilheart of SWEDEN

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Agathe of GENEVA

Father: William II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
Mother: Alice de la Tour DU PIN
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Agathe of GENEVA

                               /-Amadeo I of GENEVA
                    /-William I of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    |          \-Mathilde of CUSEAU
         /-William II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |          \-Beatrice of FAUCIGNY
Agathe of GENEVA
         \-Alice de la Tour DU PIN

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Agathe of GENEVA , Contesse dite Agathe

Father: Aimon II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
Death: 13 FEB 1302

Partnership with: Jean of VIENNE

Ancestors of Agathe of GENEVA , Contesse dite Agathe

                               /-William II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    /-Raoul of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    |          \-Alice de la Tour DU PIN
         /-Aimon II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |          |          /-Hugues I of COLIGNY-LE-NEUF
         |          \-Marie of COLIGNY
Agathe of GENEVA , Contesse dite Agathe

Descendents of Agathe of GENEVA , Contesse dite Agathe

1 Agathe of GENEVA , Contesse dite Agathe
  =Jean of VIENNE

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Aimon II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva

Father: Raoul of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
Mother: Marie of COLIGNY
Death: 18 NOV 1280

Partnership with: Constance of MONCADA
Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Jeanne of GENEVA
Child: Agathe of GENEVA , Contesse dite Agathe

Ancestors of Aimon II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva

                               /-William I of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    /-William II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    |          \-Beatrice of FAUCIGNY
         /-Raoul of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |          \-Alice de la Tour DU PIN
Aimon II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |          /-Hugues I of COLIGNY-LE-NEUF
         \-Marie of COLIGNY

Descendents of Aimon II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva

1 Aimon II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
  =Constance of MONCADA
    2 Jeanne of GENEVA
      =Philippe of VIENNE
    2 Agathe of GENEVA , Contesse dite Agathe
      =Jean of VIENNE

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Aimon II of GENEVA

Father: Gerold II (III) of GENEVA
Birth: 1084
Death: 1134

Partnership with: Itha of FAUCIGNY
Child: Gerold of GENEVA
Child: William of GENEVA
Child: Amadeo I of GENEVA Birth: 1084
Child: Conon of MAURIENNE
Partnership with: Ida of GLANE

Ancestors of Aimon II of GENEVA

                               /-Aimon I of VIENNE
                    /-Gerold of GENEVA
                    |          \- BERTHA
         /-Gerold II (III) of GENEVA
         |          \- GISELA
Aimon II of GENEVA
         \- THIETBERGE

Descendents of Aimon II of GENEVA

1 Aimon II of GENEVA
  =Itha of FAUCIGNY
    2 Gerold of GENEVA
    2 William of GENEVA
    2 Amadeo I of GENEVA
      =Mathilde of CUSEAU
        3 William I of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
          =Agnes of SAVOY
          =Beatrice of FAUCIGNY
        3 Comtesson of GENEVA
          =Henry of FAUCIGNY
        3 Beatrice of GENEVA
          =Ebles IV of GRANSON
        3 Amadeo I of GEX , Count of Gex
          =Pontia of THOIRE
          =Daughter of DOMENE
      =Daughter of DOMENE
    2 Conon of MAURIENNE
  =Ida of GLANE

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Aimon III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva

Father: Amedeo III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
Mother: Mahaut of BOULOGNE
Birth: ABT. 1334
Death: 1 AUG 1367, Pavia

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Olivier Batard of GENEVA
Child: Jean Batard of GENEVA

Ancestors of Aimon III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva

                               /-Amadeo II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    /-William III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    |          \-Agnes of CHALON
         /-Amedeo III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |          |          /-Amadeus V the Great of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
         |          \-Agnes of SAVOY
         |                     \-Sibylle of BAUGE
Aimon III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         \-Mahaut of BOULOGNE

Descendents of Aimon III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva

1 Aimon III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
    2 Olivier Batard of GENEVA
    2 Jean Batard of GENEVA

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Aimon of GENEVA

Father: William I of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
Mother: Beatrice of FAUCIGNY
Birth: 1174
Death: 1191

Ancestors of Aimon of GENEVA

                               /-Aimon II of GENEVA
                    /-Amadeo I of GENEVA
                    |          \-Itha of FAUCIGNY
         /-William I of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |          |          /-Pons I of CUSEAU
         |          \-Mathilde of CUSEAU
         |                     \-Laura of SENECY
Aimon of GENEVA
         \-Beatrice of FAUCIGNY

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Alisia of GENEVA

Father: Humbert of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Rodolphe of GRESY

Ancestors of Alisia of GENEVA

                               /-Amadeo I of GENEVA
                    /-William I of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    |          \-Mathilde of CUSEAU
         /-Humbert of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |          |          /-Amadeus III de Maurienne of SAVOY
         |          \-Agnes of SAVOY
         |                     \-Maud (Mathilde) of Albon of VIENNE
Alisia of GENEVA

Descendents of Alisia of GENEVA

1 Alisia of GENEVA
  =Rodolphe of GRESY

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Amadeo I of GENEVA

Father: Aimon II of GENEVA
Mother: Itha of FAUCIGNY
Birth: 1084
Death: 1162

Partnership with: Mathilde of CUSEAU
Child: William I of GENEVA , Count of Geneva Birth: 1130
Child: Comtesson of GENEVA
Child: Beatrice of GENEVA
Child: Amadeo I of GEX , Count of Gex Birth: 1135
Partnership with: Daughter of DOMENE

Ancestors of Amadeo I of GENEVA

                               /-Gerold of GENEVA
                    /-Gerold II (III) of GENEVA
                    |          \- GISELA
         /-Aimon II of GENEVA
         |          \- THIETBERGE
Amadeo I of GENEVA
         |          /-Louis of FAUCIGNY
         \-Itha of FAUCIGNY

Descendents of Amadeo I of GENEVA

1 Amadeo I of GENEVA
  =Mathilde of CUSEAU
    2 William I of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
      =Agnes of SAVOY
        3 Pierre of GENEVA
        3 Humbert of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
      =Beatrice of FAUCIGNY
        3 Amadeo II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
        3 Beatrix of GENEVA
        3 Aimon of GENEVA
        3 Margarete (Beatrice) of GENEVA
          =Thomas of Maurienne of SAVOY , Count of Savoy  Marriage: MAY 1195
        3 William II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
          =Alice de la Tour DU PIN
    2 Comtesson of GENEVA
      =Henry of FAUCIGNY
    2 Beatrice of GENEVA
      =Ebles IV of GRANSON
    2 Amadeo I of GEX , Count of Gex
      =Pontia of THOIRE
        3 Stephan of GEX
        3 Amadeo II of GEX
          =Beatrice of BAUGE
      =Daughter of DOMENE
  =Daughter of DOMENE

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Amadeo II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva

Father: William I of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
Mother: Beatrice of FAUCIGNY
Death: 25 NOV 1220

Ancestors of Amadeo II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva

                               /-Aimon II of GENEVA
                    /-Amadeo I of GENEVA
                    |          \-Itha of FAUCIGNY
         /-William I of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |          |          /-Pons I of CUSEAU
         |          \-Mathilde of CUSEAU
         |                     \-Laura of SENECY
Amadeo II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         \-Beatrice of FAUCIGNY

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Amadeo II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva

Father: Raoul of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
Mother: Marie of COLIGNY
Death: 22 MAY 1308

Partnership with: Agnes of CHALON
Child: Marie of GENEVA
Child: Jeanne of GENEVA
Child: William III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
Child: Amedo of TOUL , Bishop of Toul Birth: ABT. 1294
Child: Blanche of GENEVA
Child: Hugues of GENEVA

Ancestors of Amadeo II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva

                               /-William I of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    /-William II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    |          \-Beatrice of FAUCIGNY
         /-Raoul of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |          \-Alice de la Tour DU PIN
Amadeo II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |          /-Hugues I of COLIGNY-LE-NEUF
         \-Marie of COLIGNY

Descendents of Amadeo II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva

1 Amadeo II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
  =Agnes of CHALON
    2 Marie of GENEVA
    2 Jeanne of GENEVA
      =Guiscard VI of BEAUJEU
    2 William III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
      =Agnes of SAVOY
        3 Amedeo III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
          =Mahaut of BOULOGNE
        3 Yolande of GENEVA
          =Aymeric of NARBONNE , Viscount of Narbonne
          =Beraud of CLERMONT-EN-AUVERGNE
        3 Marguerite of GENEVA
          =Aimon of VALENTINOIS , Count of Valentinois
        3 Pierre Batard of GENEVA
    2 Amedo of TOUL , Bishop of Toul
    2 Blanche of GENEVA
      =Hugues of CHALON , Sire d'Arlay  Marriage: 1363
    2 Hugues of GENEVA

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Amedeo III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva

Father: William III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
Mother: Agnes of SAVOY
Birth: ABT. 1311
Death: 9 JAN 1367

Partnership with: Mahaut of BOULOGNE
Child: Amedeo IV of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
Child: Jean of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
Child: Pierre of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
Child: Marie of GENEVA
Child: Aimon III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva Birth: ABT. 1334
Child: Catherine of GENEVA
Child: Robert of GENEVA , Pope Clemens VII Birth: 1342
Child: Blanche of GENEVA
Child: Jeanne of GENEVA
Child: Yolande of GENEVA

Ancestors of Amedeo III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva

                               /-Raoul of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    /-Amadeo II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    |          \-Marie of COLIGNY
         /-William III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |          |          /-John I LE SAGE , Count of Burgundy
         |          \-Agnes of CHALON
         |                     \-Isabelle of COURTENAY
Amedeo III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |                     /-Thomas II of Flanders of SAVOY
         |          /-Amadeus V the Great of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
         |          |          \-Beatrice FIESCHI
         \-Agnes of SAVOY
                    \-Sibylle of BAUGE

Descendents of Amedeo III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva

1 Amedeo III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
  =Mahaut of BOULOGNE
    2 Amedeo IV of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
      =Jeanne of VERGY
    2 Jean of GENEVA , Count of  Geneva
    2 Pierre of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
      =Margaretha of VAUDEMONT
    2 Marie of GENEVA
      =Jean II of CHALON , Sire d'Arlay  Marriage: 1361
        3 Jean of CHALON , sn d'Auberive
          =Margareta of LORRAINE  Marriage: 1355
        3 Louis I of CHALON , sn d'Arguel
          =Marguerite of VIENNE
        3 Jeanne of CHALON
          =John of VERGY
        3 Hugues of CHALON , Sire d'Arlay
          =Blanche of GENEVA  Marriage: 1363
        3 Marguerite of CHALON
          =Etienne of MONTFAUCON , Count of Moempelgard  Marriage: 1356
        3 Beatrix of CHALON
          =Antoine of BEAUJEU  Marriage: 4 AUG 1362
      =Humbert VI of Thoire and VILLARS
        3 Humbert VII of Thoire and VILLARS
          =Louise of POITIERS
        3 Louise of Thoire and VILLARS
          =William of VIENNE
        3 Humbert of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
          =Louise of POITIERS
    2 Aimon III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
        3 Olivier Batard of GENEVA
        3 Jean Batard of GENEVA
    2 Catherine of GENEVA
      =Amadeo of SAVOY-PIEMONT , Prince of Greece
        3 Margareta of SAVOY-PIEMONT
          =Teodoro II of MONTFERRAT
        3 Matilda of SAVOY
          =Ludwig III of the Palatinate WITTELSBACH  Marriage: 30 NOV 1417
        3 Bona of SAVOY-PIEMONT
        3 Katharina of SAVOY-PIEMONT
    2 Robert of GENEVA , Pope Clemens VII
    2 Blanche of GENEVA
      =Hugues II of CHALON
    2 Jeanne of GENEVA
      =Raymond V of BAUX , Prince d'Orange
    2 Yolande of GENEVA
      =Aymeric of NARBONNE , Viscount of Narbonne
      =Beraud D'AUVERGNE

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Amedeo IV of GENEVA , Count of Geneva

Father: Amedeo III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
Mother: Mahaut of BOULOGNE
Death: 4 DEC 1369, Paris

Partnership with: Jeanne of VERGY

Ancestors of Amedeo IV of GENEVA , Count of Geneva

                               /-Amadeo II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    /-William III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    |          \-Agnes of CHALON
         /-Amedeo III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |          |          /-Amadeus V the Great of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
         |          \-Agnes of SAVOY
         |                     \-Sibylle of BAUGE
Amedeo IV of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         \-Mahaut of BOULOGNE

Descendents of Amedeo IV of GENEVA , Count of Geneva

1 Amedeo IV of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
  =Jeanne of VERGY

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Beatrice of GENEVA

Father: Amadeo I of GENEVA
Mother: Mathilde of CUSEAU
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Ebles IV of GRANSON

Ancestors of Beatrice of GENEVA

                               /-Gerold II (III) of GENEVA
                    /-Aimon II of GENEVA
                    |          \- THIETBERGE
         /-Amadeo I of GENEVA
         |          |          /-Louis of FAUCIGNY
         |          \-Itha of FAUCIGNY
Beatrice of GENEVA
         |          /-Pons I of CUSEAU
         \-Mathilde of CUSEAU
                    \-Laura of SENECY

Descendents of Beatrice of GENEVA

1 Beatrice of GENEVA
  =Ebles IV of GRANSON

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Beatrix of GENEVA

Father: Henri of GENEVA
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Son of LUNEL

Ancestors of Beatrix of GENEVA

                               /-William I of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    /-William II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    |          \-Beatrice of FAUCIGNY
         /-Henri of GENEVA
         |          \-Alice de la Tour DU PIN
Beatrix of GENEVA

Descendents of Beatrix of GENEVA

1 Beatrix of GENEVA
  =Son of LUNEL

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Beatrix of GENEVA

Father: William I of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
Mother: Beatrice of FAUCIGNY
Death: 13 APR 1236

Ancestors of Beatrix of GENEVA

                               /-Aimon II of GENEVA
                    /-Amadeo I of GENEVA
                    |          \-Itha of FAUCIGNY
         /-William I of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |          |          /-Pons I of CUSEAU
         |          \-Mathilde of CUSEAU
         |                     \-Laura of SENECY
Beatrix of GENEVA
         \-Beatrice of FAUCIGNY

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Blanche of GENEVA

Father: Amedeo III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
Mother: Mahaut of BOULOGNE
Death: 1420

Partnership with: Hugues II of CHALON

Ancestors of Blanche of GENEVA

                               /-Amadeo II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    /-William III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    |          \-Agnes of CHALON
         /-Amedeo III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |          |          /-Amadeus V the Great of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
         |          \-Agnes of SAVOY
         |                     \-Sibylle of BAUGE
Blanche of GENEVA
         \-Mahaut of BOULOGNE

Descendents of Blanche of GENEVA

1 Blanche of GENEVA
  =Hugues II of CHALON

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Blanche of GENEVA

Father: Amadeo II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
Mother: Agnes of CHALON
Death: 1420

Partnership with: Hugues of CHALON , Sire d'Arlay
Marriage: 1363

Ancestors of Blanche of GENEVA

                               /-William II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    /-Raoul of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    |          \-Alice de la Tour DU PIN
         /-Amadeo II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |          |          /-Hugues I of COLIGNY-LE-NEUF
         |          \-Marie of COLIGNY
Blanche of GENEVA
         |                     /-Stephen III of AUXONNE , Count of Auxonne
         |          /-John I LE SAGE , Count of Burgundy
         |          |          \-Beatrix of THIERS-CHALON
         \-Agnes of CHALON
                    |          /-Robert of COURTENAY , sn de Champignelles
                    \-Isabelle of COURTENAY

Descendents of Blanche of GENEVA

1 Blanche of GENEVA
  =Hugues of CHALON , Sire d'Arlay  Marriage: 1363

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Catherine of GENEVA

Father: Amedeo III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
Mother: Mahaut of BOULOGNE
Death: 1407

Partnership with: Amadeo of SAVOY-PIEMONT , Prince of Greece
Child: Margareta of SAVOY-PIEMONT Birth: ABT. 1382
Child: Matilda of SAVOY Birth: ABT. 1390
Child: Bona of SAVOY-PIEMONT
Child: Katharina of SAVOY-PIEMONT

Ancestors of Catherine of GENEVA

                               /-Amadeo II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    /-William III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    |          \-Agnes of CHALON
         /-Amedeo III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |          |          /-Amadeus V the Great of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
         |          \-Agnes of SAVOY
         |                     \-Sibylle of BAUGE
Catherine of GENEVA
         \-Mahaut of BOULOGNE

Descendents of Catherine of GENEVA

1 Catherine of GENEVA
  =Amadeo of SAVOY-PIEMONT , Prince of Greece
    2 Margareta of SAVOY-PIEMONT
      =Teodoro II of MONTFERRAT
    2 Matilda of SAVOY
      =Ludwig III of the Palatinate WITTELSBACH  Marriage: 30 NOV 1417
        3 Mechthild of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
          =Ludwig I of WURTTEMBERG-URACH
        3 Ludwig IV the Gentle Palatine WITTELSBACH
          =Margareta of SAVOY
        3 Frederick I of the Palatinate WITTELSBACH
          =Klara DETT
        3 Ruprecht of COLOGNE , Archbishop of Cologne
        3 Margarete of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
        3 Daughter of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
    2 Bona of SAVOY-PIEMONT
    2 Katharina of SAVOY-PIEMONT

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Comtesson of GENEVA

Father: Amadeo I of GENEVA
Mother: Mathilde of CUSEAU
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Henry of FAUCIGNY

Ancestors of Comtesson of GENEVA

                               /-Gerold II (III) of GENEVA
                    /-Aimon II of GENEVA
                    |          \- THIETBERGE
         /-Amadeo I of GENEVA
         |          |          /-Louis of FAUCIGNY
         |          \-Itha of FAUCIGNY
Comtesson of GENEVA
         |          /-Pons I of CUSEAU
         \-Mathilde of CUSEAU
                    \-Laura of SENECY

Descendents of Comtesson of GENEVA

1 Comtesson of GENEVA
  =Henry of FAUCIGNY

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Ebal of GENEVA

Father: Humbert of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
Death: BEF. 12 MAY 1259

Ancestors of Ebal of GENEVA

                               /-Amadeo I of GENEVA
                    /-William I of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    |          \-Mathilde of CUSEAU
         /-Humbert of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |          |          /-Amadeus III de Maurienne of SAVOY
         |          \-Agnes of SAVOY
         |                     \-Maud (Mathilde) of Albon of VIENNE
Ebal of GENEVA

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Eleanor of GENEVA

Death: ABT. 1303

Partnership with: Alexander of BALLIOL , Sir

Descendents of Eleanor of GENEVA

1 Eleanor of GENEVA
  =Alexander of BALLIOL , Sir

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Eleonore of GENEVA

Father: Henri of GENEVA
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Bertrand des Baux D'ORANGE

Ancestors of Eleonore of GENEVA

                               /-William I of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    /-William II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    |          \-Beatrice of FAUCIGNY
         /-Henri of GENEVA
         |          \-Alice de la Tour DU PIN
Eleonore of GENEVA

Descendents of Eleonore of GENEVA

1 Eleonore of GENEVA
  =Bertrand des Baux D'ORANGE

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Franz of GENEVA

Father: Louis I of SAVOY , Duke of Savoy
Mother: Anne of Lusignan of CYPRUS
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Franz of GENEVA

                               /-Amadeus VII the Red  Count of SAVOY
                    /-Amadeus VIII (Antipope Felix V) of SAVOY
                    |          \-Bonne of BERRY
         /-Louis I of SAVOY , Duke of Savoy
         |          |          /-Philip the Bold of BURGUNDY , Count of Burgundy
         |          \-Maria of BURGUNDY
         |                     \-Margarete IV (II) of FLANDERS
Franz of GENEVA
         |          /-Janus of Cyprus and LUSIGNAN , King of Cyprus
         \-Anne of Lusignan of CYPRUS
                    |          /-Jean I of BOURBON , Count of the Marche
                    \-Charlotte of BOURBON
                               \-Catherine of VENDOME

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Gaspard of GENEVA

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Maria of HORN

Descendents of Gaspard of GENEVA

1 Gaspard of GENEVA
  =Maria of HORN

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Gerald II of GENEVA

Birth: ABT. 1008
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: GISELA

Descendents of Gerald II of GENEVA

1 Gerald II of GENEVA

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Gerald of GENEVA

Birth: ABT. 942
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Humbert I Whitehands of MAURIENNE

Descendents of Gerald of GENEVA

1 Gerald of GENEVA
    2 Humbert I Whitehands of MAURIENNE
      =Ancelie of LENZBURG
        3 Amadeus I of Savoy of MAURIENNE , Count of Savoy
        3 Oddone of Savoy of MAURIENNE , Count of Savoy
          =Adelais of SUZA

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Gerold II (III) of GENEVA

Father: Gerold of GENEVA
Mother: GISELA
Birth: 1058
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: THIETBERGE
Child: Aimon II of GENEVA Birth: 1084

Ancestors of Gerold II (III) of GENEVA

                    /-Aimon I of VIENNE
         /-Gerold of GENEVA
         |          |          /-Baldwin III of FLANDERS , Count of Flanders
         |          \- BERTHA
         |                     \-Matilda Billung of SAXONY
Gerold II (III) of GENEVA
         \- GISELA

Descendents of Gerold II (III) of GENEVA

1 Gerold II (III) of GENEVA
    2 Aimon II of GENEVA
      =Itha of FAUCIGNY
        3 Gerold of GENEVA
        3 William of GENEVA
        3 Amadeo I of GENEVA
          =Mathilde of CUSEAU
          =Daughter of DOMENE
        3 Conon of MAURIENNE
      =Ida of GLANE

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Gerold of GENEVA

Father: Aimon II of GENEVA
Mother: Itha of FAUCIGNY
Death: 1090

Ancestors of Gerold of GENEVA

                               /-Gerold of GENEVA
                    /-Gerold II (III) of GENEVA
                    |          \- GISELA
         /-Aimon II of GENEVA
         |          \- THIETBERGE
Gerold of GENEVA
         |          /-Louis of FAUCIGNY
         \-Itha of FAUCIGNY

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Gerold of GENEVA

Father: Aimon I of VIENNE
Mother: BERTHA
Birth: 1032
Death: 1080

Partnership with: GISELA
Child: Johanna of GENEVA Birth: ABT. 1050
Child: Gerold II (III) of GENEVA Birth: 1058
Partnership with: Tietburge of FAUCIGNY

Ancestors of Gerold of GENEVA

         /-Aimon I of VIENNE
Gerold of GENEVA
         |                     /-Arnolph I (Arnoul I) the Great of FLANDERS
         |          /-Baldwin III of FLANDERS , Count of Flanders
         |          |          \-Adele (Alice) of VERMANDOIS
         \- BERTHA
                    |          /-Herman I Billung of SAXONY , Duke of Saxony
                    \-Matilda Billung of SAXONY
                               \- HILDEGARD

Descendents of Gerold of GENEVA

1 Gerold of GENEVA
    2 Johanna of GENEVA
      =Amadeus II of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
        3 Adelheid of SAVOY
          =Manasses of COLIGNY
        3 Auxilia of SAVOY
          =Humbert of BEAUJEU
        3 Humbert II the Fat of Savoy of MAURIENNE
          =Gisele of BURGUNDY
        3 Odo of SAVOY
      =Amadeus II of Savoy of MAURIENNE , Count of Savoy
    2 Gerold II (III) of GENEVA
        3 Aimon II of GENEVA
          =Itha of FAUCIGNY
          =Ida of GLANE
  =Tietburge of FAUCIGNY

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Father: Raoul of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
Mother: Marie of COLIGNY
Death: 1294

Ancestors of Guy of GENEVA

                               /-William I of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    /-William II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    |          \-Beatrice of FAUCIGNY
         /-Raoul of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |          \-Alice de la Tour DU PIN
         |          /-Hugues I of COLIGNY-LE-NEUF
         \-Marie of COLIGNY

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Henri of GENEVA

Father: William II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
Mother: Alice de la Tour DU PIN
Death: 1272

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Beatrix of GENEVA
Child: Eleonore of GENEVA

Ancestors of Henri of GENEVA

                               /-Amadeo I of GENEVA
                    /-William I of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    |          \-Mathilde of CUSEAU
         /-William II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |          \-Beatrice of FAUCIGNY
Henri of GENEVA
         \-Alice de la Tour DU PIN

Descendents of Henri of GENEVA

1 Henri of GENEVA
    2 Beatrix of GENEVA
      =Son of LUNEL
    2 Eleonore of GENEVA
      =Bertrand des Baux D'ORANGE

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Hugues of GENEVA

Father: Amadeo II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
Mother: Agnes of CHALON
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Hugues of GENEVA

                               /-William II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    /-Raoul of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    |          \-Alice de la Tour DU PIN
         /-Amadeo II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |          |          /-Hugues I of COLIGNY-LE-NEUF
         |          \-Marie of COLIGNY
Hugues of GENEVA
         |                     /-Stephen III of AUXONNE , Count of Auxonne
         |          /-John I LE SAGE , Count of Burgundy
         |          |          \-Beatrix of THIERS-CHALON
         \-Agnes of CHALON
                    |          /-Robert of COURTENAY , sn de Champignelles
                    \-Isabelle of COURTENAY

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Humbert of GENEVA , Count of Geneva

Father: Humbert VI of Thoire and VILLARS
Mother: Marie of GENEVA
Death: AFT. 10 MAR 1400

Partnership with: Louise of POITIERS

Ancestors of Humbert of GENEVA , Count of Geneva

                               /-Humbert IV of Thoire and VILLARS
                    /-Humbert V of Thoire and VILLARS
                    |          \-Eleonore of BEAUJEU
         /-Humbert VI of Thoire and VILLARS
         |          |          /-John II of CHALON , Count d'Auxerre
         |          \-Beatrice of AUXERRE
         |                     \-Alix of MOMPELGARD
Humbert of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |                     /-William III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |          /-Amedeo III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |          |          \-Agnes of SAVOY
         \-Marie of GENEVA
                    \-Mahaut of BOULOGNE

Descendents of Humbert of GENEVA , Count of Geneva

1 Humbert of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
  =Louise of POITIERS

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Humbert of GENEVA , Count of Geneva

Father: William I of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
Mother: Agnes of SAVOY
Birth: 1160
Death: BEF. 10 MAY 1225

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Pierre of GENEVA
Child: Ebal of GENEVA
Child: Alisia of GENEVA

Ancestors of Humbert of GENEVA , Count of Geneva

                               /-Aimon II of GENEVA
                    /-Amadeo I of GENEVA
                    |          \-Itha of FAUCIGNY
         /-William I of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |          |          /-Pons I of CUSEAU
         |          \-Mathilde of CUSEAU
         |                     \-Laura of SENECY
Humbert of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |                     /-Humbert II the Fat of Savoy of MAURIENNE
         |          /-Amadeus III de Maurienne of SAVOY
         |          |          \-Gisele of BURGUNDY
         \-Agnes of SAVOY
                    |          /-Guigues III of ALBON
                    \-Maud (Mathilde) of Albon of VIENNE
                               \- MATHILDE

Descendents of Humbert of GENEVA , Count of Geneva

1 Humbert of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
    2 Pierre of GENEVA
    2 Ebal of GENEVA
    2 Alisia of GENEVA
      =Rodolphe of GRESY

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Jean Batard of GENEVA

Father: Aimon III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
Death: AFT. 1407

Ancestors of Jean Batard of GENEVA

                               /-William III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    /-Amedeo III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    |          \-Agnes of SAVOY
         /-Aimon III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |          \-Mahaut of BOULOGNE
Jean Batard of GENEVA

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Jean of GENEVA , Count of Geneva

Father: Amedeo III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
Mother: Mahaut of BOULOGNE
Death: 1370

Ancestors of Jean of GENEVA , Count of Geneva

                               /-Amadeo II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    /-William III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    |          \-Agnes of CHALON
         /-Amedeo III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |          |          /-Amadeus V the Great of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
         |          \-Agnes of SAVOY
         |                     \-Sibylle of BAUGE
Jean of GENEVA , Count of  Geneva
         \-Mahaut of BOULOGNE

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Jeanne of GENEVA

Father: Aimon II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
Death: AFT. JAN 1296

Partnership with: Philippe of VIENNE

Ancestors of Jeanne of GENEVA

                               /-William II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    /-Raoul of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    |          \-Alice de la Tour DU PIN
         /-Aimon II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |          |          /-Hugues I of COLIGNY-LE-NEUF
         |          \-Marie of COLIGNY
Jeanne of GENEVA

Descendents of Jeanne of GENEVA

1 Jeanne of GENEVA
  =Philippe of VIENNE

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Jeanne of GENEVA

Father: Amadeo II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
Mother: Agnes of CHALON
Death: 23 FEB 1303

Partnership with: Guiscard VI of BEAUJEU

Ancestors of Jeanne of GENEVA

                               /-William II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    /-Raoul of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    |          \-Alice de la Tour DU PIN
         /-Amadeo II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |          |          /-Hugues I of COLIGNY-LE-NEUF
         |          \-Marie of COLIGNY
Jeanne of GENEVA
         |                     /-Stephen III of AUXONNE , Count of Auxonne
         |          /-John I LE SAGE , Count of Burgundy
         |          |          \-Beatrix of THIERS-CHALON
         \-Agnes of CHALON
                    |          /-Robert of COURTENAY , sn de Champignelles
                    \-Isabelle of COURTENAY

Descendents of Jeanne of GENEVA

1 Jeanne of GENEVA
  =Guiscard VI of BEAUJEU

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Jeanne of GENEVA

Father: Amedeo III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
Mother: Mahaut of BOULOGNE
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Raymond V of BAUX , Prince d'Orange

Ancestors of Jeanne of GENEVA

                               /-Amadeo II of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    /-William III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
                    |          \-Agnes of CHALON
         /-Amedeo III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |          |          /-Amadeus V the Great of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
         |          \-Agnes of SAVOY
         |                     \-Sibylle of BAUGE
Jeanne of GENEVA
         \-Mahaut of BOULOGNE

Descendents of Jeanne of GENEVA

1 Jeanne of GENEVA
  =Raymond V of BAUX , Prince d'Orange

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Johanna of GENEVA

Father: Gerold of GENEVA
Mother: GISELA
Birth: ABT. 1050
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Amadeus II of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
Child: Adelheid of SAVOY
Child: Auxilia of SAVOY
Child: Humbert II the Fat of Savoy of MAURIENNE Birth: ABT. 1062
Child: Odo of SAVOY
Partnership with: Amadeus II of Savoy of MAURIENNE , Count of Savoy

Ancestors of Johanna of GENEVA

                    /-Aimon I of VIENNE
         /-Gerold of GENEVA
         |          |          /-Baldwin III of FLANDERS , Count of Flanders
         |          \- BERTHA
         |                     \-Matilda Billung of SAXONY
Johanna of GENEVA
         \- GISELA

Descendents of Johanna of GENEVA

1 Johanna of GENEVA
  =Amadeus II of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
    2 Adelheid of SAVOY
      =Manasses of COLIGNY
    2 Auxilia of SAVOY
      =Humbert of BEAUJEU
    2 Humbert II the Fat of Savoy of MAURIENNE
      =Gisele of BURGUNDY
        3 Adelaide of Maurienne of SAVOY
          =Matthew I of MONTMORENCI , Constable of France
          =King Louis VI the Fat of FRANCE  Marriage: 1115
        3 Amadeus III de Maurienne of SAVOY
          =Maud (Mathilde) of Albon of VIENNE
        3 William of SAVOY
        3 Humbert of SAVOY
        3 Reinald of SAVOY
        3 Agnes of SAVOY
          =Archambaud VI of BOURBON
    2 Odo of SAVOY
  =Amadeus II of Savoy of MAURIENNE , Count of Savoy

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Louis of GENEVA , King of Cyprus

Father: Louis I of SAVOY , Duke of Savoy
Mother: Anne of Lusignan of CYPRUS
Death: 1482

Partnership with: Annabella STUART
Marriage: 14 DEC 1447, Stirling Castle
Partnership with: Charlotte of Lusignan of CYPRUS
Child: Daughter of SAVOY

Ancestors of Louis of GENEVA , King of Cyprus

                               /-Amadeus VII the Red  Count of SAVOY
                    /-Amadeus VIII (Antipope Felix V) of SAVOY
                    |          \-Bonne of BERRY
         /-Louis I of SAVOY , Duke of Savoy
         |          |          /-Philip the Bold of BURGUNDY , Count of Burgundy
         |          \-Maria of BURGUNDY
         |                     \-Margarete IV (II) of FLANDERS
Louis of GENEVA , King of Cyprus
         |          /-Janus of Cyprus and LUSIGNAN , King of Cyprus
         \-Anne of Lusignan of CYPRUS
                    |          /-Jean I of BOURBON , Count of the Marche
                    \-Charlotte of BOURBON
                               \-Catherine of VENDOME

Descendents of Louis of GENEVA , King of Cyprus

1 Louis of GENEVA , King of Cyprus
  =Annabella STUART  Marriage: 14 DEC 1447, Stirling Castle
  =Charlotte of Lusignan of CYPRUS
    2 Daughter of SAVOY

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Margarete (Beatrice) of GENEVA

Father: William I of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
Mother: Beatrice of FAUCIGNY
Birth: 1180, Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Death: 8 SEP 1257, Pierre-Chatel, Isere, France

Partnership with: Thomas of Maurienne of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
Marriage: MAY 1195
Child: Aimon of Savoy of VALLEY
Child: William of LUTTICH , Bishop of Luttich
Child: Aimon of Savoy of CHILLON
Child: Amadeus IV of SAVOY , Count of Savoy Birth: 1197
Child: Humbert of SAVOY Birth: 1198
Child: Eveque Amadeus of MAURIENNE
Child: Thomas II of Flanders of SAVOY Birth: 1199
Child: Boniface of SAVOY , Archbishop of Canterbury
Child: Beatrice of SAVOY , Countess of Savoy Birth: ABT. 1201, Cahmbery, Savoie, France
Child: Peter II of SAVOY , Count of Savoy Birth: 1203
Child: Philip I of SAVOY , Count of Savoy Birth: 1207
Child: Humbert of SAVOY
Child: Alice of SAVOY
Child: Agathe of SAVOY
Child: Avita of SAVOY
Child: Margareta of SAVOY Birth: 1212

Ancestors of Margarete (Beatrice) of GENEVA

                               /-Aimon II of GENEVA
                    /-Amadeo I of GENEVA
                    |          \-Itha of FAUCIGNY
         /-William I of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |          |          /-Pons I of CUSEAU
         |          \-Mathilde of CUSEAU
         |                     \-Laura of SENECY
Margarete (Beatrice) of GENEVA
         \-Beatrice of FAUCIGNY

Descendents of Margarete (Beatrice) of GENEVA

1 Margarete (Beatrice) of GENEVA
  =Thomas of Maurienne of SAVOY , Count of Savoy  Marriage: MAY 1195
    2 Aimon of Savoy of VALLEY
    2 William of LUTTICH , Bishop of Luttich
    2 Aimon of Savoy of CHILLON
    2 Amadeus IV of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
      =Anne (Marguerite) of BOURGOGNE  Marriage: 1222
        3 Margareta of SAVOY
          =Bonifacius IV of MONTFERRAT
        3 Beatrice of SAVOY
          =Pierre of CHALON , Sn de Chatelbelin  Marriage: 21 OCT 1258
          =Manuel of CASTILE , Sn de Villena  Marriage: 1274
      =Cecile of BAUX
        3 Beatrice of SAVOY
          =Manfred of SICILY , King of Naples & Sicily
          =Manfred III of SALUZZO , Margrave of Saluzzo
        3 Eleonore of SAVOY
          =Guiscard of BEAUJEU
        3 Boniface of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
    2 Humbert of SAVOY
    2 Eveque Amadeus of MAURIENNE
    2 Thomas II of Flanders of SAVOY
      =Johanna of Hainault and FLANDERS
      =Beatrice FIESCHI
        3 Constance of SAVOY
        3 Alice of SAVOY
        3 Eleonore of SAVOY
          =Louis of BEAUJEU
        3 Thomas III of SAVOY , Count of Maurienne
          =Guye of CHALON  Marriage: 1274
        3 Louis I of VAUD , Count of Vaud
          =Jeanne of MONTFORT
          =Adeline of LORRAINE
        3 Amadeus V the Great of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
          =Sibylle of BAUGE
        3 Lancelot of SAVOY
        3 Nicolas of SAVOY
        3 Francois of SAVOY
    2 Boniface of SAVOY , Archbishop of Canterbury
    2 Beatrice of SAVOY , Countess of Savoy
      =Ramon Berenger V of PROVENCE
        3 Eleanor Berenger of PROVENCE
          =King Henry III of ENGLAND  Marriage: 14 JAN 1236, Canterbury Cathedral, Canterbury, Kent
        3 Marguerite Berenger of PROVENCE
          =King Louis IX (Saint Louis) Capet of FRANCE  Marriage: 1234
        3 Beatrice BERENGER , Countess of Provence
          =Charles I of ANJOU , King of Naples and Sicily
        3 Sanchia Berenger of PROVENCE
          =Richard of CORNWALL , Earl of Cornwall  Marriage: 23 NOV 1243, Westminster, Abbey, London
    2 Peter II of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
        3 Beatrix of SAVOY
          =Guiges VII of VIENNOIS , Dauphin of Viennois  Marriage: 1253
    2 Philip I of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
    2 Humbert of SAVOY
    2 Alice of SAVOY
    2 Agathe of SAVOY
    2 Avita of SAVOY
      =Baldwin of REVIERES , Earl of Devonshire
    2 Margareta of SAVOY
      =Hartmann IV of KYBURG , Count of Kyburg

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