Isabella Falconer of HALKERTOUN - Hiland HALL
 | Death: (Date and Place unknown) |
Descendents of Isabella Falconer of HALKERTOUN
1 Isabella Falconer of HALKERTOUN
=John Middleton of MIDDLETON
2 Robert Middleton of CALDHAM
=Katherine Strachen of THERBSTOUN
3 John MIDDLETON , Earl of Middleton
=Grizel Durham of Easter POWRIE

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Ancestors of Abigail HALL
/-William HALL
Abigail HALL
Descendents of Abigail HALL
1 Abigail HALL
=Benjamin WAITE
2 Henry WAITE
2 Benjamin WAITE
2 William WAITE
2 Sarah WAITE
2 Virtue WAITE
2 Jonathon WAITE
2 Abigail WAITE
2 John WAITE

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Ancestors of Abigail HALL
/-Christopher HALL
Abigail HALL
| /-Henry MATTESON I
| | \-Hannah PARSONS
\-Rosannah MATTESON
| /-Clement WEAVER III
\-Judith (Judea) WEAVER
\-Rachel ANDREWS
Descendents of Abigail HALL
1 Abigail HALL

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 | Father: Isaac HALL |
 | Mother: Lydia KNAPP |
 | Birth: 1 APR 1683, Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut |
 | Death: AFT. 1717, Queens County, New York |
Ancestors of Abigail HALL
/-Francis HALL
/-Isaac HALL
Abigail HALL
| /-Robert KNAPP
| /-Nicholas KNAPP
| | \-Margaret POLEY
\-Lydia KNAPP
Descendents of Abigail HALL
1 Abigail HALL

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 | Death: (Date and Place unknown) |
 | Partnership with: John TYLER
Marriage: 14 JAN 1694
Descendents of Abigail HALL
1 Abigail HALL
=John TYLER Marriage: 14 JAN 1694

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 | Death: (Date and Place unknown) |
Descendents of Abigale HALL
1 Abigale HALL
=Eleazer WARD

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 | Death: AFT. 1461 |
Descendents of Adolf of HALL
1 Adolf of HALL
=Maria Quad of BUSCHFELD

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 | Birth: ABT. 1710 |
 | Death: (Date and Place unknown) |
Descendents of Alice HALL
1 Alice HALL

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Ancestors of Alice HALL
/-Christopher HALL
Alice HALL
| /-Henry MATTESON I
| | \-Hannah PARSONS
\-Rosannah MATTESON
| /-Clement WEAVER III
\-Judith (Judea) WEAVER
\-Rachel ANDREWS

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Ancestors of Almy HALL
/-Christopher HALL
| /-Henry MATTESON I
| | \-Hannah PARSONS
\-Rosannah MATTESON
| /-Clement WEAVER III
\-Judith (Judea) WEAVER
\-Rachel ANDREWS

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 | Father: Nathaniel HALL |
 | Mother: Mabel WINCHEL |
 | Birth: 5 APR 1720, Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut |
 | Death: 21 OCT 1795, Barkhamsted, Litchfield, Connecticut |
 | Partnership with: William AUSTIN
Marriage: 20 JUL 1738, Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut
 | Child: Ame AUSTIN Birth: 23 JUN 1739, Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut | Child: Mable AUSTIN Birth: 3 JUN 1742, Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut | Child: Bethia AUSTIN Birth: 17 MAR 1745, Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut | Child: William AUSTIN Birth: 10 MAY 1747, Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut | Child: Agnes AUSTIN Birth: 19 DEC 1749, Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut | Child: James AUSTIN Birth: 22 MAR 1752, Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut | Child: Candace AUSTIN Birth: 19 JUL 1754, Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut | Child: John AUSTIN Birth: 4 MAR 1757, Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut | Child: Taphenes AUSTIN Birth: 3 DEC 1759, Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut | Child: Taphenes AUSTIN Birth: 1 JUN 1761, Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut | | | | | | | | | |
Ancestors of Ame (Ann) HALL
/-Nathaniel HALL
Ame (Ann) HALL
Descendents of Ame (Ann) HALL
1 Ame (Ann) HALL
=William AUSTIN Marriage: 20 JUL 1738, Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut
=Nathaniel RISING Marriage: 6 JUN 1763
2 Mable AUSTIN
=John NORTON Marriage: 16 NOV 1762
2 Bethia AUSTIN
=Jonathan KING Marriage: 22 SEP 1762, Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut
3 Bethia KING
=Reuben JOHNSON Marriage: 1 JUN 1786
3 Jonathan Seymour KING
=Tapana COY
3 Roderick KING
3 Cynthia KING
3 Polly or Mary KING
3 Malinda KING
2 William AUSTIN
=Sara FISH Marriage: 23 AUG 1771
2 Agnes AUSTIN
2 James AUSTIN
=Hannah WILDER
2 Candace AUSTIN
2 Taphenes AUSTIN
2 Taphenes AUSTIN
=Thomas WILDER Marriage: 1778

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 | Father: Nathaniel HALL |
 | Mother: Elizabeth CURTISS |
 | Birth: 24 FEB 1700, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut |
 | Death: 30 NOV 1752, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut |
 | Partnership with: Ruth ROYCE
Marriage: 28 JUN 1720, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut
Ancestors of Amos HALL
/-John HALL
/-John HALL
| \-Jane WOOLEN
/-Nathaniel HALL
| | /-Edward PARKER
| \-Mary PARKER
| \-Elizabeth WOOD
| /-John CURTISS
| /-Thomas CURTISS
| | \-Elizabeth Ann WELLES
\-Elizabeth CURTISS
| /-Nathaniel MERRIMAN
Descendents of Amos HALL
1 Amos HALL
=Ruth ROYCE Marriage: 28 JUN 1720, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut

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 | Birth: ABT. 1748 |
 | Death: (Date and Place unknown) |
Descendents of Amy HALL
1 Amy HALL

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 | Father: William HALL |
 | Mother: ESTHER |
 | Birth: 1 JUN 1709, Mansfield, Tolland County, Connecticut |
 | Death: 24 APR 1755 |
 | Partnership with: Rodolphus FULLER
Marriage: 1 NOV 1727, Mansfield, Tolland County, Connecticut
 | Child: Elizabeth FULLER Birth: 7 NOV 1728, Mansfield, Tolland County, Connecticut | Child: Samuel FULLER Birth: 18 JUL 1731, Mansfield, Tolland County, Connecdticut | Child: Lydia FULLER Birth: 19 NOV 1733, Mansfield, Tolland County, Connecdticut | Child: Silas FULLER Birth: 22 SEP 1735, Mansfield, Tolland County, Connecdticut | Child: Bela FULLER Birth: 13 MAR 1737, Mansfield, Tolland County, Connecdticut | Child: Anne FULLER Birth: 24 OCT 1738, Mansfield, Tolland County, Connecdticut | | | | | |
Ancestors of Ann HALL
/-John HALL
/-William HALL
/-William HALL
| | /-James MATTHEWS
| \-Esther MATTHEWS
| \-Sarah HEDGE
Descendents of Ann HALL
1 Ann HALL
=Rodolphus FULLER Marriage: 1 NOV 1727, Mansfield, Tolland County, Connecticut
2 Elizabeth FULLER
=Barnabas ALLEN Marriage: 21 APR 1752
3 Silas ALLEN
=Mary CLEVELAND Marriage: 16 MAY 1776, Canterbury, Winham County, Connecticut
3 Lemuel ALLEN
3 Jared ALLEN
3 Rebecca ALLEN
3 Anna ALLEN
3 Elizabeth ALLEN
3 Benjamin ALLEN
2 Samuel FULLER
2 Lydia FULLER
2 Silas FULLER

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Ancestors of Anna HALL
/-John HALL
/-Richard HALL
Descendents of Anna HALL
1 Anna HALL
=Jeremiah FENN

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 | Father: Isaac HALL |
 | Mother: Jane BURGIS |
 | Birth: 26 DEC 1710, Fairfield, Fairfield County, Connecticut |
 | Death: (Date and Place unknown) |
Ancestors of Anna HALL
/-Francis HALL
/-Isaac HALL
/-Isaac HALL
| | /-Nicholas KNAPP
| \-Lydia KNAPP
| \-Ellinor DISBROUGH
Descendents of Anna HALL
1 Anna HALL
=George CORNS Marriage: 12 NOV 1734

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 | Birth: 1863 |
 | Death: ABT. 1890 |
Descendents of Anna Rebecca HALL
1 Anna Rebecca HALL
=Elliott ROOSEVELT Marriage: ABT. 1884
2 Anna Eleanor ROOSEVELT
=Franklin Delano ROOSEVELT Marriage: 17 MAR 1905, Hyde Park, Dutchess Co., NY
3 Anna Eleanor ROOSEVELT
3 Franklin Delano ROOSEVELT ,Jr.
3 John Aspinwall ROOSEVELT

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 | Father: Isaac HALL |
 | Mother: Jane BURGIS |
 | Birth: 9 FEB 1706, Fairfield, Fairfield County, Connecticut |
 | Death: ABT. 1771, Danbury, Fairfield County, Connecticut |
Ancestors of Asa HALL
/-Francis HALL
/-Isaac HALL
/-Isaac HALL
| | /-Nicholas KNAPP
| \-Lydia KNAPP
| \-Ellinor DISBROUGH
Descendents of Asa HALL
1 Asa HALL
=Rachel MEEKER

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Ancestors of Benjamin HALL
/-John HALL
Benjamin HALL
Descendents of Benjamin HALL
1 Benjamin HALL
=Mehitable MATTHEWS Marriage: 7 FEB 1678

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 | Father: Isaac HALL |
 | Mother: Jane BURGIS |
 | Birth: 8 NOV 1701, Fairfield, Fairfield County, Connecticut |
 | Death: (Date and Place unknown) |
Ancestors of Burgis HALL
/-Francis HALL
/-Isaac HALL
/-Isaac HALL
| | /-Nicholas KNAPP
| \-Lydia KNAPP
| \-Ellinor DISBROUGH
Burgis HALL
Descendents of Burgis HALL
1 Burgis HALL

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 | Father: Nathaniel HALL |
 | Mother: Elizabeth CURTISS |
 | Birth: 3 JAN 1704, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut |
 | Death: 12 MAY 1766, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut |
Ancestors of Caleb HALL
/-John HALL
/-John HALL
| \-Jane WOOLEN
/-Nathaniel HALL
| | /-Edward PARKER
| \-Mary PARKER
| \-Elizabeth WOOD
Caleb HALL
| /-John CURTISS
| /-Thomas CURTISS
| | \-Elizabeth Ann WELLES
\-Elizabeth CURTISS
| /-Nathaniel MERRIMAN
Descendents of Caleb HALL
1 Caleb HALL
=Esther (Humphreville?) MALTBY Marriage: 11 MAY 1726, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut

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Ancestors of Caleb HALL
/-John HALL
/-John HALL
| | /-John WOOLEN
| \-Jane WOOLEN
Caleb HALL
| /-Edward PARKER
\-Elizabeth WOOD

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 | Birth: ABT. 1720 |
 | Death: (Date and Place unknown) |
Descendents of Christopher HALL
1 Christopher HALL
=Rosannah MATTESON Marriage: 18 FEB 1744
2 Sarah HALL
=William NICHOLS
2 Abigail HALL
2 Alice HALL
2 Almy HALL
2 Patience HALL
=Silas MATTESON Marriage: 18 DEC 1766
2 Rosannah HALL

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Ancestors of Curtiss HALL
/-John HALL
/-Nathaniel HALL
| \-Mary PARKER
/-Heman HALL , Lieutenent
| | /-Thomas CURTISS
| \-Elizabeth CURTISS
Curtiss HALL
\-Elizabeth GRAVES
Descendents of Curtiss HALL
1 Curtiss HALL

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 | Father: John HALL |
 | Mother: Mary PARKER |
 | Birth: 26 FEB 1672, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut |
 | Death: 1750 |
 | Partnership with: Thankful LYMAN
Marriage: 15 MAR 1693, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut
Ancestors of Daniel HALL
/-John HALL
/-John HALL
| | /-John WOOLEN
| \-Jane WOOLEN
Daniel HALL
| /-Edward PARKER
\-Elizabeth WOOD
Descendents of Daniel HALL
1 Daniel HALL
=Thankful LYMAN Marriage: 15 MAR 1693, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut

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 | Father: John HALL |
 | Mother: Jane WOOLEN |
 | Birth: 18 MAR 1652, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut |
 | Birth: 15 MAR 1653, New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut |
 | Death: 7 JUL 1727, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut |
 | Partnership with: Sarah ROCKWELL
Marriage: 24 DEC 1676, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut
 | Child: John HALL Birth: 9 MAY 1678, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut | Child: Thankful HALL Birth: 29 DEC 1679, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut | |
Ancestors of David HALL
/-John HALL
David HALL
| /-John WOOLEN
Descendents of David HALL
1 David HALL
=Sarah ROCKWELL Marriage: 24 DEC 1676, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut
2 John HALL
2 Thankful HALL
=Theophilus DOOLITTLE Marriage: 5 JAN 1698, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut
3 Theophilus DOOLITTLE
=Susanna MOSS

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Ancestors of David HALL
/-Samuel HALL
/-Samuel HALL , Deacon
| \-Elizabeth COOK
/-Samuel HALL , Captain
David HALL
| /-Israel WILCOX
| /-Samuel WILCOX
| | \-Sarah SAVAGE
\-Elizabeth WILCOX
| /-John SAGE
\-Hannah SAGE
\-Hannah STARR

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 | Father: Isaac HALL |
 | Mother: Jane BURGIS |
 | Birth: 2 JAN 1689, Fairfield, Fairfield County, Connecticut |
 | Death: (Date and Place unknown) |
Ancestors of David HALL
/-Francis HALL
/-Isaac HALL
/-Isaac HALL
| | /-Nicholas KNAPP
| \-Lydia KNAPP
| \-Ellinor DISBROUGH
David HALL

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Ancestors of Desire HALL
/-John HALL
/-John HALL
| \-Jane WOOLEN
/-Nathaniel HALL
| | /-Edward PARKER
| \-Mary PARKER
| \-Elizabeth WOOD
Desire HALL
| /-John CURTISS
| /-Thomas CURTISS
| | \-Elizabeth Ann WELLES
\-Elizabeth CURTISS
| /-Nathaniel MERRIMAN
Descendents of Desire HALL
1 Desire HALL
=Timothy SHATTUCK Marriage: 5 NOV 1740

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 | Partnership with: Deborah HILAND
Marriage: 11 APR 1700, Guilford, New Haven, Connecticut
Ancestors of Ebenezer HALL
/-Gilbert HALL
/-William HALL
/-John HALL
Ebenezer HALL
| /-George SMITH
\-Elizabeth SMITH
Descendents of Ebenezer HALL
1 Ebenezer HALL
=Deborah HILAND Marriage: 11 APR 1700, Guilford, New Haven, Connecticut

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 | Father: William HALL |
 | Mother: ESTHER |
 | Birth: 26 OCT 1723, Mansfield, Tolland County, Connecdticut |
 | Death: 12 AUG 1739 |
Ancestors of Ebenezer HALL
/-John HALL
/-William HALL
/-William HALL
| | /-James MATTHEWS
| \-Esther MATTHEWS
| \-Sarah HEDGE
Ebenezer HALL

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 | Father: John HALL |
 | Mother: ELIZABETH |
 | Birth: ABT. 1655, Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts |
 | Death: AFT. 1733 |
 | Partnership with: LYDIA
Marriage: ABT. 1679
Ancestors of Elisha HALL
/-John HALL
Elisha HALL
Descendents of Elisha HALL
1 Elisha HALL
= LYDIA Marriage: ABT. 1679

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 | Partnership with: John MOSS
Marriage: 25 FEB 1708, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut
 | Child: Hannah MOSS Birth: 11 NOV 1709, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut | Child: Elizabeth MOSS Birth: 6 DEC 1711, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut | Child: Joseph MOSS Birth: 9 FEB 1714, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut | Child: Mary MOSS Birth: 22 APR 1716, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut | Child: Kezia MOSS Birth: 1718, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut | Child: John MOSS Birth: 14 NOV 1720, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut | Child: Levi MOSS Birth: 31 DEC 1722, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut | Child: Eunice MOSS Birth: 6 FEB 1726, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut | Child: Thankful MOSS Birth: 26 APR 1728, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut | Child: Ann MOSS Birth: 18 AUG 1730, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut | Child: Martha MOSS Birth: SEP 1733, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut | Child: Ann MOSS Birth: AUG 1738, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut | | | | | | | | | | | |
Ancestors of Elizabeth HALL
/-John HALL
/-Samuel HALL
| | /-John WOOLEN
| \-Jane WOOLEN
Elizabeth HALL
| /-John WALKER , Captain
\-Hannah WALKER
Descendents of Elizabeth HALL
1 Elizabeth HALL
=John MOSS Marriage: 25 FEB 1708, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut
2 Hannah MOSS
=Benjamin IVES
=Phineas A. ATWATER Marriage: 14 JUN 1768, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut
2 Elizabeth MOSS
2 Joseph MOSS
=Lydia JONES Marriage: 4 FEB 1735, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut
3 Phebe MOSS
=Benjamin ATWATER Marriage: 10 JUN 1755, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut
3 Lydia MOSS
=Josiah HART Marriage: 10 JAN 1765, New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut
2 Mary MOSS
=Isaac HALL
2 Kezia MOSS
=Rueben ROYCE
2 John MOSS
2 Levi MOSS
=Martha FENN
3 Amos MOSS
3 Levi MOSS
3 Elizabeth MOSS
3 John MOSS
3 Martha MOSS
3 Martha MOSS
3 Mary MOSS
3 Stephen MOSS
3 Hannah MOSS
3 Benajah MOSS
3 Thankful MOSS
3 Philo Thaddeus MOSS
2 Eunice MOSS
2 Thankful MOSS
=Abel DOOLITTLE Marriage: 19 MAR 1745, Waterbury, Connecticut
2 Ann MOSS
2 Martha MOSS
=Ebenezer FOOTE
2 Ann MOSS

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Ancestors of Elizabeth HALL
/-John HALL
/-Nathaniel HALL
| \-Mary PARKER
/-Heman HALL , Lieutenent
| | /-Thomas CURTISS
| \-Elizabeth CURTISS
Elizabeth HALL
\-Elizabeth GRAVES
Descendents of Elizabeth HALL
1 Elizabeth HALL
=Daniel BYINGTON , Jr.

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Ancestors of Elizabeth HALL
/-John HALL
/-John HALL
| \-Jane WOOLEN
/-Nathaniel HALL
| | /-Edward PARKER
| \-Mary PARKER
| \-Elizabeth WOOD
Elizabeth HALL
| /-John CURTISS
| /-Thomas CURTISS
| | \-Elizabeth Ann WELLES
\-Elizabeth CURTISS
| /-Nathaniel MERRIMAN
Descendents of Elizabeth HALL
1 Elizabeth HALL

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 | Father: John HALL |
 | Mother: Mary PARKER |
 | Birth: 11 AUG 1670, New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut |
 | Death: 1735 |
Ancestors of Elizabeth HALL
/-John HALL
/-John HALL
| | /-John WOOLEN
| \-Jane WOOLEN
Elizabeth HALL
| /-Edward PARKER
\-Elizabeth WOOD
Descendents of Elizabeth HALL
1 Elizabeth HALL
=Unknown FERRIS

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Ancestors of Elizabeth HALL
/-John HALL
/-Samuel HALL
/-Samuel HALL , Deacon
| | /-Thomas COOK
| \-Elizabeth COOK
Elizabeth HALL
Descendents of Elizabeth HALL
1 Elizabeth HALL
=Mercy OLDS Marriage: 3 JUN 1747, Suffield, Connecticut
=Mercy SHELDON Marriage: 1781, Suffield, Connecticut
=David SAGE

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Ancestors of Elizabeth HALL
/-Samuel HALL
/-Samuel HALL , Deacon
| \-Elizabeth COOK
/-Samuel HALL , Captain
Elizabeth HALL
| /-Israel WILCOX
| /-Samuel WILCOX
| | \-Sarah SAVAGE
\-Elizabeth WILCOX
| /-John SAGE
\-Hannah SAGE
\-Hannah STARR

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 | Death: (Date and Place unknown) |
Descendents of Elizabeth HALL
1 Elizabeth HALL
=Daniel EMERSON Marriage: 3 DEC 1725

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 | Birth: ABT. 1670 |
 | Death: (Date and Place unknown) |
Descendents of Elizabeth HALL
1 Elizabeth HALL

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 | Father: Isaac HALL |
 | Mother: Lydia KNAPP |
 | Birth: 11 NOV 1672, Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut |
 | Death: AFT. 1717, Rye, Westchester County, New York |
Ancestors of Elizabeth HALL
/-Francis HALL
/-Isaac HALL
Elizabeth HALL
| /-Robert KNAPP
| /-Nicholas KNAPP
| | \-Margaret POLEY
\-Lydia KNAPP
Descendents of Elizabeth HALL
1 Elizabeth HALL
=Samuel LANE

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 | Father: Francis HALL |
 | Mother: ELIZABETH |
 | Birth: ABT. 1644 |
 | Death: ABT. 1694, Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut |
Ancestors of Elizabeth HALL
/-Francis HALL
Elizabeth HALL

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 | Birth: ABT. 1441 |
 | Death: (Date and Place unknown) |
Descendents of Ellen HALL
1 Ellen HALL
=Edmund (John) BLOUNT
2 Margaret BLOUNT
=Jane DARELL Marriage: ABT. 1513, Littlecote, Wilshire, England

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 | Father: John HALL |
 | Mother: Mary PARKER |
 | Birth: 30 AUG 1693, New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut |
 | Death: (Date and Place unknown) |
 | Partnership with: Benoni ATKINS
Marriage: 20 JUL 1715, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut
Ancestors of Esther HALL
/-John HALL
/-John HALL
| | /-John WOOLEN
| \-Jane WOOLEN
Esther HALL
| /-Edward PARKER
\-Elizabeth WOOD
Descendents of Esther HALL
1 Esther HALL
=Benoni ATKINS Marriage: 20 JUL 1715, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut

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Ancestors of Esther HALL
/-Samuel HALL
/-Samuel HALL , Deacon
| \-Elizabeth COOK
/-Samuel HALL , Captain
Esther HALL
| /-Israel WILCOX
| /-Samuel WILCOX
| | \-Sarah SAVAGE
\-Elizabeth WILCOX
| /-John SAGE
\-Hannah SAGE
\-Hannah STARR
Descendents of Esther HALL
1 Esther HALL
=George RANNEY

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 | Father: William HALL |
 | Mother: ESTHER |
 | Birth: 22 OCT 1713, Mansfield, Tolland County, Connecdticut |
 | Death: (Date and Place unknown) |
Ancestors of Esther HALL
/-John HALL
/-William HALL
/-William HALL
| | /-James MATTHEWS
| \-Esther MATTHEWS
| \-Sarah HEDGE
Esther HALL
Descendents of Esther HALL
1 Esther HALL
=Jonathan BALCH Marriage: 18 NOV 1733

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 | Father: Isaac HALL |
 | Mother: Lydia KNAPP |
 | Birth: 26 SEP 1676, Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut |
 | Death: ABT. 1761 |
Ancestors of Francis HALL
/-Francis HALL
/-Isaac HALL
Francis HALL
| /-Robert KNAPP
| /-Nicholas KNAPP
| | \-Margaret POLEY
\-Lydia KNAPP
Descendents of Francis HALL
1 Francis HALL
=Margaret STITES Marriage: 8 DEC 1702

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 | Birth: ABT. 1605, Bulkington, Warwicks, England |
 | Death: 5 MAR 1690, Stratford, Fairfield, Connecticut |
Descendents of Francis HALL
1 Francis HALL
= ELIZABETH Marriage: ABT. 1628, England
2 Isaac HALL
=Lydia KNAPP
3 Isaac HALL
=Jane BURGIS Marriage: 24 JAN 1689, Fairfield, Fairfield County, Connecticut
3 Sarah HALL
=Joseph HALL Marriage: ABT. 1695
3 Lydia HALL
3 Elizabeth HALL
=Samuel LANE
3 Samuel HALL
3 Francis HALL
=Margaret STITES Marriage: 8 DEC 1702
3 John HALL
3 John HALL
=Abigail SUMMERS
3 Mary HALL
=William STITES
3 Abigail HALL
3 Jonathan HALL
3 Hannah HALL
=Ezekiel BALDWIN
2 Mary HALL
2 Elizabeth HALL
2 Rebecca HALL
2 Hannah HALL
=Joseph BLAKEMAN Marriage: 14 JUL 1674
2 Samuel HALL
= MARY Marriage: 20 MAR 1683, Fairfield, Fairfield County, Connecticut
= HANNAH Marriage: 16 MAR 1687
=Susannah WHEELER Marriage: ABT. 1688
=Dorothy SMITH

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 | Death: (Date and Place unknown) |
Descendents of Francis HALL
1 Francis HALL
=Dorothy SMITH

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Ancestors of Gershom HALL
/-John HALL
Gershom HALL
Descendents of Gershom HALL
1 Gershom HALL
=Bethia BANGS Marriage: ABT. 1668

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 | Birth: Kent, England |
 | Death: (Date and Place unknown) |
 | Partnership with: (Unknown)
Descendents of Gilbert HALL
1 Gilbert HALL
2 William HALL
= HESTER Marriage: Guilford, New Haven, Connecticut
3 John HALL
=Elizabeth SMITH Marriage: 13 NOV 1669, New Haven, Connecticut
3 Samuel HALL
=Elizabeth JOHNSON Marriage: 22 DEC 1674, Guilford, New Haven, Connecticut

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Ancestors of Grace HALL
/-Samuel HALL
/-Samuel HALL , Deacon
| \-Elizabeth COOK
/-Samuel HALL , Captain
Grace HALL
| /-Israel WILCOX
| /-Samuel WILCOX
| | \-Sarah SAVAGE
\-Elizabeth WILCOX
| /-John SAGE
\-Hannah SAGE
\-Hannah STARR
Descendents of Grace HALL
1 Grace HALL

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 | Death: (Date and Place unknown) |
Descendents of Grace Currier Kimball HALL
1 Grace Currier Kimball HALL
=Richard HAZEN

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 | Father: Samuel HALL |
 | Mother: Hannah WALKER |
 | Birth: 11 MAR 1673, New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut |
 | Death: 27 JUL 1758, Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut |
 | Partnership with: Ebenezer DOOLITTLE
Marriage: BEF. APR 1697, New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut
Ancestors of Hannah HALL
/-John HALL
/-Samuel HALL
| | /-John WOOLEN
| \-Jane WOOLEN
Hannah HALL
| /-John WALKER , Captain
\-Hannah WALKER
Descendents of Hannah HALL
1 Hannah HALL
=Ebenezer DOOLITTLE Marriage: BEF. APR 1697, New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut
=Joseph ATWATER Marriage: 10 SEP 1722, New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut
3 Benjamin ATWATER
=Phebe MOSS Marriage: 10 JUN 1755, Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut

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Ancestors of Hannah HALL
/-Samuel HALL
/-Samuel HALL , Deacon
| \-Elizabeth COOK
/-Samuel HALL , Captain
Hannah HALL
| /-Israel WILCOX
| /-Samuel WILCOX
| | \-Sarah SAVAGE
\-Elizabeth WILCOX
| /-John SAGE
\-Hannah SAGE
\-Hannah STARR

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 | Father: Isaac HALL |
 | Mother: Lydia KNAPP |
 | Birth: ABT. 1685, Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut |
 | Death: AFT. 1717 |
Ancestors of Hannah HALL
/-Francis HALL
/-Isaac HALL
Hannah HALL
| /-Robert KNAPP
| /-Nicholas KNAPP
| | \-Margaret POLEY
\-Lydia KNAPP
Descendents of Hannah HALL
1 Hannah HALL
=Ezekiel BALDWIN

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Ancestors of Hannah HALL
/-Francis HALL
Hannah HALL
Descendents of Hannah HALL
1 Hannah HALL
=Joseph BLAKEMAN Marriage: 14 JUL 1674

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Ancestors of Heman HALL , Captain
/-John HALL
/-Nathaniel HALL
| \-Mary PARKER
/-Heman HALL , Lieutenent
| | /-Thomas CURTISS
| \-Elizabeth CURTISS
Heman HALL , Captain
\-Elizabeth GRAVES
Descendents of Heman HALL , Captain
1 Heman HALL , Captain
=Rebecca FINCH Marriage: ABT. 1770

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Ancestors of Heman HALL , Lieutenent
/-John HALL
/-John HALL
| \-Jane WOOLEN
/-Nathaniel HALL
| | /-Edward PARKER
| \-Mary PARKER
| \-Elizabeth WOOD
Heman HALL , Lieutenent
| /-John CURTISS
| /-Thomas CURTISS
| | \-Elizabeth Ann WELLES
\-Elizabeth CURTISS
| /-Nathaniel MERRIMAN
Descendents of Heman HALL , Lieutenent
1 Heman HALL , Lieutenent
=Elizabeth GRAVES
2 Curtiss HALL
2 Phebe HALL
=Joseph Dea ATKINS
2 Elizabeth HALL
=Daniel BYINGTON , Jr.
2 Heman HALL , Captain
=Rebecca FINCH Marriage: ABT. 1770

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 | Father: Thomas HALL |
 | Mother: Mary HILAND |
 | Birth: 30 SEP 1703, Guilford, New Haven, Connecticut |
 | Death: 16 JUN 1781, Guilford, New Haven, Connecticut |
 | Partnership with: Rachel BISHOP
Marriage: 17 MAR 1725, Guilford, New Haven, Connecticut
Ancestors of Hiland HALL
/-John HALL , Deacon
/-Samuel HALL
| \-Ann WILCOX
/-Thomas HALL
| \-Elizabeth WHITE
Hiland HALL
| /-George HILAND
| /-Abraham CRITTENDEN
Descendents of Hiland HALL
1 Hiland HALL
=Rachel BISHOP Marriage: 17 MAR 1725, Guilford, New Haven, Connecticut

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