Ancestors of Sarah LAWRENCE
/-Nathaniel LAWRENCE
| \-Elizabeth COOK
/-Nathaniel LAWRENCE
| | /-Joseph MORSE
| \-Sarah MORSE
| \-Hannah PHILLIPS
\-Annah RUTTER
Descendents of Sarah LAWRENCE
=Elisha TOTTINGHAM Marriage: 1736
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Ancestors of Sarah LAWRENCE
| \- MARY
/-Nathaniel LAWRENCE
| \-Elizabeth COOK
| /-Samuel MORSE
| /-Joseph MORSE
| | \-Elizabeth JASPER
\-Sarah MORSE
| /-Christopher PHILLIPS
Descendents of Sarah LAWRENCE
=Samuel PAGE
2 John PAGE
2 Samuel PAGE
=Susanna LAWRENCE Marriage: 19 MAY 1719, Medford, Massachusetts
3 Susanna PAGE
3 Samuel PAGE
3 Jeremiah PAGE
=Sarah ANDREWS Marriage: 28 JUN 1750, Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts
=Martha CROSBY Marriage: 12 JUN 1776
3 Anne PAGE
3 Simeon PAGE
3 Mary PAGE
=Ruth DOLIBER Marriage: 21 JUL 1748, Hampton Falls, New Hampshire
2 Joseph PAGE
=Deborah GOULD
2 Sarah PAGE
2 William PAGE
=Sarah STEVENS Marriage: 11 JUL 1733
2 David PAGE
=Priscilla BOYNTON Marriage: 22 JUN 1735
2 Nathaniel PAGE
= UNKNOWN Marriage: South Carolina
=Mercy GOULD Marriage: 25 DEC 1773
2 Jonathan PAGE
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Ancestors of Sarah LAWRENCE
| \- MARY
/-Nathaniel LAWRENCE
| \-Elizabeth COOK
| /-Samuel MORSE
| /-Joseph MORSE
| | \-Elizabeth JASPER
\-Sarah MORSE
| /-Christopher PHILLIPS
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For further information email: [email protected]
Ancestors of Susanna LAWRENCE
| \- MARY
| /-William BATCHELDER
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For further information email: [email protected]
Partnership with: Samuel PAGE
Marriage: 19 MAY 1719, Medford, Massachusetts
Child: Susanna PAGE Birth: 3 MAR 1719, Medford, MassachusettsChild: Samuel PAGE Birth: 7 NOV 1721, Medford, MassachusettsChild: Jeremiah PAGE Birth: 1 OCT 1722, Medford, MassachusettsChild: Anne PAGE Birth: 27 MAR 1726, Medford, MassachusettsChild: Simeon PAGE Birth: 16 NOV 1730, Medford, MassachusettsChild: Mary PAGE Birth: 9 OCT 1732, Medford, Massachusetts
Ancestors of Susanna LAWRENCE
/-Nathaniel LAWRENCE
| \-Elizabeth COOK
/-Nathaniel LAWRENCE
| | /-Joseph MORSE
| \-Sarah MORSE
| \-Hannah PHILLIPS
\-Annah RUTTER
Descendents of Susanna LAWRENCE
1 Susanna LAWRENCE
=Samuel PAGE Marriage: 19 MAY 1719, Medford, Massachusetts
2 Susanna PAGE
2 Samuel PAGE
2 Jeremiah PAGE
=Sarah ANDREWS Marriage: 28 JUN 1750, Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts
3 Sarah PAGE
=Tarrant PUTNAM Marriage: 16 NOV 1768
=Robert FOSTER Marriage: 16 SEP 1779
3 Samuel PAGE
=Rebecca PUTNAM
3 Mary PAGE
=Andrew PUTNAM Marriage: 13 AUG 1774
=Benjamin KENT Marriage: 18 DEC 1786
3 Elizabeth PAGE
=Samuel GOODRIDGE Marriage: 15 OCT 1772, Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts
3 Anna PAGE
3 Lydia PAGE
=John GREEN Marriage: 7 JUN 1781
3 Hannah PAGE
=William CARROLL Marriage: 17 APR 1788, Danvers, Essex County, Massachusetts
3 Nathan PAGE
3 Daniel PAGE
=Martha CROSBY Marriage: 12 JUN 1776
3 Jeremiah PAGE
=Martha ENDICOTT Marriage: 30 APR 1800
3 John PAGE
=Mary FOWLER Marriage: 12 DEC 1805
3 Patty PAGE
=John FOWLER Marriage: 8 JUN 1800
2 Anne PAGE
2 Simeon PAGE
2 Mary PAGE
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Birth: ABT. 1492, of Taunton, Somerset, England
Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Partnership with: ELIZABETH
Marriage: (Date and Place unknown)
Child: John LAWRENCE Birth: ABT. 1522, Taunton, Somersetshire, England
Descendents of Thomas LAWRENCE
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Ancestors of Zachariah LAWRENCE
| \- MARY
Zachariah LAWRENCE
\-Elizabeth COOK
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For further information email: [email protected]
Birth: Private
Descendents of Betty LAWSON
1 Betty LAWSON
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Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Descendents of John S. LAWSON
1 John S. LAWSON
=Sarah TUTTLE Marriage: 12 NOV 1663
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Ancestors of Elizabeth LAWTON
/-Thomas LAWTON
Elizabeth LAWTON
\-Elizabeth SALISBURY
Descendents of Elizabeth LAWTON
1 Elizabeth LAWTON
2 Thomas SHERMAN
=Lydia WILCOX Marriage: 26 MAY 1702
3 Benjamin SHERMAN
=Sarah Elizabeth COOK Marriage: 19 MAY 1771, Preston, Connecticut
=Benjamin POTTER Marriage: 1 FEB 1726
3 George SHERMAN
3 Susannah SHERMAN
=Samuel SHELDON Marriage: 23 SEP 1739, South Kingston, Rhode Island
3 Josiah SHERMAN
=Mary POTTER Marriage: 4 JUN 1727
3 Daniel SHERMAN
=Susannah EARLE Marriage: 22 MAY 1735
2 Elizabeth SHERMAN
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For further information email: [email protected]
Father: Richard LAWTON
Mother: Polly BROWNELL
Birth: 10 MAR 1803, Westport, Bristol County, Massachusetts
Death: 26 JUL 1865, Westport, Bristol County, Massachusetts
Partnership with: Melina A. SOULE
Marriage: 5 NOV 1826, Westport, Bristol County, Massachusetts
Ancestors of Isaac LAWTON
/-Richard LAWTON
Descendents of Isaac LAWTON
1 Isaac LAWTON
=Melina A. SOULE Marriage: 5 NOV 1826, Westport, Bristol County, Massachusetts
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For further information email: [email protected]
Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Descendents of John LAWTON
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For further information email: [email protected]
Birth: 23 SEP 1703, Newport, Rhode Island
Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Partnership with: Stephen RICHMOND
Child: John RICHMOND Birth: 1728, Rhode IslandChild: Mary RICHMOND Birth: 1731, Rhode IslandChild: Elizabeth RICHMOND Birth: 1735, Rhode IslandChild: Adam RICHMOND Birth: 24 MAR 1737, Westerly, Washington County, Rhode IslandChild: Rebecca RICHMOND Birth: 1739, Rhode IslandChild: Content RICHMOND Birth: 1741, Rhode IslandChild: Stephen RICHMOND Birth: 1743, Rhode IslandChild: Edward RICHMOND Birth: 1746, Rhode IslandChild: Anne RICHMOND Birth: 1750, Rhode Island
Descendents of Mary LAWTON
2 Elizabeth RICHMOND
=Mary HALL Marriage: 1 APR 1762, West Greenwich, Rhode Island
3 William RICHMOND
3 Preserved RICHMOND
3 Stephen RICHMOND
3 Elizabeth RICHMOND
2 Rebecca RICHMOND
2 Content RICHMOND
2 Stephen RICHMOND
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For further information email: [email protected]
Birth: ABT. 1770
Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Descendents of Richard LAWTON
1 Richard LAWTON
2 Isaac LAWTON
=Melina A. SOULE Marriage: 5 NOV 1826, Westport, Bristol County, Massachusetts
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Death: 1681
Descendents of Thomas LAWTON
1 Thomas LAWTON
=Elizabeth SALISBURY Marriage: 20 MAY 1635, Cranfield, Bedforshire, England
2 Elizabeth LAWTON
3 Thomas SHERMAN
=Lydia WILCOX Marriage: 26 MAY 1702
3 Elizabeth SHERMAN
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Birth: ABT. 1635
Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Descendents of Thomas LAWTON
1 Thomas LAWTON
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Birth: ABT. 1697
Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Descendents of Thomas or Joseph LAWTON
1 Thomas or Joseph LAWTON
=Sarah RICHMOND Marriage: 26 JUL 1725
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Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Descendents of Pierre of LAXAQUE
1 Pierre of LAXAQUE
=Jeanne of BEAUMONT
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Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Descendents of LAXE-PAUL
2 Pugelta LAXESSON
2 Hakon MAW
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Ancestors of Einar LAXESSON
| /-Erling of Soli SKIALGSON
| /-Svein Hakonson of Ladir and NORWAY
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Ancestors of Hakon LAXESSON
| /-Erling of Soli SKIALGSON
| /-Svein Hakonson of Ladir and NORWAY
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Ancestors of Pugelta LAXESSON
| /-Erling of Soli SKIALGSON
| /-Svein Hakonson of Ladir and NORWAY
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Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Descendents of Alice of LAXINGTON
1 Alice of LAXINGTON
=William of WESSINGTON
2 William of WESSINGTON
3 Walter of WESSINGTON
=Diana DILSTON Marriage: 1264, Battle of Lewes, England?
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Father: John "Drummer" LAY
Mother: SARAH
Birth: 9 SEP 1673, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Ancestors of Abigail LAY
/-John LAY
/-John "Drummer" LAY
Abigail LAY
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Father: John LAY
Mother: Sarah LEE
Birth: 19 MAR 1723, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Ancestors of Amos LAY
/-John LAY
/-John "Drummer" LAY
/-John LAY
| | /-Richard SMITH
| \-Johanna SMITH
| \-Joanna QUARLES
Amos LAY
\-Sarah LEE
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Father: John "Drummer" LAY
Mother: SARAH
Birth: 11 FEB 1671, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Ancestors of Catherne LAY
/-John LAY
/-John "Drummer" LAY
Catherne LAY
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Father: John "Drummer" LAY
Mother: SARAH
Birth: 26 JAN 1668, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Ancestors of Edward LAY
/-John LAY
/-John "Drummer" LAY
Edward LAY
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Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Partnership with: MARY
Descendents of Edward LAY
1 Edward LAY
2 Sarah LAY
=Timothy MATHER Marriage: 12 FEB 1736, Lyme, Middlesex County, Connecticut
3 Sarah MATHER
=Ezra MILLER Marriage: 19 FEB 1761, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
3 Jeohada MATHER
=Eunice MILLER
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Father: John "Drummer" LAY
Mother: SARAH
Birth: 18 DEC 1681, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
Birth: 18 DEC 1681
Death: 18 OCT 1782, Canaan, Litchfield County, Connecticut
Ancestors of Elizabeth LAY
/-John LAY
/-John "Drummer" LAY
Elizabeth LAY
Descendents of Elizabeth LAY
1 Elizabeth LAY
=Samuel TUBBS Marriage: ABT. 1698
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Father: John LAY
Mother: Sarah LEE
Birth: 4 JUL 1720, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
Death: 21 DEC 1781, East Lyme, Connecticut
Partnership with: Elisha MILLER
Marriage: 25 FEB 1740, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
Partnership with: Obadiah JONES
Marriage: 17 MAY 1781, Old Lyme, Ist Congregational Church, Lyme, Connecticut
Ancestors of Elizabeth LAY
/-John LAY
/-John "Drummer" LAY
/-John LAY
| | /-Richard SMITH
| \-Johanna SMITH
| \-Joanna QUARLES
Elizabeth LAY
\-Sarah LEE
Descendents of Elizabeth LAY
1 Elizabeth LAY
=Elisha MILLER Marriage: 25 FEB 1740, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
=Obadiah JONES Marriage: 17 MAY 1781, Old Lyme, Ist Congregational Church, Lyme, Connecticut
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Father: John LAY
Mother: Ruth SMITH
Birth: 16 OCT 1733, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Ancestors of Icabod LAY
/-John LAY
/-John "Drummer" LAY
/-John LAY
| | /-Richard SMITH
| \-Johanna SMITH
| \-Joanna QUARLES
Icabod LAY
\-Ruth SMITH
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Ancestors of Johanna LAY
/-John LAY
/-John "Drummer" LAY
Johanna LAY
| /-Richard SMITH
| | \- MARY
\-Johanna SMITH
\-Joanna QUARLES
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For further information email: [email protected]
Death: 18 JAN 1674, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
Partnership with: (Unknown)
Descendents of John LAY
1 John LAY
2 John "Drummer" LAY
= SARAH Marriage: Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
3 Sarah LAY
=Simon DEWOLF Marriage: 12 NOV 1682
=Nathaniel CLARK Marriage: 3 DEC 1696, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
3 Rebeikahe LAY
3 Edward LAY
3 Catherne LAY
3 Abigail LAY
3 Marah (Mary) LAY
=Samuel JONES Marriage: 8 DEC 1697, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
3 Elizabeth LAY
=Samuel TUBBS Marriage: ABT. 1698
3 John LAY
3 Phebe LAY
=Johanna SMITH Marriage: 26 MAY 1686, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
3 Johanna LAY
3 John LAY
=Sarah LEE Marriage: 21 DEC 1712, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
=Ruth SMITH Marriage: 10 JAN 1733, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
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Father: John "Drummer" LAY
Mother: SARAH
Birth: 25 MAR 1683, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Ancestors of John LAY
/-John LAY
/-John "Drummer" LAY
John LAY
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Partnership with: Sarah LEE
Marriage: 21 DEC 1712, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
Child: Sarah LAY Birth: 10 SEP 1715, Lyme, New London County, ConnecticutChild: Elizabeth LAY Birth: 4 JUL 1720, Lyme, New London County, ConnecticutChild: Amos LAY Birth: 19 MAR 1723, Lyme, New London County, ConnecticutChild: Lucia LAY Birth: 8 AUG 1726, Lyme, New London County, ConnecticutChild: Phebe LAY Birth: 28 MAR 1730, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
Partnership with: Ruth SMITH
Marriage: 10 JAN 1733, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
Child: Icabod LAY Birth: 16 OCT 1733, Lyme, New London County, ConnecticutChild: Richard LAY Birth: 16 OCT 1733, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
Ancestors of John LAY
/-John LAY
/-John "Drummer" LAY
John LAY
| /-Richard SMITH
| | \- MARY
\-Johanna SMITH
\-Joanna QUARLES
Descendents of John LAY
1 John LAY
=Sarah LEE Marriage: 21 DEC 1712, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
2 Sarah LAY
2 Elizabeth LAY
=Elisha MILLER Marriage: 25 FEB 1740, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
=Obadiah JONES Marriage: 17 MAY 1781, Old Lyme, Ist Congregational Church, Lyme, Connecticut
2 Amos LAY
2 Lucia LAY
2 Phebe LAY
=Ruth SMITH Marriage: 10 JAN 1733, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
2 Icabod LAY
2 Richard LAY
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Father: John LAY
Birth: ABT. 1666
Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Partnership with: SARAH
Marriage: Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
Child: Sarah LAY Birth: 4 DEC 1664, Lyme, New London County, ConnecticutChild: Rebeikahe LAY Birth: 9 SEP 1666Child: Edward LAY Birth: 26 JAN 1668, Lyme, New London County, ConnecticutChild: Catherne LAY Birth: 11 FEB 1671, Lyme, New London County, ConnecticutChild: Abigail LAY Birth: 9 SEP 1673, Lyme, New London County, ConnecticutChild: Marah (Mary) LAY Birth: 21 MAR 1678, Lyme, New London County, ConnecticutChild: Elizabeth LAY Birth: 18 DEC 1681, Lyme, New London County, ConnecticutChild: John LAY Birth: 25 MAR 1683, Lyme, New London County, ConnecticutChild: Phebe LAY Birth: 13 JAN 1684, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
Partnership with: Johanna SMITH
Marriage: 26 MAY 1686, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
Child: Johanna LAY Birth: 8 OCT 1687, Lyme, New London County, ConnecticutChild: John LAY Birth: 4 OCT 1692, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
Ancestors of John "Drummer" LAY
/-John LAY
John "Drummer" LAY
Descendents of John "Drummer" LAY
1 John "Drummer" LAY
= SARAH Marriage: Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
2 Sarah LAY
=Simon DEWOLF Marriage: 12 NOV 1682
3 Simon DEWOLF
3 Sarah DEWOLF
3 Josiah DEWOLF
=Anna WATERMAN Marriage: 4 NOV 1713, Lyme, Middlesex County, Connecticut
3 Phebe DEWOLF
3 Daniel DEWOLF
3 Jabez DEWOLF
=Nathaniel CLARK Marriage: 3 DEC 1696, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
3 John CLARK
3 Nathaniel CLARK
3 Eleazer CLARK
=Joanna COLEMAN Marriage: 9 MAR 1750, Nantucket Island
3 Samuel CLARK
3 Thomas CLARK
3 William CLARK
2 Rebeikahe LAY
2 Edward LAY
2 Catherne LAY
2 Abigail LAY
2 Marah (Mary) LAY
=Samuel JONES Marriage: 8 DEC 1697, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
2 Elizabeth LAY
=Samuel TUBBS Marriage: ABT. 1698
2 John LAY
2 Phebe LAY
=Johanna SMITH Marriage: 26 MAY 1686, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
2 Johanna LAY
2 John LAY
=Sarah LEE Marriage: 21 DEC 1712, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
3 Sarah LAY
3 Elizabeth LAY
=Elisha MILLER Marriage: 25 FEB 1740, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
=Obadiah JONES Marriage: 17 MAY 1781, Old Lyme, Ist Congregational Church, Lyme, Connecticut
3 Amos LAY
3 Lucia LAY
3 Phebe LAY
=Ruth SMITH Marriage: 10 JAN 1733, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
3 Icabod LAY
3 Richard LAY
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Father: John LAY
Mother: Sarah LEE
Birth: 8 AUG 1726, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Ancestors of Lucia LAY
/-John LAY
/-John "Drummer" LAY
/-John LAY
| | /-Richard SMITH
| \-Johanna SMITH
| \-Joanna QUARLES
Lucia LAY
\-Sarah LEE
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Father: John "Drummer" LAY
Mother: SARAH
Birth: 21 MAR 1678, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Partnership with: Samuel JONES
Marriage: 8 DEC 1697, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
Ancestors of Marah (Mary) LAY
/-John LAY
/-John "Drummer" LAY
Marah (Mary) LAY
Descendents of Marah (Mary) LAY
1 Marah (Mary) LAY
=Samuel JONES Marriage: 8 DEC 1697, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
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Father: John "Drummer" LAY
Mother: SARAH
Birth: 13 JAN 1684, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Ancestors of Phebe LAY
/-John LAY
/-John "Drummer" LAY
Phebe LAY
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Father: John LAY
Mother: Sarah LEE
Birth: 28 MAR 1730, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Ancestors of Phebe LAY
/-John LAY
/-John "Drummer" LAY
/-John LAY
| | /-Richard SMITH
| \-Johanna SMITH
| \-Joanna QUARLES
Phebe LAY
\-Sarah LEE
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For further information email: [email protected]
Ancestors of Rebeikahe LAY
/-John LAY
/-John "Drummer" LAY
Rebeikahe LAY
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Father: John LAY
Mother: Ruth SMITH
Birth: 16 OCT 1733, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Ancestors of Richard LAY
/-John LAY
/-John "Drummer" LAY
/-John LAY
| | /-Richard SMITH
| \-Johanna SMITH
| \-Joanna QUARLES
Richard LAY
\-Ruth SMITH
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For further information email: [email protected]
Birth: ABT. 1618, Eng.
Death: 9 JUL 1689, Saybrook, Middlesex, CT
Partnership with: Sarah FENNER
Marriage: DEC 1647, Saybrook, Middlesex, CT.
Child: Robert LAY Birth: 6 MAR 1654, Saybrook, Middlesex County, Connecticut
Descendents of Robert LAY
1 Robert LAY
=Sarah FENNER Marriage: DEC 1647, Saybrook, Middlesex, CT.
2 Robert LAY
=Mary STANTON Marriage: 22 JAN 1679, Saybrook, Middlesex County, Connecticut
3 Temperance LAY
=Joseph GRISWOLD Marriage: 29 DEC 1714, Killingworth, Middlesex County, Connecticut
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For further information email: [email protected]
Father: Robert LAY
Mother: Sarah FENNER
Birth: 6 MAR 1654, Saybrook, Middlesex County, Connecticut
Death: 1742, Saybrook, Middlesex County, Connecticut
Partnership with: Mary STANTON
Marriage: 22 JAN 1679, Saybrook, Middlesex County, Connecticut
Child: Temperance LAY Birth: 25 JUL 1691, Saybrook, Middlesex County, Connecticut
Ancestors of Robert LAY
/-Robert LAY
Robert LAY
| /-Arthur FENNER
\-Sarah FENNER
\-Sarah BROWNE
Descendents of Robert LAY
1 Robert LAY
=Mary STANTON Marriage: 22 JAN 1679, Saybrook, Middlesex County, Connecticut
2 Temperance LAY
=Joseph GRISWOLD Marriage: 29 DEC 1714, Killingworth, Middlesex County, Connecticut
=Rebecca RUTTY Marriage: 4 DEC 1740, Killingworth, Middlesex County, Connecticut
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For further information email: [email protected]
Father: John "Drummer" LAY
Mother: SARAH
Birth: 4 DEC 1664, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Partnership with: Simon DEWOLF
Marriage: 12 NOV 1682
Child: Simon DEWOLF Birth: 18 NOV 1683, Lyme, New London County, ConnecticutChild: Sarah DEWOLF Birth: 2 DEC 1685, Lyme, New London County, ConnecticutChild: John DEWOLF Birth: 17 AUG 1687, Lyme, New London County, ConnecticutChild: Josiah DEWOLF Birth: 15 NOV 1689, Lyme, New London County, ConnecticutChild: Phebe DEWOLF Birth: 20 JAN 1691, Lyme, New London County, ConnecticutChild: Daniel DEWOLF Birth: 20 NOV 1693, Lyme, New London County, ConnecticutChild: Jabez DEWOLF Birth: ABT. 1695Child: John DEWOLF Birth: 21 DEC 1697
Partnership with: Nathaniel CLARK
Marriage: 3 DEC 1696, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
Ancestors of Sarah LAY
/-John LAY
/-John "Drummer" LAY
Sarah LAY
Descendents of Sarah LAY
1 Sarah LAY
=Simon DEWOLF Marriage: 12 NOV 1682
2 Simon DEWOLF
2 Sarah DEWOLF
2 Josiah DEWOLF
=Anna WATERMAN Marriage: 4 NOV 1713, Lyme, Middlesex County, Connecticut
3 Josiah DEWOLF
3 Josiah DEWOLF
=Martha ELY Marriage: 13 SEP 1739, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
3 Simon DEWOLF
3 Jabez DEWOLF
=Eunice CALKINS Marriage: 15 NOV 1753, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
3 Judith DEWOLF
3 Daniel DEWOLF
3 Elisabeth DEWOLF
2 Phebe DEWOLF
2 Daniel DEWOLF
2 Jabez DEWOLF
=Nathaniel CLARK Marriage: 3 DEC 1696, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
2 John CLARK
2 Nathaniel CLARK
2 Eleazer CLARK
=Joanna COLEMAN Marriage: 9 MAR 1750, Nantucket Island
3 Lydia CLARK
=John ANDERSON Marriage: 25 MAY 1775, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
2 Samuel CLARK
2 Thomas CLARK
2 William CLARK
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For further information email: [email protected]
Father: Edward LAY
Mother: MARY
Death: 25 MAY 1761, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
Partnership with: Timothy MATHER
Marriage: 12 FEB 1736, Lyme, Middlesex County, Connecticut
Ancestors of Sarah LAY
/-Edward LAY
Sarah LAY
Descendents of Sarah LAY
1 Sarah LAY
=Timothy MATHER Marriage: 12 FEB 1736, Lyme, Middlesex County, Connecticut
2 Sarah MATHER
=Ezra MILLER Marriage: 19 FEB 1761, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
3 Phebe MILLER
=Elisha CHAMPION Marriage: 27 NOV 1783, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
3 Eunice MILLER
2 Jeohada MATHER
=Eunice MILLER
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Father: John LAY
Mother: Sarah LEE
Birth: 10 SEP 1715, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Ancestors of Sarah LAY
/-John LAY
/-John "Drummer" LAY
/-John LAY
| | /-Richard SMITH
| \-Johanna SMITH
| \-Joanna QUARLES
Sarah LAY
\-Sarah LEE
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For further information email: [email protected]
Father: Robert LAY
Mother: Mary STANTON
Birth: 25 JUL 1691, Saybrook, Middlesex County, Connecticut
Death: 18 SEP 1773, Killingworth, Middlesex County, Connecticut
Partnership with: Joseph GRISWOLD
Marriage: 29 DEC 1714, Killingworth, Middlesex County, Connecticut
Child: Joseph GRISWOLD Birth: 22 OCT 1716, Killingworth, Middlesex County, Connecticut
Ancestors of Temperance LAY
/-Robert LAY
/-Robert LAY
| | /-Arthur FENNER
| \-Sarah FENNER
| \-Sarah BROWNE
Temperance LAY
| /-Thomas STANTON
| /-Thomas STANTON
| | \-Anna LORD
| /-George DENISON
\-Bridget THOMPSON
Descendents of Temperance LAY
1 Temperance LAY
=Joseph GRISWOLD Marriage: 29 DEC 1714, Killingworth, Middlesex County, Connecticut
=Rebecca RUTTY Marriage: 4 DEC 1740, Killingworth, Middlesex County, Connecticut
=Submit TURNER Marriage: 4 MAR 1773, Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut Marriage: 4 MAR 1773, Killingworth, Middlesex, CT
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Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Descendents of Mary LAYMAN
=Pellum MABEE
2 Landrine MABEE
2 George MABEE
2 Frederick MABEE
2 Simon MABEE
2 Pellum MABEE
2 Lavina MABEE
2 Mary Ann MABEE
2 Esther MABEE
2 Drusilla MABEE
2 Elizabeth Ann MABEE
2 Margaret MABEE
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Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Partnership with: Elizabeth Sarah CECIL
Marriage: 9 JUN 1867, St. Matthew, Bethanl Green, Middlesex, England
Descendents of Thomas LAYTON
1 Thomas LAYTON
=Elizabeth Sarah CECIL Marriage: 9 JUN 1867, St. Matthew, Bethanl Green, Middlesex, England
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Ancestors of LAZARUS
/-Syrus the JAIRUS , Chief Priest
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Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Descendents of Margaret LAZENBY
1 Margaret LAZENBY
=Robert GOODELL Marriage: 1647, Salem, Massachusetts
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Birth: ABT. 1267, England
Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Descendents of John Giffard LE BOEF , Sir
1 John Giffard LE BOEF , Sir
=Alexandra of GARDINIS
=Lucy of MORTEYN
3 Thomas GIFFARD , Sir
=Elizabeth of MISSENDEN Marriage: BEF. 20 DEC 1360, Twyford, England
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Ancestors of Louis II LE BON , Prince d'Orange
/-Jean II of CHALON , Sire d'Arlay
/-Louis I of CHALON , sn d'Arguel
| \-Marie of GENEVA
/-John III of CHALON , Prince d'Orange
| | /-Philippe of VIENNE , sn de Pymont
| \-Marguerite of VIENNE
Louis II LE BON , Prince d'Orange
| /-Raymond V of BAUX , Prince d'Orange
\-Marie of BAUX , Princess d'Orange
Descendents of Louis II LE BON , Prince d'Orange
1 Louis II LE BON , Prince d'Orange
=Blanche of GAMACHES
2 William VIII LE BON , Prince d'Orange
=Catherine of BRITTANY Marriage: 1438
3 Jean IV le Bon of CHALON , Prince d'Orange
=Jeanne of BOURBON Marriage: 21 OCT 1467
=Philiberte of LUXEMBOURG , Cts de Charney Marriage: 1494
2 Louis D'ORANGE , sn de Chateau-Guyon
2 Jeanne D'ORANGE
=Louis del LA CHAMBRE , Cte del la Chambre Marriage: 1472
2 Hugues D'ORANGE , sn de Chateau-Guyon
=Louise of SAVOY Marriage: 24 AUG 1479
2 Philippine D'ORANGE , Nun
=Jeanne of MOEMPELGARD , Dame de Montfaucon Marriage: 1411
=Eleonore D'ARMAGNAC Marriage: 26 SEP 1446
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Ancestors of Philipert LE BON , Prince d'Orange
/-Louis II LE BON , Prince d'Orange
/-William VIII LE BON , Prince d'Orange
| \-Blanche of GAMACHES
/-Jean IV le Bon of CHALON , Prince d'Orange
| | /-Richard of Bretagne of DREUX
| \-Catherine of BRITTANY
| \-Marguerite of ORLEANS
Philipert LE BON , Prince d'Orange
\-Philiberte of LUXEMBOURG , Cts de Charney
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Ancestors of William VIII LE BON , Prince d'Orange
/-Louis I of CHALON , sn d'Arguel
/-John III of CHALON , Prince d'Orange
| \-Marguerite of VIENNE
/-Louis II LE BON , Prince d'Orange
| | /-Raymond V of BAUX , Prince d'Orange
| \-Marie of BAUX , Princess d'Orange
William VIII LE BON , Prince d'Orange
\-Blanche of GAMACHES
Descendents of William VIII LE BON , Prince d'Orange
1 William VIII LE BON , Prince d'Orange
=Catherine of BRITTANY Marriage: 1438
2 Jean IV le Bon of CHALON , Prince d'Orange
=Jeanne of BOURBON Marriage: 21 OCT 1467
=Philiberte of LUXEMBOURG , Cts de Charney Marriage: 1494
3 Claude D'ORANGE
=Heinrich III of NASSAU-BREDA Marriage: 1515
3 Philipert LE BON , Prince d'Orange
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Ancestors of Angharad LE BOTILLER
/-William LE BOTILLER , Sir
Descendents of Angharad LE BOTILLER
1 Angharad LE BOTILLER
=John LESTRAUNGE , Lord Lestraunge
=Thomas of FERRERS , Keeper of the Channel Islands
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Ancestors of Edmund LE BOTILLER , Styled Earl of Carrick
/-Theobald LE BOTILLER
/-Theobald LE BOTILLER
| \-Joan of MARISCO
/-Theobald LE BOTILLER
| | /-Richard "the Great" of BURGH , Lord of Connacht
| \-Margery of BURGH
| \-Giles of LACY
Edmund LE BOTILLER , Styled Earl of Carrick
| /-Geoffrey FITZPIERS , Earl of Essex 4
| /-John FITZGEOFFREY , Justiciar of Ireland
| | \-Aveline (Alice) of CLARE
| /-Hugh of BIGOD , Earl of Norfolk 3
\-Isabel of BIGOD
Descendents of Edmund LE BOTILLER , Styled Earl of Carrick
1 Edmund LE BOTILLER , Styled Earl of Carrick
2 Thomas LE BOTILLER , Seneschal of Tipperary
=Synolda LE PETIT
3 Piers of Dunboyne LE BOTILLER
2 Lawrence LE BOTILLER
2 James BUTLER , Earl of Ormonde I
=Alianore of BOHUN Marriage: 1327
3 Pernel BUTLER
=Gilbert TALBOT , Lord Talbot 3 Marriage: BEF. 8 SEP 1352
3 James BUTLER , Earl of Ormonde 2
=Elizabeth DARCY , Countess of Ormonde Marriage: 1346
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Ancestors of Elizabeth LE BOTILLER
/-William LE BOTILLER , Sir
Descendents of Elizabeth LE BOTILLER
1 Elizabeth LE BOTILLER
=Robert of FERRERS , Sir Marriage: 27 SEP 1369
2 Robert of Wemme FERRERS , Lord Ferrers of Wemm
=Joan of BEAUFORT Marriage: BEF. 30 SEP 1394
3 Elizabeth FERRERS , Lady of Wem
=John of GREYSTOKE Marriage: 28 OCT 1407
3 Mary of FERRERS , Lady of Oversley
=Ralph of Westmorland NEVILLE , Sir
=John SAY Marriage: BEF. 24 NOV 1381
=Thomas MOLINTON , Sir Marriage: BEF. 25 OCT 1398
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Ancestors of Lawrence LE BOTILLER
/-Theobald LE BOTILLER
/-Theobald LE BOTILLER
| \-Margery of BURGH
/-Edmund LE BOTILLER , Styled Earl of Carrick
| | /-John FITZGEOFFREY , Justiciar of Ireland
| \-Isabel of BIGOD
| /-Thomas FitzMaurice FITZGERALD
| /-John fitzThomas FITZGERALD , Earl of Kildare I
| | \-Rohesia of ST. MICHAEL
| /-John DE LA ROCHE , Lord Fermoy
\-Blanche DE LA ROCHE
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