MAIN - Leopold of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz


Father: FERGUS I
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)

Ancestors of MAIN

                               /- FIACHRE-FIRMARA
                    /- FERADAIG
         /- FERGUS I

Descendents of MAIN

        3  ROWEIN

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David MAIN

Father: Ezekiel MAIN
Mother: Rebecca SMITH
Birth: 21 JUL 1797, North Stonington, New London County, Connecticut
Death: 24 JUL 1869, Iowa

Partnership with: Orilla MALLORY
Marriage: 24 JUL 1817

Ancestors of David MAIN

         /-Ezekiel MAIN
David MAIN
         \-Rebecca SMITH

Descendents of David MAIN

1 David MAIN
  =Orilla MALLORY  Marriage: 24 JUL 1817

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Ezekiel MAIN

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Rebecca SMITH
Child: David MAIN Birth: 21 JUL 1797, North Stonington, New London County, Connecticut

Descendents of Ezekiel MAIN

1 Ezekiel MAIN
  =Rebecca SMITH
    2 David MAIN
      =Orilla MALLORY  Marriage: 24 JUL 1817

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Olive MALLORY
Marriage: 24 JUL 1817

Descendents of John MAIN

1 John MAIN
  =Olive MALLORY  Marriage: 24 JUL 1817

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Jonas MAIN

Father: Thomas MAIN
Mother: Anna BROWN
Birth: 7 FEB 1735, Stonington, New London, Connecticut
Death: 24 JAN 1804, North Stonington, New London, Connecticut

Partnership with: Patience PECKHAM

Ancestors of Jonas MAIN

         /-Thomas MAIN
Jonas MAIN
         \-Anna BROWN

Descendents of Jonas MAIN

1 Jonas MAIN
  =Patience PECKHAM

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Joshua MAIN

Father: Thomas MAIN
Mother: Anna BROWN
Birth: 5 APR 1729, Stonington, New London, Connecticut
Death: 1798, Kent, Putnam County, New York

Partnership with: Rachel PECKHAM
Child: Sebbeus MAINE Birth: 1753, Carmel, Putnam County, New York
Child: Amos MAINE Birth: 1768
Child: Rachel MAINE Birth: 1770

Ancestors of Joshua MAIN

         /-Thomas MAIN
Joshua MAIN
         \-Anna BROWN

Descendents of Joshua MAIN

1 Joshua MAIN
  =Rachel PECKHAM
    2 Sebbeus MAINE
      =Nancy COVEY
        3 Sebbeus MAINE
        3 Joshua MAINE
    2 Amos MAINE
    2 Rachel MAINE
      =Samuel BURCH

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Thomas MAIN

Birth: ABT. 1700
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Anna BROWN
Child: Joshua MAIN Birth: 5 APR 1729, Stonington, New London, Connecticut
Child: Jonas MAIN Birth: 7 FEB 1735, Stonington, New London, Connecticut

Descendents of Thomas MAIN

1 Thomas MAIN
  =Anna BROWN
    2 Joshua MAIN
      =Rachel PECKHAM
        3 Sebbeus MAINE
          =Nancy COVEY
        3 Amos MAINE
        3 Rachel MAINE
          =Samuel BURCH
    2 Jonas MAIN
      =Patience PECKHAM

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Johanna of MAINBURG

Death: 1521

Partnership with: Hartmann of LIECHTENSTEIN-NIKOLSBURG
Child: Georg Hartmann of LIECHTENSTEIN-NIKOLSBURG Birth: 1513
Child: John Christoph of LIECHTENSTEIN-NIKOLSBURG Birth: 25 APR 1515
Child: Sebastian of LIECHTENSTEIN-NIKOLSBURG Birth: 22 APR 1520

Descendents of Johanna of MAINBURG

1 Johanna of MAINBURG
      =Susanna of Liechtenstein in NIKOLSBURG
          =Anna Maria of ORTENBURG
        3 Georg Erasmus of LIECHTENSTEIN-NIKOLSBURG
        3 Anna Sussana of LIECHTENSTEIN-NIKOLSBURG
        3 Susanna Johanna of LIECHTENSTEIN-NIKOLSBURG
        3 Frederick Albrecht of LIECHTENSTEIN-NIKOLSBURG
        3 John Septimius of LIECHTENSTEIN-NIKOLSBURG
        3 Frederick Albrecht of LIECHTENSTEIN-NIKOLSBURG
        3 Georg Hartmann of LIECHTENSTEIN-NIKOLSBURG
      =Anna Maria Merzirziczsky of LOMNICZ

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Father: Joshua MAIN
Mother: Rachel PECKHAM
Birth: 1768
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Amos MAINE

                    /-Thomas MAIN
         /-Joshua MAIN
         |          \-Anna BROWN
         |                     /-Timothy PECKHAM
         |          /-Rueben PECKHAM
         |          |          \-Rachel WEAVER
         \-Rachel PECKHAM
                    |          /-John HATHAWAY
                    \-Patience HATHAWAY
                               \-Patience HUNNEYWELL

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Beatrix of MAINE

Father: Elias of ANJOU
Mother: Philippa of PERCHE
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: John I of ALENCON , Count of Alencon
Child: Jean II of ALENCON , Count of Alencon
Child: Robert III of ALENCON , Count of Alencon
Child: Alix of ALENCON Birth: ABT. 1150
Child: Helia of ALENCON Birth: ABT. 1155

Ancestors of Beatrix of MAINE

                               /-Fouques IV the Rude of ANJOU , Count of Anjou
                    /-Fouques V the Younger of ANJOU
                    |          \-Bertrade of MONTFORT
         /-Elias of ANJOU
         |          |          /-Helias of MAINE , Count of Maine
         |          \-Ermengard of MAINE
         |                     \-Agnes of AQUITAINE
Beatrix of MAINE
         |                     /-Godfrey II of PERCHE , Count of Perche
         |          /-Rotrou II the Great of PERCHE , Count of Perche
         |          |          \-Beatrice of RAMERU
         \-Philippa of PERCHE
                    |          /-King Henry I Beauclerc of ENGLAND
                    \-Mathilde of ENGLAND
                               \-Amicia of GUADER

Descendents of Beatrix of MAINE

1 Beatrix of MAINE
  =John I of ALENCON , Count of Alencon
    2 Jean II of ALENCON , Count of Alencon
    2 William DE LA ROCHE-MABILE
    2 Robert III of ALENCON , Count of Alencon
      =Jeanne of GUERCHE
      =Emma of LAVAL
    2 Alix of ALENCON
      =Robert I Malet of GRAVILLE
      =Hugues II of CHATERLLERAULT
    2 Helia of ALENCON

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Blichilde of MAINE

Father: Roricon of MAINE
Birth: ABT. 820
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Ramnulf I of POITOU , Count of Poitou
Marriage: BEF. 845
Child: Ramnulf II of POITOU , Duke of Aquitaine Birth: ABT. 855
Child: Abbot of Poitiers EBALUS
Partnership with: Count Bernard the POITEVIN
Child: Marquis Bernard of GOTHIA

Ancestors of Blichilde of MAINE

                    /-Gauzbert of MANS
         /-Roricon of MAINE
Blichilde of MAINE
         \- BLICHILDE

Descendents of Blichilde of MAINE

1 Blichilde of MAINE
  =Ramnulf I of POITOU , Count of Poitou  Marriage: BEF. 845
    2 Ramnulf II of POITOU , Duke of Aquitaine
        3 Ebles Manzer the Bastard of POITOU
          = EMELINE  Marriage: 911
          = EDGIFU
          = EREMBURG  Marriage: 892
      = ADELAIDE
        3  ADDA
    2 Abbot of Poitiers EBALUS
  =Count Bernard the POITEVIN
    2 Marquis Bernard of GOTHIA

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Ermengard of MAINE

Father: Helias of MAINE , Count of Maine
Mother: Agnes of AQUITAINE
Birth: 1096
Death: 1126

Partnership with: Fouques V the Younger of ANJOU
Child: Isabella (MATILDA) Birth: ABT. 1109, Anjou, France
Child: Geoffrey V the Fair PLANTAGENET Birth: 24 AUG 1113
Child: Sibille of ANJOU Birth: ABT. 1114
Child: Elias of ANJOU Birth: ABT. 1115

Ancestors of Ermengard of MAINE

                    /-John DE LA FLECHE
         /-Helias of MAINE , Count of Maine
         |          \- PAULA
Ermengard of MAINE
         |                     /-William III (V) the Great of AQUITAINE
         |          /-William VI (VIII) (Guido) of AQUITAINE
         |          |          \-Agnes de Burgundy of MACON
         \-Agnes of AQUITAINE
                    |          /-Robert I of BURGUNDY , Duke of Burgundy
                    \-Hildegard of BURGUNDY
                               \-Ermgard (Blanca) of ANJOU

Descendents of Ermengard of MAINE

1 Ermengard of MAINE
  =Fouques V the Younger of ANJOU
    2 Isabella (MATILDA)
      =William the AETHELING , Duke of Normandy  Marriage: JUN 1119, Lisieux
    2 Geoffrey V the Fair PLANTAGENET
      =Queen Matild the Empress of ENGLAND  Marriage: 22 MAY 1128, Le Mans Cathedral, Anjou
        3 King Henry II FitzEmpress Curtmantle of ENGLAND
          =Eleanor of AQUITAINE , Duchess of Aquitaine  Marriage: 18 MAY 1152, Bordeaux Cathedral, France
          =Rosamund (Joan) CLIFFORD
          =Alix Capet of FRANCE
          =Nesta BLOET
          =Alice of PORHOET
        3 Geoffrey VI of Nantes and ANJOU
        3 William Plantagenet of POITOU , Count of Poitou
      =Adelaide of ANGERS
        3 Hamelin of Anjou Plantagenet of WARENNE
          =Isabel of (Surrey) WARENNE  Marriage: 1163  Marriage: APR 1164
        3 Emma PLANTAGENET
          =Guy of LAVAL , Sire of Laval
          =Dafydd ap Owain GWYNEDD , Prince of Gwynedd
        3 Abbess Mary of SHAFTESBURY
    2 Sibille of ANJOU
      =William III Clito of FLANDERS , Count of Flanders  Marriage: 1123
      =Dietrich of FLANDERS , Count of Flanders  Marriage: 1134
        3 Margarete of FLANDERS
          =Baldwin V of HAINAULT , Count of Hainault
          =Rudolf II of VERMANDOIS , Count of Vermandois
        3 Baldwin of FLANDERS
        3 Philipp the Great of Vermandois and FLANDERS
          =Teresa (Matilda) of PORTUGAL  Marriage: 1183
          =Elisabeth (Mabilie) of VERMANDOIS
        3 Mattheus of Boulogne of ALSACE , Count Boulogne
          =Mary of BOULOGNE , Countess of Mortaigne  Marriage: ABT. 1160
          =Eleonore of VERMANDOIS
        3 Peter of Flanders of NEVERS , Count of Nevers
          =Mathilde of BOURGOGNE , Dame of Montpensier  Marriage: 1176
        3 Mathilde of FLANDERS
        3 Gertrud of FLANDERS
          =Humbert III of Maurienne of SAVOY
          =Hugh III of CAMBRAI , Viscount of Meaux
    2 Elias of ANJOU
      =Philippa of PERCHE
        3 Maria of MAINE
          =John I of ALENCON , Count of Alencon
        3 Beatrix of MAINE
          =John I of ALENCON , Count of Alencon

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Fulconius of MAINE

Father: Hugo II MAINE , Count of Maine
Death: ABT. 967

Ancestors of Fulconius of MAINE

                               /-Rotger of MAINE , Count of Maine
                    /-Hugo I of MAINE , Count of Maine
                    |          \- ROTHILD
         /-Hugo II MAINE , Count of Maine
Fulconius of MAINE

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Garzenda of MAINE

Father: Hugo I of MAINE , Count of Maine
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Azo II D'ESTE , Marquess of Este
Child: FULK Birth: BEF. 997

Ancestors of Garzenda of MAINE

                    /-Rotger of MAINE , Count of Maine
         /-Hugo I of MAINE , Count of Maine
         |          |          /-King Charles II the Bald of the West FRANKS
         |          \- ROTHILD
         |                     \-Richildis of METZ
Garzenda of MAINE

Descendents of Garzenda of MAINE

1 Garzenda of MAINE
  =Azo II D'ESTE , Marquess of Este
    2  FULK

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Gersende (Bertha) of MAINE

Father: Herbert of MAINE , Count of Maine
Birth: ABT. 1030, Amiens, Somme
Death: 10 MAY 1100

Partnership with: Theobald III of BLOIS , Count of Blois
Child: Stephen II Henry of BLOIS , Count of Blois Birth: ABT. 1045
Child: Odo(Eudes) III of BLOIS , Count of Blois Birth: ABT. 1065
Child: Hugo (Hugh) I of BLOIS , Count of Champagne Birth: ABT. 1075
Child: Philipp of CHALONS , Baron of Chalons

Ancestors of Gersende (Bertha) of MAINE

         /-Herbert of MAINE , Count of Maine
Gersende (Bertha) of MAINE

Descendents of Gersende (Bertha) of MAINE

1 Gersende (Bertha) of MAINE
  =Theobald III of BLOIS , Count of Blois
    2 Stephen II Henry of BLOIS , Count of Blois
      =Adela of (England) BLOIS , Countess of Blois  Marriage: ABT. 1081, Chartres Cathedral
        3 Phillip of CHALON , Bishop of Chalon
        3 William of CHARTES , Count of Chartes
          =Agnes of SULLI
        3 Odo of BLOIS
        3 Matilda of BLOIS
          =Richard of Abrincis of CHESTER , Earl of Chester  Marriage: 1115
        3 Eleonore of BLOIS , Countess of Blois
          =Rudolf I of VERMANDOIS , Count of Vermandois
          =Raoul of VERMANDOIS , Count of Vermandois
        3 William of SULLY
          =Agnes of SULLY
        3 Theobald IV of BLOIS , Count of Blois
          =Mathilde (Maud) of CARINTHIA  Marriage: 1164
        3 King Stephen of ENGLAND
          =Gentlewoman Dameta of NORMANDY
          =Mathilde of BOULOGNE  Marriage: 1125, Westminster, England
        3 Humbert of BLOIS , Count of Blois
        3 Henry of WINCHESTER , Bishop of Winchester
        3 Lithiuse (Adele) of BLOIS
          =Milo II of Monthery of BRAI , Vicount of Troyes  Marriage: 1112
        3 Agnes of BLOIS
          =Hugh III of PUISET
        3 Alice of BLOIS
          =Reginald III of JOIGNI , Count of Joigni
        3 Emma of BLOIS
          =Heribert II of MAINE , Count of Maine
    2 Odo(Eudes) III of BLOIS , Count of Blois
    2 Hugo (Hugh) I of BLOIS , Count of Champagne
      =Constance of FRANCE  Marriage: 1104
      =Eilzabeth of MACON
        3 Odo I of CHAMPLITTE
          =Sibille DE LA FERTE
      =Elisabet of VARASC
    2 Philipp of CHALONS , Baron of Chalons

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Helias of MAINE , Count of Maine

Father: John DE LA FLECHE
Mother: PAULA
Birth: ABT. 1060
Death: 11 JUN 1110

Partnership with: Agnes of AQUITAINE
Marriage: 1109
Child: Ermengard of MAINE Birth: 1096
Partnership with: Matilda of Chateau DU LOIRE

Ancestors of Helias of MAINE , Count of Maine

         /-John DE LA FLECHE
Helias of MAINE , Count of Maine
         \- PAULA

Descendents of Helias of MAINE , Count of Maine

1 Helias of MAINE , Count of Maine
  =Agnes of AQUITAINE  Marriage: 1109
    2 Ermengard of MAINE
      =Fouques V the Younger of ANJOU
        3 Isabella (MATILDA)
          =William the AETHELING , Duke of Normandy  Marriage: JUN 1119, Lisieux
        3 Geoffrey V the Fair PLANTAGENET
          =Queen Matild the Empress of ENGLAND  Marriage: 22 MAY 1128, Le Mans Cathedral, Anjou
          =Adelaide of ANGERS
        3 Sibille of ANJOU
          =William III Clito of FLANDERS , Count of Flanders  Marriage: 1123
          =Dietrich of FLANDERS , Count of Flanders  Marriage: 1134
        3 Elias of ANJOU
          =Philippa of PERCHE
  =Matilda of Chateau DU LOIRE

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Herbert Baco of MAINE

Father: Hugo II MAINE , Count of Maine
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Herbert Baco of MAINE

                               /-Rotger of MAINE , Count of Maine
                    /-Hugo I of MAINE , Count of Maine
                    |          \- ROTHILD
         /-Hugo II MAINE , Count of Maine
Herbert Baco of MAINE

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Herbert of MAINE , Count of Maine

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Gersende (Bertha) of MAINE Birth: ABT. 1030, Amiens, Somme

Descendents of Herbert of MAINE , Count of Maine

1 Herbert of MAINE , Count of Maine
    2 Gersende (Bertha) of MAINE
      =Theobald III of BLOIS , Count of Blois
        3 Stephen II Henry of BLOIS , Count of Blois
          =Adela of (England) BLOIS , Countess of Blois  Marriage: ABT. 1081, Chartres Cathedral
        3 Odo(Eudes) III of BLOIS , Count of Blois
        3 Hugo (Hugh) I of BLOIS , Count of Champagne
          =Constance of FRANCE  Marriage: 1104
          =Eilzabeth of MACON
          =Elisabet of VARASC
        3 Philipp of CHALONS , Baron of Chalons

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Heribert I of MAINE

Father: Hugo III of MAINE , Count of Maine
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Heribert I of MAINE

                               /-Hugo I of MAINE , Count of Maine
                    /-Hugo II MAINE , Count of Maine
         /-Hugo III of MAINE , Count of Maine
Heribert I of MAINE

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Heribert II of MAINE , Count of Maine

Father: Hugo IV of MAINE , Count of Maine
Mother: Bertha of BLOIS
Birth: ABT. 1047
Death: 3 SEP 1062

Partnership with: Emma of BLOIS

Ancestors of Heribert II of MAINE , Count of Maine

         /-Hugo IV of MAINE , Count of Maine
Heribert II of MAINE , Count of Maine
         |                     /-Odo I (Eudes) of BLOIS , Count of Blois
         |          /-Odo II (Eudes) of BLOIS , Count of Blois
         |          |          \-Bertha of BURGUNDY
         \-Bertha of BLOIS
                    \-Ermengarde of AUVERGNE
                               \-Ermengarde of ARLES

Descendents of Heribert II of MAINE , Count of Maine

1 Heribert II of MAINE , Count of Maine
  =Emma of BLOIS

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Hugo I of MAINE , Count of Maine

Father: Rotger of MAINE , Count of Maine
Birth: ABT. 890
Death: ABT. 939

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Garzenda of MAINE
Child: Hugo II MAINE , Count of Maine Birth: ABT. 920

Ancestors of Hugo I of MAINE , Count of Maine

         /-Rotger of MAINE , Count of Maine
Hugo I of MAINE , Count of Maine
         |                     /-Louis I the Pious of AQUITAINE , King of France
         |          /-King Charles II the Bald of the West FRANKS
         |          |          \-Judith of (Altdorf) BAVARIA
         \- ROTHILD
                    |          /-Count Buwin of AUTUN
                    \-Richildis of METZ
                               \- DAUGHTER

Descendents of Hugo I of MAINE , Count of Maine

1 Hugo I of MAINE , Count of Maine
    2 Garzenda of MAINE
      =Azo II D'ESTE , Marquess of Este
        3  FULK
    2 Hugo II MAINE , Count of Maine
        3 Herbert Baco of MAINE
        3 Hugo III of MAINE , Count of Maine
        3 Fulconius of MAINE

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Hugo II MAINE , Count of Maine

Father: Hugo I of MAINE , Count of Maine
Birth: ABT. 920
Death: 992

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Herbert Baco of MAINE
Child: Hugo III of MAINE , Count of Maine
Child: Fulconius of MAINE

Ancestors of Hugo II MAINE , Count of Maine

                    /-Rotger of MAINE , Count of Maine
         /-Hugo I of MAINE , Count of Maine
         |          |          /-King Charles II the Bald of the West FRANKS
         |          \- ROTHILD
         |                     \-Richildis of METZ
Hugo II MAINE , Count of Maine

Descendents of Hugo II MAINE , Count of Maine

1 Hugo II MAINE , Count of Maine
    2 Herbert Baco of MAINE
    2 Hugo III of MAINE , Count of Maine
        3 Heribert I of MAINE
    2 Fulconius of MAINE

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Hugo III of MAINE , Count of Maine

Father: Hugo II MAINE , Count of Maine
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Heribert I of MAINE

Ancestors of Hugo III of MAINE , Count of Maine

                               /-Rotger of MAINE , Count of Maine
                    /-Hugo I of MAINE , Count of Maine
                    |          \- ROTHILD
         /-Hugo II MAINE , Count of Maine
Hugo III of MAINE , Count of Maine

Descendents of Hugo III of MAINE , Count of Maine

1 Hugo III of MAINE , Count of Maine
    2 Heribert I of MAINE

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Hugo IV of MAINE , Count of Maine

Death: 26 MAR 1053

Partnership with: Bertha of BLOIS
Child: Heribert II of MAINE , Count of Maine Birth: ABT. 1047
Child: Margarete of MAINE Birth: 1048

Descendents of Hugo IV of MAINE , Count of Maine

1 Hugo IV of MAINE , Count of Maine
  =Bertha of BLOIS
    2 Heribert II of MAINE , Count of Maine
      =Emma of BLOIS
    2 Margarete of MAINE
      =Robert II Curthose of NORMANDY

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Joshua MAINE

Father: Sebbeus MAINE
Mother: Nancy COVEY
Birth: 15 AUG 1801
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Joshua MAINE

                               /-Thomas MAIN
                    /-Joshua MAIN
                    |          \-Anna BROWN
         /-Sebbeus MAINE
         |          |          /-Rueben PECKHAM
         |          \-Rachel PECKHAM
         |                     \-Patience HATHAWAY
Joshua MAINE
         \-Nancy COVEY

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Judith of MAINE

Father: Rotger of MAINE , Count of Maine
Birth: ABT. 895
Death: ABT. 926

Partnership with: Hugh Capet the Great of NEUSTRIA

Ancestors of Judith of MAINE

         /-Rotger of MAINE , Count of Maine
Judith of MAINE
         |                     /-Louis I the Pious of AQUITAINE , King of France
         |          /-King Charles II the Bald of the West FRANKS
         |          |          \-Judith of (Altdorf) BAVARIA
         \- ROTHILD
                    |          /-Count Buwin of AUTUN
                    \-Richildis of METZ
                               \- DAUGHTER

Descendents of Judith of MAINE

1 Judith of MAINE
  =Hugh Capet the Great of NEUSTRIA

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Louis of MAINE , m. de Mezieres

Father: Charles of ANJOU , Count of Maine & Guise
Mother: Isabella of LUXEMBOURG
Death: 1487

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Rene of MAINE , m. de Mezieres

Ancestors of Louis of MAINE , m. de Mezieres

                               /-Louis I of ANJOU , Duke of Anjou
                    /-Lodovico II of NAPLES , King of Naples
                    |          \-Margaret (Marie) of Chatillon of BLOIS
         /-Charles of ANJOU , Count of Maine & Guise
         |          |          /-King Juan I the Hunter of Aragon and VALENCIA
         |          \-Jolantha of ARAGON , Queen of Sicily
         |                     \-Mathe D'ARMAGNAC
Louis of MAINE , m. de Mezieres
         \-Isabella of LUXEMBOURG

Descendents of Louis of MAINE , m. de Mezieres

1 Louis of MAINE , m. de Mezieres
    2 Rene of MAINE , m. de Mezieres
      =Anoinette of CHABANNES , csse de Danmartin
        3 Nicholas of ANJOU , M. de Mezieres
        3 Francoise of DANMARTIN , csse de Danmartin
          =Jean III of RAMBURES

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Margarete of MAINE

Father: Hugo IV of MAINE , Count of Maine
Mother: Bertha of BLOIS
Birth: 1048
Death: 12 OCT 1063

Partnership with: Robert II Curthose of NORMANDY

Ancestors of Margarete of MAINE

         /-Hugo IV of MAINE , Count of Maine
Margarete of MAINE
         |                     /-Odo I (Eudes) of BLOIS , Count of Blois
         |          /-Odo II (Eudes) of BLOIS , Count of Blois
         |          |          \-Bertha of BURGUNDY
         \-Bertha of BLOIS
                    \-Ermengarde of AUVERGNE
                               \-Ermengarde of ARLES

Descendents of Margarete of MAINE

1 Margarete of MAINE
  =Robert II Curthose of NORMANDY

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Maria of MAINE

Father: Elias of ANJOU
Mother: Philippa of PERCHE
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: John I of ALENCON , Count of Alencon

Ancestors of Maria of MAINE

                               /-Fouques IV the Rude of ANJOU , Count of Anjou
                    /-Fouques V the Younger of ANJOU
                    |          \-Bertrade of MONTFORT
         /-Elias of ANJOU
         |          |          /-Helias of MAINE , Count of Maine
         |          \-Ermengard of MAINE
         |                     \-Agnes of AQUITAINE
Maria of MAINE
         |                     /-Godfrey II of PERCHE , Count of Perche
         |          /-Rotrou II the Great of PERCHE , Count of Perche
         |          |          \-Beatrice of RAMERU
         \-Philippa of PERCHE
                    |          /-King Henry I Beauclerc of ENGLAND
                    \-Mathilde of ENGLAND
                               \-Amicia of GUADER

Descendents of Maria of MAINE

1 Maria of MAINE
  =John I of ALENCON , Count of Alencon

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Rachel MAINE

Father: Joshua MAIN
Mother: Rachel PECKHAM
Birth: 1770
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Samuel BURCH

Ancestors of Rachel MAINE

                    /-Thomas MAIN
         /-Joshua MAIN
         |          \-Anna BROWN
Rachel MAINE
         |                     /-Timothy PECKHAM
         |          /-Rueben PECKHAM
         |          |          \-Rachel WEAVER
         \-Rachel PECKHAM
                    |          /-John HATHAWAY
                    \-Patience HATHAWAY
                               \-Patience HUNNEYWELL

Descendents of Rachel MAINE

1 Rachel MAINE
  =Samuel BURCH

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Rene of MAINE , m. de Mezieres

Mother: Louis of MAINE , m. de Mezieres
Death: 1521

Partnership with: Anoinette of CHABANNES , csse de Danmartin
Child: Nicholas of ANJOU , M. de Mezieres
Child: Francoise of DANMARTIN , csse de Danmartin

Ancestors of Rene of MAINE , m. de Mezieres

Rene of MAINE , m. de Mezieres
         |                     /-Lodovico II of NAPLES , King of Naples
         |          /-Charles of ANJOU , Count of Maine & Guise
         |          |          \-Jolantha of ARAGON , Queen of Sicily
         \-Louis of MAINE , m. de Mezieres
                    \-Isabella of LUXEMBOURG

Descendents of Rene of MAINE , m. de Mezieres

1 Rene of MAINE , m. de Mezieres
  =Anoinette of CHABANNES , csse de Danmartin
    2 Nicholas of ANJOU , M. de Mezieres
        3 Renee of ANJOU
          =Francois of Bourbon of MONTPENSIER
        3 Nicholas of ANJOU
    2 Francoise of DANMARTIN , csse de Danmartin
      =Jean III of RAMBURES

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Robert of Beaumont en MAINE

Father: Jean BERTHOUT
Mother: Marie of BRABANT
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Robert of Beaumont en MAINE

         /-Jean BERTHOUT
Robert of Beaumont en MAINE
         |                     /-Henry III of BRABANT , Duke of Brabant
         |          /-Gottfried of BRABANT-AERSCHOT
         |          |          \-Alix (Adelheid) of BURGUNDY
         \-Marie of BRABANT
                    \-Jeanne of Vierzon en BERRY

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Robert of Beumont en MAINE

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Marie of BRABANT

Descendents of Robert of Beumont en MAINE

1 Robert of Beumont en MAINE
  =Marie of BRABANT

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Rorgo of MAINE , Count of Maine

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: ROTRUD
Child: LOUIS

Descendents of Rorgo of MAINE , Count of Maine

1 Rorgo of MAINE , Count of Maine
    2  LOUIS

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Roricon of MAINE

Father: Gauzbert of MANS
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: BLICHILDE
Marriage: 832
Child: Blichilde of MAINE Birth: ABT. 820

Ancestors of Roricon of MAINE

         /-Gauzbert of MANS
Roricon of MAINE

Descendents of Roricon of MAINE

1 Roricon of MAINE
  = BLICHILDE  Marriage: 832
    2 Blichilde of MAINE
      =Ramnulf I of POITOU , Count of Poitou  Marriage: BEF. 845
        3 Ramnulf II of POITOU , Duke of Aquitaine
          = ERMENGARDE
          = ADELAIDE
        3  GAUZBERT
        3 Abbot of Poitiers EBALUS
      =Count Bernard the POITEVIN
        3 Marquis Bernard of GOTHIA

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Rotger of MAINE , Count of Maine

Death: ABT. 31 OCT 900

Partnership with: ROTHILD
Child: Hugo I of MAINE , Count of Maine Birth: ABT. 890
Child: Judith of MAINE Birth: ABT. 895

Descendents of Rotger of MAINE , Count of Maine

1 Rotger of MAINE , Count of Maine
    2 Hugo I of MAINE , Count of Maine
        3 Garzenda of MAINE
          =Azo II D'ESTE , Marquess of Este
        3 Hugo II MAINE , Count of Maine
    2 Judith of MAINE
      =Hugh Capet the Great of NEUSTRIA

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Sebbeus MAINE

Father: Sebbeus MAINE
Mother: Nancy COVEY
Birth: 8 JAN 1783
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Sebbeus MAINE

                               /-Thomas MAIN
                    /-Joshua MAIN
                    |          \-Anna BROWN
         /-Sebbeus MAINE
         |          |          /-Rueben PECKHAM
         |          \-Rachel PECKHAM
         |                     \-Patience HATHAWAY
Sebbeus MAINE
         \-Nancy COVEY

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Sebbeus MAINE

Father: Joshua MAIN
Mother: Rachel PECKHAM
Birth: 1753, Carmel, Putnam County, New York
Death: Carmel, Putnam County, New York

Partnership with: Nancy COVEY
Child: Sebbeus MAINE Birth: 8 JAN 1783
Child: Joshua MAINE Birth: 15 AUG 1801

Ancestors of Sebbeus MAINE

                    /-Thomas MAIN
         /-Joshua MAIN
         |          \-Anna BROWN
Sebbeus MAINE
         |                     /-Timothy PECKHAM
         |          /-Rueben PECKHAM
         |          |          \-Rachel WEAVER
         \-Rachel PECKHAM
                    |          /-John HATHAWAY
                    \-Patience HATHAWAY
                               \-Patience HUNNEYWELL

Descendents of Sebbeus MAINE

1 Sebbeus MAINE
  =Nancy COVEY
    2 Sebbeus MAINE
    2 Joshua MAINE

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Contorosse of MAINFROI

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Richard (Bertrand) of TOULOUSE
Marriage: 1224

Descendents of Contorosse of MAINFROI

1 Contorosse of MAINFROI
  =Richard (Bertrand) of TOULOUSE  Marriage: 1224

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Father: Randal MAINWARING , Knight of Over Peover
Death: NOV 1613

Partnership with: Edward STANLEY , Bt 1

Ancestors of Catherine MAINWARING

         /-Randal MAINWARING , Knight of Over Peover

Descendents of Catherine MAINWARING

1 Catherine MAINWARING
  =Edward STANLEY , Bt 1

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Birth: England
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: John COTTON
Marriage: England
Child: George COTTON Birth: ABT. 1515, Cheshire, England

Descendents of Cicely MAINWARING

  =John COTTON  Marriage: England
    2 George COTTON
      =Mary ONLEY  Marriage: England
        3 Richard COTTON
          =Mary MAINWARING

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Birth: ABT. 1541
Death: BEF. 14 JUN 1578, England

Partnership with: Richard COTTON
Child: Frances COTTON Birth: ABT. 1573, Combermere, Cheshire, England

Descendents of Mary MAINWARING

  =Richard COTTON
    2 Frances COTTON
      =Goerge A. ABELL  Marriage: ABT. 1590, Lockington, Leicestershire, England
        3 Robert ABELL
          = JOANNA  Marriage: England

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Randal MAINWARING , Knight of Over Peover

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Catherine MAINWARING

Descendents of Randal MAINWARING , Knight of Over Peover

1 Randal MAINWARING , Knight of Over Peover
    2 Catherine MAINWARING
      =Edward STANLEY , Bt 1

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Adalbert of Saarbrucken of MAINZ

Father: Frederick I of SAARBRUCKEN , Count of Saarbrucken
Mother: Gisela of LORRAINE
Death: 17 JUL 1141

Ancestors of Adalbert of Saarbrucken of MAINZ

                               /-Siegbert I of SAARGAU , Count of Saargau
                    /-Siegbert II of ALSACE , Count of Alsace
         /-Frederick I of SAARBRUCKEN , Count of Saarbrucken
Adalbert of Saarbrucken of MAINZ
         \-Gisela of LORRAINE

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Adalbert of Saargau of MAINZ

Father: Siegbert II of ALSACE , Count of Alsace
Birth: ABT. 1080
Death: 23 JUN 1137

Ancestors of Adalbert of Saargau of MAINZ

                               /-Count of SAARGAU
                    /-Siegbert I of SAARGAU , Count of Saargau
         /-Siegbert II of ALSACE , Count of Alsace
Adalbert of Saargau of MAINZ

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Adolf I of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz

Birth: 1346
Death: 6 FEB 1390

Ancestors of Adolf I of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz

                               /-Adolf of NASSAU-WIESBADEN , King
                    /-Gerlach I of NASSAU-WIESBADEN
                    |          \-Imagina of ISENBURG-LIMBURG
         |          |          /-Henry the Younger of HESSE
         |          \-Agnes of HESSE
         |                     \-Agnes of Bavaria PALATINE
Adolf I of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz
         |                     /-Frederick II (III) of HOHENZOLLERN-NURNBERG
         |          /-Frederick IV of HOHENZOLLERN-NURNBERG
         |          |          \-Helene of SAXONY
         \-Margarete of HOHENZOLLERN-NURNBERG
                    |          /-Albrecht of CARINTHIA , Duke of Carinthia
                    \-Margareta of CARINTHIA
                               \-Agnes of HOHENBERG , Countess of Hohenberg

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Adolf II of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz

Mother: Margarethe of BADEN
Birth: 1422
Death: 6 SEP 1475

Ancestors of Adolf II of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz

                               /-Adolf I of NASSAU-WIESBADEN-IDSTEIN
                    /-Walram II of NASSAU-IDSTEIN
                    |          \-Margarete of HOHENZOLLERN-NURNBERG
         /-Adolf II of NASSAU-WIESBADEN
         |          |          /-John I of WESTERBURG
         |          \-Bertha of WESTERBURG
         |                     \-Kunigunde of SAYN
Adolf II of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz
         |                     /-Rudolf VI Zahringen of BADEN , Margrave of Baden
         |          /-Bernard I Zahringen of BADEN , Margrave of Baden
         |          |          \-Mechtild of SPONHEIM-STARKENBURG
         \-Margarethe of BADEN
                    \-Beatrix of HANAU

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Albrecht fo MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz

Father: John Cicero HOHENZOLLERN , Elector of Brandenburg
Mother: Margaretha of Saxony WETTIN
Birth: 28 JUN 1490
Death: 24 SEP 1545

Ancestors of Albrecht fo MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz

                               /-Frederick I of Brandenburg HOHENZOLLERN
                    /-Albrecht Achilles of Brandenburg HOHENZOLLERN
                    |          \-Elisabeth of Bavaria-Landshut WITTELSBACH
         /-John Cicero HOHENZOLLERN , Elector of Brandenburg
         |          |          /-Jacob I Zahringen of BADEN , Margrave of Baden
         |          \-Margarethe Zahringen of BADEN
         |                     \-Katharina of LORRAINE , Princess of Lorraine
Albrecht fo MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz
         |                     /-Frederick I the Warlike Wettin of SAXONY
         |          /-William III the Brave of Saxony WETTIN
         |          |          \-Catharina of BRUNSWICK-CALENBERG
         \-Margaretha of Saxony WETTIN
                    |          /-Albert II Habsburg of AUSTRIA , King of Austria
                    \-Anna of Austria HABSBURG
                               \-Elizabeth of (Bohemia) LUXEMBURG

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Albrecht of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz

Father: Ernst I of Saxony WETTIN , Elector of Saxony
Mother: Elisabeth of BAVARIA
Birth: 1467
Death: 1 MAY 1484

Ancestors of Albrecht of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz

                               /-Frederick I the Warlike Wettin of SAXONY
                    /-Frederick II the Gentle Wettin of SAXONY
                    |          \-Catharina of BRUNSWICK-CALENBERG
         /-Ernst I of Saxony WETTIN , Elector of Saxony
         |          |          /-Ernst the Iron Habsburg of AUSTRIA
         |          \-Margaretha Habsburg of AUSTRIA
         |                     \-Cimburka of MASOVIA
Albrecht of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz
         |                     /-Ernst of Bavaria WITTELSBACH , Duke of Bavaria
         |          /-Albert III the Pious of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
         |          |          \-Elisabeth VISCONTI
         \-Elisabeth of BAVARIA
                    |          /-Erich I of BRUNSWICK-GRUBENHAGEN-EINBECK
                    \-Anna of BRUNSWICK-GRUBENHAGEN-EINBECK
                               \-Elisabeth of BRUNSWICK-GOTTINGEN

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Aribo of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz

Father: Aribo I of BAVARIA , Baron of Bavaria
Mother: Adele of BAVARIA
Death: 6 APR 1031, Como

Ancestors of Aribo of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz

                    /-Hartwig II of BAVARIA , Baron of Bavaria
         /-Aribo I of BAVARIA , Baron of Bavaria
         |          |          /-Eberhard of BAVARIA , Duke of Bavaria
         |          \-Wigburg of BAVARIA
         |                     \-Luitgard of LORRAINE-VERDUN
Aribo of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz
         |          /-Hartwich I of BAVARIA , Pfalzgraf of Bavaria
         \-Adele of BAVARIA

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Beatrix of MAINZ

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Berthold of BERGTHEIM , Count of Bergtheim
Child: Gebhard of Bergtheim and VELBURG
Child: Hermann of Bergtheim and VELBURG

Descendents of Beatrix of MAINZ

1 Beatrix of MAINZ
  =Berthold of BERGTHEIM , Count of Bergtheim
    2 Gebhard of Bergtheim and VELBURG
    2 Hermann of Bergtheim and VELBURG
      = ADELHEID
        3 Otto of Velburg and KLAMM
          = ELISABETH

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Berthold (XV) of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz

Mother: Johanna of NASSAU-WEILBURG
Birth: 1441
Death: 21 DEC 1504

Ancestors of Berthold (XV) of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz

                               /-Hermann V of HENNEBERG
                    /-Frederick I of HENNEBERG-ROMHILD
                    |          \-Agnes of SCHWARZBURG-BLANKENBURG
         /-Georg I of HENNEBERG-ROMHILD
         |          |          /-Henry IX of HENNEBERG-SCHLEUSINGEN
         |          \-Elisabeth of HENNEBERG
         |                     \-Mathilde of BADEN
Berthold (XV) of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz
         |                     /-John I of NASSAU-MERENBERG
         |          /-Philipp I of NASSAU-SAARBRUCKEN
         |          |          \-Johanna of SAARBRUCKEN
         \-Johanna of NASSAU-WEILBURG
                    |          /-Kraft IV of HOHENLOHE-WEIKERSHEIM
                    \-Anna of HOHENLOHE-WEIKERSHEIM
                               \-Elisabeth of SPONHEIM-BOLANDEN

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Charles of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz

Father: King Pepin I of AQUITAINE
Mother: Ringart of MADRIE
Birth: ABT. 825
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Charles of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz

                               /-Emperor CHARLEMAGNE , King of the Franks
                    /-Louis I the Pious of AQUITAINE , King of France
                    |          \-Hildegard of VINZGAU
         /-King Pepin I of AQUITAINE
         |          |          /-Ingram of HESBAYE , Count of Hesbaye
         |          \-Ermangarde of HESBAYE
Charles of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz
         |          /-Count Theutbert of MADRIE
         \-Ringart of MADRIE

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Conrad of MAINZ , Bishop of Mainz

Father: Otto (IV) of WITTELSBACH , Count of Wittelsbach
Mother: Heilika of BURG-LENGENFELD
Death: 1200

Ancestors of Conrad of MAINZ , Bishop of Mainz

                               /-Otto I of SCHEYERN , Count of Scheyern
                    /-Otto II of SCHEYERN , Count of Scheyern
         /-Otto (IV) of WITTELSBACH , Count of Wittelsbach
         |          |          /-Ulrich I of ISTRIA , Margrave of Istria
         |          \-Richkart of WEIMAR , Countess of Weimar
         |                     \-Sophie of HUNGARY
Conrad of MAINZ , Bishop of Mainz
         \-Heilika of BURG-LENGENFELD

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Dietrich of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz

Father: Eberhard X of ERBACH
Mother: Maria of BICKENBACH
Death: 6 MAY 1459, Aschaffenburg

Ancestors of Dietrich of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz

                               /-Eberhard VII of ERBACH
                    /-Henry I of ERBACH
                    |          \-Imagina of SPONHEIM
         /-Eberhard X of ERBACH
         |          |          /-Konrad V of ERBACH-ERBACH
         |          \-Anna of ERBACH-ERBACH
         |                     \-Margareta of ERBACH
Dietrich of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz
         \-Maria of BICKENBACH

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Franz Ludwig of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz

Father: Philipp William of PALATINE
Mother: Elisabeth Amalie Magdalene of HESSE-DARMSTADT
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Franz Ludwig of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz

                               /-Philipp Ludwig of PALATINE-NEUBURG
                    /-Wolfgang William of PALATINE-NEUBURG
                    |          \-Anna of CLEVES-JULICH-BERG
         /-Philipp William of PALATINE
         |          |          /-William V the Pious WITTELSBACH , Duke of Bavaria
         |          \-Magdalene of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
         |                     \-Renata of LORRAINE
Franz Ludwig of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz
         |                     /-Ludwig V of the Faithful HESSE-DARMSTADT
         |          /-Georg II of HESSE-DARMSTADT
         |          |          \-Magdalene of Brandenburg HOHENZOLLERN
         \-Elisabeth Amalie Magdalene of HESSE-DARMSTADT
                    |          /-John George I WETTIN , Elector of Saxony
                    \-Sophia Eleonore of Saxony WETTIN
                               \-Magdalena Sibylla of Prussia HOHENZOLLERN

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Gerlach of MAINZ , Archbishop of Maintz

Father: Gerlach I of NASSAU-WIESBADEN
Mother: Agnes of HESSE
Death: 12 FEB 1371

Ancestors of Gerlach of MAINZ , Archbishop of Maintz

                               /-Walram I (II) of NASSAU-WIESBADEN
                    /-Adolf of NASSAU-WIESBADEN , King
                    |          \-Adelheid of KATZENELNBOGEN
         /-Gerlach I of NASSAU-WIESBADEN
         |          |          /-Gerlach I (IV) of ISENBURG-LIMBURG
         |          \-Imagina of ISENBURG-LIMBURG
         |                     \-Imagina of BLIESKASTEL
Gerlach of MAINZ , Archbishop of Maintz
         |                     /-Henry I the Child of HESSE , Landgrave of Hesse
         |          /-Henry the Younger of HESSE
         |          |          \-Adelheid of BRUNSWICK
         \-Agnes of HESSE
                    |          /-Ludwig II the Severe WITTELSBACH
                    \-Agnes of Bavaria PALATINE
                               \-Maria of BRABANT

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John of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz

Birth: 1360
Death: 23 SEP 1419

Ancestors of John of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz

                               /-Adolf of NASSAU-WIESBADEN , King
                    /-Gerlach I of NASSAU-WIESBADEN
                    |          \-Imagina of ISENBURG-LIMBURG
         |          |          /-Henry the Younger of HESSE
         |          \-Agnes of HESSE
         |                     \-Agnes of Bavaria PALATINE
John of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz
         |                     /-Frederick II (III) of HOHENZOLLERN-NURNBERG
         |          /-Frederick IV of HOHENZOLLERN-NURNBERG
         |          |          \-Helene of SAXONY
         \-Margarete of HOHENZOLLERN-NURNBERG
                    |          /-Albrecht of CARINTHIA , Duke of Carinthia
                    \-Margareta of CARINTHIA
                               \-Agnes of HOHENBERG , Countess of Hohenberg

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Konrad of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz

Father: John II of STEIN , Baron of Stein
Birth: BEF. 1382
Death: AFT. 18 JUN 1434

Ancestors of Konrad of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz

                               /-Siefgried II of STEIN , Baron of Stein?
                    /-John I of STEIN , Baron of Stein
                    |          \-Margarethe of HEINZENBERG
         /-John II of STEIN , Baron of Stein
         |          \-Hedwig of Dhaun and GRUMBACH
Konrad of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz

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Leopold of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz

Father: Hartwig I of BOGEN , Count of Bogen
Death: 1060

Ancestors of Leopold of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz

         /-Hartwig I of BOGEN , Count of Bogen
Leopold of MAINZ , Archbishop of Mainz

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