Susanna MILLER - Albrecht of MINDEN , Bishop of Minden

Susanna MILLER

Father: Joseph MILLER
Mother: Catherine LIVENGOOD
Birth: 25 DEC 1823, Somerset County, PA
Death: 10 OCT 1858, Somerset County, PA

Partnership with: Abraham WALKER

Ancestors of Susanna MILLER

                               /-John MILLER
                    /-Peter MILLER
         /-Joseph MILLER
         |          |          /-Christian STUTZMAN
         |          \-Mary STUTZMAN
         |                     \-Barbara HOCHSTETLER
Susanna MILLER
         |                     /-Peter LEIBUNDGUTT
         |          /-Christian LIVENGOOD
         |          |          \-Barbara NAFZIGER
         \-Catherine LIVENGOOD
                    |          /-Joseph FORNEY
                    \-Elizabeth FORNEY
                               \-Barbara YODER

Descendents of Susanna MILLER

1 Susanna MILLER
  =Abraham WALKER

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Susanna MILLER

Father: Daniel MILLER
Mother: Mary LONG
Birth: 20 FEB 1824, Somerset County, Pennsylvania
Death: 18 SEP 1899

Partnership with: Jonathan LICHTY

Ancestors of Susanna MILLER

                    /-Henry MILLER
         /-Daniel MILLER
         |          |          /-Abraham FLORY
         |          \-Rachel FLORY
         |                     \- CATHERINE
Susanna MILLER
         |          /-Nicholas LONG
         \-Mary LONG
                    \-Susanna HAYMAN

Descendents of Susanna MILLER

1 Susanna MILLER
  =Jonathan LICHTY

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Susanna MILLER

Father: Benedict MILLER
Mother: Catherine BEACHY
Birth: 5 OCT 1812, Somerset County, Pennsylvania
Death: 25 JUL 1889, Johnson County, Iowa

Partnership with: Daniel Peter GUENGERICH

Ancestors of Susanna MILLER

         /-Benedict MILLER
Susanna MILLER
         |                     /-Peter BITSCHE
         |          /-Peter BEACHY
         |          |          \-Rosina WILLI
         \-Catherine BEACHY
                    \-Sarah "Sally" BLAUMAN

Descendents of Susanna MILLER

1 Susanna MILLER
  =Daniel Peter GUENGERICH

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Susanna MILLER

Father: Peter P. MILLER
Mother: Barbara YODER
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Susanna MILLER

                               /-John MILLER
                    /-Peter MILLER
         /-Peter P. MILLER
         |          |          /-Christian STUTZMAN
         |          \-Mary STUTZMAN
         |                     \-Barbara HOCHSTETLER
Susanna MILLER
         |                     /-Christian YODER
         |          /-Jacob YODER
         \-Barbara YODER
                    |          /-Yost YODER
                    \-Elizabeth YODER

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Susanna MILLER

Father: John Peter MILLER
Mother: Anna BEACHY
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Susanna MILLER

                               /-Peter MILLER
                    /-Peter P. MILLER
                    |          \-Mary STUTZMAN
         /-John Peter MILLER
         |          |          /-Jacob YODER
         |          \-Barbara YODER
         |                     \-Elizabeth YODER
Susanna MILLER
         |                     /-Peter BEACHY
         |          /-Peter BEACHY
         |          |          \-Sarah "Sally" BLAUMAN
         \-Anna BEACHY
                    \-Barbara HERSHBERGER

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Susanna MILLER

Father: Joseph MILLER
Mother: Mary SHAFFER
Birth: 4 FEB 1799, Pennsylvania
Death: 15 MAR 1877

Partnership with: Joseph BEEGHLY
Child: Magdalena BEEGHLY
Child: Tobias BUECHLEY Birth: 16 APR 1823, Quemahoning Twp., Somerset County, Pennsylvania

Ancestors of Susanna MILLER

         /-Joseph MILLER
Susanna MILLER
         \-Mary SHAFFER

Descendents of Susanna MILLER

1 Susanna MILLER
  =Joseph BEEGHLY
    2 Magdalena BEEGHLY
    2 Tobias BUECHLEY
      =Lydia BLOUGH  Marriage: 23 DEC 1860, Somerset County, Pennsylvania
        3 John Havey BUECHLEY
        3 Henry Irvin BUECHLEY
        3 Jacob Marion BUECHLEY

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Susanna MILLER

Father: Johannes Petrus "Peter" MILLER
Mother: Catherine ROTHROCK
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Susanna MILLER

                    /-Johann Peter MULLER
         /-Johannes Petrus "Peter" MILLER
         |          \-Anna Thimothea FISCHER
Susanna MILLER
         |          /-Ludwig ROTHROCK
         \-Catherine ROTHROCK
                    \- CATHERINE

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Susannah MILLER

Father: John MILLER
Mother: Margaret WINSLOW
Birth: 26 JUL 1677, Yarmouth, Massachusetts
Death: 28 FEB 1679, Yarmouth, Massachusetts

Ancestors of Susannah MILLER

                               /-Martin MILLER
                    /-John MILLER , Reverend
                    |          \-Susan HICKS
         /-John MILLER
         |          \-Lydia MILLER
Susannah MILLER
         |                     /-Edward WINSLOW , Esq.
         |          /-Josias WINSLOW
         |          |          \-Magdaline OLLYVER
         \-Margaret WINSLOW
                    |          /-Thomas BOURNE
                    \-Margret BOURNE
                               \-Elizabeth HOLMES

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Father: John MILLER
Mother: Mary PYLSTON
Birth: 7 NOV 1609, Bishop's Stortford, England
Death: 11 AUG 1680, Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut

Partnership with: ISOBEL
Marriage: BEF. 1633
Child: Ann MILLER Birth: 1633, Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut

Ancestors of Thomas MILLER

         /-John MILLER
         \-Mary PYLSTON

Descendents of Thomas MILLER

1 Thomas MILLER
  = ISOBEL  Marriage: BEF. 1633
    2 Ann MILLER
      =Nathaniel BACON  Marriage: 1653, Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut
        3 John BACON
          =Sarah WHITMORE  Marriage: 26 NOV 1689
        3 Mary BACON
          =Samuel WHITMORE  Marriage: 13 DEC 1687
        3 Andrew BACON
          =Mehitable WETMORE  Marriage: 12 FEB 1692
        3 Andrew BACON
          =Mehitable WETMORE
        3 Lydia BACON
          =Joseph WHITMORE  Marriage: 6 JUN 1706
        3 Nathaniel BACON
          =Anna ALLEN  Marriage: AFT. 1701
          =Hannah WETMORE  Marriage: 2 FEB 1701
          =Rebecca DOOLITTLE  Marriage: 28 NOV 1752

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Thompson (Thomson) MILLER

Father: Jacob MILLER
Mother: Martha THOMPSON
Birth: 24 JUN 1716, Lyme, New London, Connecticut
Death: 17 OCT 1787, Lyme, New London, Connecticut

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Enoch MILLER Birth: ABT. 1740
Child: Nathan Beebe MILLER Birth: 13 DEC 1782, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut

Ancestors of Thompson (Thomson) MILLER

                               /- MILLER
                    /-Robert MILLER
         /-Jacob MILLER
         |          \- ELIZABETH
Thompson (Thomson) MILLER
         |          /-William THOMPSON
         \-Martha THOMPSON
                    |          /-John TILESON
                    \-Philadelphia TILLOTSON
                               \-Jane EVANS

Descendents of Thompson (Thomson) MILLER

1 Thompson (Thomson) MILLER
    2 Enoch MILLER
    2 Nathan Beebe MILLER

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Father: Abraham MILLER
Mother: Anna "NANCY"
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Tobias MILLER

                    /-Christian MILLER
         /-Abraham MILLER
         \-Anna "NANCY"

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Father: William Henry MILLER
Mother: Mary WALKER
Birth: ABT. 1839
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Uriah MILLER

                    /-Henry MILLER
         /-William Henry MILLER
         |          |          /-Abraham FLORY
         |          \-Rachel FLORY
         |                     \- CATHERINE
         \-Mary WALKER

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Veronica MILLER

Father: Christian MILLER
Mother: Magalena BERKEY
Birth: 1791
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Veronica MILLER

         /-Christian MILLER
Veronica MILLER
         |                     /-Christian BERKEY
         |          /-Jacob BERKEY
         |          |          \- CATHERINE
         \-Magalena BERKEY
                    |          /-Jacob MISHLER
                    \-Elizabeth MISHLER
                               \- DODOREA

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Veronica MILLER

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: George THOMAS
Child: Jacob THOMAS Birth: ABT. 1799, Somerset County, PA

Descendents of Veronica MILLER

1 Veronica MILLER
  =George THOMAS
    2 Jacob THOMAS
      =Veronica MILLER

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Veronica MILLER

Father: Christian "Glades Christian" MILLER
Birth: Somerset County, PA
Death: BEF. 1840, Somerset County, PA

Partnership with: Jacob THOMAS

Ancestors of Veronica MILLER

                               /-Christian MILLER
                    /-John MILLER
         /-Christian "Glades Christian" MILLER
Veronica MILLER
         \- VERONICA

Descendents of Veronica MILLER

1 Veronica MILLER
  =Jacob THOMAS

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Veronica "Fanny" MILLER

Father: John Jacob MILLER
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Veronica "Fanny" MILLER

                    /-Jacob MILLER
         /-John Jacob MILLER
         |          |          /-Christian STUTZMAN
         |          \-Anna STUTZMAN
         |                     \-Barbara HOCHSTETLER
Veronica "Fanny" MILLER
         \- CATHERINE

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Veronica "Fanny" MILLER

Father: Nicholas MILLER
Mother: Barbara STEHLY
Birth: Berks County, Pennsylvania
Death: 4 DEC 1803, Berks County, Pennsylvania

Partnership with: Jacob KAUFFMAN
Child: Christina KAUFFMAN
Child: Magdalena KAUFFMAN

Ancestors of Veronica "Fanny" MILLER

                               /-Christian MILLER
                    /-Christian MILLER
         /-Nicholas MILLER
         |          |          /-Jacob MISHLER
         |          \-Veronica "Fanny" MISHLER
         |                     \- DODOREA
Veronica "Fanny" MILLER
         |          /-Heinrich STEHLI
         \-Barbara STEHLY

Descendents of Veronica "Fanny" MILLER

1 Veronica "Fanny" MILLER
    2 Christina KAUFFMAN
    2 Magdalena KAUFFMAN

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Veronica "Frances" MILLER

Father: Christian MILLER
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Veronica "Frances" MILLER

         /-Christian MILLER
Veronica "Frances" MILLER
         \- CHRISTINA

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Veronica "Franey" MILLER

Father: John MILLER
Birth: ABT. 1776
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Veronica "Franey" MILLER

                    /-Christian MILLER
         /-John MILLER
Veronica "Franey" MILLER

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Veronica "Frany" MILLER

Birth: 1799
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Jacob SAYLOR

Descendents of Veronica "Frany" MILLER

1 Veronica "Frany" MILLER
  =Jacob SAYLOR

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Veronica Fanny MILLER

Father: David MILLER
Mother: Barbara MISHLER
Birth: 27 MAY 1803
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Jacob HOCHSTETLER

Ancestors of Veronica Fanny MILLER

                               /-Christian MILLER
                    /-Abraham MILLER
                    |          \- UNKNOWN
         /-David MILLER
         |          \- ANNA
Veronica Fanny MILLER
         |                     /-Ulrich MISHLER
         |          /-Joseph MISHLER
         |          |          \-Anna DODEREAS
         \-Barbara MISHLER
                    \-Elizabeth BERKEY

Descendents of Veronica Fanny MILLER

1 Veronica Fanny MILLER

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William MILLER

Father: Noah MILLER
Mother: Mary WALLER
Birth: 27 JAN 1734, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
Death: 19 MAR 1738, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut

Ancestors of William MILLER

                               /-Robert MILLER
                    /-Robert MILLER
                    |          \- ELIZABETH
         /-Noah MILLER
         |          |          /-Nathaniel BECKWITH
         |          \-Mary BECKWITH
         |                     \- MARTHA
William MILLER
         |                     /-Samuel WALLER
         |          /-Samuel WALLER
         |          |          \- SUSANNA
         \-Mary WALLER
                    \-Hannah WOODWORTH

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William MILLER

Father: William Henry MILLER
Mother: Mary WALKER
Birth: ABT. 1827
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of William MILLER

                    /-Henry MILLER
         /-William Henry MILLER
         |          |          /-Abraham FLORY
         |          \-Rachel FLORY
         |                     \- CATHERINE
William MILLER
         \-Mary WALKER

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William Billey MILLER

Father: Noah MILLER
Mother: Mary WALLER
Birth: 27 JAN 1744, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Urania Irena BROCKWAY
Marriage: 26 AUG 1766, Lyme, Middlesex County, Connecticut

Ancestors of William Billey MILLER

                               /-Robert MILLER
                    /-Robert MILLER
                    |          \- ELIZABETH
         /-Noah MILLER
         |          |          /-Nathaniel BECKWITH
         |          \-Mary BECKWITH
         |                     \- MARTHA
William Billey MILLER
         |                     /-Samuel WALLER
         |          /-Samuel WALLER
         |          |          \- SUSANNA
         \-Mary WALLER
                    \-Hannah WOODWORTH

Descendents of William Billey MILLER

1 William Billey MILLER
  =Urania Irena BROCKWAY  Marriage: 26 AUG 1766, Lyme, Middlesex County, Connecticut

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William Henry MILLER

Father: Henry MILLER
Mother: Rachel FLORY
Birth: 4 AUG 1796
Death: 16 JUN 1850

Partnership with: Mary WALKER
Marriage: BEF. 1820
Child: Catherine MILLER Birth: Somerset County, Pennsylvania
Child: Elizabeth MILLER
Child: Moses William MILLER Birth: 25 JUL 1820, Somerset County, Pennsylvania
Child: Matthias MILLER Birth: ABT. 1822
Child: Phineas MILLER Birth: ABT. 1825
Child: William MILLER Birth: ABT. 1827
Child: Henry MILLER Birth: ABT. 1829
Child: Mary MILLER Birth: ABT. 1831
Child: Cornelius MILLER Birth: 1833
Child: Naomi MILLER Birth: ABT. 1835
Child: Caroline MILLER Birth: ABT. 1837
Child: Uriah MILLER Birth: ABT. 1839
Child: Jacob William MILLER Birth: ABT. 1843, Somerset County, Pennsylvania

Ancestors of William Henry MILLER

         /-Henry MILLER
William Henry MILLER
         |          /-Abraham FLORY
         \-Rachel FLORY
                    \- CATHERINE

Descendents of William Henry MILLER

1 William Henry MILLER
  =Mary WALKER  Marriage: BEF. 1820
    2 Catherine MILLER
      =Jonathan SAYLOR
    2 Elizabeth MILLER
    2 Moses William MILLER
      =Catherine LIVENGOOD
    2 Matthias MILLER
    2 Phineas MILLER
    2 William MILLER
    2 Henry MILLER
    2 Mary MILLER
    2 Cornelius MILLER
    2 Naomi MILLER
    2 Caroline MILLER
    2 Uriah MILLER
    2 Jacob William MILLER
      =Magdalena MAUST  Marriage: AFT. 1865
      =Charlotte WALKER
        3 Clara MILLER

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Father: Daniel MILLER
Mother: Mary MAST
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Yost MILLER

                               /-Christian MILLER
                    /-Abraham MILLER
                    |          \-Veronica "Fanny" MISHLER
         /-Daniel MILLER
         |          \-Anna HOCHSTETLER
         |                     /-Jacob MAST
         |          /-Joseph MAST
         \-Mary MAST
                    |          /-John BERKEY
                    \-Veronica BERKEY
                               \- SUSANNA

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Father: John (Annas) MILLER
Mother: Veronica "Fanny" YODER
Birth: 19 JAN 1776, Pennsylvania
Death: 12 MAY 1846, Holmes County, Ohio

Partnership with: Gertrude YODER
Child: Sarah MILLER Birth: 7 JUL 1802, Somerset County, PA
Partnership with: Mary FOLLMER
Marriage: 18 SEP 1836

Ancestors of Yost MILLER

                               /-Christian MILLER
                    /-John MILLER
         /-John (Annas) MILLER
         |                     /-Christian YODER
         |          /-Christian YODER
         |          |          \- BARBARA
         \-Veronica "Fanny" YODER
                    |          /-Jacob BEILER
                    \-Barbara BEILER
                               \- VERONICA

Descendents of Yost MILLER

  =Gertrude YODER
    2 Sarah MILLER
      =Peter Casper SCHROCK
  =Mary FOLLMER  Marriage: 18 SEP 1836

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Father: David MILLER , Sr.
Mother: Elizabeth TROYER
Birth: 20 MAR 1814, Somerset County, PA
Death: 21 JAN 1873

Partnership with: Veronica Garver GERBER
Marriage: Holmes County, Ohio

Ancestors of Yost D. MILLER

                               /-John MILLER
                    /-John (Annas) MILLER
         /-David MILLER , Sr.
         |          |          /-Christian YODER
         |          \-Veronica "Fanny" YODER
         |                     \-Barbara BEILER
         |                     /-David DREHER
         |          /-Michael David TREIER
         |          |          \-Veronica "Frani" TROYER
         \-Elizabeth TROYER
                    |          /- MAST
                    \-Magdalena MAST

Descendents of Yost D. MILLER

1 Yost D. MILLER
  =Veronica Garver GERBER  Marriage: Holmes County, Ohio

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Martha (Adams MILLER)

Birth: ABT. 1650
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Abraham ADAMS

Descendents of Martha (Adams MILLER)

1 Martha (Adams MILLER)
  =Abraham ADAMS

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Father: Thomas MILLETT
Mother: Mary GREENOWAY
Birth: 21 AUG 1639, Dorchester, Massachusetts
Death: 23 JAN 1694, Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts

Partnership with: Thomas RIGGS
Marriage: 7 JUN 1658, Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts
Child: Mary RIGGS Birth: 6 MAR 1658

Ancestors of Mary MILLETT

         /-Thomas MILLETT
         \-Mary GREENOWAY

Descendents of Mary MILLETT

  =Thomas RIGGS  Marriage: 7 JUN 1658, Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts
    2 Mary RIGGS
      =Benjamin HASKELL  Marriage: 21 NOV 1677, Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts
        3 Thomas HASKELL
          =Mary PARSONS  Marriage: 26 NOV 1719, Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts

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Nathaniel MILLETT

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Elizabeth MORGAN

Descendents of Nathaniel MILLETT

1 Nathaniel MILLETT
  =Elizabeth MORGAN

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Thomas MILLETT , Jr.

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Elizabeth BATCHELDER

Descendents of Thomas MILLETT , Jr.

1 Thomas MILLETT , Jr.
  =Elizabeth BATCHELDER

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Birth: 1605, Surrey, England
Death: 30 JUN 1676, Brookfield, Massachusetts

Partnership with: Mary GREENOWAY
Marriage: 1 MAY 1629, England
Child: Mary MILLETT Birth: 21 AUG 1639, Dorchester, Massachusetts

Descendents of Thomas MILLETT

1 Thomas MILLETT
  =Mary GREENOWAY  Marriage: 1 MAY 1629, England
    2 Mary MILLETT
      =Thomas RIGGS  Marriage: 7 JUN 1658, Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts
        3 Mary RIGGS
          =Benjamin HASKELL  Marriage: 21 NOV 1677, Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts

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Birth: 1552, Fordington, England
Death: 23 MAY 1614, Fordington, England

Partnership with: Thomas EAMES
Marriage: Fordington, England
Child: Anthony EAMES Birth: ABT. 1595, Fordington, England

Descendents of MILLICENT

  =Thomas EAMES  Marriage: Fordington, England
    2 Anthony EAMES
      =Margery PRISSE  Marriage: ABT. 1615, Fordington, England
        3 Millisaint EAMES
          =William SPRAGUE , Sr.  Marriage: 26 MAY 1635, Hingham, Massachusetts
        3 Anna EAMES
          =William FORD  Marriage: BET. 1631 - 1632, Plymouth, Massachusetts
        3 Elizabeth EAMES
          =Edward WILDER  Marriage: 1 APR 1651, Hingham, Massachusetts
        3 Justus EAMES
          =Mehitable CHILLINGWORTH  Marriage: 2 MAY 1661
        3 Margaret EAMES
          =John JACOB

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Richard of MONTFITCHET
Child: Richard of MONTFITCHET

Descendents of MILLICENT

  =Richard of MONTFITCHET
    2 Richard of MONTFITCHET
        3 Roger MONTFITCHET , Baron

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Ralph of MORTIMER
Child: Hugh of MORTIMER Birth: 1110, England

Descendents of MILLICENT

  =Ralph of MORTIMER
    2 Hugh of MORTIMER
      = MAUD
        3 Roger MORTIMER
          =Millicent FERRERES

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Abigail CUTLER

Descendents of Charles MILLIKEN

1 Charles MILLIKEN
  =Abigail CUTLER

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Abigail MILLS

Father: Samuel MILLS
Mother: Susannah PALMER
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: William RUNDLE
Marriage: ABT. 1675, Greenwich (Horseneck), Fairfield County, Connecticut
Child: Sarah RUNDLE Birth: ABT. 1678, Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut
Child: Mary RUNDLE Birth: ABT. 1679, Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut
Child: Abigail RUNDLE Birth: ABT. 1681, Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut
Child: Deborah RUNDLE Birth: ABT. 1683, Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut
Child: Samuel RUNDLE Birth: ABT. 1685, Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut
Child: Patience RUNDLE Birth: ABT. 1687, Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut
Child: William Rundle JR. Birth: ABT. 1689, Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut

Ancestors of Abigail MILLS

         /-Samuel MILLS
Abigail MILLS
         \-Susannah PALMER

Descendents of Abigail MILLS

1 Abigail MILLS
  =William RUNDLE  Marriage: ABT. 1675, Greenwich (Horseneck), Fairfield County, Connecticut
    2 Sarah RUNDLE
      =Caleb KNAPP  Marriage: 1 APR 1697, Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut
        3 Caleb KNAPP
          =Clemence MILLS  Marriage: ABT. 1720, Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut
        3 Nathaniel KNAPP
          =Rebecca SMITH  Marriage: Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut
        3 Charles KNAPP
        3 Charles KNAPP
          =Elizabeth WICKS  Marriage: 13 NOV 1729, Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut
        3 Sarah KNAPP
        3 Deborah KNAPP
        3 Abigail KNAPP
          =Nathaniel JAMES  Marriage: Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut
        3 Nehemiah KNAPP
          =Abigail FERRIS  Marriage: Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut
        3 Timothy KNAPP
          = SARAH  Marriage: Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut
          = LYDIA  Marriage: ABT. 1746, Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut
    2 Mary RUNDLE
      =Isaac FINCH , Jr.  Marriage: 27 APR 1704, Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut
        3 Bethia FINCH
        3 Jacob FINCH
        3 John FINCH
        3 Isaac FINCH
        3 Isaac FINCH
          = HANNAH
    2 Abigail RUNDLE
      =Jonathan FINCH  Marriage: ABT. 1700, Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut
    2 Deborah RUNDLE
      =John DOWNS , Jr.  Marriage: Greenwich (Horseneck), Fairfield County, Connecticut
    2 Samuel RUNDLE
      =Hannah HARDY  Marriage: 1 MAR 1714, Greenwich (Horseneck), Fairfield County, Connecticut
    2 Patience RUNDLE
      =Unknown REYNOLDS  Marriage: Greenwich (Horseneck), Fairfield County, Connecticut
    2 William Rundle JR.
      =Sarah KNAPP  Marriage: 12 APR 1722, Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut
        3 Elizabeth RUNDLE
        3 Sarah RUNDLE
        3 Charles RUNDLE
        3 Amy RUNDLE
          =Caleb KNAPP
        3 William RUNDLE

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Barry David MILLS

Birth: Private

Partnership with: Susan EDWARDS

Descendents of Barry David MILLS

1 Barry David MILLS
  =Susan EDWARDS

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Charry MILLS

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Clement TUTTLE

Descendents of Charry MILLS

1 Charry MILLS
  =Clement TUTTLE

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Clemence MILLS

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Caleb KNAPP
Marriage: ABT. 1720, Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut
Child: Sarah KNAPP Birth: 9 OCT 1720
Child: Elizabeth Clemence KNAPP Birth: 31 DEC 1722
Child: Caleb KNAPP Birth: 11 NOV 1724, Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut
Child: Amy KNAPP Birth: 23 NOV 1726
Child: Titus KNAPP Birth: 7 FEB 1727
Child: Justus KNAPP Birth: 1 APR 1731
Child: Charity KNAPP Birth: 5 DEC 1733
Child: Hannah KNAPP Birth: 22 JAN 1735
Child: Lydia KNAPP Birth: ABT. 1737
Child: Mary KNAPP Birth: 23 NOV 1738
Child: Amos KNAPP Birth: 1 JUN 1742
Child: Samuel Mills KNAPP

Descendents of Clemence MILLS

1 Clemence MILLS
  =Caleb KNAPP  Marriage: ABT. 1720, Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut
    2 Sarah KNAPP
    2 Elizabeth Clemence KNAPP
    2 Caleb KNAPP
      =Amy RUNDLE
        3 William KNAPP
        3 Jabez KNAPP
        3 Amy Keziah KNAPP
        3 Sarah KNAPP
        3 Caleb KNAPP
        3 Mary KNAPP
    2 Amy KNAPP
    2 Titus KNAPP
    2 Justus KNAPP
    2 Charity KNAPP
    2 Hannah KNAPP
    2 Lydia KNAPP
    2 Mary KNAPP
    2 Amos KNAPP
    2 Samuel Mills KNAPP

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Elizabeth MILLS

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Job BACON
Marriage: 10 MAR 1725

Descendents of Elizabeth MILLS

1 Elizabeth MILLS
  =Job BACON  Marriage: 10 MAR 1725

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Jonathon MILLS

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Betsy GRAHAM
Marriage: BEF. 1835

Descendents of Jonathon MILLS

1 Jonathon MILLS
  =Betsy GRAHAM  Marriage: BEF. 1835

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Samuel MILLS

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Susannah PALMER
Child: Abigail MILLS

Descendents of Samuel MILLS

1 Samuel MILLS
  =Susannah PALMER
    2 Abigail MILLS
      =William RUNDLE  Marriage: ABT. 1675, Greenwich (Horseneck), Fairfield County, Connecticut
        3 Sarah RUNDLE
          =Caleb KNAPP  Marriage: 1 APR 1697, Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut
        3 Mary RUNDLE
          =Isaac FINCH , Jr.  Marriage: 27 APR 1704, Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut
        3 Abigail RUNDLE
          =Jonathan FINCH  Marriage: ABT. 1700, Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut
        3 Deborah RUNDLE
          =John DOWNS , Jr.  Marriage: Greenwich (Horseneck), Fairfield County, Connecticut
        3 Samuel RUNDLE
          =Hannah HARDY  Marriage: 1 MAR 1714, Greenwich (Horseneck), Fairfield County, Connecticut
        3 Patience RUNDLE
          =Unknown REYNOLDS  Marriage: Greenwich (Horseneck), Fairfield County, Connecticut
        3 William Rundle JR.
          =Sarah KNAPP  Marriage: 12 APR 1722, Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut

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Birth: ABT. 1665
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Josiah ARNOLD I
Marriage: 4 SEP 1683
Child: Damarias ARNOLD Birth: 19 MAY 1684
Child: Elizabeth ARNOLD Birth: 19 MAY 1684
Child: Abigail ARNOLD Birth: 14 DEC 1685
Child: Ann ARNOLD Birth: 31 OCT 1687
Child: Frances ARNOLD Birth: 30 SEP 1689
Child: Benedict ARNOLD Birth: 18 JUL 1691
Child: Josiah ARNOLD Birth: 13 APR 1693
Child: Sarah ARNOLD Birth: 30 OCT 1695
Child: Edward ARNOLD Birth: 27 MAY 1697
Child: Penelope ARNOLD Birth: 16 JUN 1698
Child: William ARNOLD Birth: 1700
Child: Freelove ARNOLD Birth: 22 AUG 1704

Descendents of Sarah MILLS

1 Sarah MILLS
  =Josiah ARNOLD I  Marriage: 4 SEP 1683
    2 Damarias ARNOLD
    2 Elizabeth ARNOLD
      =Unknown OLDIN
    2 Abigail ARNOLD
    2 Ann ARNOLD
      =Unknown TIBBALL
    2 Frances ARNOLD
      =Edward ALLEN
    2 Benedict ARNOLD
    2 Josiah ARNOLD
    2 Sarah ARNOLD
      =Unknown SANFORD
    2 Edward ARNOLD
    2 Penelope ARNOLD
    2 William ARNOLD
    2 Freelove ARNOLD

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Myndert WEMP

Descendents of Sarah MILLS

1 Sarah MILLS
  =Myndert WEMP

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William MILLS

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Mary Ann CECIL
Marriage: 9 AUG 1847, Greyfriers, Newgate

Descendents of William MILLS

1 William MILLS
  =Mary Ann CECIL  Marriage: 9 AUG 1847, Greyfriers, Newgate

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Agnes of MILLY

Father: Adam of BEISAN
Mother: HELVIS
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Joscelin III of EDESSA , Titular Count of Edessa
Child: Beatrice of EDESSA
Child: Agnes of EDESSA

Ancestors of Agnes of MILLY

         /-Adam of BEISAN
Agnes of MILLY
         |          /-Henry the BUFFALO
         \- HELVIS
                    |          /-Guy of MILLY , Lord of Nablus
                    \-Agnes GARNIER
                               \- STEPHANIA

Descendents of Agnes of MILLY

1 Agnes of MILLY
  =Joscelin III of EDESSA , Titular Count of Edessa
    2 Beatrice of EDESSA
      =Otto of HINNENBERG
    2 Agnes of EDESSA
      =William of LA MANDALEE

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Guy of MILLY

Father: Guy of MILLY , Lord of Nablus
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Guy of MILLY

         /-Guy of MILLY , Lord of Nablus
Guy of MILLY
         \- STEPHANIA

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Guy of MILLY , Lord of Nablus

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: STEPHANIA
Child: Philip of NEOPOLIS , Lord of Karak
Child: Guy of MILLY
Child: Agnes GARNIER

Descendents of Guy of MILLY , Lord of Nablus

1 Guy of MILLY , Lord of Nablus
    2 Philip of NEOPOLIS , Lord of Karak
      =Isabella of OULTREJOURDAIN
        3 Stephanie of MILLY , Heiress of Oultrejourdain
          =Humphrey III of TORUN , Lord of Torun
          =Milo of PLANCI
          =Reginald of CHATILLON , Prince of Antioch
        3 Helen of OULTREJOURDAIN
          =Walter III of BEIRUT
    2 Guy of MILLY
    2 Agnes GARNIER
      =Henry the BUFFALO
        3  HELVIS
          =Adam of BEISAN

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Henry of MILLY , Lord of Nablus

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Agnes of GRENER

Descendents of Henry of MILLY , Lord of Nablus

1 Henry of MILLY , Lord of Nablus
  =Agnes of GRENER

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Philipotte of MILLY

Death: ABT. 1335

Partnership with: Philipp of TEANO , Count of Teano

Descendents of Philipotte of MILLY

1 Philipotte of MILLY
  =Philipp of TEANO , Count of Teano

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Stephanie of MILLY

Father: Adam of BEISAN
Mother: HELVIS
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Hugo III EMBRIACO , Lord of Jebail
Child: Plaisance Embriaco of JEBAIL
Child: Guy I Embriaco of JEBAIL
Child: Hugh Embriaco of JEBAIL
Partnership with: William DOREL , Lord of Botrun
Child: Heiress of Botrun LUCIA

Ancestors of Stephanie of MILLY

         /-Adam of BEISAN
Stephanie of MILLY
         |          /-Henry the BUFFALO
         \- HELVIS
                    |          /-Guy of MILLY , Lord of Nablus
                    \-Agnes GARNIER
                               \- STEPHANIA

Descendents of Stephanie of MILLY

1 Stephanie of MILLY
  =Hugo III EMBRIACO , Lord of Jebail
    2 Plaisance Embriaco of JEBAIL
      =Bohemond IV the One Eyed of ANTIOCH
        3 Henry of ANTIOCH
          =Isabella of CYPRUS
        3 Bohemond V of ANTIOCH , Prince of Antioch
          =Alice of JERUSALEM , Queen Dowager of Cyprus
          =Lucienne of SEGNI
        3 Raymond of ANTIOCH
        3 Philip of ANTIOCH
          =Isabella of ARMENIA
    2 Guy I Embriaco of JEBAIL
      =Alice of ANTIOCH
        3 Henry I Embriaco of JEBAIL
          =Isabella of Beirut of IBELIN
    2 Hugh Embriaco of JEBAIL
  =William DOREL , Lord of Botrun
    2 Heiress of Botrun LUCIA
      =Plivano of GENOA

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Stephanie of MILLY , Heiress of Oultrejourdain

Father: Philip of NEOPOLIS , Lord of Karak
Mother: Isabella of OULTREJOURDAIN
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Humphrey III of TORUN , Lord of Torun
Child: Humphrey IV of TORUN , Lord of Torun
Child: Isabella of TORUN
Partnership with: Milo of PLANCI
Partnership with: Reginald of CHATILLON , Prince of Antioch

Ancestors of Stephanie of MILLY , Heiress of Oultrejourdain

                    /-Guy of MILLY , Lord of Nablus
         /-Philip of NEOPOLIS , Lord of Karak
         |          \- STEPHANIA
Stephanie of MILLY , Heiress of Oultrejourdain
         |                     /-Roman of LE PUY
         |          /-Maurice of OULTREJOURDAIN
         \-Isabella of OULTREJOURDAIN

Descendents of Stephanie of MILLY , Heiress of Oultrejourdain

1 Stephanie of MILLY , Heiress of Oultrejourdain
  =Humphrey III of TORUN , Lord of Torun
    2 Humphrey IV of TORUN , Lord of Torun
      =Queen Isabelle I of JERUSALEM
    2 Isabella of TORUN
      =Roupen III of ARMENIA , Prince of Armenia
        3 Philippa of ARMENIA
          =Emperor Theodore I Laskaris of BYZANTIUM
        3 Alice of ARMENIA
          =Raymond of ANTIOCH
          =Hethoum of SASSOUN
  =Milo of PLANCI
  =Reginald of CHATILLON , Prince of Antioch

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Margaret MILNER

Birth: ABT. 1588, Radcliff, Leeds, England
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Nicholas TAFT
Child: Margaret TAFT Birth: 18 MAR 1618, St. Dunstans, Stepney, London

Descendents of Margaret MILNER

1 Margaret MILNER
  =Nicholas TAFT
    2 Margaret TAFT
      =John JACKSON
        3 Elizabeth JACKSON
          =Thomas WEST , Captain  Marriage: 12 DEC 1661, Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts
        3 Theodosia JACKSON
          =Noah WISWALL  Marriage: 14 DEC 1664, Newton, Middlesex, Massachusetts
          =Samuel NEWMAN  Marriage: 18 JUN 1709
        3 Caleb JACKSON
        3 Hannah JACKSON
          =William AVERILL  Marriage: 31 JUL 1661
          =John HYDE  Marriage: 20 JAN 1682
        3 Anna JACKSON
        3 Abigail JACKSON
          =Daniel PRESTON  Marriage: BEF. 1675
        3 Margaret JACKSON
        3 Edward JACKSON
        3 John JACKSON
        3 Mary Martha JACKSON
          =Samuel TRUESDALE
        3 Abraham JACKSON
          =Elizabeth BRISCOE  Marriage: 20 NOV 1679, Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts
        3 Deliverence JACKSON
          =Joseph WILSON  Marriage: 1682, Newton, Middlesex, Massachusetts
        3 Joshua JACKSON
        3 Isobel JACKSON
        3 Sarah JACKSON
        3 Grace JACKSON

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Father: Liutwin of TRIER
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of MILO

                    /- GERWIN
                    |          \- SAINT SIGRADA
         /-Liutwin of TRIER
         |          \- GUNZA

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Maria Iliyanova MIROSLAVKAYA Birth: 1626

Descendents of Ilya MILOSLAVSKI

    2 Maria Iliyanova MIROSLAVKAYA
      =Alexis I Michaylovich ROMANOV , Tsar of Russia  Marriage: 16 JAN 1648
        3 Dmitri Alexeiovich ROMANOV
        3 Eudoxia Alexinova ROMANOV
        3 Marpha Alexinova ROMANOV , Nun
        3 Alexis Alexinova ROMANOV
        3 Ivan ROMANOV
        3 Anna ROMANOV
        3 Sophia Alexinova ROMANOV , Regent of Russia
        3 Feodor III Alexeiovich ROMANOV , Tsar of Russia
          =Agraphia Semenova GRUSHEVSKI  Marriage: 18 JUL 1680
          =Marpha Matveyovna APRAXIN  Marriage: 14 FEB 1682
        3 Theodosia Alexinova ROMANOV
        3 Marie Alexinovova ROMANOV
        3 Michael Alexeiovich ROMANOV
        3 Ivan V Alexeiovich ROMANOV , Tsar of Russia
          =Proscovia Feodorovna SOLTYKOV  Marriage: 9 JAN 1684
        3 Katherine Alexinova ROMANOV

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Anna Gertraud (?) SCHNEIDER

Descendents of Esias MINCKELER

  =Anna Gertraud (?) SCHNEIDER

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Aud the Deep MINDED

Father: Ivar VIDFADME
Birth: ABT. 633, Am, Denmark
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: King Radbard of Garderig and RUSSIA
Child: Randver RADBARDSSON Birth: ABT. 670, Denmark

Ancestors of Aud the Deep MINDED

                               /- HARALD
                    /-Halfdan SNALLE
                    |          \-Hildis of the VANDALS
         /-Ivar VIDFADME
         |          \- MOALDA
Aud the Deep MINDED

Descendents of Aud the Deep MINDED

1 Aud the Deep MINDED
  =King Radbard of Garderig and RUSSIA
    2 Randver RADBARDSSON
        3 King Sigurd HRING
          =Alfhild GANDOLFSDOTTIR

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Albrecht of MINDEN , Bishop of Minden

Father: Erich I of HOYA , Count of Hoya
Mother: Helene of BRUNSWICK
Death: 1473

Ancestors of Albrecht of MINDEN , Bishop of Minden

                               /-Otto II of HOYA , Count of Hoya
                    /-John II of HOYA , Count of Hoya
                    |          \-Ermengard of HOLSTEIN
         /-Erich I of HOYA , Count of Hoya
         |          |          /-Erich I of SAXE-LAUENBURG
         |          \-Helene of SAXE-LAUENBURG
         |                     \-Elisabeth of POMMERANIA-WOLGAST
Albrecht of MINDEN , Bishop of Minden
         |                     /-Magnus I the Pious of BRUNSWICK
         |          /-Magnus II Torquatus of BRUNSWICK-LUNEBURG
         |          |          \-Sophie of BRANDENBURG
         \-Helene of BRUNSWICK
                    |          /-Bernhard III of ANHALT-BERNBURG
                    \-Katherina of ANHALT-BRANDENBURGH

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