Joseph SAVAGE - Amadeus of SAVOY


Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Prudence SAGE
Marriage: 1736

Descendents of Joseph SAVAGE

1 Joseph SAVAGE
  =Prudence SAGE  Marriage: 1736

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Margaret SAVAGE

Father: John SAVAGE
Mother: Maud (Matilda) of SWYNNERTON
Birth: ABT. 1403, Clifton, Cheshire, England
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: John DUTTON
Marriage: 1418
Child: Thomas DUTTON Birth: 1421, Dutton, Cheshire, England
Child: Arnolde DUTTON Birth: ABT. 1423, Dutton, Cheshire, England
Child: Maud DUTTON Birth: ABT. 1427, Dutton, Cheshire, England
Child: Roger DUTTON Birth: ABT. 1431, Dutton, Cheshire, England
Child: Ellen DUTTON Birth: ABT. 1433, Dutton, Cheshire, England
Child: Robert DUTTON Birth: ABT. 1435, Dutton, Cheshire, England
Child: Margaret DUTTON Birth: ABT. 1437, Dutton, Cheshire, England
Child: Agnes DUTTON Birth: ABT. 1439, Dutton, Cheshire, England
Child: John DUTTON Birth: ABT. 1441, Dutton, Cheshire, England
Child: Elizabeth DUTTON Birth: ABT. 1443, Dutton, Cheshire, England

Ancestors of Margaret SAVAGE

                               /-Robert SAVAGE
                    /-John SAVAGE
         /-John SAVAGE
         |          |          /-Thomas DANYERS
         |          \-Margaret DANYERS
         |                     \-Isabel BAGGELEGH
Margaret SAVAGE
         |                     /-Thomas SWYNNERTON
         |          /-Robert of SWYNNERTON
         |          |          \-Maud (Matilda) of HOLLAND
         \-Maud (Matilda) of SWYNNERTON
                    |          /-Nicholas BEKE
                    \-Elizabeth BEKE

Descendents of Margaret SAVAGE

1 Margaret SAVAGE
  =John DUTTON  Marriage: 1418
    2 Thomas DUTTON
      =Ann TOUCHET
        3 Eleanor DUTTON
          =Richard CHOLMONDELEY
        3 Peter DUTTON
        3 John DUTTON
          =Margaret MOLYNEUX
        3 Margaret DUTTON
          =Ralph VERNON  Marriage: England
          =Thomas ASTON  Marriage: 1467, Dutton, Cheshire, England
        3 Isabel DUTTON
          =Christopher SOUTHWORTH  Marriage: 11 JUL 1463, England
        3 Anna DUTTON
          =Thomas MOLYNEUX  Marriage: 11 JUL 1463
        3 Child DUTTON
        3 Alice DUTTON
        3 Margaret DUTTON
        3 Eleanor DUTTON
        3 Elizabeth DUTTON
          =Ralph BOSTOCK
          =Thomas SCRIVEN
        3 Laurence DUTTON
    2 Arnolde DUTTON
    2 Maud DUTTON
      =William BRERETON , Sir
      =William BOOTH  Marriage: 1442
    2 Roger DUTTON
      =Joan ASTON  Marriage: ABT. 1461, England
    2 Ellen DUTTON
      =Richard LANGFORD
    2 Robert DUTTON
    2 Margaret DUTTON
      =Hugh EGERTON  Marriage: ABT. 1455
    2 Agnes DUTTON
      =Richard WYNNINGTON
    2 John DUTTON
    2 Elizabeth DUTTON
      =John MERBURY

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Margaret SAVAGE

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: William BRERETON , Baron Brereton of Leighln
Child: Mary BRERETON Baptism: 28 DEC 1580, Brereton, Chester

Descendents of Margaret SAVAGE

1 Margaret SAVAGE
  =William BRERETON , Baron Brereton of Leighln
    2 Mary BRERETON
      =Henry macDonnchadha O'BRIEN , Earl of Thomond 5  Marriage: 13 JUL 1608
        3 Honora O'BRIEN
          =Robert HOWARD , Hon. Sir
          =Francis ENGLEFIELD , Sir
        3 Anne O'BRIEN
        3 Elixabeth O'BRIEN
        3 Margaret O'BRIEN
        3 Mary O'BRIEN

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Margery SAVAGE

Father: John SAVAGE
Mother: Maud (Matilda) of SWYNNERTON
Birth: ABT. 1416, Clifton, Lancashire, England
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Margery SAVAGE

                               /-Robert SAVAGE
                    /-John SAVAGE
         /-John SAVAGE
         |          |          /-Thomas DANYERS
         |          \-Margaret DANYERS
         |                     \-Isabel BAGGELEGH
Margery SAVAGE
         |                     /-Thomas SWYNNERTON
         |          /-Robert of SWYNNERTON
         |          |          \-Maud (Matilda) of HOLLAND
         \-Maud (Matilda) of SWYNNERTON
                    |          /-Nicholas BEKE
                    \-Elizabeth BEKE

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Father: John SAVAGE
Mother: Margaret DANYERS
Birth: ABT. 1372, Cheadle, Cheshire, England
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Unknown STANLEY
Marriage: AFT. 1390, Cheadle, Cheshire, England

Ancestors of Mary SAVAGE

                    /-Robert SAVAGE
         /-John SAVAGE
         |          /-Thomas DANYERS
         \-Margaret DANYERS
                    \-Isabel BAGGELEGH

Descendents of Mary SAVAGE

  =Unknown STANLEY  Marriage: AFT. 1390, Cheadle, Cheshire, England

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Father: John SAVAGE
Mother: Elizabeth DUBLIN
Birth: 25 JUN 1663, Upper Houses, Middletown, Connecticut
Death: 20 OCT 1723, Middletown, Middlesex County, Connecticut

Partnership with: John WHITMORE
Marriage: 1 APR 1686, Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut
Child: Elizabeth WETMORE Birth: 20 MAR 1687, Middletown, Middlesex County, Connecticut
Child: Mary WETMORE Birth: 18 JAN 1692
Child: John WETMORE Birth: 2 MAY 1695
Child: Ebenezer WETMORE Birth: 17 SEP 1696
Partnership with: Obadiah Dea ALLEN
Marriage: 1707

Ancestors of Mary SAVAGE

                    /- SAVAGE
         /-John SAVAGE
         |          \- FAITH
         |          /-John? DUBLIN
         \-Elizabeth DUBLIN

Descendents of Mary SAVAGE

  =John WHITMORE  Marriage: 1 APR 1686, Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut
    2 Elizabeth WETMORE
      =Daniel CLARK  Marriage: 12 JUL 1704, Upper Houses, Middletown, Connecticut
        3 Hannah CLARK
          =William SUMNER  Marriage: 15 JAN 1724, Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut
          =Joseph JOHNSON  Marriage: 15 SEP 1759
        3 Daniel CLARK
          =Mary WILCOX  Marriage: 21 SEP 1732
        3 Abigail CLARK
        3 Elizabeth CLARK
        3 Francis CLARK
        3 Elisha CLARK
          =Sarah SMITH  Marriage: 1738
        3 Martha CLARK
        3 Joseph CLARK
      =William SAVAGE , Captain
    2 Mary WETMORE
    2 John WETMORE
    2 Ebenezer WETMORE
  =Obadiah Dea ALLEN  Marriage: 1707

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Birth: ABT. 1650
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Thomas THACHER
Marriage: ABT. 1670

Descendents of Mary SAVAGE

  =Thomas THACHER  Marriage: ABT. 1670

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Father: John SAVAGE
Mother: Maud (Matilda) of SWYNNERTON
Birth: ABT. 1385, Clifton, Lancashire, England
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Maude SAVAGE

                               /-Robert SAVAGE
                    /-John SAVAGE
         /-John SAVAGE
         |          |          /-Thomas DANYERS
         |          \-Margaret DANYERS
         |                     \-Isabel BAGGELEGH
         |                     /-Thomas SWYNNERTON
         |          /-Robert of SWYNNERTON
         |          |          \-Maud (Matilda) of HOLLAND
         \-Maud (Matilda) of SWYNNERTON
                    |          /-Nicholas BEKE
                    \-Elizabeth BEKE

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Nathanial SAVAGE , Lieutenent

Father: John SAVAGE
Mother: Elizabeth DUBLIN
Birth: 7 MAY 1671, Middletown, Connecticut
Death: 4 JAN 1735

Partnership with: Esther RANNEY
Marriage: 3 NOV 1696

Ancestors of Nathanial SAVAGE , Lieutenent

                    /- SAVAGE
         /-John SAVAGE
         |          \- FAITH
Nathanial SAVAGE , Lieutenent
         |          /-John? DUBLIN
         \-Elizabeth DUBLIN

Descendents of Nathanial SAVAGE , Lieutenent

1 Nathanial SAVAGE , Lieutenent
  =Esther RANNEY  Marriage: 3 NOV 1696

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Parnella SAVAGE

Father: John SAVAGE
Mother: Maud (Matilda) of SWYNNERTON
Birth: ABT. 1408, Clifton, Lancashire, England
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Parnella SAVAGE

                               /-Robert SAVAGE
                    /-John SAVAGE
         /-John SAVAGE
         |          |          /-Thomas DANYERS
         |          \-Margaret DANYERS
         |                     \-Isabel BAGGELEGH
Parnella SAVAGE
         |                     /-Thomas SWYNNERTON
         |          /-Robert of SWYNNERTON
         |          |          \-Maud (Matilda) of HOLLAND
         \-Maud (Matilda) of SWYNNERTON
                    |          /-Nicholas BEKE
                    \-Elizabeth BEKE

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Father: John SAVAGE
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Thomas HALL

Ancestors of Rachel SAVAGE

         /-John SAVAGE

Descendents of Rachel SAVAGE

1 Rachel SAVAGE
  =Thomas HALL

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Father: John SAVAGE
Mother: Elizabeth DUBLIN
Birth: 15 APR 1673, Middletown, New Haven, Connecticut
Death: 19 JAN 1752, Guilford, New Haven, Connecticut

Partnership with: Thomas HALL , Captain
Partnership with: John SPINNING
Marriage: 22 AUG 1694, Guilford, New Haven, Connecticut
Marriage: 22 AUG 1694
Child: John SPINNING Birth: 14 MAY 1696, Middletown, New Haven, Connecticut

Ancestors of Rachel SAVAGE

                    /- SAVAGE
         /-John SAVAGE
         |          \- FAITH
         |          /-John? DUBLIN
         \-Elizabeth DUBLIN

Descendents of Rachel SAVAGE

1 Rachel SAVAGE
  =Thomas HALL , Captain
  =John SPINNING  Marriage: 22 AUG 1694, Guilford, New Haven, Connecticut  Marriage: 22 AUG 1694
    2 John SPINNING
      =Deborah CHITTENDEN  Marriage: 2 AUG 1721, Connecticut

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Rebecca SAVAGE

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Abner HURD

Descendents of Rebecca SAVAGE

1 Rebecca SAVAGE
  =Abner HURD

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Richard SAVAGE

Father: Richard SAVAGE
Mother: MARY
Birth: ABT. 1605
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Richard SAVAGE

         /-Richard SAVAGE
Richard SAVAGE
         \- MARY

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Richard SAVAGE

Birth: 1559
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: MARY
Child: Elizabeth SAVAGE Birth: ABT. 1602
Child: Richard SAVAGE Birth: ABT. 1605
Child: Joan SAVAGE Birth: ABT. 1606, Hertforshire, England

Descendents of Richard SAVAGE

1 Richard SAVAGE
  = MARY
    2 Elizabeth SAVAGE
    2 Richard SAVAGE
    2 Joan SAVAGE
      =Raulph EARLE  Marriage: 29 JUN 1631
        3 Ralphe EARLE
          =Dorcas SPRAGUE
        3 William EARLE
          =Mary WALKER
          = PRUDENCE
        3 Martha EARLE
          =William WOOD
        3 Mary EARLE
          =Joseph TIMBERLAKE
          =William COREY  Marriage: 1658, Portsmouth Parish, Kingston Town, Washington County, Rhode Island
        3 Sarah EARLE
          =Tom CORNELL

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Birth: BEF. 1320, Cheadle, Cheshire, England
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: John SAVAGE Birth: ABT. 1343, Cheadle, Cheshire, England

Descendents of Robert SAVAGE

1 Robert SAVAGE
    2 John SAVAGE
      =Margaret DANYERS  Marriage: ABT. 1369, Contract, Cheadle, Cheshire, England
        3 John SAVAGE
          =Maud (Matilda) of SWYNNERTON
          =Ellen VERNON  Marriage: Cheadle, Cheshire, England
        3 Mary SAVAGE
          =Unknown STANLEY  Marriage: AFT. 1390, Cheadle, Cheshire, England
        3 Elizabeth SAVAGE
        3 Blanche SAVAGE

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Father: John SAVAGE
Mother: Maud (Matilda) of SWYNNERTON
Birth: ABT. 1396, Clifton, Lancashire, England
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Roger SAVAGE

                               /-Robert SAVAGE
                    /-John SAVAGE
         /-John SAVAGE
         |          |          /-Thomas DANYERS
         |          \-Margaret DANYERS
         |                     \-Isabel BAGGELEGH
         |                     /-Thomas SWYNNERTON
         |          /-Robert of SWYNNERTON
         |          |          \-Maud (Matilda) of HOLLAND
         \-Maud (Matilda) of SWYNNERTON
                    |          /-Nicholas BEKE
                    \-Elizabeth BEKE

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Father: John SAVAGE
Mother: Elizabeth DUBLIN
Birth: 30 JUL 1657, Middletown, Middlesex County, Connecticut
Death: 8 FEB 1724, Middletown, Middlesex County, Connecticut

Partnership with: Israel WILCOX
Child: Israel WILCOX Birth: 16 JAN 1680
Child: John WILCOX Birth: 5 JUL 1682
Child: Samuel WILCOX Birth: 26 SEP 1685
Child: Thomas WILCOX Birth: 5 JUL 1687
Child: Sarah WILCOX Birth: 30 NOV 1689

Ancestors of Sarah SAVAGE

                    /- SAVAGE
         /-John SAVAGE
         |          \- FAITH
         |          /-John? DUBLIN
         \-Elizabeth DUBLIN

Descendents of Sarah SAVAGE

1 Sarah SAVAGE
  =Israel WILCOX
    2 Israel WILCOX
      =Mary NORTH
    2 John WILCOX
      =Mary WARNER  Marriage: 12 APR 1710
    2 Samuel WILCOX
      =Hannah SAGE  Marriage: 3 MAR 1714
        3 Daniel WILCOX
          =Sarah WHITE  Marriage: 16 MAR 1738, Probably Middletown, Upper Houses, Connecticut
        3 Joshia WILCOX
          =Ann BUTLER  Marriage: 16 MAY 1742
        3 Hannah WILCOX
        3 Rachel WILCOX
          =Francis WILCOX , Jr.
        3 Elizabeth WILCOX
          =Samuel HALL , Captain  Marriage: 20 FEB 1746, Cromwell, Connecticut
    2 Thomas WILCOX
      =Anna NORTH  Marriage: 28 JUN 1716
    2 Sarah WILCOX

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Father: John SAVAGE
Mother: Elizabeth DUBLIN
Birth: 10 SEP 1659
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Thomas SAVAGE

                    /- SAVAGE
         /-John SAVAGE
         |          \- FAITH
         |          /-John? DUBLIN
         \-Elizabeth DUBLIN

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Thomas SAVAGE , Viscount Savage 1

Birth: ABT. 1586
Death: 20 NOV 1635, Tower Hill

Partnership with: Elizabeth DARCY , Countess Rivers
Child: Dorothy SAVAGE
Child: Anne SAVAGE
Child: John SAVAGE , Viscount Savage Birth: ABT. MAR 1602

Descendents of Thomas SAVAGE , Viscount Savage 1

1 Thomas SAVAGE , Viscount Savage 1
  =Elizabeth DARCY , Countess Rivers
    2 Dorothy SAVAGE
      =Charles HOWARD , Earl of Berkshire 2  Marriage: APR 1637
    2 Anne SAVAGE
      =Robert BRUDENELL , Earl of Cardigan 2
        3 Anna Maria BRUDENELL
    2 John SAVAGE , Viscount Savage

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William SAVAGE , Captain

Father: John SAVAGE
Mother: Elizabeth DUBLIN
Birth: 26 APR 1668, Middletown, Middlesex County, Connecticut
Death: 25 JAN 1727

Partnership with: Christian MOULD
Marriage: 6 MAY 1696
Partnership with: Elizabeth WETMORE

Ancestors of William SAVAGE , Captain

                    /- SAVAGE
         /-John SAVAGE
         |          \- FAITH
William SAVAGE , Captain
         |          /-John? DUBLIN
         \-Elizabeth DUBLIN

Descendents of William SAVAGE , Captain

1 William SAVAGE , Captain
  =Christian MOULD  Marriage: 6 MAY 1696
  =Elizabeth WETMORE

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William Arnold SAVAGE

Father: John SAVAGE
Mother: Maud (Matilda) of SWYNNERTON
Birth: ABT. 1393, Clifton, Lancashire, England
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of William Arnold SAVAGE

                               /-Robert SAVAGE
                    /-John SAVAGE
         /-John SAVAGE
         |          |          /-Thomas DANYERS
         |          \-Margaret DANYERS
         |                     \-Isabel BAGGELEGH
William Arnold SAVAGE
         |                     /-Thomas SWYNNERTON
         |          /-Robert of SWYNNERTON
         |          |          \-Maud (Matilda) of HOLLAND
         \-Maud (Matilda) of SWYNNERTON
                    |          /-Nicholas BEKE
                    \-Elizabeth BEKE

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Samuel BASS

Descendents of Sarah SAVEL

1 Sarah SAVEL
  =Samuel BASS

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Jeanne of SAVEUSE

Death: 2 JAN 1449

Partnership with: Charles of ARTOIS , Count of Eu

Descendents of Jeanne of SAVEUSE

1 Jeanne of SAVEUSE
  =Charles of ARTOIS , Count of Eu

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Birth: 1074
Death: 1167

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Ljubava SAVIDITSCH

Descendents of Dimitri SAVIDITSCH

    2 Ljubava SAVIDITSCH
      =Prince Mstislav I (Harald) the Great of KIEV  Marriage: 1122
        3 Euphrosyne of KIEV
          =King Geza II of HUNGARY  Marriage: 1146
        3 Prince Vladimir of DOROGOBUSCH

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Father: Dimitri SAVIDITSCH
Death: 1167

Partnership with: Prince Mstislav I (Harald) the Great of KIEV
Marriage: 1122
Child: Euphrosyne of KIEV Birth: 1130
Child: Prince Vladimir of DOROGOBUSCH Birth: 1131

Ancestors of Ljubava SAVIDITSCH

         /-Dimitri SAVIDITSCH

Descendents of Ljubava SAVIDITSCH

  =Prince Mstislav I (Harald) the Great of KIEV  Marriage: 1122
    2 Euphrosyne of KIEV
      =King Geza II of HUNGARY  Marriage: 1146
        3 Elisabet of HUNGARY
          =Frederick of BOHEMIA , Duke of Mahren-Olmutz
        3 Helena of HUNGARY
          =Leopold V of AUSTRIA , Duke of Austria
        3 King Stephen III of HUNGARY
          =Daughter of GALICIA
          =Agnes of AUSTRIA
        3 King Bela III of HUNGARY
          =Queen Margaret of FRANCE , Consort of England  Marriage: 1185, Neubourg, Normandy
          =Agnes of ANTIOCH
          =Maria COMNENA
        3 Heilwich of HUNGARY
          =Svatopluk of BOHEMIA
    2 Prince Vladimir of DOROGOBUSCH

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Birth: 1677
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: John BASS

Descendents of Lydia SAVIL

1 Lydia SAVIL
  =John BASS

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Rebecca SAVIL

Birth: 3 JUL 1672, Braintree, Norfolk County, Massachusetts
Death: ABT. 1724

Partnership with: John BASS
Marriage: 17 MAR 1699, Braintree, Norfolk County, Massachusetts

Descendents of Rebecca SAVIL

1 Rebecca SAVIL
  =John BASS  Marriage: 17 MAR 1699, Braintree, Norfolk County, Massachusetts

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Father: William SAVILLE
Birth: 1601, Saffron Walden, Essex County, England
Death: 5 SEP 1693, Braintree, Norfolk County, Massachusetts

Partnership with: Samuel BASS
Marriage: 25 APR 1625, Saffron Walden, Essex County, England

Ancestors of Anne SAVILLE

         /-William SAVILLE

Descendents of Anne SAVILLE

  =Samuel BASS  Marriage: 25 APR 1625, Saffron Walden, Essex County, England

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John SAVILLE , Sir

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Elizabeth PASTON

Descendents of John SAVILLE , Sir

1 John SAVILLE , Sir
  =Elizabeth PASTON

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Birth: ABT. 1650
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Hannah ADAMS

Descendents of Samuel SAVILLE

1 Samuel SAVILLE
  =Hannah ADAMS

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Birth: Essex, England
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Anne SAVILLE Birth: 1601, Saffron Walden, Essex County, England

Descendents of William SAVILLE

1 William SAVILLE
    2 Anne SAVILLE
      =Samuel BASS  Marriage: 25 APR 1625, Saffron Walden, Essex County, England

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Manfred del Carretto of SAVONA

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Alice of SAVOY-PIEMONT

Descendents of Manfred del Carretto of SAVONA

1 Manfred del Carretto of SAVONA

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Absalon of SAVOY

Father: Philip I of Bresse of SAVOY , Duke of Savoy
Mother: Claudine of BROSSE
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Absalon of SAVOY

                               /-Amadeus VIII (Antipope Felix V) of SAVOY
                    /-Louis I of SAVOY , Duke of Savoy
                    |          \-Maria of BURGUNDY
         /-Philip I of Bresse of SAVOY , Duke of Savoy
         |          |          /-Janus of Cyprus and LUSIGNAN , King of Cyprus
         |          \-Anne of Lusignan of CYPRUS
         |                     \-Charlotte of BOURBON
Absalon of SAVOY
         \-Claudine of BROSSE

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Adelaide of SAVOY , Countess of Sicily

Death: 1118

Partnership with: Roger I of SICILY , Count of Sicily
Child: Roger II the GREAT , King of Naples and Sicily
Child: Simon of SICILY , Count of Sicily Birth: 1093
Child: Daughter of SICILY
Partnership with: Baldwin I of BOULOGNE , King of Jerusalem

Descendents of Adelaide of SAVOY , Countess of Sicily

1 Adelaide of SAVOY , Countess of Sicily
  =Roger I of SICILY , Count of Sicily
    2 Roger II the GREAT , King of Naples and Sicily
      =Beatrice of RETHEL
        3 Roger of APULIA , Duke of Apulia
        3 William I the BAD , King of Naples and Sicily
          =Margarita of NAVARRE  Marriage: 1150
        3 Constance of SICILY
          =Henry VI of SICILY , Holy Roman Emperor  Marriage: 27 JAN 1186
        3 Tancred of TARANTO , Prince of Taranto
        3 Duke Alfonso of NAPLES
      =Elvira of CASTILE
      =Sibylle of BOURGOGNE  Marriage: 1149
    2 Simon of SICILY , Count of Sicily
    2 Daughter of SICILY
      =Robert of BURGUNDY
  =Baldwin I of BOULOGNE , King of Jerusalem

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Adelaide of Maurienne of SAVOY

Father: Humbert II the Fat of Savoy of MAURIENNE
Mother: Gisele of BURGUNDY
Birth: ABT. 1092
Death: 18 NOV 1154

Partnership with: Matthew I of MONTMORENCI , Constable of France
Partnership with: King Louis VI the Fat of FRANCE
Marriage: 1115
Child: King Philip of FRANCE Birth: 29 AUG 1116
Child: King Louis VII Capet the Younger of FRANCE Birth: ABT. 1121
Child: Henry of BEAUVAIS , Bishop of Rouen Birth: ABT. 1121
Child: Hugo of FRANCE Birth: ABT. 1122
Child: Robert I of DREUX , Count of Dreux Birth: ABT. 1123
Child: Philip of FRANCE , Bishop of Paris Birth: ABT. 1125
Child: Pierre I of COURTENAY Birth: ABT. 1126
Child: Constance of TOULOUSE Birth: ABT. 1128

Ancestors of Adelaide of Maurienne of SAVOY

                               /-Otto I of Maurine of SAVOY
                    /-Amadeus II of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
                    |          \-Adelaide of (Susa) TURIN
         /-Humbert II the Fat of Savoy of MAURIENNE
         |          |          /-Gerold of GENEVA
         |          \-Johanna of GENEVA
         |                     \- GISELA
Adelaide of Maurienne of SAVOY
         |                     /-Renaud I of BURGUNDY , Count of Burgundy
         |          /-William I  "the Great" of BURGUNDY
         |          |          \-Judith (Alice) of NORMANDY
         \-Gisele of BURGUNDY
                    |          /-Adalbert of Upper LORRAINE , Duke of Lorraine
                    \-Etienette (Stephania) of LONGWY

Descendents of Adelaide of Maurienne of SAVOY

1 Adelaide of Maurienne of SAVOY
  =Matthew I of MONTMORENCI , Constable of France
  =King Louis VI the Fat of FRANCE  Marriage: 1115
    2 King Philip of FRANCE
    2 King Louis VII Capet the Younger of FRANCE
      =Eleanor of AQUITAINE , Duchess of Aquitaine  Marriage: 22 JUL 1137, Bordeaus Cathedral
        3 Marie Capet of FRANCE
          =Henry I the Liberal of CHAMPAGNE
        3 Alix Capet of FRANCE
          =King Henry II FitzEmpress Curtmantle of ENGLAND
          =Theobald V of BLOIS , Count of Blois
      =Constance of CASTILE  Marriage: BEF. 18 NOV 1153
        3 Queen Margaret of FRANCE , Consort of England
          =King Henry the Young of ENGLAND  Marriage: 2 NOV 1160, Neubourg, Normandy
          =King Bela III of HUNGARY  Marriage: 1185, Neubourg, Normandy
        3 Adelaide of FRANCE
      =Adele of CHAMPAGNE  Marriage: 1160
        3 King Philip II Capet Augustus of FRANCE
          =Isabella of HAINAULT  Marriage: 1180
          =Ingeborg Valdemarsdottir of DENMARK  Marriage: 14 AUG 1193
          =Agnes of ANDECHS  Marriage: 1196
        3 Adele (Alix) of FRANCE
          =William II of PONTHIEU , Count of Ponthieu  Marriage: 20 AUG 1195
        3 Agnes Capet of FRANCE
          =Emperor Alexius II Comnenus of BYZANTIUM  Marriage: 2 MAR 1180
          =Emperor Andronicus I of BYZANTIUM  Marriage: 1183
          =Thordor BRANAS  Marriage: 1204
    2 Henry of BEAUVAIS , Bishop of Rouen
    2 Hugo of FRANCE
    2 Robert I of DREUX , Count of Dreux
      =Agnes of GARLANDE
        3 Simon of DREUX
      =Hedwig (Hawise) of SALISBURY
        3 Adelheid of DREUX
          =Guido II of CHATILLON
          =Walram III of BRETEUIL
          =Johann of NOYON , Count of Noyon
          =Rudolf of SOISSONS , Count of Soissons
      =Agnes of BAUDEMENT
        3 Pierre of DREUX
        3 Jean of DREUX
        3 Henry of ORLEANS
        3 Philippe of BEAUVAIS
        3 Robert II of DREUX , Count of Dreux
          =Mathilde of BOURGOGNE , Dame of Montpensier  Marriage: 1178
          =Jolanthe of COUCY  Marriage: 1184
        3 William of BRAYE
        3 Mamilie of DREUX
        3 Marguerite of DREUX
        3 Adelaide of DREUX
          =Raoul I of COUCY
        3 Elisabeth of DREUX
          =Hugo III of BROYES
    2 Philip of FRANCE , Bishop of Paris
    2 Pierre I of COURTENAY
      =Elisabeth of COURTENAY  Marriage: AFT. 1150
        3 Peter II of COURTENAY , Emperor of Constantinople
          =Isabelle (Elizabeth) of COURTENAY
          =Agnes of NEVERS
          =Empress Yolande of CONSTANTINOPLE
        3 Alice of COURTENAY
          =Aymer de Valence of TAILLEFER , Count  Marriage: 1180
        3 Adelaide of COURTENAY
        3 Eustachia of COURTENAY
          =William I of GREECE , Prince of Greece
          =Gautier of BRIENNE
          =William I of SANCERRE , Count of Sancerre
        3 Clementia of COURTENAY
        3 Robert of CHAMPIGNELLES
        3 Philippe of COURTENAY
        3 Jean of YERRE
        3 Daughter of COURTENAY
        3 Constance of COURTENAY
        3 William of TANLAY
    2 Constance of TOULOUSE
      =Eustace IV of BOULOGNE , Count\Earl of Boulogne  Marriage: AFT. FEB 1140, Paris
      =Raymond V of TOULOUSE , Count of Toulouse  Marriage: 1154
        3 William Taillefer of TOULOUSE
        3 Alesia (Adelaide)  of TOULOUSE
          =Roger of BEZIERS , Viscount of Beziers
        3 Baldwin of TOULOUSE
        3 Adelaide of TOULOUSE
          =Roger II of CARCASSONNE , Count of Carcassonne
        3 Raimond VI of TOULOUSE , Count of Toulouse
          =Erminsinda of PELET  Marriage: 1173
          =Beatrice of CARCASSONNE  Marriage: 1175
          =Bourgogne of CYPRUS  Marriage: 1193
          =Joanna PLANTAGENET  Marriage: OCT 1196, Rouen, Normandy
          =Leonor of ARAGON
        3 Laura of TOULOUSE
          =Odo of COMMINGER , Count of Comminger

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Adelheid Henriette Marie of SAVOY

Father: Vittorio Amadeo I of SAVOY , Duke of Savoy
Mother: Christine Marie of FRANCE
Birth: 6 NOV 1636, Turin
Death: 18 MAR 1676, Munich

Partnership with: Ferdinand Maria of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
Child: Maria Anna Christina Victoria WITTELSBACH Birth: 17 NOV 1660, Munich
Child: Daughter of Bavaria WITTELSBACH Birth: JUN 1661
Child: Maximilian II Maria Emanuel WITTELSBACH Birth: 11 JUL 1662, Munich
Child: Louise Margararete Antonie WITTELSBACH Birth: 18 SEP 1663, Munich
Child: Daughter of Bavaria WITTELSBACH Birth: MAR 1664
Child: Ludwig Amadeus Victor WITTELSBACH Birth: 6 APR 1665, Munich
Child: Daughter of Bavaria WITTELSBACH Birth: 4 AUG 1666, Dachau
Child: Kajetan Maria Franz WITTELSBACH , Duke of Bavaria Birth: 2 MAY 1670, Munich
Child: Joseph Klemens Kajetan WITTELSBACH Birth: 5 DEC 1671, Munich
Child: Violante Beatrice of BAVARIA Birth: 23 JAN 1673, Munich
Child: Daughter of Bavaria WITTELSBACH Birth: 1674

Ancestors of Adelheid Henriette Marie of SAVOY

                               /-Emmanuel Philibert of SAVOY , Duke of Savoy
                    /-Charles Emmanuel I the Great of SAVOY
                    |          \-Marguerite of Berry of VALOS , Duchess of Berry
         /-Vittorio Amadeo I of SAVOY , Duke of Savoy
         |          |          /-King Philip II Habsburg of SPAIN
         |          \-Katherine Michela HABSBURG
         |                     \-Elizabeth of FRANCE , Princess
Adelheid Henriette Marie of SAVOY
         |                     /-Antoine of Bourbon of NAVARRE , King of Navarre
         |          /-King Henry IV the Great of Bourbon of FRANCE
         |          |          \-Jeanne d'Albret of NAVARRE , Queen of Navarre
         \-Christine Marie of FRANCE
                    |          /-Francesco I Maria DE'MEDICI
                    \-Marie DE'MEDICI
                               \-Johanna of Austria HABSBURG

Descendents of Adelheid Henriette Marie of SAVOY

1 Adelheid Henriette Marie of SAVOY
  =Ferdinand Maria of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
    2 Maria Anna Christina Victoria WITTELSBACH
    2 Daughter of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
    2 Maximilian II Maria Emanuel WITTELSBACH
      =Maria Antonia of Austria HABSBURG
        3 Joseph Ferdinand Leopold of Austria WITTELSBACH
        3 Leopold Ferdinand of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
        3 Anton of Bavaria WITTELSBACH , Duke of Bavaria
        3 Daughter of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
      =Agnes Francoise LOUCHIER
        3 Emmanuel Francois JOSEPH , Count of Bavaria
      =Teresa Kunegunda SOBIESKI
        3 Maria Anna Karoline of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
        3 Karl VII Albrecht WITTELSBACH , Holy Roman Empero
        3 Philipp Moritz Maria of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
        3 Ferdinand Maria Innozenz of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
        3 Klemens August WITTELSBACH , Archbishop of Cologn
        3 William of Bavaria WITTELSBACH , Duke of Bavaria
        3 Alois John Adolf of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
        3 Theodor John WITTELSBACH , Cardinal of Bavaria
        3 Maximilian Emanuel Thomas of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
    2 Louise Margararete Antonie WITTELSBACH
    2 Daughter of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
    2 Ludwig Amadeus Victor WITTELSBACH
    2 Daughter of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
    2 Kajetan Maria Franz WITTELSBACH , Duke of Bavaria
    2 Joseph Klemens Kajetan WITTELSBACH
      =Constance of GROUSSELIER
        3 Jean Ba;tiste Victor WITTELSBACH
        3 Antoine Levin WITTELSBACH
    2 Violante Beatrice of BAVARIA
      =Ferdinando DE'MEDICI , Archprince
    2 Daughter of Bavaria WITTELSBACH

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Adelheid of SAVOY

Father: Humbert III of Maurienne of SAVOY
Mother: Clementina of (Namur) ZAHRINGEN
Birth: 1166
Death: 26 JUN 1178

Ancestors of Adelheid of SAVOY

                               /-Humbert II the Fat of Savoy of MAURIENNE
                    /-Amadeus III de Maurienne of SAVOY
                    |          \-Gisele of BURGUNDY
         /-Humbert III of Maurienne of SAVOY
         |          |          /-Guigues III of ALBON
         |          \-Maud (Mathilde) of Albon of VIENNE
         |                     \- MATHILDE
Adelheid of SAVOY
         |                     /-Berthold II of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
         |          /-Conrad I of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
         |          |          \-Agnes of RHEINFELDEN
         \-Clementina of (Namur) ZAHRINGEN
                    |          /-Godfrey of NAMUR , Count of Namur
                    \-Clementia of NAMUR
                               \-Ermesinde of LUXEMBURG

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Adelheid of SAVOY

Father: Otto I of Maurine of SAVOY
Mother: Adelaide of (Susa) TURIN
Birth: 1052
Death: 1079

Partnership with: Guigues IV of ALBON , Count of Albon
Partnership with: Rudolf I of RHEINFELDEN , King
Child: Otto of RHEINFELDEN
Child: Bertha of SWABIA
Child: Adelheid of SWABIA
Child: Berthold I of SWABIA , Duke of Swabia
Child: Agnes of SWABIA

Ancestors of Adelheid of SAVOY

                               /-Hulbert of VIENNE
                    /-Humbert I "Bianco Mano" of SAVOY
                    |          \-Daughter of SPOLETO
         /-Otto I of Maurine of SAVOY
         |          |          /- ANSELM
         |          \-Ancilia of NOYEN
         |                     \-Adelaide of OLTIGEN
Adelheid of SAVOY
         |                     /- MANFREDO II
         |          /-Udalrico MANFREDO
         |          |          \-Prangarda of CANOSSA
         \-Adelaide of (Susa) TURIN
                    |          /- OBERTO II
                    \-Bertha D'ESTE
                               \-Railenda of COMO

Descendents of Adelheid of SAVOY

1 Adelheid of SAVOY
  =Guigues IV of ALBON , Count of Albon
  =Rudolf I of RHEINFELDEN , King
    2 Otto of RHEINFELDEN
    2 Bertha of SWABIA
        3 Ulrich X of MONTFORT , Count of Montfort
        3 Rudolf of BREGENZ
        3 Elisabeth of BREGENZ
          =Rudolf I of PFULLENDORF , Count of Pfullendorf
    2 Adelheid of SWABIA
    2 Berthold I of SWABIA , Duke of Swabia
    2 Agnes of SWABIA

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Adelheid of SAVOY

Father: Amadeus II of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
Mother: Johanna of GENEVA
Death: 1090

Partnership with: Manasses of COLIGNY

Ancestors of Adelheid of SAVOY

                               /-Humbert I "Bianco Mano" of SAVOY
                    /-Otto I of Maurine of SAVOY
                    |          \-Ancilia of NOYEN
         /-Amadeus II of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
         |          |          /-Udalrico MANFREDO
         |          \-Adelaide of (Susa) TURIN
         |                     \-Bertha D'ESTE
Adelheid of SAVOY
         |                     /-Aimon I of VIENNE
         |          /-Gerold of GENEVA
         |          |          \- BERTHA
         \-Johanna of GENEVA
                    \- GISELA

Descendents of Adelheid of SAVOY

1 Adelheid of SAVOY
  =Manasses of COLIGNY

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Adelheid of SAVOY

Father: Amadeus III de Maurienne of SAVOY
Mother: Maud (Mathilde) of Albon of VIENNE
Birth: ABT. 1125
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Humbert III of BEAUJEU
Child: Pontia of BEAUJEU
Child: Guiscard of BEAUJEU Birth: ABT. 1141
Child: Humbert IV of BEAUJEU , Count of Beaujeu Birth: 1142
Child: Hugh of BEAUJEU

Ancestors of Adelheid of SAVOY

                               /-Amadeus II of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
                    /-Humbert II the Fat of Savoy of MAURIENNE
                    |          \-Johanna of GENEVA
         /-Amadeus III de Maurienne of SAVOY
         |          |          /-William I  "the Great" of BURGUNDY
         |          \-Gisele of BURGUNDY
         |                     \-Etienette (Stephania) of LONGWY
Adelheid of SAVOY
         |                     /-Guigue II of ALBON
         |          /-Guigues III of ALBON
         \-Maud (Mathilde) of Albon of VIENNE
                    \- MATHILDE

Descendents of Adelheid of SAVOY

1 Adelheid of SAVOY
  =Humbert III of BEAUJEU
    2 Pontia of BEAUJEU
      =William IV of MACON , Count of Macon and Vienne
    2 Guiscard of BEAUJEU
    2 Humbert IV of BEAUJEU , Count of Beaujeu
      =Agnes of THIERN , Dame of Montpensier
    2 Hugh of BEAUJEU

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Adrian Giovanni Amadeo of SAVOY

Father: Charles III the Good of SAVOY , Duke of Savoy
Mother: Maria BEATRIZ , Countess d'Asti
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Adrian Giovanni Amadeo of SAVOY

                               /-Louis I of SAVOY , Duke of Savoy
                    /-Philip I of Bresse of SAVOY , Duke of Savoy
                    |          \-Anne of Lusignan of CYPRUS
         /-Charles III the Good of SAVOY , Duke of Savoy
         |          \-Claudine of BROSSE
Adrian Giovanni Amadeo of SAVOY
         |                     /-Fernando of PORTUGAL , Duque de Beja
         |          /-King Manuel I the Fortunate of PORTUGAL
         |          |          \-Beatriz of PORTUGAL
         \-Maria BEATRIZ , Countess d'Asti
                    |          /-King Ferdinand V "The Catholic" of SPAIN
                    \-Maria of Castille and LEON
                               \-Queen Isabell "The Catholic" of CASTILE

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Agathe of SAVOY

Father: Thomas of Maurienne of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
Mother: Margarete (Beatrice) of GENEVA
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Agathe of SAVOY

                               /-Amadeus III de Maurienne of SAVOY
                    /-Humbert III of Maurienne of SAVOY
                    |          \-Maud (Mathilde) of Albon of VIENNE
         /-Thomas of Maurienne of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
         |          |          /-Gerard I of MACON , Count of Macon
         |          \-Beatrix of MACON
         |                     \-Maurette of (Guyonne) SALINS , Heiress of Salins
Agathe of SAVOY
         |                     /-Amadeo I of GENEVA
         |          /-William I of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |          |          \-Mathilde of CUSEAU
         \-Margarete (Beatrice) of GENEVA
                    \-Beatrice of FAUCIGNY

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Agnes of SAVOY

Father: Amadeus V the Great of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
Mother: Sibylle of BAUGE
Death: 4 OCT 1322

Partnership with: William III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
Child: Amedeo III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva Birth: ABT. 1311
Child: Yolande of GENEVA
Child: Marguerite of GENEVA

Ancestors of Agnes of SAVOY

                               /-Thomas of Maurienne of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
                    /-Thomas II of Flanders of SAVOY
                    |          \-Margarete (Beatrice) of GENEVA
         /-Amadeus V the Great of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
         |          \-Beatrice FIESCHI
Agnes of SAVOY
         \-Sibylle of BAUGE

Descendents of Agnes of SAVOY

1 Agnes of SAVOY
  =William III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
    2 Amedeo III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
      =Mahaut of BOULOGNE
        3 Amedeo IV of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
          =Jeanne of VERGY
        3 Jean of GENEVA , Count of  Geneva
        3 Pierre of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
          =Margaretha of VAUDEMONT
        3 Marie of GENEVA
          =Jean II of CHALON , Sire d'Arlay  Marriage: 1361
          =Humbert VI of Thoire and VILLARS
        3 Aimon III of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
        3 Catherine of GENEVA
          =Amadeo of SAVOY-PIEMONT , Prince of Greece
        3 Robert of GENEVA , Pope Clemens VII
        3 Blanche of GENEVA
          =Hugues II of CHALON
        3 Jeanne of GENEVA
          =Raymond V of BAUX , Prince d'Orange
        3 Yolande of GENEVA
          =Aymeric of NARBONNE , Viscount of Narbonne
          =Beraud D'AUVERGNE
    2 Yolande of GENEVA
      =Aymeric of NARBONNE , Viscount of Narbonne
    2 Marguerite of GENEVA
      =Aimon of VALENTINOIS , Count of Valentinois

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Agnes of SAVOY

Father: Peter I of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
Mother: Agnes of POITOU
Death: AFT. 1110

Ancestors of Agnes of SAVOY

                               /-Humbert I "Bianco Mano" of SAVOY
                    /-Otto I of Maurine of SAVOY
                    |          \-Ancilia of NOYEN
         /-Peter I of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
         |          |          /-Udalrico MANFREDO
         |          \-Adelaide of (Susa) TURIN
         |                     \-Bertha D'ESTE
Agnes of SAVOY
         \-Agnes of POITOU

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Agnes of SAVOY

Father: Peter I of Savoy of MAURIENNE , Count of Savoy
Mother: Agnes of AQUITAINE
Birth: 1065
Death: 1110

Partnership with: Frederick of SUSA , Margrave of Susa
Child: Peter of LUTZELBURG , Count of Lutzelburg
Child: Bruno of LUTZELBURG , Count of Lutzelburg
Child: Siegfried of LUTZELBURG

Ancestors of Agnes of SAVOY

                               /-Humbert I Whitehands of MAURIENNE
                    /-Oddone of Savoy of MAURIENNE , Count of Savoy
                    |          \-Ancelie of LENZBURG
         /-Peter I of Savoy of MAURIENNE , Count of Savoy
Agnes of SAVOY
         |                     /-William III (V) the Great of AQUITAINE
         |          /-William (Peter) V (VII) of AQUITAINE
         |          |          \-Agnes de Burgundy of MACON
         \-Agnes of AQUITAINE
                    |          /-Adalbert of Upper LORRAINE , Duke of Lorraine
                    \-Ermesinde of LONGWY

Descendents of Agnes of SAVOY

1 Agnes of SAVOY
  =Frederick of SUSA , Margrave of Susa
    2 Peter of LUTZELBURG , Count of Lutzelburg
    2 Bruno of LUTZELBURG , Count of Lutzelburg
    2 Siegfried of LUTZELBURG

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Agnes of SAVOY

Father: Humbert II the Fat of Savoy of MAURIENNE
Mother: Gisele of BURGUNDY
Birth: 1105
Death: 1140

Partnership with: Archambaud VI of BOURBON
Child: Archimbaud VII of BOURBON , Lord of Bourbon Birth: 29 JUN 1140
Child: Guiburge of BOURBON

Ancestors of Agnes of SAVOY

                               /-Otto I of Maurine of SAVOY
                    /-Amadeus II of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
                    |          \-Adelaide of (Susa) TURIN
         /-Humbert II the Fat of Savoy of MAURIENNE
         |          |          /-Gerold of GENEVA
         |          \-Johanna of GENEVA
         |                     \- GISELA
Agnes of SAVOY
         |                     /-Renaud I of BURGUNDY , Count of Burgundy
         |          /-William I  "the Great" of BURGUNDY
         |          |          \-Judith (Alice) of NORMANDY
         \-Gisele of BURGUNDY
                    |          /-Adalbert of Upper LORRAINE , Duke of Lorraine
                    \-Etienette (Stephania) of LONGWY

Descendents of Agnes of SAVOY

1 Agnes of SAVOY
  =Archambaud VI of BOURBON
    2 Archimbaud VII of BOURBON , Lord of Bourbon
      =Alix (Adelheid) of BOURGOGNE , Nun  Marriage: 1164
        3 Mathilde of BOURBON
        3 Agnes of (Dampierre) BOURBON
          =Robert II of ARTOIS , Count of Artois  Marriage: 1277
    2 Guiburge of BOURBON
      =Ebles IV of CHARENTON
        3 Lucie of CHARENTON
          =Gilles II of SULLY
        3 Marie of CHARENTON
          =William I of SANCERRE , Count of Sancerre

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Agnes of SAVOY

Father: Amadeus III de Maurienne of SAVOY
Mother: Maud (Mathilde) of Albon of VIENNE
Birth: 1138
Death: 1177

Partnership with: William I of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
Child: Pierre of GENEVA
Child: Humbert of GENEVA , Count of Geneva Birth: 1160

Ancestors of Agnes of SAVOY

                               /-Amadeus II of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
                    /-Humbert II the Fat of Savoy of MAURIENNE
                    |          \-Johanna of GENEVA
         /-Amadeus III de Maurienne of SAVOY
         |          |          /-William I  "the Great" of BURGUNDY
         |          \-Gisele of BURGUNDY
         |                     \-Etienette (Stephania) of LONGWY
Agnes of SAVOY
         |                     /-Guigue II of ALBON
         |          /-Guigues III of ALBON
         \-Maud (Mathilde) of Albon of VIENNE
                    \- MATHILDE

Descendents of Agnes of SAVOY

1 Agnes of SAVOY
  =William I of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
    2 Pierre of GENEVA
    2 Humbert of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
        3 Pierre of GENEVA
        3 Ebal of GENEVA
        3 Alisia of GENEVA
          =Rodolphe of GRESY

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Agnes of SAVOY

Father: Louis I of SAVOY , Duke of Savoy
Mother: Anne of Lusignan of CYPRUS
Death: 15 MAR 1509

Partnership with: Francois I of OLEANS , Duke of Longueville
Child: Francois II of LONGUEVILLE , Duc de Longueville
Child: Louis of LONGUEVILLE
Child: Jean of LONGUEVILLE , Archbishop of Toulouse
Child: Jean of DUNOIS

Ancestors of Agnes of SAVOY

                               /-Amadeus VII the Red  Count of SAVOY
                    /-Amadeus VIII (Antipope Felix V) of SAVOY
                    |          \-Bonne of BERRY
         /-Louis I of SAVOY , Duke of Savoy
         |          |          /-Philip the Bold of BURGUNDY , Count of Burgundy
         |          \-Maria of BURGUNDY
         |                     \-Margarete IV (II) of FLANDERS
Agnes of SAVOY
         |          /-Janus of Cyprus and LUSIGNAN , King of Cyprus
         \-Anne of Lusignan of CYPRUS
                    |          /-Jean I of BOURBON , Count of the Marche
                    \-Charlotte of BOURBON
                               \-Catherine of VENDOME

Descendents of Agnes of SAVOY

1 Agnes of SAVOY
  =Francois I of OLEANS , Duke of Longueville
    2 Francois II of LONGUEVILLE , Duc de Longueville
      =Francoise D'ALENCON
        3 Renee of DUNOIS , Comte de Dunois
    2 Louis of LONGUEVILLE
      =Jeanne of HOCHBERG
        3 Claude of LONGUEVILLE , Duc de Longueville
        3 Louis II of LONGUEVILLE , Duc de Longueville
          =Marie of Guise of LORRAINE  Marriage: 4 AUG 1534
        3 Francois IV LONGUEVILLE , Duc de Longueville
        3 Charlotte of LONGUEVILLE
          =Philipp of SAVOY , Marquese of Saluzzo
    2 Jean of LONGUEVILLE , Archbishop of Toulouse
    2 Jean of DUNOIS

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Aimon of SAVOY

Father: Louis I of SAVOY , Duke of Savoy
Mother: Anne of Lusignan of CYPRUS
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Aimon of SAVOY

                               /-Amadeus VII the Red  Count of SAVOY
                    /-Amadeus VIII (Antipope Felix V) of SAVOY
                    |          \-Bonne of BERRY
         /-Louis I of SAVOY , Duke of Savoy
         |          |          /-Philip the Bold of BURGUNDY , Count of Burgundy
         |          \-Maria of BURGUNDY
         |                     \-Margarete IV (II) of FLANDERS
Aimon of SAVOY
         |          /-Janus of Cyprus and LUSIGNAN , King of Cyprus
         \-Anne of Lusignan of CYPRUS
                    |          /-Jean I of BOURBON , Count of the Marche
                    \-Charlotte of BOURBON
                               \-Catherine of VENDOME

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Aimon of SAVOY

Father: Burkard of LYON , Archbishop of Lyon
Death: 1041

Ancestors of Aimon of SAVOY

                               /-Hulbert of VIENNE
                    /-Humbert I "Bianco Mano" of SAVOY
                    |          \-Daughter of SPOLETO
         /-Burkard of LYON , Archbishop of Lyon
         |          |          /- ANSELM
         |          \-Ancilia of NOYEN
         |                     \-Adelaide of OLTIGEN
Aimon of SAVOY

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Alice of SAVOY

Father: Thomas of Maurienne of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
Mother: Margarete (Beatrice) of GENEVA
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Alice of SAVOY

                               /-Amadeus III de Maurienne of SAVOY
                    /-Humbert III of Maurienne of SAVOY
                    |          \-Maud (Mathilde) of Albon of VIENNE
         /-Thomas of Maurienne of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
         |          |          /-Gerard I of MACON , Count of Macon
         |          \-Beatrix of MACON
         |                     \-Maurette of (Guyonne) SALINS , Heiress of Salins
Alice of SAVOY
         |                     /-Amadeo I of GENEVA
         |          /-William I of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |          |          \-Mathilde of CUSEAU
         \-Margarete (Beatrice) of GENEVA
                    \-Beatrice of FAUCIGNY

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Alice of SAVOY

Father: Thomas II of Flanders of SAVOY
Mother: Beatrice FIESCHI
Death: 1 AUG 1277

Ancestors of Alice of SAVOY

                               /-Humbert III of Maurienne of SAVOY
                    /-Thomas of Maurienne of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
                    |          \-Beatrix of MACON
         /-Thomas II of Flanders of SAVOY
         |          |          /-William I of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |          \-Margarete (Beatrice) of GENEVA
         |                     \-Beatrice of FAUCIGNY
Alice of SAVOY
         \-Beatrice FIESCHI

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Alice of SAVOY

Father: Peter I of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
Mother: Agnes of POITOU
Death: AFT. 1111

Partnership with: Bonifacius of Vasto SALUZZO

Ancestors of Alice of SAVOY

                               /-Humbert I "Bianco Mano" of SAVOY
                    /-Otto I of Maurine of SAVOY
                    |          \-Ancilia of NOYEN
         /-Peter I of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
         |          |          /-Udalrico MANFREDO
         |          \-Adelaide of (Susa) TURIN
         |                     \-Bertha D'ESTE
Alice of SAVOY
         \-Agnes of POITOU

Descendents of Alice of SAVOY

1 Alice of SAVOY
  =Bonifacius of Vasto SALUZZO

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Amadeus I of SAVOY , Count of Savoy

Father: Humbert I "Bianco Mano" of SAVOY
Mother: Ancilia of NOYEN
Birth: ABT. 1010
Death: BEF. 1052

Partnership with: Adelaide of ALBON
Child: Humbert of SAVOY
Child: Aimon of BELLEY , Bishop of Belley

Ancestors of Amadeus I of SAVOY , Count of Savoy

                               /-Hugo of ARLES , King of Italy
                    /-Hulbert of VIENNE
                    |          \-Willa of BURGUNDY
         /-Humbert I "Bianco Mano" of SAVOY
         |          |          /- AMEDEO
         |          \-Daughter of SPOLETO
Amadeus I of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
         |          /- ANSELM
         \-Ancilia of NOYEN
                    \-Adelaide of OLTIGEN

Descendents of Amadeus I of SAVOY , Count of Savoy

1 Amadeus I of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
  =Adelaide of ALBON
    2 Humbert of SAVOY
    2 Aimon of BELLEY , Bishop of Belley

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Amadeus II of SAVOY , Count of Savoy

Father: Otto I of Maurine of SAVOY
Mother: Adelaide of (Susa) TURIN
Birth: ABT. 1045
Death: 26 JAN 1080

Partnership with: Johanna of GENEVA
Child: Adelheid of SAVOY
Child: Auxilia of SAVOY
Child: Humbert II the Fat of Savoy of MAURIENNE Birth: ABT. 1062
Child: Odo of SAVOY

Ancestors of Amadeus II of SAVOY , Count of Savoy

                               /-Hulbert of VIENNE
                    /-Humbert I "Bianco Mano" of SAVOY
                    |          \-Daughter of SPOLETO
         /-Otto I of Maurine of SAVOY
         |          |          /- ANSELM
         |          \-Ancilia of NOYEN
         |                     \-Adelaide of OLTIGEN
Amadeus II of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
         |                     /- MANFREDO II
         |          /-Udalrico MANFREDO
         |          |          \-Prangarda of CANOSSA
         \-Adelaide of (Susa) TURIN
                    |          /- OBERTO II
                    \-Bertha D'ESTE
                               \-Railenda of COMO

Descendents of Amadeus II of SAVOY , Count of Savoy

1 Amadeus II of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
  =Johanna of GENEVA
    2 Adelheid of SAVOY
      =Manasses of COLIGNY
    2 Auxilia of SAVOY
      =Humbert of BEAUJEU
    2 Humbert II the Fat of Savoy of MAURIENNE
      =Gisele of BURGUNDY
        3 Adelaide of Maurienne of SAVOY
          =Matthew I of MONTMORENCI , Constable of France
          =King Louis VI the Fat of FRANCE  Marriage: 1115
        3 Amadeus III de Maurienne of SAVOY
          =Maud (Mathilde) of Albon of VIENNE
        3 William of SAVOY
        3 Humbert of SAVOY
        3 Reinald of SAVOY
        3 Agnes of SAVOY
          =Archambaud VI of BOURBON
    2 Odo of SAVOY

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Amadeus III de Maurienne of SAVOY

Father: Humbert II the Fat of Savoy of MAURIENNE
Mother: Gisele of BURGUNDY
Birth: 1092
Death: 30 AUG 1148

Partnership with: Maud (Mathilde) of Albon of VIENNE
Child: Margarete of SAVOY
Child: William of SAVOY
Child: Juliane of SAVOY
Child: Matilda de Maurienne of SAVOY Birth: ABT. 1125
Child: Adelheid of SAVOY Birth: ABT. 1125
Child: Humbert III of Maurienne of SAVOY Birth: 9 JAN 1137
Child: Agnes of SAVOY Birth: 1138

Ancestors of Amadeus III de Maurienne of SAVOY

                               /-Otto I of Maurine of SAVOY
                    /-Amadeus II of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
                    |          \-Adelaide of (Susa) TURIN
         /-Humbert II the Fat of Savoy of MAURIENNE
         |          |          /-Gerold of GENEVA
         |          \-Johanna of GENEVA
         |                     \- GISELA
Amadeus III de Maurienne of SAVOY
         |                     /-Renaud I of BURGUNDY , Count of Burgundy
         |          /-William I  "the Great" of BURGUNDY
         |          |          \-Judith (Alice) of NORMANDY
         \-Gisele of BURGUNDY
                    |          /-Adalbert of Upper LORRAINE , Duke of Lorraine
                    \-Etienette (Stephania) of LONGWY

Descendents of Amadeus III de Maurienne of SAVOY

1 Amadeus III de Maurienne of SAVOY
  =Maud (Mathilde) of Albon of VIENNE
    2 Margarete of SAVOY
    2 William of SAVOY
    2 Juliane of SAVOY
    2 Matilda de Maurienne of SAVOY
      =King Henriques Alfonso I of PORTUGAL  Marriage: 1146
        3 Henry of PORTUGAL
        3  MAFALDA
          =King Alfonso II the Chaste of ARAGON  Marriage: 1160
        3 Urraca of PORTUGAL
          =King Ferdinand II of LEON  Marriage: 1165
        3  SANCHA
        3 King Sancho I Martino of PORTUGAL
          =Dulcia of (Aragon) BARCELONA  Marriage: 1175
        3  JOAO
        3 Teresa (Matilda) of PORTUGAL
          =Philipp the Great of Vermandois and FLANDERS  Marriage: 1183
          =Eudes (Odo) III of BURGUNDY , Duke of Burgundy  Marriage: 1194
        3 Matilda of PORTUGAL
    2 Adelheid of SAVOY
      =Humbert III of BEAUJEU
        3 Pontia of BEAUJEU
          =William IV of MACON , Count of Macon and Vienne
        3 Guiscard of BEAUJEU
        3 Humbert IV of BEAUJEU , Count of Beaujeu
          =Agnes of THIERN , Dame of Montpensier
        3 Hugh of BEAUJEU
    2 Humbert III of Maurienne of SAVOY
      =Clementina of (Namur) ZAHRINGEN
        3 Sophie of SAVOY
          =Azzo VI d'Este of ANCONA , Margrave of Este
        3 Adelheid of SAVOY
      =Beatrix of MACON  Marriage: ABT. 1175
        3 Thomas of Maurienne of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
          =Margarete (Beatrice) of GENEVA  Marriage: MAY 1195
          =Beatrix of FAUCIGNY  Marriage: MAY 1195
      =Faydiva of TOULOUSE
      =Gertrud of FLANDERS
    2 Agnes of SAVOY
      =William I of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
        3 Pierre of GENEVA
        3 Humbert of GENEVA , Count of Geneva

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Amadeus IV of SAVOY , Count of Savoy

Father: Thomas of Maurienne of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
Mother: Margarete (Beatrice) of GENEVA
Birth: 1197
Death: 13 JUL 1253

Partnership with: Anne (Marguerite) of BOURGOGNE
Marriage: 1222
Child: Margareta of SAVOY
Child: Beatrice of SAVOY
Partnership with: Cecile of BAUX
Child: Beatrice of SAVOY
Child: Eleonore of SAVOY
Child: Boniface of SAVOY , Count of Savoy

Ancestors of Amadeus IV of SAVOY , Count of Savoy

                               /-Amadeus III de Maurienne of SAVOY
                    /-Humbert III of Maurienne of SAVOY
                    |          \-Maud (Mathilde) of Albon of VIENNE
         /-Thomas of Maurienne of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
         |          |          /-Gerard I of MACON , Count of Macon
         |          \-Beatrix of MACON
         |                     \-Maurette of (Guyonne) SALINS , Heiress of Salins
Amadeus IV of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
         |                     /-Amadeo I of GENEVA
         |          /-William I of GENEVA , Count of Geneva
         |          |          \-Mathilde of CUSEAU
         \-Margarete (Beatrice) of GENEVA
                    \-Beatrice of FAUCIGNY

Descendents of Amadeus IV of SAVOY , Count of Savoy

1 Amadeus IV of SAVOY , Count of Savoy
  =Anne (Marguerite) of BOURGOGNE  Marriage: 1222
    2 Margareta of SAVOY
      =Bonifacius IV of MONTFERRAT
        3 Alessina of MONTFERRAT
          =Albrecht I the Great of BRUNSWICK-LUNEBURG  Marriage: 1263
          =Gerhard I of SCHAUENBURG , Count of Holstein  Marriage: 1280
    2 Beatrice of SAVOY
      =Pierre of CHALON , Sn de Chatelbelin  Marriage: 21 OCT 1258
      =Manuel of CASTILE , Sn de Villena  Marriage: 1274
        3 Juan Manuel II " el Scritor"  of CASTILE
          =Isabel of MAJORCA  Marriage: 29 NOV 1299, Perpignan
          =Blanca DE LA CERDA  Marriage: 1328
        3 Sancho Manuel of CASTILE
          =Maria of CASTANEDA  Marriage: AFT. 1315
  =Cecile of BAUX
    2 Beatrice of SAVOY
      =Manfred of SICILY , King of Naples & Sicily
        3 Constance of Sicily HOHENSTAUFEN
          =King Pedro III the Great of ARAGON
      =Manfred III of SALUZZO , Margrave of Saluzzo
    2 Eleonore of SAVOY
      =Guiscard of BEAUJEU
    2 Boniface of SAVOY , Count of Savoy

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Amadeus IX of SAVOY , Duke of Savoy

Father: Louis I of SAVOY , Duke of Savoy
Mother: Anne of Lusignan of CYPRUS
Birth: 1 FEB 1435
Death: 30 MAR 1472

Partnership with: Yolande of FRANCE
Child: Philibert I the Hunter of SAVOY , Duke of Savoy Birth: 5 FEB 1438
Child: Anna of SAVOY Birth: JUN 1455
Child: Louise of SAVOY Birth: 1461
Child: Charles I the Warrior of SAVOY , Duke of Savoy Birth: 29 MAR 1468
Child: Maria of SAVOY
Child: Jacob Louise of Savoy of GEX
Child: Louis of SAVOY
Child: Charles of SAVOY
Child: Bernhard of SAVOY
Child: Claudius Galeazzo of SAVOY

Ancestors of Amadeus IX of SAVOY , Duke of Savoy

                               /-Amadeus VII the Red  Count of SAVOY
                    /-Amadeus VIII (Antipope Felix V) of SAVOY
                    |          \-Bonne of BERRY
         /-Louis I of SAVOY , Duke of Savoy
         |          |          /-Philip the Bold of BURGUNDY , Count of Burgundy
         |          \-Maria of BURGUNDY
         |                     \-Margarete IV (II) of FLANDERS
Amadeus IX of SAVOY , Duke of Savoy
         |          /-Janus of Cyprus and LUSIGNAN , King of Cyprus
         \-Anne of Lusignan of CYPRUS
                    |          /-Jean I of BOURBON , Count of the Marche
                    \-Charlotte of BOURBON
                               \-Catherine of VENDOME

Descendents of Amadeus IX of SAVOY , Duke of Savoy

1 Amadeus IX of SAVOY , Duke of Savoy
  =Yolande of FRANCE
    2 Philibert I the Hunter of SAVOY , Duke of Savoy
    2 Anna of SAVOY
      =King Frederick IV of NAPLES  Marriage: 11 SEP 1478
        3 Carlotta of NAPLES
          =Guy XV of LAVAL , Count of Laval  Marriage: ABT. 1500
        3 Giulia of NAPLES
          =Gian Giorgio SEBASTIANO , Margrave of Montferrat  Marriage: 29 APR 1533, Ferrara
        3 Isabel of NAPLES
        3 Fernando of ARAGON , Duke of Calabria
          =Germaine of (Narbonne) FOIX
          =Mencia of MENDOZA
        3 Alfonso of NAPLES
        3 Cesare of NAPLES
    2 Louise of SAVOY
      =Hugues D'ORANGE , sn de Chateau-Guyon  Marriage: 24 AUG 1479
    2 Charles I the Warrior of SAVOY , Duke of Savoy
      =Blanka of MONTFERRAT
        3 Charles II John Amadeus of SAVOY , Duke of Savoy
        3 Violante Ludovika of SAVOY
    2 Maria of SAVOY
      =Philipp of BADEN-HOCHBERG , Prince of Orange
        3 Johanna of HACHBERG-SAUSENBERG
          =Louis of ORLEANS , Duke of Orleans
      =Jacques D'ASSAY
    2 Jacob Louise of Savoy of GEX
      =Luise of SAVOY
    2 Louis of SAVOY
    2 Charles of SAVOY
    2 Bernhard of SAVOY
    2 Claudius Galeazzo of SAVOY

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Amadeus of SAVOY

Father: Amadeus VIII (Antipope Felix V) of SAVOY
Mother: Maria of BURGUNDY
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Amadeus of SAVOY

                               /-Amadeus VI the Green Count of SAVOY
                    /-Amadeus VII the Red  Count of SAVOY
                    |          \-Bonne of BOURBON
         /-Amadeus VIII (Antipope Felix V) of SAVOY
         |          |          /-Jean I of BERRY , Duke of Berry
         |          \-Bonne of BERRY
         |                     \-Jeanne D'ARMAGNAC
Amadeus of SAVOY
         |                     /-King Jean II the Good of FRANCE
         |          /-Philip the Bold of BURGUNDY , Count of Burgundy
         |          |          \-Jutta (Bonne) of BOHEMIA-LUXEMBURG
         \-Maria of BURGUNDY
                    |          /-Louis II of MALE , Count of Flanders & Artois
                    \-Margarete IV (II) of FLANDERS
                               \-Margaret of BRABANT

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