Sally WYCKOFF - Nicholas WYETH


Father: John WYCKOFF
Mother: Sarah CLARK
Birth: 28 AUG 1825
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Sally WYCKOFF

                               /-Elias WYCKOFF
                    /-William WYCKOFF
                    |          \-Sarah FONGER
         /-John WYCKOFF
         |          \-Mary Elizabeth YOUNG
         \-Sarah CLARK

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Father: William WYCKOFF
Mother: Mary Elizabeth YOUNG
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Robert CLARK

Ancestors of Sally WYCKOFF

                               /-Martin WYCKOFF
                    /-Elias WYCKOFF
                    |          \-Elizabeth HUBBARD
         /-William WYCKOFF
         |          |          /-William FONGER
         |          \-Sarah FONGER
         |                     \- CHRISTINA
         \-Mary Elizabeth YOUNG

Descendents of Sally WYCKOFF

  =Robert CLARK

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Father: Cornelius WYCKOFF
Mother: Alice CONOVER
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Samuel WYCKOFF

                               /-Symon WYCKOFF
                    /-John WYCKOFF
                    |          \-Geertje VANDER VLIET
         /-Cornelius WYCKOFF
         |          \-Gitty VLIET
         \-Alice CONOVER

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Father: John WYCKOFF
Mother: Sarah CLARK
Birth: 11 DEC 1829
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Samuel WYCKOFF

                               /-Elias WYCKOFF
                    /-William WYCKOFF
                    |          \-Sarah FONGER
         /-John WYCKOFF
         |          \-Mary Elizabeth YOUNG
         \-Sarah CLARK

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Father: William WYCKOFF
Mother: Mary Elizabeth YOUNG
Birth: 17 MAY 1806
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Samuel WYCKOFF

                               /-Martin WYCKOFF
                    /-Elias WYCKOFF
                    |          \-Elizabeth HUBBARD
         /-William WYCKOFF
         |          |          /-William FONGER
         |          \-Sarah FONGER
         |                     \- CHRISTINA
         \-Mary Elizabeth YOUNG

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Father: Nicholas Pieterse WYCKOFF
Mother: Sara MONFOORT
Birth: 27 FEB 1680
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: John AMMERMAN

Ancestors of Sara WYCKOFF

                               /-Claes Cornelissen (Wyckoff) VAN SCHOUWEN
                    /-Pieter Claesen WYCKOFF
                    |          \-Margaret VAN DER GOES
         /-Nicholas Pieterse WYCKOFF
         |          |          /-Cornelius Hendrikse VAN NESS
         |          \-Grietje Cornelis VAN NESS
         |                     \-Mayken Hendrickse VAN DER BURCHGRAEFF
         |                     /-Jan MONFOORT
         |          /-Pieter MONFOORT
         |          |          \-Jacquemine MOREAU
         \-Sara MONFOORT
                    |          /-Jacques DE PLANCKEN
                    \-Sara DE PLANCKEN
                               \-Sarah FAUCONNIER

Descendents of Sara WYCKOFF


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Father: Symon WYCKOFF
Mother: Geertje VANDER VLIET
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Adrian HEGEMAN
Marriage: 14 MAY 1744

Ancestors of Sarah WYCKOFF

                               /-Pieter Claesen WYCKOFF
                    /-Cornelius Pieterse WYCKOFF
                    |          \-Grietje Cornelis VAN NESS
         /-Symon WYCKOFF
         |          \-Geertje Symonse VAN ARSDALEN
         \-Geertje VANDER VLIET

Descendents of Sarah WYCKOFF

  =Adrian HEGEMAN  Marriage: 14 MAY 1744

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Father: Jacobus WYCKOFF
Mother: Willemptje Jansen VAN VOORHEES
Birth: 4 MAR 1711, Monmouth, New Jersey
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Carol ECKMAN

Ancestors of Sarah WYCKOFF

                               /-Pieter Claesen WYCKOFF
                    /-Nicholas Pieterse WYCKOFF
                    |          \-Grietje Cornelis VAN NESS
         /-Jacobus WYCKOFF
         |          |          /-Pieter MONFOORT
         |          \-Sara MONFOORT
         |                     \-Sara DE PLANCKEN
         |                     /-Stephen Coertse VAN VOORHEES
         |          /-Jan Stevense VOORHEES
         |          |          \-Agatha Janse VAN DYCK
         \-Willemptje Jansen VAN VOORHEES
                    |          /-Aucke Janse VAN NUYS
                    \-Femmetje Aukes VAN NUYS
                               \-Magdalena PIETERSE

Descendents of Sarah WYCKOFF

  =Carol ECKMAN

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Father: Elias WYCKOFF
Mother: Rachel FONGER
Birth: 3 FEB 1784, Clinton, Hunterdon, NJ
Death: 17 OCT 1850

Partnership with: Adam HUMMER
Marriage: 11 AUG 1805, Youngs Mills, Hunterdon County, NJ

Ancestors of Sarah WYCKOFF

                               /-Pieter WYCKOFF
                    /-Martin WYCKOFF
                    |          \-Anne Elizabeth VAN PELT
         /-Elias WYCKOFF
         |          |          /-Elias HUBBARD
         |          \-Elizabeth HUBBARD
         |                     \-Femmetje DITMARS
         |          /-William FONGER
         \-Rachel FONGER
                    \- CHRISTINA

Descendents of Sarah WYCKOFF

  =Adam HUMMER  Marriage: 11 AUG 1805, Youngs Mills, Hunterdon County, NJ

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Father: Pieter WYCKOFF
Mother: Anne Elizabeth VAN PELT
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Sarah WYCKOFF

                               /-Pieter Claesen WYCKOFF
                    /-Nicholas Pieterse WYCKOFF
                    |          \-Grietje Cornelis VAN NESS
         /-Pieter WYCKOFF
         |          |          /-Pieter MONFOORT
         |          \-Sara MONFOORT
         |                     \-Sara DE PLANCKEN
         |                     /-Jan (John) Tenuissen Lanen VAN PELT
         |          /-Pieter Jansen VAN PELT
         |          |          \-Maria PIETERSE
         \-Anne Elizabeth VAN PELT
                    |          /-Johannus BOGARDUS
                    \-Saartje BOGARDUS

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Father: John WYCKOFF
Mother: Sarah CLARK
Birth: 17 SEP 1820
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: John FLICK

Ancestors of Sarah Ann WYCKOFF

                               /-Elias WYCKOFF
                    /-William WYCKOFF
                    |          \-Sarah FONGER
         /-John WYCKOFF
         |          \-Mary Elizabeth YOUNG
         \-Sarah CLARK

Descendents of Sarah Ann WYCKOFF

1 Sarah Ann WYCKOFF
  =John FLICK

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Father: John WYCKOFF
Mother: Gitty VLIET
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Simon WYCKOFF

                               /-Cornelius Pieterse WYCKOFF
                    /-Symon WYCKOFF
                    |          \-Geertje Symonse VAN ARSDALEN
         /-John WYCKOFF
         |          \-Geertje VANDER VLIET
         \-Gitty VLIET

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Father: John WYCKOFF
Mother: Mary SCUDDER
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Smith WYCKOFF

                               /-John WYCKOFF
                    /-Cornelius WYCKOFF
                    |          \-Gitty VLIET
         /-John WYCKOFF
         |          \-Alice CONOVER
         \-Mary SCUDDER

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Father: John WYCKOFF
Mother: Katherina BENJAMIN
Birth: 1806
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Sophia WYCKOFF

                               /-John WYCKOFF
                    /-Cornelius WYCKOFF
                    |          \-Gitty VLIET
         /-John WYCKOFF
         |          \-Alice CONOVER
         \-Katherina BENJAMIN

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Father: Cornelius Pieterse WYCKOFF
Mother: Geertje Symonse VAN ARSDALEN
Birth: 23 NOV 1683
Death: 4 APR 1776

Partnership with: Geertje VANDER VLIET
Child: John WYCKOFF Birth: 28 APR 1708
Child: Cornelius WYCKOFF Birth: 1715
Child: Gertrude WYCKOFF Birth: 1719
Child: Annetie WYCKOFF
Child: Moicea WYCKOFF
Child: Eleanor WYCKOFF
Child: Margaret WYCKOFF
Child: Sarah WYCKOFF

Ancestors of Symon WYCKOFF

                               /-Claes Cornelissen (Wyckoff) VAN SCHOUWEN
                    /-Pieter Claesen WYCKOFF
                    |          \-Margaret VAN DER GOES
         /-Cornelius Pieterse WYCKOFF
         |          |          /-Cornelius Hendrikse VAN NESS
         |          \-Grietje Cornelis VAN NESS
         |                     \-Mayken Hendrickse VAN DER BURCHGRAEFF
         \-Geertje Symonse VAN ARSDALEN

Descendents of Symon WYCKOFF

    2 John WYCKOFF
      =Elizabeth JOHNSON  Marriage: 17 AUG 1758
        3 Joseph WYCKOFF
      =Gitty VLIET
        3 Cornelius WYCKOFF
          =Alice CONOVER  Marriage: 30 APR 1783
        3 John WYCKOFF
        3 Gitty WYCKOFF
        3 Jacob WYCKOFF
        3 Simon WYCKOFF
        3 Joseph WYCKOFF
    2 Cornelius WYCKOFF
      =Elizabeth ANDERSON
        3 George WYCKOFF
        3 Cornelia WYCKOFF
        3 Denice WYCKOFF
        3 Cornelius WYCKOFF
    2 Gertrude WYCKOFF
      =Cornelius VAN HORNE
    2 Annetie WYCKOFF
    2 Moicea WYCKOFF
      =Jacob BENNET  Marriage: 18 AUG 1732
    2 Eleanor WYCKOFF
    2 Margaret WYCKOFF
    2 Sarah WYCKOFF
      =Adrian HEGEMAN  Marriage: 14 MAY 1744

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Willempte WYCKOFF

Father: Martin WYCKOFF
Mother: Sarah NEWELL
Birth: 20 SEP 1752
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Willempte WYCKOFF

                               /-Nicholas Pieterse WYCKOFF
                    /-Pieter WYCKOFF
                    |          \-Sara MONFOORT
         /-Martin WYCKOFF
         |          |          /-Pieter Jansen VAN PELT
         |          \-Anne Elizabeth VAN PELT
         |                     \-Saartje BOGARDUS
Willempte WYCKOFF
         |          /-Johannes NEWELL
         \-Sarah NEWELL
                    \-Geertje HAUGHWOUT

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Willemptje WYCKOFF

Father: Pieter Claesen WYCKOFF
Mother: Grietje Cornelis VAN NESS
Death: AUG 1693

Partnership with: Adrian KINNE

Ancestors of Willemptje WYCKOFF

                               /-Cornelius PETERSSON
                    /-Claes Cornelissen (Wyckoff) VAN SCHOUWEN
                    |          \-Johanna VAN DER GOES
         /-Pieter Claesen WYCKOFF
         |          |          /-Martyn VAN DER GOES
         |          \-Margaret VAN DER GOES
         |                     \-Margaretha TYSEN
Willemptje WYCKOFF
         |                     /-Hendrick Gerritse VAN NESS
         |          /-Cornelius Hendrikse VAN NESS
         |          |          \-Anneken WESSELS
         \-Grietje Cornelis VAN NESS
                    |          /-Hendrick Adrienje VAN DER BURCHGRAEFF
                    \-Mayken Hendrickse VAN DER BURCHGRAEFF
                               \-Annetje JANSE

Descendents of Willemptje WYCKOFF

1 Willemptje WYCKOFF
  =Adrian KINNE

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Father: William WYCKOFF
Mother: Mary Elizabeth YOUNG
Birth: 22 APR 1802
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of William WYCKOFF

                               /-Martin WYCKOFF
                    /-Elias WYCKOFF
                    |          \-Elizabeth HUBBARD
         /-William WYCKOFF
         |          |          /-William FONGER
         |          \-Sarah FONGER
         |                     \- CHRISTINA
         \-Mary Elizabeth YOUNG

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Father: Elias WYCKOFF
Mother: Sarah FONGER
Birth: 22 FEB 1767, Hunterdon, NJ
Death: 9 FEB 1836, Crawford County, PA

Partnership with: Mary Elizabeth YOUNG
Marriage: 1787
Child: John WYCKOFF Birth: 16 OCT 1790, Woodcock, PA
Child: William WYCKOFF Birth: 22 APR 1802
Child: James WYCKOFF Birth: 1 MAY 1804
Child: Elias WYCKOFF
Child: Samuel WYCKOFF Birth: 17 MAY 1806
Child: Elizabeth WYCKOFF
Child: Nancy WYCKOFF
Child: Sally WYCKOFF
Child: Rabecca WYCKOFF

Ancestors of William WYCKOFF

                               /-Pieter WYCKOFF
                    /-Martin WYCKOFF
                    |          \-Anne Elizabeth VAN PELT
         /-Elias WYCKOFF
         |          |          /-Elias HUBBARD
         |          \-Elizabeth HUBBARD
         |                     \-Femmetje DITMARS
         |          /-William FONGER
         \-Sarah FONGER
                    \- CHRISTINA

Descendents of William WYCKOFF

1 William WYCKOFF
  =Mary Elizabeth YOUNG  Marriage: 1787
    2 John WYCKOFF
      =Sarah CLARK  Marriage: 6 FEB 1813
        3 Lydia WYCKOFF
          =Lyman MATHEWS  Marriage: 10 JAN 1837, Gravel Run, Pennslyvania
        3 William C. WYCKOFF
        3 Eliza WYCKOFF
          = PENDLETON
        3 Rebecca WYCKOFF
          =John MORE
        3 Sarah Ann WYCKOFF
          =John FLICK
        3 Mary D. WYCKOFF
        3 Sally WYCKOFF
        3 John B. WYCKOFF
        3 Prudence WYCKOFF
          = SHAFER
        3 Samuel WYCKOFF
        3 Nancy A WYCKOFF
    2 William WYCKOFF
    2 James WYCKOFF
    2 Elias WYCKOFF
    2 Samuel WYCKOFF
    2 Elizabeth WYCKOFF
      =John BOWMAN
    2 Nancy WYCKOFF
      =Joseph CLAWSON
    2 Sally WYCKOFF
      =Robert CLARK
    2 Rabecca WYCKOFF
      =Robert GLENN

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William C. WYCKOFF

Father: John WYCKOFF
Mother: Sarah CLARK
Birth: 15 AUG 1816
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of William C. WYCKOFF

                               /-Elias WYCKOFF
                    /-William WYCKOFF
                    |          \-Sarah FONGER
         /-John WYCKOFF
         |          \-Mary Elizabeth YOUNG
William C. WYCKOFF
         \-Sarah CLARK

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Father: Richard WOODVILLE , Earl Rivers 1
Mother: Jacquetta of Luxemburg in ST. POL
Birth: ABT. 1451, North Fambridge, Essex, England
Death: 30 JUL 1489, London, Middlesex, England

Partnership with: William BOURCHIER , Viscount Bourchier
Marriage: BEF. 15 AUG 1467, North Fambridge, Essex, England
Child: Cecile BOURCHIER Birth: ABT. 1463
Child: William Henry BOURCHIER , Earl of Essex Birth: 1472
Child: Isabel BOURCHIER
Partnership with: Edward WINGFIELD , Sir
Marriage: AFT. 1471
Partnership with: George GREY , Earl of Kent
Marriage: 1480

Ancestors of Anne WYDEVILLE

                               /-John WOODVILLE
                    /-Richard of WYDEVILLE
                    |          \-Elizabeth LYONS
         /-Richard WOODVILLE , Earl Rivers 1
         |          |          /-John BEDLISGATE
         |          \-Joan BEDLISGATE
         |                     /-Jean II of Luxemburg of Brienne and CONVERSANO
         |          /-Pierre of LUXEMBURG , Count St. Pol & Brienne
         |          |          \-Margaret D'ENGHIEN , Countess of Brienne
         \-Jacquetta of Luxemburg in ST. POL
                    |          /-Francis DEL BALSO , Duke of Andria
                    \-Margherita of BALZO
                               \-Justine (Sueva) of URSINS

Descendents of Anne WYDEVILLE

  =William BOURCHIER , Viscount Bourchier  Marriage: BEF. 15 AUG 1467, North Fambridge, Essex, England
    2 Cecile BOURCHIER
      =John DEVEREUX , Lord Ferrers of Chartley
        3 Walter DEVEREUX , Viscount Hereford 1
          =Margaret GARNEYS
          =Mary GREY  Marriage: BEF. 1503
    2 William Henry BOURCHIER , Earl of Essex
      =Mary SAY
    2 Isabel BOURCHIER
  =Edward WINGFIELD , Sir  Marriage: AFT. 1471
  =George GREY , Earl of Kent  Marriage: 1480

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Anthony WYDEVILLE , Earl Rivers 2

Father: Richard WOODVILLE , Earl Rivers 1
Mother: Jacquetta of Luxemburg in ST. POL
Birth: ABT. 1441, Grafton, Northamptonshire, England
Death: 25 JUN 1483, Pontefract Castle, Yorkshire, England

Partnership with: Gwentlian STRADLING
Partnership with: Elizabeth SCALES
Marriage: DEC 1462
Partnership with: Mary FITZLEWES
Marriage: BEF. OCT 1480

Ancestors of Anthony WYDEVILLE , Earl Rivers 2

                               /-John WOODVILLE
                    /-Richard of WYDEVILLE
                    |          \-Elizabeth LYONS
         /-Richard WOODVILLE , Earl Rivers 1
         |          |          /-John BEDLISGATE
         |          \-Joan BEDLISGATE
Anthony WYDEVILLE , Earl Rivers 2
         |                     /-Jean II of Luxemburg of Brienne and CONVERSANO
         |          /-Pierre of LUXEMBURG , Count St. Pol & Brienne
         |          |          \-Margaret D'ENGHIEN , Countess of Brienne
         \-Jacquetta of Luxemburg in ST. POL
                    |          /-Francis DEL BALSO , Duke of Andria
                    \-Margherita of BALZO
                               \-Justine (Sueva) of URSINS

Descendents of Anthony WYDEVILLE , Earl Rivers 2

1 Anthony WYDEVILLE , Earl Rivers 2
  =Gwentlian STRADLING
  =Elizabeth SCALES  Marriage: DEC 1462
  =Mary FITZLEWES  Marriage: BEF. OCT 1480

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Father: Richard WOODVILLE , Earl Rivers 1
Mother: Jacquetta of Luxemburg in ST. POL
Birth: BEF. 1458, Monmouthshire, England
Death: AFT. 22 JUL 1525

Partnership with: Sir Richard WINGFIELD
Partnership with: Henry STAFFORD , Duke of Buckingham
Marriage: FEB 1466
Child: Elizabeth STAFFORD Birth: ABT. 1470, Brecknock Casstle, Brecknockshire, Wales
Child: Edward STAFFORD , Duke of Buckingham 3 Birth: 3 FEB 1478, Brecknock Castle, Brecknockshire, Wales
Child: Henry of Wiltshire STAFFORD , Earl of Wiltshire Birth: ABT. 1479, Brecknock Casstle, Brecknockshire, Wales
Child: Anne STAFFORD Birth: ABT. 1493, Ashby, Leicestershire, England
Child: Humphrey STAFFORD
Partnership with: Jasper TUDOR , Earl of Pembroke
Marriage: ABT. 1483

Ancestors of Catherine WYDEVILLE

                               /-John WOODVILLE
                    /-Richard of WYDEVILLE
                    |          \-Elizabeth LYONS
         /-Richard WOODVILLE , Earl Rivers 1
         |          |          /-John BEDLISGATE
         |          \-Joan BEDLISGATE
         |                     /-Jean II of Luxemburg of Brienne and CONVERSANO
         |          /-Pierre of LUXEMBURG , Count St. Pol & Brienne
         |          |          \-Margaret D'ENGHIEN , Countess of Brienne
         \-Jacquetta of Luxemburg in ST. POL
                    |          /-Francis DEL BALSO , Duke of Andria
                    \-Margherita of BALZO
                               \-Justine (Sueva) of URSINS

Descendents of Catherine WYDEVILLE

1 Catherine WYDEVILLE
  =Sir Richard WINGFIELD
  =Henry STAFFORD , Duke of Buckingham  Marriage: FEB 1466
    2 Elizabeth STAFFORD
      =King Henry VIII Tudor of ENGLAND
      =Robert Fitzwalter RADCLIFFE , Earl of Essex  Marriage: 23 JUL 1505
        3 George RADCLIFFE
          =Katherine MARNY  Marriage: ABT. 1527
        3 Humphrey RADCLIFFE
          =Isabel HARVEY
        3 Henry RADCLIFFE , Earl of Sussex 2
          =Elizabeth HOWARD , Lady FitzWalter  Marriage: BEF. 21 MAY 1524
          =Anne CALTHORP  Marriage: BEF. 21 NOV 1538
    2 Edward STAFFORD , Duke of Buckingham 3
      =Alianore PERCY  Marriage: 14 DEC 1490
        3 Mary STAFFORD , Lady
          =George NEVILLE , Lord Abergavenny 5  Marriage: JUN 1519, Abergavenny, Monmouth, Wales
        3 Elizabeth STAFFORD
          =Thomas HOWARD , Duke of Norfolk 3  Marriage: 8 JAN 1512
        3 Catherine STAFFORD
          =Ralph NEVILLE , Earl of Westmoreland 4  Marriage: BEF. JUN 1520, Abergavenny, Monmouth, Wales
        3 Henry STAFFORD , Lord Stafford
          =Ursula POLE  Marriage: 16 FEB 1518
        3 Margaret STAFFORD
          =William CHEYNE
          =John BULMER  Marriage: 1535
    2 Henry of Wiltshire STAFFORD , Earl of Wiltshire
      =Margaret GREY
      =Cicely BONVILLE , Baroness Harington  Marriage: 22 NOV 1504
    2 Anne STAFFORD
      =Walter HERBERT , Sir
      =George HASTINGS , Earl of Huntingdon 1  Marriage: DEC 1509
        3 Francis HASTINGS , Earl of Huntingdon 2
          =Katherine POLE  Marriage: 25 JUN 1532, England
        3 Mary HASTINGS
          =Thomas BERKELEY , Lord Berkeley 6
        3 Dorothy HASTINGS
          =Richard DEVEREUX , Sir
    2 Humphrey STAFFORD
  =Jasper TUDOR , Earl of Pembroke  Marriage: ABT. 1483

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Father: Richard WOODVILLE , Earl Rivers 1
Mother: Jacquetta of Luxemburg in ST. POL
Birth: ABT. 1437, Grafton Regis Northants
Death: 8 JUN 1492, St. Saviour's Abbey, Bermondsey, London

Partnership with: John of Groby GREY , Sir, Lord Ferrers 7
Marriage: ABT. 1454
Child: Thomas GREY , Marquess of Dorset 1 Birth: 1455, Groby, Leicestshire, England
Child: Richard GREY , Sir Birth: ABT. 1459, Groby, Leicestshire, England
Partnership with: King Edward IV Plantagenet of ENGLAND
Marriage: 1 MAY 1464, Grafton Regis, Northamptonshire, England
Child: Elizabeth of York PLANTAGENET Birth: 11 FEB 1466, Westminster Palace, London, England
Child: Mary PLANTAGENET , Lady Birth: 11 AUG 1467, Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, England
Child: Cicely PLANTAGENET Birth: 20 MAR 1469, Westminster Palace, London, England
Child: King Edward V Plantagenet of ENGLAND Birth: 4 NOV 1470
Child: Margaret PLANTAGENET Birth: 10 APR 1472, Windsor Cstle, Windsor, Berkshire, England
Child: Richard PLANTAGENET , Duke of York Birth: 17 AUG 1473, Dominican Friary, Shrewsbury, Shropshire
Child: Anne PLANTAGENET , Lady Birth: 2 NOV 1475, Westminster Palace, London, England
Child: George PLANTAGENET , Duke of Bedford Birth: MAR 1477, Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, England
Child: Catherine PLANTAGENET Birth: ABT. 14 AUG 1479, Eltham Palace, Kent
Child: Bridget PLANTAGENET , Nun at Darford Birth: 10 NOV 1480

Ancestors of Elizabeth WYDEVILLE

                               /-John WOODVILLE
                    /-Richard of WYDEVILLE
                    |          \-Elizabeth LYONS
         /-Richard WOODVILLE , Earl Rivers 1
         |          |          /-John BEDLISGATE
         |          \-Joan BEDLISGATE
         |                     /-Jean II of Luxemburg of Brienne and CONVERSANO
         |          /-Pierre of LUXEMBURG , Count St. Pol & Brienne
         |          |          \-Margaret D'ENGHIEN , Countess of Brienne
         \-Jacquetta of Luxemburg in ST. POL
                    |          /-Francis DEL BALSO , Duke of Andria
                    \-Margherita of BALZO
                               \-Justine (Sueva) of URSINS

Descendents of Elizabeth WYDEVILLE

1 Elizabeth WYDEVILLE
  =John of Groby GREY , Sir,  Lord Ferrers 7  Marriage: ABT. 1454
    2 Thomas GREY , Marquess of Dorset 1
      =Anne HOLLAND  Marriage: OCT 1466
      =Cicely BONVILLE , Baroness Harington  Marriage: 18 JUL 1474
        3 Edward GREY
        3 Thomas GREY , Marquess of Dorset
          =Eleanore SAINT JOHN  Marriage: ABT. 1502
          =Margaret WOTTON
        3 Eleanor GREY
          =John ARUNDELL  Marriage: ABT. 1499, Groby, Leicestershire, England
        3 Anthony GREY
        3 Dorothy GREY
          =Robert WILLOUGHBY  Marriage: ABT. 1515, Devonshire, England
          =William BLOUNT  Marriage: 1523
        3 John GREY
        3 Richard GREY
        3 Cicely GREY
          =John (Dudley) SUTTON  Marriage: ABT. 1520
        3 Elizabeth GREY , Lady
          =Gerald 'Geroig og' FITZGERALD , Earl of Kildare 9
        3 Leonard GREY
        3 Mary GREY
          =Walter DEVERAUX  Marriage: BEF. 15 DEC 1503
        3 Margaret GREY
          =Richard WAKE  Marriage: ABT. 1545
        3 George GREY
        3 Bridget GREY
        3 Anne GREY
    2 Richard GREY , Sir
  =King Edward IV Plantagenet of ENGLAND  Marriage: 1 MAY 1464, Grafton Regis, Northamptonshire, England
    2 Elizabeth of York PLANTAGENET
      =King Henry VII Tudor of ENGLAND  Marriage: 18 JAN 1486, Westminster Abbey, London
        3 Arthur TUDOR , Prince of Wales
          =Catherine of ARAGON  Marriage: 14 NOV 1501, St Pauls Cathedral, London, England
        3 Margaret TUDOR
          =King James IV Stuart of SCOTLAND  Marriage: 8 AUG 1503, Holyrood Abbey, Edinburgh, Scotland
          =Archibald DOUGLAS , Earl of Angus VI  Marriage: 4 AUG 1514, Kinnoul Church
          =Henry STEWART , Lord Methven I  Marriage: 3 MAR 1528
        3 King Henry VIII Tudor of ENGLAND
          =Elizabeth STAFFORD
          =Catherine of ARAGON  Marriage: 11 JUN 1509, Grey Friars Church, Greenwich, England
          =Elizabeth BLOUNT
          =Joan DOBSON
          =Mary BERKELEY
          =Anne BOLEYN , Marchioness of Pembroke  Marriage: 25 JAN 1533, Westminster, London, England
          =Jane SEYMOUR  Marriage: 20 MAY 1536, York Place, England
          =Anne of CLEVES-JULICH  Marriage: 6 JAN 1540, Grennwich, England
          =Catherine HOWARD  Marriage: 28 JUL 1540, Hampton Court, Palace, England
          =Catherine PARR  Marriage: 12 JUL 1543, Hampton Court, Palace, England
        3 Elizabeth TUDOR
        3 Mary TUDOR
          =King Louis XII of FRANCE  Marriage: 9 OCT 1514, Abbeville Cathedral, France
          =Charles BRANDON , Duke of Suffolk 2  Marriage: 3 MAR 1515, Paris, France
        3 Edmund TUDOR , Duke of Somerset
        3 Edward TUDOR
        3 Katherine TUDOR
        3 Roland of VELVILLE , Constable of Beaumaris
    2 Mary PLANTAGENET , Lady
    2 Cicely PLANTAGENET
      =John 1 WELLES , Viscount Welles  Marriage: BEF. DEC 1487
        3 Anne WELLES
          =James BUTLER , Earl of Ormonde 3  Marriage: BEF. 17 JUN 1386
        3 Elizabeth WELLES
      =Thomas of Isle of Wight KYME  Marriage: BEF. JAN 1504
        3 Richard KYME
          = AGNES
        3 Margaret KYME
          =John WETHERBY
    2 King Edward V Plantagenet of ENGLAND
    2 Margaret PLANTAGENET
    2 Richard PLANTAGENET , Duke of York
      =Anne MOWBRAY , Countess of Norfolk  Marriage: 15 JAN 1478, St stephen's Chapel, Westminster, England
    2 Anne PLANTAGENET , Lady
      =King Philip I the Handsome Habsburg of CASTILE
      =Thomas HOWARD , Duke of Norfolk 3  Marriage: 4 FEB 1494, Greenwich Palace, London, England
        3 Thomas HOWARD , Lord
        3 Son HOWARD
        3 Daughter HOWARD
        3 Daughter HOWARD
    2 George PLANTAGENET , Duke of Bedford
    2 Catherine PLANTAGENET
      =William COURTENAY , Earl of Devon  Marriage: BEF. OCT 1495
        3 Edward COURTENAY , Earl of Devon
          =Gertrude BLOUNT
        3 Henry COURTENAY , Marquis of Exeter
          =Elizabeth GREY , Baroness Lisle 5  Marriage: 11 JUN 1515
        3 Margaret COURTENAY
    2 Bridget PLANTAGENET , Nun at Darford

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Father: Richard WOODVILLE , Earl Rivers 1
Mother: Jacquetta of Luxemburg in ST. POL
Birth: ABT. 1447, Grafton, Northamptonshire, England
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Anthony GREY
Marriage: FEB 1466

Ancestors of Joan WYDEVILLE

                               /-John WOODVILLE
                    /-Richard of WYDEVILLE
                    |          \-Elizabeth LYONS
         /-Richard WOODVILLE , Earl Rivers 1
         |          |          /-John BEDLISGATE
         |          \-Joan BEDLISGATE
         |                     /-Jean II of Luxemburg of Brienne and CONVERSANO
         |          /-Pierre of LUXEMBURG , Count St. Pol & Brienne
         |          |          \-Margaret D'ENGHIEN , Countess of Brienne
         \-Jacquetta of Luxemburg in ST. POL
                    |          /-Francis DEL BALSO , Duke of Andria
                    \-Margherita of BALZO
                               \-Justine (Sueva) of URSINS

Descendents of Joan WYDEVILLE

  =Anthony GREY  Marriage: FEB 1466

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Father: Richard WOODVILLE , Earl Rivers 1
Mother: Jacquetta of Luxemburg in ST. POL
Birth: ABT. 1445
Birth: ABT. 1445, Grafton, Northamptonshire, England
Death: 1469
Death: 12 AUG 1469, Kenilworth, Northamptonshire, England

Partnership with: Catherine of NEVILLE
Marriage: JAN 1465

Ancestors of John WYDEVILLE , Sir

                               /-John WOODVILLE
                    /-Richard of WYDEVILLE
                    |          \-Elizabeth LYONS
         /-Richard WOODVILLE , Earl Rivers 1
         |          |          /-John BEDLISGATE
         |          \-Joan BEDLISGATE
         |                     /-Jean II of Luxemburg of Brienne and CONVERSANO
         |          /-Pierre of LUXEMBURG , Count St. Pol & Brienne
         |          |          \-Margaret D'ENGHIEN , Countess of Brienne
         \-Jacquetta of Luxemburg in ST. POL
                    |          /-Francis DEL BALSO , Duke of Andria
                    \-Margherita of BALZO
                               \-Justine (Sueva) of URSINS

Descendents of John WYDEVILLE , Sir

1 John WYDEVILLE , Sir
  =Catherine of NEVILLE  Marriage: JAN 1465

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Richard of WYDEVILLE

Father: John WOODVILLE
Mother: Elizabeth LYONS
Birth: 1385
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Joan BEDLISGATE
Child: Richard WOODVILLE , Earl Rivers 1 Birth: ABT. 1405, Maidstone, Kent, England

Ancestors of Richard of WYDEVILLE

         /-John WOODVILLE
Richard of WYDEVILLE
         \-Elizabeth LYONS

Descendents of Richard of WYDEVILLE

1 Richard of WYDEVILLE
    2 Richard WOODVILLE , Earl Rivers 1
      =Jacquetta of Luxemburg in ST. POL  Marriage: 1435
        3 Edward WOODVILLE
        3 Richard WOODVILLE , Earl of Rivers 3
        3 Elizabeth WYDEVILLE
          =John of Groby GREY , Sir,  Lord Ferrers 7  Marriage: ABT. 1454
          =King Edward IV Plantagenet of ENGLAND  Marriage: 1 MAY 1464, Grafton Regis, Northamptonshire, England
        3 Anthony WYDEVILLE , Earl Rivers 2
          =Gwentlian STRADLING
          =Elizabeth SCALES  Marriage: DEC 1462
          =Mary FITZLEWES  Marriage: BEF. OCT 1480
        3 Jacquetta WOODVILLE
          =John of Knocking STRANGE , Baron Strange 8  Marriage: ABT. 1462, Grafton, Northamptonshire, England
        3 John WYDEVILLE , Sir
          =Catherine of NEVILLE  Marriage: JAN 1465
        3 Lionel WOODVILLE , Bishop of Salisbury
        3 Joan WYDEVILLE
          =Anthony GREY  Marriage: FEB 1466
        3 Anne WYDEVILLE
          =William BOURCHIER , Viscount Bourchier  Marriage: BEF. 15 AUG 1467, North Fambridge, Essex, England
          =Edward WINGFIELD , Sir  Marriage: AFT. 1471
          =George GREY , Earl of Kent  Marriage: 1480
        3 Margaret WOODVILLE
          =Thomas MALTRAVERS , Earl of Arundel
        3 Mary WOODVILLE
          =William HERBERT , Earl of Huntingdon  Marriage: SEP 1466, Windsor, Berkshire, England
        3 Catherine WYDEVILLE
          =Sir Richard WINGFIELD
          =Henry STAFFORD , Duke of Buckingham  Marriage: FEB 1466
          =Jasper TUDOR , Earl of Pembroke  Marriage: ABT. 1483
        3 Thomas WOODVILLE
          =Anne HOLLAND
        3 Lewis WOODVILLE
        3 Martha WOODVILLE
          =John BROMLEY , Sir
        3 Eleanor WOODVILLE
          =Anthony GRAY , Baron of Ruthin

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Joan (Maud) WYDVILLE

Birth: ABT. 1404, Grafton, Northamptonshire, England
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: William HAWTE
Marriage: 18 JUL 1429
Child: Joan HAUTE Birth: ABT. 1436, Waltham, Kent, England

Descendents of Joan (Maud) WYDVILLE

1 Joan (Maud) WYDVILLE
  =William HAWTE  Marriage: 18 JUL 1429
    2 Joan HAUTE
      =George DARELL  Marriage: ABT. 1465, Shelvingborne, Kent, England
        3 Edward DARELL
          =Jane CROFTS  Marriage: ABT. 1487, Littlecote, Wilshire, England

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Adrian of BEIEREN

Descendents of Daughter of WYELENSTEIJN

1 Daughter of WYELENSTEIJN
  =Adrian of BEIEREN

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Edward WYER

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Abigail LAWRENCE

Descendents of Edward WYER

1 Edward WYER
  =Abigail LAWRENCE

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Father: Ebenezer WYETH II
Mother: Mary WINSHIP
Birth: 22 FEB 1766
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Benjamin CUTTER
Marriage: 6 MAR 1785

Ancestors of Anna WYETH

                               /-John WYETH
                    /-Ebenezer WYETH I
                    |          \-Deborah WARD
         /-Ebenezer WYETH II
         |          |          /-Ebenezer HANCOCK
         |          \-Susanna HANCOCK
         |                     \-Susanne CLARK
         |                     /-Joseph WINSHIP I
         |          /-Joseph WINSHIP II
         |          |          \-Jane HARRINGTON
         \-Mary WINSHIP
                    |          /-Francis WHITMORE
                    \-Anne WHITMORE
                               \-Anne PIERCE

Descendents of Anna WYETH

1 Anna WYETH
  =Benjamin CUTTER  Marriage: 6 MAR 1785

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Deborah WYETH

Father: John WYETH
Mother: Deborah WARD
Birth: 20 NOV 1686
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Samuel BOWMAN

Ancestors of Deborah WYETH

                               /-John WYETH
                    /-Nicholas WYTH
                    |          \- MARGARET
         /-John WYETH
         |          \-Rebecca PARKS
Deborah WYETH
         |                     /-William WARD
         |          /-John WARD
         |          |          \- ELIZABETH
         \-Deborah WARD
                    |          /-Edward JACKSON
                    \-Hannah JACKSON
                               \- FRANCES

Descendents of Deborah WYETH

1 Deborah WYETH
  =Samuel BOWMAN

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Ebenezer WYETH

Father: Ebenezer WYETH II
Mother: Mary WINSHIP
Birth: 17 DEC 1752
Death: 1836

Partnership with: Elizabeth WINSHIP

Ancestors of Ebenezer WYETH

                               /-John WYETH
                    /-Ebenezer WYETH I
                    |          \-Deborah WARD
         /-Ebenezer WYETH II
         |          |          /-Ebenezer HANCOCK
         |          \-Susanna HANCOCK
         |                     \-Susanne CLARK
Ebenezer WYETH
         |                     /-Joseph WINSHIP I
         |          /-Joseph WINSHIP II
         |          |          \-Jane HARRINGTON
         \-Mary WINSHIP
                    |          /-Francis WHITMORE
                    \-Anne WHITMORE
                               \-Anne PIERCE

Descendents of Ebenezer WYETH

1 Ebenezer WYETH
  =Elizabeth WINSHIP

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Ebenezer WYETH I

Father: John WYETH
Mother: Deborah WARD
Birth: 1 JUL 1698, Garden Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Baptism: 24 JUL 1698
Residence: The old homestead in Cambridge, Massachusetts
Death: 3 APR 1754, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Partnership with: Susanna HANCOCK
Marriage: 1726, Massachusetts
Child: Ebenezer WYETH II Birth: 8 APR 1727, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Child: Jonas WYETH Birth: 19 FEB 1730
Child: Susanna WYETH Birth: MAR 1734, Massachusetts
Child: Mary WYETH Birth: 1739, Massachusetts
Child: Noah WYETH Birth: 7 JUL 1742, Massachusetts
Child: Sarah WYETH Birth: 1746, Massachusetts

Ancestors of Ebenezer WYETH I

                               /-John WYETH
                    /-Nicholas WYTH
                    |          \- MARGARET
         /-John WYETH
         |          \-Rebecca PARKS
Ebenezer WYETH I
         |                     /-William WARD
         |          /-John WARD
         |          |          \- ELIZABETH
         \-Deborah WARD
                    |          /-Edward JACKSON
                    \-Hannah JACKSON
                               \- FRANCES

Descendents of Ebenezer WYETH I

1 Ebenezer WYETH I
  =Susanna HANCOCK  Marriage: 1726, Massachusetts
    2 Ebenezer WYETH II
      =Mary WINSHIP  Marriage: 5 NOV 1761
        3 Ebenezer WYETH
          =Elizabeth WINSHIP
        3 Mary WYETH
        3 Jonas WYETH
          =Elizabeth SMITH
        3 Joshua WYETH I
          =Emaline JONES
          =Mary Elizabeth BREWER  Marriage: 27 APR 1780
          =Elizabeth RICHARDSON  Marriage: 7 JAN 1808, Watertown, Massachusetts
        3 William WYETH
        3 Suzanna WYETH
          =William WATSON
        3 Jacob WYETH
          =Elizabeth JARVIS
        3 Anna WYETH
          =Benjamin CUTTER  Marriage: 6 MAR 1785
        3 Gad WYETH
          =Polly KENDALL  Marriage: 1793
        3 John WYETH
          =Louisa WEISS  Marriage: 1793
        3 Elizabeth WYETH
    2 Jonas WYETH
      =Hepzibah TODD  Marriage: 1753
    2 Susanna WYETH
      =Daniel SAWIN  Marriage: 1753
    2 Mary WYETH
      =Mansfield TAPLEY  Marriage: 1760
    2 Noah WYETH
      =Betty FITCH  Marriage: 1763
    2 Sarah WYETH
      =Torrey HANCOCK

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Ebenezer WYETH II

Father: Ebenezer WYETH I
Mother: Susanna HANCOCK
Birth: 8 APR 1727, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Death: 4 AUG 1799

Partnership with: Mary WINSHIP
Marriage: 5 NOV 1761
Child: Ebenezer WYETH Birth: 17 DEC 1752
Child: Mary WYETH Birth: 1755
Child: Jonas WYETH Birth: 17 MAY 1757
Child: Joshua WYETH I Birth: 6 OCT 1758, Waltham, Massachusetts
Child: William WYETH Birth: 1760
Child: Suzanna WYETH Birth: 1762
Child: Jacob WYETH Birth: 29 APR 1764
Child: Anna WYETH Birth: 22 FEB 1766
Child: Gad WYETH Birth: 27 JUL 1768
Child: John WYETH Birth: 1770
Child: Elizabeth WYETH Birth: 12 FEB 1772

Ancestors of Ebenezer WYETH II

                               /-Nicholas WYTH
                    /-John WYETH
                    |          \-Rebecca PARKS
         /-Ebenezer WYETH I
         |          |          /-John WARD
         |          \-Deborah WARD
         |                     \-Hannah JACKSON
Ebenezer WYETH II
         |                     /-Nathaniel HANCOCK II
         |          /-Ebenezer HANCOCK
         |          |          \-Mary PRENTICE
         \-Susanna HANCOCK
                    |          /-Jonas CLARK
                    \-Susanne CLARK
                               \-Elizabeth COOK

Descendents of Ebenezer WYETH II

1 Ebenezer WYETH II
  =Mary WINSHIP  Marriage: 5 NOV 1761
    2 Ebenezer WYETH
      =Elizabeth WINSHIP
    2 Mary WYETH
    2 Jonas WYETH
      =Elizabeth SMITH
    2 Joshua WYETH I
      =Emaline JONES
      =Mary Elizabeth BREWER  Marriage: 27 APR 1780
      =Elizabeth RICHARDSON  Marriage: 7 JAN 1808, Watertown, Massachusetts
    2 William WYETH
    2 Suzanna WYETH
      =William WATSON
    2 Jacob WYETH
      =Elizabeth JARVIS
    2 Anna WYETH
      =Benjamin CUTTER  Marriage: 6 MAR 1785
    2 Gad WYETH
      =Polly KENDALL  Marriage: 1793
    2 John WYETH
      =Louisa WEISS  Marriage: 1793
    2 Elizabeth WYETH

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Elizabeth WYETH

Father: Ebenezer WYETH II
Mother: Mary WINSHIP
Birth: 12 FEB 1772
Death: 23 FEB 1793

Ancestors of Elizabeth WYETH

                               /-John WYETH
                    /-Ebenezer WYETH I
                    |          \-Deborah WARD
         /-Ebenezer WYETH II
         |          |          /-Ebenezer HANCOCK
         |          \-Susanna HANCOCK
         |                     \-Susanne CLARK
Elizabeth WYETH
         |                     /-Joseph WINSHIP I
         |          /-Joseph WINSHIP II
         |          |          \-Jane HARRINGTON
         \-Mary WINSHIP
                    |          /-Francis WHITMORE
                    \-Anne WHITMORE
                               \-Anne PIERCE

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Elizabeth WYETH

Father: John WYETH
Mother: Deborah WARD
Birth: 6 OCT 1684, Massachusetts
Death: 1701, Massachusetts

Ancestors of Elizabeth WYETH

                               /-John WYETH
                    /-Nicholas WYTH
                    |          \- MARGARET
         /-John WYETH
         |          \-Rebecca PARKS
Elizabeth WYETH
         |                     /-William WARD
         |          /-John WARD
         |          |          \- ELIZABETH
         \-Deborah WARD
                    |          /-Edward JACKSON
                    \-Hannah JACKSON
                               \- FRANCES

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Elizabeth WYETH

Father: John WYETH
Mother: Deborah WARD
Birth: 1701
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: John WINSHIP
Marriage: 1718

Ancestors of Elizabeth WYETH

                               /-John WYETH
                    /-Nicholas WYTH
                    |          \- MARGARET
         /-John WYETH
         |          \-Rebecca PARKS
Elizabeth WYETH
         |                     /-William WARD
         |          /-John WARD
         |          |          \- ELIZABETH
         \-Deborah WARD
                    |          /-Edward JACKSON
                    \-Hannah JACKSON
                               \- FRANCES

Descendents of Elizabeth WYETH

1 Elizabeth WYETH
  =John WINSHIP  Marriage: 1718

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Father: Ebenezer WYETH II
Mother: Mary WINSHIP
Birth: 27 JUL 1768
Death: 1843, Ohio?

Partnership with: Polly KENDALL
Marriage: 1793

Ancestors of Gad WYETH

                               /-John WYETH
                    /-Ebenezer WYETH I
                    |          \-Deborah WARD
         /-Ebenezer WYETH II
         |          |          /-Ebenezer HANCOCK
         |          \-Susanna HANCOCK
         |                     \-Susanne CLARK
         |                     /-Joseph WINSHIP I
         |          /-Joseph WINSHIP II
         |          |          \-Jane HARRINGTON
         \-Mary WINSHIP
                    |          /-Francis WHITMORE
                    \-Anne WHITMORE
                               \-Anne PIERCE

Descendents of Gad WYETH

  =Polly KENDALL  Marriage: 1793

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Hannah WYETH

Father: John WYETH
Mother: Deborah WARD
Birth: 1693, Massachusetts
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Jason WINSHIP
Partnership with: Nathaniel PRENTICE

Ancestors of Hannah WYETH

                               /-John WYETH
                    /-Nicholas WYTH
                    |          \- MARGARET
         /-John WYETH
         |          \-Rebecca PARKS
Hannah WYETH
         |                     /-William WARD
         |          /-John WARD
         |          |          \- ELIZABETH
         \-Deborah WARD
                    |          /-Edward JACKSON
                    \-Hannah JACKSON
                               \- FRANCES

Descendents of Hannah WYETH

1 Hannah WYETH
  =Jason WINSHIP
  =Nathaniel PRENTICE

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Father: Ebenezer WYETH II
Mother: Mary WINSHIP
Birth: 29 APR 1764
Death: 1857

Partnership with: Elizabeth JARVIS

Ancestors of Jacob WYETH

                               /-John WYETH
                    /-Ebenezer WYETH I
                    |          \-Deborah WARD
         /-Ebenezer WYETH II
         |          |          /-Ebenezer HANCOCK
         |          \-Susanna HANCOCK
         |                     \-Susanne CLARK
         |                     /-Joseph WINSHIP I
         |          /-Joseph WINSHIP II
         |          |          \-Jane HARRINGTON
         \-Mary WINSHIP
                    |          /-Francis WHITMORE
                    \-Anne WHITMORE
                               \-Anne PIERCE

Descendents of Jacob WYETH

1 Jacob WYETH
  =Elizabeth JARVIS

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Father: John WYETH
Birth: 1590
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Henry CORNISH
Marriage: 1624

Ancestors of Jane WYETH

         /-John WYETH
         \- MARGARET

Descendents of Jane WYETH

1 Jane WYETH
  =Henry CORNISH  Marriage: 1624

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Father: Ebenezer WYETH II
Mother: Mary WINSHIP
Birth: 1770
Death: 1858, Pennsylvania

Partnership with: Louisa WEISS
Marriage: 1793

Ancestors of John WYETH

                               /-John WYETH
                    /-Ebenezer WYETH I
                    |          \-Deborah WARD
         /-Ebenezer WYETH II
         |          |          /-Ebenezer HANCOCK
         |          \-Susanna HANCOCK
         |                     \-Susanne CLARK
         |                     /-Joseph WINSHIP I
         |          /-Joseph WINSHIP II
         |          |          \-Jane HARRINGTON
         \-Mary WINSHIP
                    |          /-Francis WHITMORE
                    \-Anne WHITMORE
                               \-Anne PIERCE

Descendents of John WYETH

1 John WYETH
  =Louisa WEISS  Marriage: 1793

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Father: Nicholas WYTH
Mother: Margaret CLARKE
Birth: 1634
Death: 1638

Ancestors of John WYETH

                    /-John WYETH
         /-Nicholas WYTH
         |          \- MARGARET
         \-Margaret CLARKE

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Father: John WYETH
Mother: Deborah WARD
Birth: 1705, Massachusetts
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Elizabeth HANCOCK
Marriage: 20 DEC 1733

Ancestors of John WYETH

                               /-John WYETH
                    /-Nicholas WYTH
                    |          \- MARGARET
         /-John WYETH
         |          \-Rebecca PARKS
         |                     /-William WARD
         |          /-John WARD
         |          |          \- ELIZABETH
         \-Deborah WARD
                    |          /-Edward JACKSON
                    \-Hannah JACKSON
                               \- FRANCES

Descendents of John WYETH

1 John WYETH
  =Elizabeth HANCOCK  Marriage: 20 DEC 1733

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Father: John WYETH
Mother: Deborah WARD
Birth: 21 DEC 1688
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of John WYETH

                               /-John WYETH
                    /-Nicholas WYTH
                    |          \- MARGARET
         /-John WYETH
         |          \-Rebecca PARKS
         |                     /-William WARD
         |          /-John WARD
         |          |          \- ELIZABETH
         \-Deborah WARD
                    |          /-Edward JACKSON
                    \-Hannah JACKSON
                               \- FRANCES

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Death: 22 FEB 1605, Saxtead, Suffolk, England

Partnership with: MARGARET
Child: Laurance WYETH Birth: 1584
Child: Jane WYETH Birth: 1590
Child: Rose WYTH Baptism: 3 AUG 1590
Child: Nicholas WYTH Birth: 1595, Suffolk, England

Descendents of John WYETH

1 John WYETH
    2 Laurance WYETH
      = MARGERY
      = FRANCES  Marriage: 1609
    2 Jane WYETH
      =Henry CORNISH  Marriage: 1624
    2 Rose WYTH
    2 Nicholas WYTH
      =Margaret CLARKE
        3 Sarah WYETH
          =John FISKE  Marriage: 11 DEC 1651
        3 John WYETH
      =Rebecca PARKS  Marriage: JAN 1647, Cambridge, Masaachusetts
        3 Mary WYETH
        3 Nicholas WYETH
          =Lydia FISKE  Marriage: 1681
          =Deborah PARKER  Marriage: 1698
        3 Martha WYETH
          =Unknown IVES  Marriage: 1671
        3 John WYETH
          =Deborah WARD  Marriage: 2 JAN 1682, Massachusetts
        3 William WYETH
          =Ruth SHEPARD  Marriage: 1683

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Father: Nicholas WYTH
Mother: Rebecca PARKS
Birth: 15 JUL 1655, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Residence: Garden Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Death: 13 DEC 1706, Campbridge,

Partnership with: Deborah WARD
Marriage: 2 JAN 1682, Massachusetts
Child: Elizabeth WYETH Birth: 6 OCT 1684, Massachusetts
Child: Deborah WYETH Birth: 20 NOV 1686
Child: John WYETH Birth: 21 DEC 1688
Child: Jonathan WYETH Birth: 1689, Massachusetts
Child: Hannah WYETH Birth: 1693, Massachusetts
Child: Thankful WYETH Birth: 1696
Child: Ebenezer WYETH I Birth: 1 JUL 1698, Garden Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Child: Elizabeth WYETH Birth: 1701
Child: John WYETH Birth: 1705, Massachusetts

Ancestors of John WYETH

                    /-John WYETH
         /-Nicholas WYTH
         |          \- MARGARET
         \-Rebecca PARKS

Descendents of John WYETH

1 John WYETH
  =Deborah WARD  Marriage: 2 JAN 1682, Massachusetts
    2 Elizabeth WYETH
    2 Deborah WYETH
      =Samuel BOWMAN
    2 John WYETH
    2 Jonathan WYETH
      =Hepzibah CHAMPNEY
    2 Hannah WYETH
      =Jason WINSHIP
      =Nathaniel PRENTICE
    2 Thankful WYETH
      =William WINSHIP
    2 Ebenezer WYETH I
      =Susanna HANCOCK  Marriage: 1726, Massachusetts
        3 Ebenezer WYETH II
          =Mary WINSHIP  Marriage: 5 NOV 1761
        3 Jonas WYETH
          =Hepzibah TODD  Marriage: 1753
        3 Susanna WYETH
          =Daniel SAWIN  Marriage: 1753
        3 Mary WYETH
          =Mansfield TAPLEY  Marriage: 1760
        3 Noah WYETH
          =Betty FITCH  Marriage: 1763
        3 Sarah WYETH
          =Torrey HANCOCK
    2 Elizabeth WYETH
      =John WINSHIP  Marriage: 1718
    2 John WYETH
      =Elizabeth HANCOCK  Marriage: 20 DEC 1733

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Father: Ebenezer WYETH II
Mother: Mary WINSHIP
Birth: 17 MAY 1757
Death: 1817

Partnership with: Elizabeth SMITH

Ancestors of Jonas WYETH

                               /-John WYETH
                    /-Ebenezer WYETH I
                    |          \-Deborah WARD
         /-Ebenezer WYETH II
         |          |          /-Ebenezer HANCOCK
         |          \-Susanna HANCOCK
         |                     \-Susanne CLARK
         |                     /-Joseph WINSHIP I
         |          /-Joseph WINSHIP II
         |          |          \-Jane HARRINGTON
         \-Mary WINSHIP
                    |          /-Francis WHITMORE
                    \-Anne WHITMORE
                               \-Anne PIERCE

Descendents of Jonas WYETH

1 Jonas WYETH
  =Elizabeth SMITH

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Father: Ebenezer WYETH I
Mother: Susanna HANCOCK
Birth: 19 FEB 1730
Death: 1813

Partnership with: Hepzibah TODD
Marriage: 1753

Ancestors of Jonas WYETH

                               /-Nicholas WYTH
                    /-John WYETH
                    |          \-Rebecca PARKS
         /-Ebenezer WYETH I
         |          |          /-John WARD
         |          \-Deborah WARD
         |                     \-Hannah JACKSON
         |                     /-Nathaniel HANCOCK II
         |          /-Ebenezer HANCOCK
         |          |          \-Mary PRENTICE
         \-Susanna HANCOCK
                    |          /-Jonas CLARK
                    \-Susanne CLARK
                               \-Elizabeth COOK

Descendents of Jonas WYETH

1 Jonas WYETH
  =Hepzibah TODD  Marriage: 1753

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Jonathan WYETH

Father: John WYETH
Mother: Deborah WARD
Birth: 1689, Massachusetts
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Hepzibah CHAMPNEY

Ancestors of Jonathan WYETH

                               /-John WYETH
                    /-Nicholas WYTH
                    |          \- MARGARET
         /-John WYETH
         |          \-Rebecca PARKS
Jonathan WYETH
         |                     /-William WARD
         |          /-John WARD
         |          |          \- ELIZABETH
         \-Deborah WARD
                    |          /-Edward JACKSON
                    \-Hannah JACKSON
                               \- FRANCES

Descendents of Jonathan WYETH

1 Jonathan WYETH
  =Hepzibah CHAMPNEY

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Joshua WYETH I

Father: Ebenezer WYETH II
Mother: Mary WINSHIP
Birth: 6 OCT 1758, Waltham, Massachusetts
Residence: BEF. 1818, Champaign County, Ohio
Death: FEB 1832, Ohio?

Partnership with: Emaline JONES
Partnership with: Mary Elizabeth BREWER
Marriage: 27 APR 1780
Partnership with: Elizabeth RICHARDSON
Marriage: 7 JAN 1808, Watertown, Massachusetts

Ancestors of Joshua WYETH I

                               /-John WYETH
                    /-Ebenezer WYETH I
                    |          \-Deborah WARD
         /-Ebenezer WYETH II
         |          |          /-Ebenezer HANCOCK
         |          \-Susanna HANCOCK
         |                     \-Susanne CLARK
Joshua WYETH I
         |                     /-Joseph WINSHIP I
         |          /-Joseph WINSHIP II
         |          |          \-Jane HARRINGTON
         \-Mary WINSHIP
                    |          /-Francis WHITMORE
                    \-Anne WHITMORE
                               \-Anne PIERCE

Descendents of Joshua WYETH I

1 Joshua WYETH I
  =Emaline JONES
  =Mary Elizabeth BREWER  Marriage: 27 APR 1780
  =Elizabeth RICHARDSON  Marriage: 7 JAN 1808, Watertown, Massachusetts

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Laurance WYETH

Father: John WYETH
Birth: 1584
Baptism: 11 OCT 1584
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: MARGERY
Partnership with: FRANCES
Marriage: 1609

Ancestors of Laurance WYETH

         /-John WYETH
Laurance WYETH
         \- MARGARET

Descendents of Laurance WYETH

1 Laurance WYETH
  = FRANCES  Marriage: 1609

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Martha WYETH

Father: Nicholas WYTH
Mother: Rebecca PARKS
Birth: 1653, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Death: 1680

Partnership with: Unknown IVES
Marriage: 1671

Ancestors of Martha WYETH

                    /-John WYETH
         /-Nicholas WYTH
         |          \- MARGARET
Martha WYETH
         \-Rebecca PARKS

Descendents of Martha WYETH

1 Martha WYETH
  =Unknown IVES  Marriage: 1671

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Father: Ebenezer WYETH II
Mother: Mary WINSHIP
Birth: 1755
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Mary WYETH

                               /-John WYETH
                    /-Ebenezer WYETH I
                    |          \-Deborah WARD
         /-Ebenezer WYETH II
         |          |          /-Ebenezer HANCOCK
         |          \-Susanna HANCOCK
         |                     \-Susanne CLARK
         |                     /-Joseph WINSHIP I
         |          /-Joseph WINSHIP II
         |          |          \-Jane HARRINGTON
         \-Mary WINSHIP
                    |          /-Francis WHITMORE
                    \-Anne WHITMORE
                               \-Anne PIERCE

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Father: Nicholas WYTH
Mother: Rebecca PARKS
Birth: 26 JAN 1648, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Death: 13 DEC 1706, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Ancestors of Mary WYETH

                    /-John WYETH
         /-Nicholas WYTH
         |          \- MARGARET
         \-Rebecca PARKS

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Father: Ebenezer WYETH I
Mother: Susanna HANCOCK
Birth: 1739, Massachusetts
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Mansfield TAPLEY
Marriage: 1760

Ancestors of Mary WYETH

                               /-Nicholas WYTH
                    /-John WYETH
                    |          \-Rebecca PARKS
         /-Ebenezer WYETH I
         |          |          /-John WARD
         |          \-Deborah WARD
         |                     \-Hannah JACKSON
         |                     /-Nathaniel HANCOCK II
         |          /-Ebenezer HANCOCK
         |          |          \-Mary PRENTICE
         \-Susanna HANCOCK
                    |          /-Jonas CLARK
                    \-Susanne CLARK
                               \-Elizabeth COOK

Descendents of Mary WYETH

1 Mary WYETH
  =Mansfield TAPLEY  Marriage: 1760

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Birth: 1618, England
Death: 20 MAY 1706, Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire

Partnership with: Abraham PERKINS
Child: Luke PERKINS Birth: 1640, Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire

Descendents of Mary WYETH

1 Mary WYETH
  =Abraham PERKINS
    2 Luke PERKINS
      =Hannah LONG  Marriage: 9 MAR 1663, Charleston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts
        3 Luke PERKINS
          =Martha CONANT  Marriage: 31 MAY 1688, Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts

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Nicholas WYETH

Father: Nicholas WYTH
Mother: Rebecca PARKS
Birth: 10 AUG 1651, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Death: 1723

Partnership with: Lydia FISKE
Marriage: 1681
Partnership with: Deborah PARKER
Marriage: 1698

Ancestors of Nicholas WYETH

                    /-John WYETH
         /-Nicholas WYTH
         |          \- MARGARET
Nicholas WYETH
         \-Rebecca PARKS

Descendents of Nicholas WYETH

1 Nicholas WYETH
  =Lydia FISKE  Marriage: 1681
  =Deborah PARKER  Marriage: 1698

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Nicholas WYETH

Birth: ABT. 1600, Suffolk, England
Death: 1680, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Partnership with: Margaret CLARK

Descendents of Nicholas WYETH

1 Nicholas WYETH
  =Margaret CLARK

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