Agnes of ZAHRINGEN - Agnes of Waldburg in Wolfegg and ZEIL


Father: Berthod IV of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
Mother: Heilwich of FROBURG
Birth: ABT. 1160
Death: 10 MAY 1239

Partnership with: Egon IV of URACH , Count of Urach
Child: Egino V (II) of FREIBURG , Count of Freiburg
Child: Kunigunde of URACH
Child: Rudolf of URACH , Count of Urach
Child: Bertold IV of URACH , Count of Urach

Ancestors of Agnes of ZAHRINGEN

                               /-Berthold II of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
                    /-Conrad I of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
                    |          \-Agnes of RHEINFELDEN
         /-Berthod IV of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
         |          |          /-Godfrey of NAMUR , Count of Namur
         |          \-Clementia of NAMUR
         |                     \-Ermesinde of LUXEMBURG
         \-Heilwich of FROBURG

Descendents of Agnes of ZAHRINGEN

1 Agnes of ZAHRINGEN
  =Egon IV of URACH , Count of Urach
    2 Egino V (II) of FREIBURG , Count of Freiburg
        3 Conrad I of FREIBURG , Count of Freiburg
          =Sophie of HOHENZOLLERN
        3 Gottfried of URACH , Count of Urach
        3 Berthold V of URACH , Count of Urach
        3 Henry I of FURSTENBERG , Count of Furstenberg
          =Agnes of TRUHENDINGEN
        3 Elisabeth of Freiburg and URACH
    2 Kunigunde of URACH
      =Otto I of EBERSTEIN
        3 Conrad of FREIBURG
        3 Kunigunde of NEU-EBERSTEIN
        3 Adelheid of EBERSTEIN
          =Henry II of LICHTENBERG
        3 Elisabeth of EBERSTEIN
    2 Rudolf of URACH , Count of Urach
    2 Bertold IV of URACH , Count of Urach

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Father: Berthold II of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
Mother: Agnes of RHEINFELDEN
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: William II L'ALLEMAND , Count of Burgundy & Macon
Child: William III of BURGUNDY , Count of Burgundy Birth: 1110

Ancestors of Agnes of ZAHRINGEN

                    /-Berthold V (I) of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
         /-Berthold II of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
         |          \-Beatrix of MOUSSON
         |                     /-Kuno of RHEINFELDEN , Count of Rheinfelden
         |          /-Rudolf I of RHEINFELDEN , King
         |          |          \-Daughter of BURGUNDY
         \-Agnes of RHEINFELDEN
                    |          /-Henry III of GERMANY , Holy Roman Emperor
                    \-Mathilde of SWABIA
                               \-Agnes (of Aquitaine) of POITOU

Descendents of Agnes of ZAHRINGEN

1 Agnes of ZAHRINGEN
  =William II L'ALLEMAND , Count of Burgundy & Macon
    2 William III of BURGUNDY , Count of Burgundy

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Ulrich III of KYBURG , Count of Kyburg
Child: Heilwig of KYBURG
Child: Werner of THUN , Count of Thun
Child: Ulrich of CHUR , Bishop of Chur

Descendents of Anna of ZAHRINGEN

  =Ulrich III of KYBURG , Count of Kyburg
    2 Heilwig of KYBURG
      =Albrecht IV of HABSBURG , Count of Habsburg
        3 Hartmann of HABSBURG
        3 Rudolf I Hapsburg of AUSTRIA , Holy Roman Emperor
          =Gertrud Anna of HOHENBERG
        3 Albrecht V of HABSBURG
        3 Kunigunde of HABSBURG
          =Henry of KUSSENBERG
          =Otto III of OCHSENSTEIN
        3 Kunigunde of HABSBURG
    2 Werner of THUN , Count of Thun
    2 Ulrich of CHUR , Bishop of Chur

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Father: Berthod IV of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
Mother: Heilwich of FROBURG
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Anna of ZAHRINGEN

                               /-Berthold II of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
                    /-Conrad I of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
                    |          \-Agnes of RHEINFELDEN
         /-Berthod IV of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
         |          |          /-Godfrey of NAMUR , Count of Namur
         |          \-Clementia of NAMUR
         |                     \-Ermesinde of LUXEMBURG
         \-Heilwich of FROBURG

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Berthod IV of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen

Father: Conrad I of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
Mother: Clementia of NAMUR
Death: 9 DEC 1186

Partnership with: Heilwich of FROBURG
Child: Berthold V of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
Child: Agnes of ZAHRINGEN Birth: ABT. 1160
Child: Anna of ZAHRINGEN
Partnership with: Ida of LORRAINE , Countess of Boulogne

Ancestors of Berthod IV of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen

                               /-Berthold V (I) of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
                    /-Berthold II of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
                    |          \-Beatrix of MOUSSON
         /-Conrad I of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
         |          |          /-Rudolf I of RHEINFELDEN , King
         |          \-Agnes of RHEINFELDEN
         |                     \-Mathilde of SWABIA
Berthod IV of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
         |                     /-Albert III of NAMUR , Count of Namur
         |          /-Godfrey of NAMUR , Count of Namur
         |          |          \-Ida of (Billung) SAXONY
         \-Clementia of NAMUR
                    |          /-Conrad I of LUXEMBURG , Count of Luxemburg
                    \-Ermesinde of LUXEMBURG
                               \-Clemence of LONGWY

Descendents of Berthod IV of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen

1 Berthod IV of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
  =Heilwich of FROBURG
    2 Berthold V of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
      =Clementia of AUXONNE
    2 Agnes of ZAHRINGEN
      =Egon IV of URACH , Count of Urach
        3 Egino V (II) of FREIBURG , Count of Freiburg
        3 Kunigunde of URACH
          =Otto I of EBERSTEIN
        3 Rudolf of URACH , Count of Urach
        3 Bertold IV of URACH , Count of Urach
    2 Anna of ZAHRINGEN
  =Ida of LORRAINE , Countess of Boulogne

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Berthold I (V) of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen

Father: Berthold III in BREISGAU
Death: NOV 1078

Partnership with: Richwara of SUSA
Child: Herman I Zahringen of BADEN
Child: Gebhard of KONSTANZ , Bishop of Konstanz
Child: Liutgard of ZAHRINGEN
Partnership with: Beatrice of MOUSSON

Ancestors of Berthold I (V) of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen

                               /-Bertold I in BREISGAU
                    /-Bertold II in BREISGAU
         /-Berthold III in BREISGAU
Berthold I (V) of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen

Descendents of Berthold I (V) of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen

1 Berthold I (V) of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
  =Richwara of SUSA
    2 Herman I Zahringen of BADEN
        3 Herman II Zahringen of BADEN , Margrave of Baden
          =Judith of HOHENBERG
        3 Liutgard of BREISGAU
          =Berthold of HOHENBERG
    2 Gebhard of KONSTANZ , Bishop of Konstanz
    2 Liutgard of ZAHRINGEN
  =Beatrice of MOUSSON

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Berthold II of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen

Father: Berthold V (I) of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
Mother: Beatrix of MOUSSON
Death: 12 APR 1111

Partnership with: Agnes of RHEINFELDEN
Child: Conrad I of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen Birth: ABT. 1122
Child: Agnes of ZAHRINGEN
Child: Liutgard of ZAHRINGEN
Child: Petrissa of ZAHRINGEN
Child: Judinta of ZAHRINGEN
Child: Berthold III of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen

Ancestors of Berthold II of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen

         /-Berthold V (I) of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
Berthold II of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
         \-Beatrix of MOUSSON

Descendents of Berthold II of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen

1 Berthold II of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
    2 Conrad I of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
      =Clementia of NAMUR
        3 Conrad of ZAHRINGEN
        3 Clementina of (Namur) ZAHRINGEN
          =Henry V (XII) the Lion of Saxony and BAVARIA  Marriage: ABT. 1150
          =Humbert III of Maurienne of SAVOY
        3 Berthod IV of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
          =Heilwich of FROBURG
          =Ida of LORRAINE , Countess of Boulogne
        3 Rudolf of LUTTICH , Bishop of Luttich
        3 Adalbert I of TECK , Duke of Teck
        3 Hugo of ULMBURG , Duke of Ulmburg
    2 Agnes of ZAHRINGEN
      =William II L'ALLEMAND , Count of Burgundy & Macon
        3 William III of BURGUNDY , Count of Burgundy
    2 Liutgard of ZAHRINGEN
      =Gottfried I of REIN , Count of Rein
        3  GOTTFRIED II, Count of Rein
        3 Uta of REIN
          =Welf VI of SPOLETO , Duke of Spoleto
    2 Petrissa of ZAHRINGEN
      =Frederick I of MOMPELGARD , Count of Mompelgard
    2 Judinta of ZAHRINGEN
    2 Berthold III of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
      =Sophie of BAVARIA

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Berthold III of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen

Father: Berthold II of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
Mother: Agnes of RHEINFELDEN
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Sophie of BAVARIA

Ancestors of Berthold III of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen

                    /-Berthold V (I) of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
         /-Berthold II of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
         |          \-Beatrix of MOUSSON
Berthold III of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
         |                     /-Kuno of RHEINFELDEN , Count of Rheinfelden
         |          /-Rudolf I of RHEINFELDEN , King
         |          |          \-Daughter of BURGUNDY
         \-Agnes of RHEINFELDEN
                    |          /-Henry III of GERMANY , Holy Roman Emperor
                    \-Mathilde of SWABIA
                               \-Agnes (of Aquitaine) of POITOU

Descendents of Berthold III of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen

1 Berthold III of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
  =Sophie of BAVARIA

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Berthold V (I) of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Beatrix of MOUSSON
Child: Berthold II of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen

Descendents of Berthold V (I) of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen

1 Berthold V (I) of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
  =Beatrix of MOUSSON
    2 Berthold II of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
      =Agnes of RHEINFELDEN
        3 Conrad I of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
          =Clementia of NAMUR
        3 Agnes of ZAHRINGEN
          =William II L'ALLEMAND , Count of Burgundy & Macon
        3 Liutgard of ZAHRINGEN
          =Gottfried I of REIN , Count of Rein
        3 Petrissa of ZAHRINGEN
          =Frederick I of MOMPELGARD , Count of Mompelgard
        3 Judinta of ZAHRINGEN
        3 Berthold III of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
          =Sophie of BAVARIA

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Berthold V of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen

Father: Berthod IV of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
Mother: Heilwich of FROBURG
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Clementia of AUXONNE

Ancestors of Berthold V of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen

                               /-Berthold II of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
                    /-Conrad I of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
                    |          \-Agnes of RHEINFELDEN
         /-Berthod IV of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
         |          |          /-Godfrey of NAMUR , Count of Namur
         |          \-Clementia of NAMUR
         |                     \-Ermesinde of LUXEMBURG
Berthold V of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
         \-Heilwich of FROBURG

Descendents of Berthold V of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen

1 Berthold V of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
  =Clementia of AUXONNE

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Clementina of (Namur) ZAHRINGEN

Father: Conrad I of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
Mother: Clementia of NAMUR
Death: ABT. 1167

Partnership with: Henry V (XII) the Lion of Saxony and BAVARIA
Marriage: ABT. 1150
Child: Richza of BAVARIA
Child: Gurtrude of BAVARIA Birth: ABT. 1155
Child: Henry of BAVARIA
Partnership with: Humbert III of Maurienne of SAVOY
Child: Sophie of SAVOY Birth: ABT. 1165
Child: Adelheid of SAVOY Birth: 1166

Ancestors of Clementina of (Namur) ZAHRINGEN

                               /-Berthold V (I) of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
                    /-Berthold II of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
                    |          \-Beatrix of MOUSSON
         /-Conrad I of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
         |          |          /-Rudolf I of RHEINFELDEN , King
         |          \-Agnes of RHEINFELDEN
         |                     \-Mathilde of SWABIA
Clementina of (Namur) ZAHRINGEN
         |                     /-Albert III of NAMUR , Count of Namur
         |          /-Godfrey of NAMUR , Count of Namur
         |          |          \-Ida of (Billung) SAXONY
         \-Clementia of NAMUR
                    |          /-Conrad I of LUXEMBURG , Count of Luxemburg
                    \-Ermesinde of LUXEMBURG
                               \-Clemence of LONGWY

Descendents of Clementina of (Namur) ZAHRINGEN

1 Clementina of (Namur) ZAHRINGEN
  =Henry V (XII) the Lion of Saxony and BAVARIA  Marriage: ABT. 1150
    2 Richza of BAVARIA
    2 Gurtrude of BAVARIA
      =King Knud IV Valdemarsson of DENMARK  Marriage: 1171
      =Frederick IV of ROTENBURG , Duke of Swabia
    2 Henry of BAVARIA
  =Humbert III of Maurienne of SAVOY
    2 Sophie of SAVOY
      =Azzo VI d'Este of ANCONA , Margrave of Este
    2 Adelheid of SAVOY

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Conrad I of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen

Father: Berthold II of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
Mother: Agnes of RHEINFELDEN
Birth: ABT. 1122
Death: 8 JAN 1152

Partnership with: Clementia of NAMUR
Child: Conrad of ZAHRINGEN
Child: Clementina of (Namur) ZAHRINGEN
Child: Berthod IV of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
Child: Rudolf of LUTTICH , Bishop of Luttich
Child: Adalbert I of TECK , Duke of Teck
Child: Hugo of ULMBURG , Duke of Ulmburg

Ancestors of Conrad I of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen

                    /-Berthold V (I) of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
         /-Berthold II of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
         |          \-Beatrix of MOUSSON
Conrad I of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
         |                     /-Kuno of RHEINFELDEN , Count of Rheinfelden
         |          /-Rudolf I of RHEINFELDEN , King
         |          |          \-Daughter of BURGUNDY
         \-Agnes of RHEINFELDEN
                    |          /-Henry III of GERMANY , Holy Roman Emperor
                    \-Mathilde of SWABIA
                               \-Agnes (of Aquitaine) of POITOU

Descendents of Conrad I of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen

1 Conrad I of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
  =Clementia of NAMUR
    2 Conrad of ZAHRINGEN
    2 Clementina of (Namur) ZAHRINGEN
      =Henry V (XII) the Lion of Saxony and BAVARIA  Marriage: ABT. 1150
        3 Richza of BAVARIA
        3 Gurtrude of BAVARIA
          =King Knud IV Valdemarsson of DENMARK  Marriage: 1171
          =Frederick IV of ROTENBURG , Duke of Swabia
        3 Henry of BAVARIA
      =Humbert III of Maurienne of SAVOY
        3 Sophie of SAVOY
          =Azzo VI d'Este of ANCONA , Margrave of Este
        3 Adelheid of SAVOY
    2 Berthod IV of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
      =Heilwich of FROBURG
        3 Berthold V of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
          =Clementia of AUXONNE
        3 Agnes of ZAHRINGEN
          =Egon IV of URACH , Count of Urach
        3 Anna of ZAHRINGEN
      =Ida of LORRAINE , Countess of Boulogne
    2 Rudolf of LUTTICH , Bishop of Luttich
    2 Adalbert I of TECK , Duke of Teck
        3 Agatha of TECK
          =Diepold of LECHSGEMUND , Count of Lechsgemund
        3 Adalbert II of TECK , Duke of Teck
    2 Hugo of ULMBURG , Duke of Ulmburg

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Father: Conrad I of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
Mother: Clementia of NAMUR
Death: ABT. 1140

Ancestors of Conrad of ZAHRINGEN

                               /-Berthold V (I) of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
                    /-Berthold II of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
                    |          \-Beatrix of MOUSSON
         /-Conrad I of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
         |          |          /-Rudolf I of RHEINFELDEN , King
         |          \-Agnes of RHEINFELDEN
         |                     \-Mathilde of SWABIA
         |                     /-Albert III of NAMUR , Count of Namur
         |          /-Godfrey of NAMUR , Count of Namur
         |          |          \-Ida of (Billung) SAXONY
         \-Clementia of NAMUR
                    |          /-Conrad I of LUXEMBURG , Count of Luxemburg
                    \-Ermesinde of LUXEMBURG
                               \-Clemence of LONGWY

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Judinta of ZAHRINGEN

Father: Berthold II of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
Mother: Agnes of RHEINFELDEN
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Judinta of ZAHRINGEN

                    /-Berthold V (I) of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
         /-Berthold II of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
         |          \-Beatrix of MOUSSON
Judinta of ZAHRINGEN
         |                     /-Kuno of RHEINFELDEN , Count of Rheinfelden
         |          /-Rudolf I of RHEINFELDEN , King
         |          |          \-Daughter of BURGUNDY
         \-Agnes of RHEINFELDEN
                    |          /-Henry III of GERMANY , Holy Roman Emperor
                    \-Mathilde of SWABIA
                               \-Agnes (of Aquitaine) of POITOU

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Liutgard of ZAHRINGEN

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Diepold II in NORDGAU
Child: Diepold III of VOHBURG , Margrave of Vohburg
Child: Conrad of GIENGEN
Child: Adelheid of MOCHENTAL

Descendents of Liutgard of ZAHRINGEN

1 Liutgard of ZAHRINGEN
  =Diepold II in NORDGAU
    2 Diepold III of VOHBURG , Margrave of Vohburg
      =Kunigunde of BEICHLINGEN
        3 Diepold IV of VOHBURG , Margrave of Vohburg
          =Mathilde of BAVARIA
        3 Adelheid of VOHBURG
          =Poppo III of LAUFEN , Count of Laufen
          =Frederick I BARBAROSSA , Holy Roman Emperor  Marriage: 1147
        3 Diepold VI of VOHBURG
          =Mathilde of WASSERBURG
        3 Liutgard of VOHBURG
          =Volkrat of LECHSGEMUND
        3 Berthold II of VOHBURG , Margrave of Vohburg
          =Elisabeth of BAVARIA
          =Adelheid of BALLENSTEDT
        3 Kunigunde of VOHBURG
          =Ottokar III of STEIERMARK
        3 Sophia of VOHBURG
          =Herrand II of FALKENSTEIN
          =Conrad II of PEILSTEIN , Count of Peilstein
      =Adelajda of POLAND
        3 Judith of VOHBURG
          =Frederick IV of REGENSBURG , Count of Regensburg
      =Sophia of HUNGARY
    2 Conrad of GIENGEN
    2 Adelheid of MOCHENTAL

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Liutgard of ZAHRINGEN

Father: Berthold I (V) of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
Mother: Richwara of SUSA
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Liutgard of ZAHRINGEN

                               /-Bertold II in BREISGAU
                    /-Berthold III in BREISGAU
         /-Berthold I (V) of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
Liutgard of ZAHRINGEN
         |                     /-Ernst I of SWABIA , Duke of Swabia
         |          /-Hermann IV of SWABIA , Duke of Swabia
         |          |          \-Gisela of SWABIA
         \-Richwara of SUSA
                    |          /-Udalrico MANFREDO
                    \-Adelaide of (Susa) TURIN
                               \-Bertha D'ESTE

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Liutgard of ZAHRINGEN

Father: Berthold II of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
Mother: Agnes of RHEINFELDEN
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Gottfried I of REIN , Count of Rein
Child: GOTTFRIED II, Count of Rein
Child: Uta of REIN

Ancestors of Liutgard of ZAHRINGEN

                    /-Berthold V (I) of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
         /-Berthold II of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
         |          \-Beatrix of MOUSSON
Liutgard of ZAHRINGEN
         |                     /-Kuno of RHEINFELDEN , Count of Rheinfelden
         |          /-Rudolf I of RHEINFELDEN , King
         |          |          \-Daughter of BURGUNDY
         \-Agnes of RHEINFELDEN
                    |          /-Henry III of GERMANY , Holy Roman Emperor
                    \-Mathilde of SWABIA
                               \-Agnes (of Aquitaine) of POITOU

Descendents of Liutgard of ZAHRINGEN

1 Liutgard of ZAHRINGEN
  =Gottfried I of REIN , Count of Rein
    2  GOTTFRIED II, Count of Rein
    2 Uta of REIN
      =Welf VI of SPOLETO , Duke of Spoleto
        3 Welf VII of SPOLETO

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Petrissa of ZAHRINGEN

Father: Berthold II of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
Mother: Agnes of RHEINFELDEN
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Frederick I of MOMPELGARD , Count of Mompelgard

Ancestors of Petrissa of ZAHRINGEN

                    /-Berthold V (I) of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
         /-Berthold II of ZAHRINGEN , Duke of Zahringen
         |          \-Beatrix of MOUSSON
Petrissa of ZAHRINGEN
         |                     /-Kuno of RHEINFELDEN , Count of Rheinfelden
         |          /-Rudolf I of RHEINFELDEN , King
         |          |          \-Daughter of BURGUNDY
         \-Agnes of RHEINFELDEN
                    |          /-Henry III of GERMANY , Holy Roman Emperor
                    \-Mathilde of SWABIA
                               \-Agnes (of Aquitaine) of POITOU

Descendents of Petrissa of ZAHRINGEN

1 Petrissa of ZAHRINGEN
  =Frederick I of MOMPELGARD , Count of Mompelgard

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Father: Ali Zain al-Abbidin ASRAR
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: IDRIS

Ancestors of ZAID

                               /-Caliph Ali ben Abu TALIB
                    /- AL-HUSAIN
                    |          \- FATIMAH
         /-Ali Zain al-Abbidin ASRAR

Descendents of ZAID

    2  IDRIS

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Father: AL-HASAN
Mother: Zhadah KANDARIA
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: HASAN
Child: YAHYA

Ancestors of ZAID

                               /-Abu TALIB
                    /-Caliph Ali ben Abu TALIB
         /- AL-HASAN
         |          |          /-Muhammad the PROPHET
         |          \- FATIMAH
         |                     \- KHADIJAH
         \-Zhadah KANDARIA

Descendents of ZAID

    2  HASAN
    2  YAHYA

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Father: Yuri Zacharich KOSHKIN
Birth: 1490
Death: 12 FEB 1543

Partnership with: Juliane FEODOROVNA
Marriage: 1511
Child: Anastasia ROMANOVNA
Child: Nikita ROMANOV Birth: 1530
Child: Daniel ROMANOV
Child: Jurja ROMANOVNA

Ancestors of Roman ZAKHARIN-KOSHKIN

                               /-Ivan Theodorich KOSHKIN
                    /-Zalcharin Ivanovich KOSHKIN
         /-Yuri Zacharich KOSHKIN

Descendents of Roman ZAKHARIN-KOSHKIN

  =Juliane FEODOROVNA  Marriage: 1511
    2 Anastasia ROMANOVNA
      =Ivan IV "the Terrible" Vasilievich of RUSSIA  Marriage: 13 FEB 1547
        3 Anna of RUSSIA
        3 Maria of RUSSIA
        3 Dimitri of RUSSIA
        3 Ivan of RUSSIA
        3 Eudoxia of RUSSIA
        3 Theodore I of RUSSIA , Tsar of Russia
          =Irene GODUNOV  Marriage: 1580
    2 Nikita ROMANOV
      =Eudoxia GORBARTY  Marriage: 1553
        3 Alexander ROMANOV
          =Eudoxia GALYCZIN
        3 Michael ROMANOV
        3 Vassili ROMANOV
        3 Theodore ROMANOV , Patriarch of Moscow
          =Xenia SHESTOV  Marriage: 1580
        3 Ivan ROMANOV
        3 Martha ROMANOV
          =Boris TSCHERKASKI
        3 Irina ROMANOV
          =Ivan GODUNOV  Marriage: 1601
        3 Euphamia ROMANOV
          =Ivan SSITZKI
        3 Marpha ROMANOV
        3 Anastasia ROMANOV
        3 Anna ROMANOV
          =Ivan TROIEKUROW
    2 Daniel ROMANOV
    2 Jurja ROMANOVNA

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Father: Nascien II of SEPTIMANIA
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)

Ancestors of ZAMBOR

                               /-Nascien I of SEPTIMANIA
                    /- CELEDOIN
         /-Nascien II of SEPTIMANIA

Descendents of ZAMBOR

    2  LAMBORD
        3 Archdruid TALIESIN , Prince Bard to Urien
          =Viviane of ACQS , Queen of Avallon
        3  PELLAM

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Apollonia of ZANGBERG

Father: Henry of ZANGBERG
Mother: Ursula of WEYLEMIT
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Ulrich of HASLANG

Ancestors of Apollonia of ZANGBERG

                               /-Henry IV (XVI) the Rich of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
                    /-Georg of ZANGBERG
         /-Henry of ZANGBERG
         |          \-Amalie NEISLINGER
Apollonia of ZANGBERG
         \-Ursula of WEYLEMIT

Descendents of Apollonia of ZANGBERG

1 Apollonia of ZANGBERG
  =Ulrich of HASLANG

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Daughter of ZANGBERG

Father: Georg of ZANGBERG
Mother: Amalie NEISLINGER
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Daughter of ZANGBERG

                               /-Frederick of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
                    /-Henry IV (XVI) the Rich of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
         /-Georg of ZANGBERG
Daughter of ZANGBERG
         \-Amalie NEISLINGER

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Father: Henry IV (XVI) the Rich of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
Death: AFT. 1450

Partnership with: Magdalena of WEICHS
Partnership with: Amalie NEISLINGER
Child: Henry of ZANGBERG
Child: Daughter of ZANGBERG

Ancestors of Georg of ZANGBERG

                               /-Stephan II of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
                    /-Frederick of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
                    |          \-Isabella of SICILY
         /-Henry IV (XVI) the Rich of Bavaria WITTELSBACH

Descendents of Georg of ZANGBERG

1 Georg of ZANGBERG
  =Magdalena of WEICHS
    2 Henry of ZANGBERG
      =Ursula of WEYLEMIT
        3 Apollonia of ZANGBERG
          =Ulrich of HASLANG
        3 Margaret of ZANGBERG
    2 Daughter of ZANGBERG

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Father: Georg of ZANGBERG
Mother: Amalie NEISLINGER
Death: AFT. 1498

Partnership with: Ursula of WEYLEMIT
Child: Apollonia of ZANGBERG
Child: Margaret of ZANGBERG

Ancestors of Henry of ZANGBERG

                               /-Frederick of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
                    /-Henry IV (XVI) the Rich of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
         /-Georg of ZANGBERG
         \-Amalie NEISLINGER

Descendents of Henry of ZANGBERG

1 Henry of ZANGBERG
  =Ursula of WEYLEMIT
    2 Apollonia of ZANGBERG
      =Ulrich of HASLANG
    2 Margaret of ZANGBERG

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Margaret of ZANGBERG

Father: Henry of ZANGBERG
Mother: Ursula of WEYLEMIT
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Margaret of ZANGBERG

                               /-Henry IV (XVI) the Rich of Bavaria WITTELSBACH
                    /-Georg of ZANGBERG
         /-Henry of ZANGBERG
         |          \-Amalie NEISLINGER
Margaret of ZANGBERG
         \-Ursula of WEYLEMIT

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: King Pedro III the Great of ARAGON
Child: Fernando of ARAGON
Child: Pedro of ARAGON
Child: Teresa of ARAGON
Child: Sancho of ARAGON

Descendents of Ines ZAPATA

  =King Pedro III the Great of ARAGON
    2 Fernando of ARAGON
    2 Pedro of ARAGON
      =Constanza Mendez Pelita DE SILVA
    2 Teresa of ARAGON
    2 Sancho of ARAGON

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Juan Baptista ZAPATA

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Allegra (Aleuna) of TAXIS

Descendents of Juan Baptista ZAPATA

1 Juan Baptista ZAPATA
  =Allegra (Aleuna) of TAXIS

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Margarete ZAPF

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Lorentz HANER

Descendents of Margarete ZAPF

1 Margarete ZAPF
  =Lorentz HANER

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Barbara of ZAPOLYA

Birth: 1495
Death: 20 FEB 1515

Partnership with: King Sigismund I the Elder of POLAND
Child: Jadwiga of POLAND Birth: 25 MAR 1513
Child: Anna of POLAND Birth: 7 JUL 1515

Descendents of Barbara of ZAPOLYA

1 Barbara of ZAPOLYA
  =King Sigismund I the Elder of POLAND
    2 Jadwiga of POLAND
      =Joachim II Hector Hohenzollern of BRANDENBURG  Marriage: 1 SEP 1535
        3 Elisabeth of BRANDENBURG
          =Franz Otto of LUNEBURG-CELLE
        3 Sigmund of MAGDEBURG , Archbishop of Magdeburg
        3 Hedwig of BRANDENBURG
        3 Sophie of BRANDENBURG
          =William of ROSENBERG
    2 Anna of POLAND

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Ludwig II of SILESIA-BRIEG-LIEGNITZ

Descendents of Hedwig ZAPOLYA

1 Hedwig ZAPOLYA

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Jadwiga of SILESIA-TESCHEN

Descendents of Stephan ZAPOLYA

1 Stephan ZAPOLYA

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Birth: Private

Partnership with: Edwards ZARINS
Child: Astra ZARINA Birth: Private
Child: Uldis ZARINS Birth: Private
Child: Valdis ZARINS Birth: Private
Child: Vija ZARINA Birth: Private

Descendents of Alma ZARINA

  =Edwards ZARINS
    2 Astra ZARINA
      =Douglas Phillip HANER
      =Tony Costa HEYWOOD
    2 Uldis ZARINS
    2 Valdis ZARINS
    2 Vija ZARINA
      =Karlis REKEVICS
        3 Karlis REKEVICS

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Father: Edwards ZARINS
Mother: Alma ZARINA
Birth: Private

Partnership with: Douglas Phillip HANER
Partnership with: Tony Costa HEYWOOD

Ancestors of Astra ZARINA

         /-Edwards ZARINS
         \-Alma ZARINA

Descendents of Astra ZARINA

1 Astra ZARINA
  =Douglas Phillip HANER
  =Tony Costa HEYWOOD

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Father: Edwards ZARINS
Mother: Alma ZARINA
Birth: Private

Partnership with: Karlis REKEVICS
Child: Karlis REKEVICS Birth: Private

Ancestors of Vija ZARINA

         /-Edwards ZARINS
         \-Alma ZARINA

Descendents of Vija ZARINA

  =Karlis REKEVICS
    2 Karlis REKEVICS

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Edwards ZARINS

Birth: Latvia
Death: 1989

Partnership with: Alma ZARINA
Child: Astra ZARINA Birth: Private
Child: Uldis ZARINS Birth: Private
Child: Valdis ZARINS Birth: Private
Child: Vija ZARINA Birth: Private

Descendents of Edwards ZARINS

1 Edwards ZARINS
  =Alma ZARINA
    2 Astra ZARINA
      =Douglas Phillip HANER
      =Tony Costa HEYWOOD
    2 Uldis ZARINS
    2 Valdis ZARINS
    2 Vija ZARINA
      =Karlis REKEVICS
        3 Karlis REKEVICS

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Father: Edwards ZARINS
Mother: Alma ZARINA
Birth: Private

Ancestors of Uldis ZARINS

         /-Edwards ZARINS
         \-Alma ZARINA

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Father: Edwards ZARINS
Mother: Alma ZARINA
Birth: Private

Ancestors of Valdis ZARINS

         /-Edwards ZARINS
         \-Alma ZARINA

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Mikhail of ZASLAVI'

Father: Juanutis-Ivan of ZASLAVL' , Duke of Lithuania
Death: 1399

Ancestors of Mikhail of ZASLAVI'

                               /-Pukuvers (Liutauras) of LITHUANIA
                    /-Gediminas of LITHUANIA , Duke of Lithuania
         /-Juanutis-Ivan of ZASLAVL' , Duke of Lithuania
         |          \-Jewna Iwanowna of POLOTSK
Mikhail of ZASLAVI'

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Juanutis-Ivan of ZASLAVL' , Duke of Lithuania

Father: Gediminas of LITHUANIA , Duke of Lithuania
Mother: Jewna Iwanowna of POLOTSK
Death: 1345

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Mikhail of ZASLAVI'
Child: SEMEN

Ancestors of Juanutis-Ivan of ZASLAVL' , Duke of Lithuania

                               /- SKUMANTAS
                    /-Pukuvers (Liutauras) of LITHUANIA
                    |          \- SKOLOMEND
         /-Gediminas of LITHUANIA , Duke of Lithuania
Juanutis-Ivan of ZASLAVL' , Duke of Lithuania
         \-Jewna Iwanowna of POLOTSK

Descendents of Juanutis-Ivan of ZASLAVL' , Duke of Lithuania

1 Juanutis-Ivan of ZASLAVL' , Duke of Lithuania
    2 Mikhail of ZASLAVI'
    2  SEMEN

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Nicolaus III Radziwill of Goniondz and MEDELE

Descendents of Sophia ZASLAWSKA

  =Nicolaus III Radziwill of Goniondz and MEDELE

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Nicolaus II RADZIWILL

Descendents of Sophia ZASLAWSKA

  =Nicolaus II RADZIWILL

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Julianna MSTISLAWSKA

Descendents of Michael ZASLAWSKI


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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Katarzyna SOBIESKA

Descendents of Wladyslaw Dominik ZASLAWSKI-OSTROGSKI

  =Katarzyna SOBIESKA

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: Hans ZUG Birth: Switzerland

Descendents of Hans ZAUG

1 Hans ZAUG
    2 Hans ZUG
      = GUT?
        3 Christian ZUG
          =Anna KANNABEL  Marriage: BEF. 1740
        3 Moritz ZUG
          = MARIA
        3 Johannes ZUG
          = MARY
          = VERONICA

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Death: 899

Partnership with: (Unknown)

Descendents of Stylian ZAUTSES

1 Stylian ZAUTSES
    2 Zoe ZAUTSINA
      =Emperor Leo VI the Wise of BYZANTIUM
        3 Anna of BYZANTIUM
          =Ludwig III the Blind of PROVENCE , King of Italy
          =Berengar I of ITALY , King of Italy

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Father: Stylian ZAUTSES
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Emperor Leo VI the Wise of BYZANTIUM
Child: Anna of BYZANTIUM

Ancestors of Zoe ZAUTSINA

         /-Stylian ZAUTSES

Descendents of Zoe ZAUTSINA

  =Emperor Leo VI the Wise of BYZANTIUM
    2 Anna of BYZANTIUM
      =Ludwig III the Blind of PROVENCE , King of Italy
        3 Charles Constantine of VIENNE , Count of Vienne
          =Teuberga of TROYES
      =Berengar I of ITALY , King of Italy

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Father: KAHLAN
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)

Ancestors of ZAYD

                               /- YASHJOB
                    /-Abd Shams Saba the GREAT
         /- KAHLAN

Descendents of ZAYD

    2  YASHJUB
        3  ARIB

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: UDAD

Ancestors of ZAYD

                               /- ARIB
                    /- AMR
         /- HUMAYSA

Descendents of ZAYD

    2  UDAD
        3  MURRA

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Muhammad the PROPHET

Descendents of ZAYNAB

  =Muhammad the PROPHET

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Father: Muhammad the PROPHET
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of ZAYNAD

                               /-'Abd al-Muttalib (Sheba AL-HAMD)
                    /-'Abd Allah ben 'Abd AL-MUTTALIB
                    |          \-Fatima (Salma) bint 'Amir of ben MAKHZUM
         /-Muhammad the PROPHET
         |          |          /- WAHB
         |          \-Amina bint WAHB
         |                     /- ASAD
         |          /- KHUWAILID
         \- KHADIJAH

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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Georg VI RADZIWILL

Descendents of Sophia ZBOROWSKA


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Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: MARY
Child: James (St. Iago of Compostella) the MAJOR
Child: John the EVANGELIST

Descendents of ZEBEDEE

  = MARY
    2 James (St. Iago of Compostella) the MAJOR
    2 John the EVANGELIST

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Father: Pedian of RUMAH
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: King of Judah AMON
Child: King of Judah JEHOAHAZ
Child: Jehoikim (ELIAKIM , Jechonais), King of Judah

Ancestors of ZEBUDAH

         /-Pedian of RUMAH

Descendents of ZEBUDAH

  =King of Judah AMON
    2 King of Judah JEHOAHAZ
    2 Jehoikim (ELIAKIM , Jechonais), King of Judah
      = NEHUSHTA
        3 Jechoniah (JEHOIAKIN) , King of Judah

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Mattaniah King ZEDEKIAH , King of Judah

Father: King of Judah AMON
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: (Unknown)
Child: TAMAR

Ancestors of Mattaniah King ZEDEKIAH , King of Judah

                               /-Manasseh (MANASSES) , King of Judah
                    /-King of Judah AMON
                    |          \- MESHULLEMETH
         /-King of Judah AMON
         |          |          /-Adaiah of BOSCATH
         |          \- JEDIDAH
Mattaniah King ZEDEKIAH , King of Judah
         |          /-Jeremiah of LIBNAH
         \- HAMUTAL

Descendents of Mattaniah King ZEDEKIAH , King of Judah

1 Mattaniah King ZEDEKIAH , King of Judah
    2  TAMAR
      = EOCHAID I
        3 Irial (Jairol) FAIDH

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Frederick of ZEDLITZ

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Franziska Margarethe of MANSFELD-VORDERORT

Descendents of Frederick of ZEDLITZ

1 Frederick of ZEDLITZ
  =Franziska Margarethe of MANSFELD-VORDERORT

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Peter ZEE

Birth: 24 MAR 1768
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Anna TRUAX
Marriage: 7 AUG 1791

Descendents of Peter ZEE

1 Peter ZEE
  =Anna TRUAX  Marriage: 7 AUG 1791

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Achez of ZEHMEN

Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Sophia Agnes RADZIWILL

Descendents of Achez of ZEHMEN

1 Achez of ZEHMEN
  =Sophia Agnes RADZIWILL

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Agnes of Waldburg in Wolfegg and ZEIL

Father: Georg IV of Waldburg in Wolfegg and ZEIL
Mother: Johanna of RAPPOLTSTEIN
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Agnes of Waldburg in Wolfegg and ZEIL

                               /-John III of Waldburg in Wolfegg and ZEIL
                    /-Georg III of Waldburg in Wolfegg and ZEIL
         /-Georg IV of Waldburg in Wolfegg and ZEIL
         |          |          /-Joachim of OETTINGEN-FLOCHBERG
         |          \-Maria of OETTINGEN
         |                     \-Dorothea of ANHALT-ZERBST
Agnes of Waldburg in Wolfegg and ZEIL
         |                     /-William II of RAPPOLTSTEIN
         |          /-Ulrich VI of RAPPOLTSTEIN
         |          |          \-Margareta of ZWEIBRUCKEN
         \-Johanna of RAPPOLTSTEIN
                    |          /-Wolfgang I of FURSTENBERG , Count of Furstenberg
                    \-Anna Alexandrina of FURSTENBERG
                               \-Elisabeth of SOLMS-BRAUNFELS

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