Christian ZUG - John ZUG

Christian ZUG

Father: Christian ZUG
Mother: Anna KANNABEL
Birth: 25 APR 1752
Death: 8 OCT 1826, Chester County, Pennsylvania

Partnership with: Magdalena BLANK
Child: John ZUG Birth: 28 DEC 1774
Child: Christian ZUG Birth: 27 APR 1776
Child: Barbara ZUG Birth: 25 JAN 1778
Child: Magdalena ZUG Birth: 24 NOV 1779
Child: Anna ZUG Birth: 27 SEP 1781
Child: Christiana ZUG Birth: 16 DEC 1783
Child: Elizabeth ZUG Birth: 14 AUG 1786
Child: Jacob ZUG Birth: 30 OCT 1788
Child: Christina ZUG Birth: 24 MAR 1792
Child: Henry ZUG Birth: 18 MAR 1794
Partnership with: DODOREA
Partnership with: ANNA

Ancestors of Christian ZUG

                               /-Hans ZAUG
                    /-Hans ZUG
         /-Christian ZUG
         |          \- GUT?
Christian ZUG
         \-Anna KANNABEL

Descendents of Christian ZUG

1 Christian ZUG
  =Magdalena BLANK
    2 John ZUG
      =Elizabeth KURTZ
    2 Christian ZUG
      =Magdalena ZUG
      =Joseph SCHMUCKER
    2 Barbara ZUG
      =Daniel HERTZLER
    2 Magdalena ZUG
      =Jacob HERTZLER
    2 Anna ZUG
      =Christian HERTZLER
    2 Christiana ZUG
    2 Elizabeth ZUG
    2 Jacob ZUG
      =Anna SUMMERS
    2 Christina ZUG
      =John SUMMERS
    2 Henry ZUG
      =Christian KURTZ
  = ANNA

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Christian ZUG

Father: Johannes ZUG
Birth: 29 SEP 1758, Berks County, Pennsylvania
Death: 8 JUL 1829, Lancaster Co, Pennsylvania

Partnership with: Magdalena MAST
Child: Jacob ZOOK Birth: ABT. 1784
Child: John ZOOK Birth: 10 NOV 1786
Child: Christian ZOOK Birth: 22 MAR 1789
Child: David ZOOK Birth: 17 AUG 1791
Child: Mary "Polly" ZOOK Birth: 3 MAR 1796, Lancaster Co, Pennsylvania
Child: Daniel ZOOK Birth: 28 JUL 1796
Child: Leah ZOOK Birth: 1 JUL 1802
Child: Elias ZOOK Birth: 15 JUN 1809

Ancestors of Christian ZUG

                               /-Hans ZAUG
                    /-Hans ZUG
         /-Johannes ZUG
         |          \- GUT?
Christian ZUG
         \- VERONICA

Descendents of Christian ZUG

1 Christian ZUG
  =Magdalena MAST
    2 Jacob ZOOK
      =Elizabeth HOSTETLER
    2 John ZOOK
      =Barbara KAUFFMAN
    2 Christian ZOOK
      =Leah (Bear) BAIR
    2 David ZOOK
      =Susanna LEFEVER
      =Hannah STONECIPHER
    2 Mary "Polly" ZOOK
      =Solomon SCHMUCKER
    2 Daniel ZOOK
      =Catherine SNYDER
    2 Leah ZOOK
      =Henry KOFFROTH
    2 Elias ZOOK
      =Mary SHEAFFER

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Christian ZUG

Father: Hans ZUG
Mother: GUT?
Birth: DEC 1710, Darmstadt, Germany
Death: DEC 1787, Chester County, Pennsylvania

Partnership with: Anna KANNABEL
Marriage: BEF. 1740
Child: Anna "Anny" ZUG Birth: 1740, Germany
Child: Barbara ZUG Birth: SEP 1742, Lancaster Co, Pennsylvania
Child: Elizabeth ZUG Birth: ABT. 1744, Berks County, Pennsylvania
Child: Johannes ZUG Birth: 1745
Child: Yost ZUG Birth: 1747, Chester County, Pennsylvania
Child: Mary (Margaret) ZUG Birth: 1748
Child: Jacob ZUG Birth: 1750
Child: Christian ZUG Birth: 25 APR 1752

Ancestors of Christian ZUG

                    /-Hans ZAUG
         /-Hans ZUG
Christian ZUG
         \- GUT?

Descendents of Christian ZUG

1 Christian ZUG
  =Anna KANNABEL  Marriage: BEF. 1740
    2 Anna "Anny" ZUG
      =Peter MILLER
        3 Christian "Keim Christian" MILLER
          =Anna HERSHBERGER
    2 Barbara ZUG
      =Johann Michael BUCHELE  Marriage: AFT. 1770, Lancaster Co, Pennsylvania
        3 Barbara BEEGHLY
          =Christian MEYER
        3 Maria "Mary" BEEGHLY
          =Michael MEYER
        3 Elizabeth BEEGHLEY
          =Joseph FLORY
        3 Abraham BEEGHLY
          =Elizabeth KEAGY
        3 Catharina BEEGHLY
          =Jacob HORNER
        3 Hanna "Anna" BEEGHLY
          =John COVER
        3 Susanna BEEGHLY
          =John FORNEY , Sr.
        3 Michael BEEGHLY
          =Susanna KIMMEL
    2 Elizabeth ZUG
      =Jacob KAUFFMAN
        3 Christian KAUFFMAN
        3 Barbara KAUFFMAN
        3 Jacob KAUFFMAN
        3 Henry KAUFFMAN
        3 David KAUFFMAN
        3 Daniel KAUFFMAN
        3 John KAUFFMAN
    2 Johannes ZUG
        3 Barbara ZUG
        3 Veronica (Fanny) ZUG
          =Jacob RIEHL
        3 Christian ZUG
          = SARAH
        3 John ZUG
        3 Catherine ZUG
        3 Mary ZUG
          =Jost YODER
        3 Jacob ZUG
          =Anna MAST
        3 David ZUG
        3 Anna ZUG
          =John MILLER
        3 Mary ZUG
        3 John ZUG
      = MARY
    2 Yost ZUG
      =Anna LONG
        3 John ZUG
          =Anie VAN GUNDY
        3 Abraham ZUG
        3 David ZUG
          =Esther MILLER
        3 Daniel ZUG
          =Nancy FORNEY
        3 Maria (Martha) ZUG
        3 Veronica (Fannie) ZUG
        3 Susanna ZUG
        3 Barbara ZUG
        3 Christina ZUG
        3 Elizabeth ZUG
        3 Christopher ZUG
        3 Yost ZUG
        3 Jacob ZUG
    2 Mary (Margaret) ZUG
      =John OLINGER , Jr.
    2 Jacob ZUG
    2 Christian ZUG
      =Magdalena BLANK
        3 John ZUG
          =Elizabeth KURTZ
        3 Christian ZUG
          =Magdalena ZUG
          =Joseph SCHMUCKER
        3 Barbara ZUG
          =Daniel HERTZLER
        3 Magdalena ZUG
          =Jacob HERTZLER
        3 Anna ZUG
          =Christian HERTZLER
        3 Christiana ZUG
        3 Elizabeth ZUG
        3 Jacob ZUG
          =Anna SUMMERS
        3 Christina ZUG
          =John SUMMERS
        3 Henry ZUG
          =Christian KURTZ
      = DODOREA
      = ANNA

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Christian "Long Christ" ZUG

Father: John ZUG
Mother: Magdalena GNAEGI
Birth: 10 AUG 1776
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Veronica "Frany" SCHMUCKER
Partnership with: Catherine HERTZLER

Ancestors of Christian "Long Christ" ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Moritz ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-John ZUG
         |          \- MARIA
Christian "Long Christ" ZUG
         |          /-Johannes GNAEGI
         \-Magdalena GNAEGI
                    |          /-Christian (Jotter) YODER
                    \-Magdalena YODER
                               \- BARBARA

Descendents of Christian "Long Christ" ZUG

1 Christian "Long Christ" ZUG
  =Veronica "Frany" SCHMUCKER
  =Catherine HERTZLER

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Christiana ZUG

Father: Christian ZUG
Mother: Magdalena BLANK
Birth: 16 DEC 1783
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Christiana ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Christian ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-Christian ZUG
         |          \-Anna KANNABEL
Christiana ZUG
         \-Magdalena BLANK

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Christina ZUG

Father: Christian ZUG
Mother: Catherine (Christina) KURTZ
Birth: 3 JUN 1788
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Christina ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Moritz ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-Christian ZUG
         |          \- MARIA
Christina ZUG
         |                     /-Stephen KURTZ
         |          /-Stephen KURTZ
         |          |          \-Magdalena BURCKI
         \-Catherine (Christina) KURTZ
                    \- VERONICA

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Christina ZUG

Father: Christian ZUG
Mother: Magdalena BLANK
Birth: 24 MAR 1792
Death: 16 AUG 1859

Partnership with: John SUMMERS

Ancestors of Christina ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Christian ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-Christian ZUG
         |          \-Anna KANNABEL
Christina ZUG
         \-Magdalena BLANK

Descendents of Christina ZUG

1 Christina ZUG

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Christina ZUG

Father: Yost ZUG
Mother: Anna LONG
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Christina ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Christian ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-Yost ZUG
         |          \-Anna KANNABEL
Christina ZUG
         \-Anna LONG

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Christopher ZUG

Father: Yost ZUG
Mother: Anna LONG
Birth: 1800
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Christopher ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Christian ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-Yost ZUG
         |          \-Anna KANNABEL
Christopher ZUG
         \-Anna LONG

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Daniel ZUG

Father: Christian ZUG
Mother: Catherine (Christina) KURTZ
Birth: 28 FEB 1782, Mifflin County, Pennsylvania
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Nancy KING

Ancestors of Daniel ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Moritz ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-Christian ZUG
         |          \- MARIA
Daniel ZUG
         |                     /-Stephen KURTZ
         |          /-Stephen KURTZ
         |          |          \-Magdalena BURCKI
         \-Catherine (Christina) KURTZ
                    \- VERONICA

Descendents of Daniel ZUG

1 Daniel ZUG
  =Nancy KING

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Daniel ZUG

Father: Yost ZUG
Mother: Anna LONG
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Nancy FORNEY

Ancestors of Daniel ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Christian ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-Yost ZUG
         |          \-Anna KANNABEL
Daniel ZUG
         \-Anna LONG

Descendents of Daniel ZUG

1 Daniel ZUG
  =Nancy FORNEY

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Daniel ZUG

Father: Johannes ZUG
Birth: 20 JUL 1760
Death: OCT 1813

Partnership with: Catherine KING
Child: Sarah ZOOK Birth: 19 JAN 1795
Child: Solomon ZOOK Birth: 21 AUG 1796
Child: Hannah ZOOK Birth: AUG 1799
Child: Elizabeth ZOOK Birth: 20 DEC 1801
Child: Susannah ZOOK Birth: 5 JUL 1805
Child: Jacob ZOOK Birth: 17 APR 1809
Child: Johannes ZOOK
Child: David ZOOK

Ancestors of Daniel ZUG

                               /-Hans ZAUG
                    /-Hans ZUG
         /-Johannes ZUG
         |          \- GUT?
Daniel ZUG
         \- VERONICA

Descendents of Daniel ZUG

1 Daniel ZUG
  =Catherine KING
    2 Sarah ZOOK
    2 Solomon ZOOK
      =Catherine MILLER
    2 Hannah ZOOK
      =Gideon YODER
    2 Elizabeth ZOOK
      =John "Valley John" LAPP
    2 Susannah ZOOK
      =Benjamin STUCKEY
    2 Jacob ZOOK
      =Catherine SMUCKER
    2 Johannes ZOOK
    2 David ZOOK
      =Anna LAPP

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Daughter ZUG

Father: John ZUG
Mother: Magdalena GNAEGI
Birth: 1778
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Daughter ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Moritz ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-John ZUG
         |          \- MARIA
Daughter ZUG
         |          /-Johannes GNAEGI
         \-Magdalena GNAEGI
                    |          /-Christian (Jotter) YODER
                    \-Magdalena YODER
                               \- BARBARA

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Daughter ZUG

Father: John ZUG
Mother: Magdalena GNAEGI
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Daughter ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Moritz ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-John ZUG
         |          \- MARIA
Daughter ZUG
         |          /-Johannes GNAEGI
         \-Magdalena GNAEGI
                    |          /-Christian (Jotter) YODER
                    \-Magdalena YODER
                               \- BARBARA

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Daughter ZUG

Father: Moritz ZUG
Mother: MARIA
Birth: 1759
Death: 1759

Ancestors of Daughter ZUG

                               /-Hans ZAUG
                    /-Hans ZUG
         /-Moritz ZUG
         |          \- GUT?
Daughter ZUG
         \- MARIA

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David ZUG

Father: Abraham ZUG
Mother: Maria KURTZ
Birth: 15 JUN 1797
Death: 8 NOV 1871, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Partnership with: Maria MUMMA

Ancestors of David ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Moritz ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-Abraham ZUG
         |          \- MARIA
David ZUG
         |          /-Abraham KURTZ
         \-Maria KURTZ
                    \-Barbara BOLLINGER

Descendents of David ZUG

1 David ZUG
  =Maria MUMMA

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David ZUG

Father: Henry ZUG
Mother: Barbara KURTZ
Birth: 16 MAY 1791
Death: 24 MAR 1864, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania

Partnership with: Eleanor STEPHENS

Ancestors of David ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Moritz ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-Henry ZUG
         |          \- MARIA
David ZUG
         |          /-Abraham KURTZ
         \-Barbara KURTZ
                    \-Barbara BOLLINGER

Descendents of David ZUG

1 David ZUG
  =Eleanor STEPHENS

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David ZUG

Father: Christian ZUG
Mother: Catherine (Christina) KURTZ
Birth: 2 MAR 1780
Death: 8 AUG 1863

Partnership with: Anna LANTZ

Ancestors of David ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Moritz ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-Christian ZUG
         |          \- MARIA
David ZUG
         |                     /-Stephen KURTZ
         |          /-Stephen KURTZ
         |          |          \-Magdalena BURCKI
         \-Catherine (Christina) KURTZ
                    \- VERONICA

Descendents of David ZUG

1 David ZUG
  =Anna LANTZ

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David ZUG

Father: John ZUG
Mother: Magdalena GNAEGI
Birth: 14 SEP 1788
Death: 20 MAY 1870, Mifflin County, Pennsylvania

Partnership with: Barbara KING

Ancestors of David ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Moritz ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-John ZUG
         |          \- MARIA
David ZUG
         |          /-Johannes GNAEGI
         \-Magdalena GNAEGI
                    |          /-Christian (Jotter) YODER
                    \-Magdalena YODER
                               \- BARBARA

Descendents of David ZUG

1 David ZUG
  =Barbara KING

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David ZUG

Father: Jacob ZUG
Mother: Anna LONG
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of David ZUG

         /-Jacob ZUG
David ZUG
         \-Anna LONG

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David ZUG

Father: Yost ZUG
Mother: Anna LONG
Birth: 2 APR 1778
Death: 12 DEC 1875

Partnership with: Esther MILLER

Ancestors of David ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Christian ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-Yost ZUG
         |          \-Anna KANNABEL
David ZUG
         \-Anna LONG

Descendents of David ZUG

1 David ZUG
  =Esther MILLER

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David ZUG

Father: Johannes ZUG
Birth: 15 APR 1783
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of David ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Christian ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-Johannes ZUG
         |          \-Anna KANNABEL
David ZUG
         \- CATHERINE

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Elizabeth ZUG

Father: Abraham ZUG
Mother: Maria KURTZ
Birth: 1803, Strasburg, Pennsylvania
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Samuel HUNSICKER

Ancestors of Elizabeth ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Moritz ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-Abraham ZUG
         |          \- MARIA
Elizabeth ZUG
         |          /-Abraham KURTZ
         \-Maria KURTZ
                    \-Barbara BOLLINGER

Descendents of Elizabeth ZUG

1 Elizabeth ZUG

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Elizabeth ZUG

Father: Jacob ZUG
Mother: Gertrud "Charity" GNAEGI
Birth: 1798
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Christian PLANK

Ancestors of Elizabeth ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Moritz ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-Jacob ZUG
         |          \- MARIA
Elizabeth ZUG
         |          /-Johannes GNAEGI
         \-Gertrud "Charity" GNAEGI
                    |          /-Christian (Jotter) YODER
                    \-Magdalena YODER
                               \- BARBARA

Descendents of Elizabeth ZUG

1 Elizabeth ZUG
  =Christian PLANK

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Elizabeth ZUG

Father: Henry ZUG
Mother: Barbara KURTZ
Birth: 1784
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Elizabeth ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Moritz ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-Henry ZUG
         |          \- MARIA
Elizabeth ZUG
         |          /-Abraham KURTZ
         \-Barbara KURTZ
                    \-Barbara BOLLINGER

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Elizabeth ZUG

Father: Christian ZUG
Mother: Magdalena BLANK
Birth: 14 AUG 1786
Death: 28 DEC 1855

Ancestors of Elizabeth ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Christian ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-Christian ZUG
         |          \-Anna KANNABEL
Elizabeth ZUG
         \-Magdalena BLANK

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Elizabeth ZUG

Father: Yost ZUG
Mother: Anna LONG
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Elizabeth ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Christian ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-Yost ZUG
         |          \-Anna KANNABEL
Elizabeth ZUG
         \-Anna LONG

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Elizabeth ZUG

Father: Johannes ZUG
Birth: 27 AUG 1763
Death: 4 SEP 1773

Ancestors of Elizabeth ZUG

                               /-Hans ZAUG
                    /-Hans ZUG
         /-Johannes ZUG
         |          \- GUT?
Elizabeth ZUG
         \- VERONICA

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Elizabeth ZUG

Father: Jacob ZUG
Mother: Anna LONG
Birth: 1771, Somerset County, PA
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Jeptha YODER

Ancestors of Elizabeth ZUG

         /-Jacob ZUG
Elizabeth ZUG
         \-Anna LONG

Descendents of Elizabeth ZUG

1 Elizabeth ZUG
  =Jeptha YODER

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Elizabeth ZUG

Father: Christian ZUG
Mother: Anna KANNABEL
Birth: ABT. 1744, Berks County, Pennsylvania
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Jacob KAUFFMAN
Child: Christian KAUFFMAN Birth: 25 MAY 1764
Child: Barbara KAUFFMAN Birth: 23 OCT 1765
Child: Jacob KAUFFMAN Birth: 28 OCT 1766
Child: Henry KAUFFMAN Birth: 25 JUL 1770
Child: David KAUFFMAN Birth: 22 JUN 1771
Child: Daniel KAUFFMAN Birth: 27 JAN 1773
Child: John KAUFFMAN Birth: 20 JUN 1774

Ancestors of Elizabeth ZUG

                               /-Hans ZAUG
                    /-Hans ZUG
         /-Christian ZUG
         |          \- GUT?
Elizabeth ZUG
         \-Anna KANNABEL

Descendents of Elizabeth ZUG

1 Elizabeth ZUG
    2 Christian KAUFFMAN
    2 Barbara KAUFFMAN
    2 Jacob KAUFFMAN
    2 Henry KAUFFMAN
    2 David KAUFFMAN
    2 Daniel KAUFFMAN
    2 John KAUFFMAN

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Esther ZUG

Father: John ZUG
Mother: Magdalena GNAEGI
Birth: 3 DEC 1790
Death: 25 SEP 1860

Ancestors of Esther ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Moritz ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-John ZUG
         |          \- MARIA
Esther ZUG
         |          /-Johannes GNAEGI
         \-Magdalena GNAEGI
                    |          /-Christian (Jotter) YODER
                    \-Magdalena YODER
                               \- BARBARA

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Fanny ZUG

Father: Abraham ZUG
Mother: Maria KURTZ
Birth: 30 MAY 1812
Death: 1858, Stark County, Ohio

Partnership with: Daniel EVANS

Ancestors of Fanny ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Moritz ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-Abraham ZUG
         |          \- MARIA
Fanny ZUG
         |          /-Abraham KURTZ
         \-Maria KURTZ
                    \-Barbara BOLLINGER

Descendents of Fanny ZUG

1 Fanny ZUG
  =Daniel EVANS

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Frances "Fanny" ZUG

Father: Jacob ZUG
Mother: Gertrud "Charity" GNAEGI
Birth: 18 OCT 1781
Residence: Lived in on the Schmucker homestead at Shillington, Berks County, Pennsylvania.
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Peter SCHMUCKER

Ancestors of Frances "Fanny" ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Moritz ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-Jacob ZUG
         |          \- MARIA
Frances "Fanny" ZUG
         |          /-Johannes GNAEGI
         \-Gertrud "Charity" GNAEGI
                    |          /-Christian (Jotter) YODER
                    \-Magdalena YODER
                               \- BARBARA

Descendents of Frances "Fanny" ZUG

1 Frances "Fanny" ZUG

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Gertrude ZUG

Father: Jacob ZUG
Mother: Magdalena SCHROCK
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Jacob HOLDERMAN

Ancestors of Gertrude ZUG

         /-Jacob ZUG
Gertrude ZUG
         |                     /-Ulrich SCHRAG
         |          /-John SCHROCK
         \-Magdalena SCHROCK
                    \- ELIZABETH

Descendents of Gertrude ZUG

1 Gertrude ZUG

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Gertrude ZUG

Father: Jacob ZUG
Mother: Gertrude MILLER
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Gertrude ZUG

         /-Jacob ZUG
Gertrude ZUG
         \-Gertrude MILLER

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Gertrude (Charity) ZUG

Father: John ZUG
Mother: Magdalena GNAEGI
Birth: 21 JAN 1793
Death: 28 MAR 1885, Mifflin County, Pennsylvania

Partnership with: Peter SHARP

Ancestors of Gertrude (Charity) ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Moritz ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-John ZUG
         |          \- MARIA
Gertrude (Charity) ZUG
         |          /-Johannes GNAEGI
         \-Magdalena GNAEGI
                    |          /-Christian (Jotter) YODER
                    \-Magdalena YODER
                               \- BARBARA

Descendents of Gertrude (Charity) ZUG

1 Gertrude (Charity) ZUG
  =Peter SHARP

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Hans ZUG

Father: Hans ZAUG
Birth: Switzerland
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: GUT?
Child: Christian ZUG Birth: DEC 1710, Darmstadt, Germany
Child: Moritz ZUG Birth: ABT. 1718, Darmstadt, Germany
Child: Johannes ZUG Birth: ABT. 1721, Darmstadt, Germany

Ancestors of Hans ZUG

         /-Hans ZAUG
Hans ZUG

Descendents of Hans ZUG

1 Hans ZUG
  = GUT?
    2 Christian ZUG
      =Anna KANNABEL  Marriage: BEF. 1740
        3 Anna "Anny" ZUG
          =Peter MILLER
        3 Barbara ZUG
          =Johann Michael BUCHELE  Marriage: AFT. 1770, Lancaster Co, Pennsylvania
        3 Elizabeth ZUG
          =Jacob KAUFFMAN
        3 Johannes ZUG
          = CATHERINE
          = MARY
        3 Yost ZUG
          =Anna LONG
        3 Mary (Margaret) ZUG
          =John OLINGER , Jr.
        3 Jacob ZUG
        3 Christian ZUG
          =Magdalena BLANK
          = DODOREA
          = ANNA
    2 Moritz ZUG
      = MARIA
        3 John ZUG
          =Magdalena GNAEGI
          =Veronica YODER
        3 Christian ZUG
          =Catherine (Christina) KURTZ
        3 Henry ZUG
          =Barbara KURTZ  Marriage: 26 DEC 1775
        3 Jacob ZUG
          = CHRISTINA
          =Gertrud "Charity" GNAEGI  Marriage: 1778  Marriage: ABT. 1779
          =Mary WILLAUER  Marriage: ABT. 1810
        3 Daughter ZUG
        3 Abraham ZUG
          =Maria KURTZ
        3 Veronica ZUG
          =John KURTZ  Marriage: ABT. 1781
    2 Johannes ZUG
      = MARY
      = VERONICA
        3 John (Dick Hans) ZUG
          =Magdalena FISHER
          =Anna YODER
          =Barbara MAST
        3 Christian ZUG
          =Magdalena MAST
        3 Daniel ZUG
          =Catherine KING
        3 Barbara ZUG
          =Jacob KING
        3 Elizabeth ZUG

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Henry ZUG

Father: Henry ZUG
Mother: Barbara KURTZ
Birth: 1789
Death: 1846, Carthage, Illinois

Partnership with: Temperence BISHOP

Ancestors of Henry ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Moritz ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-Henry ZUG
         |          \- MARIA
Henry ZUG
         |          /-Abraham KURTZ
         \-Barbara KURTZ
                    \-Barbara BOLLINGER

Descendents of Henry ZUG

1 Henry ZUG
  =Temperence BISHOP

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Henry ZUG

Father: Christian ZUG
Mother: Magdalena BLANK
Birth: 18 MAR 1794
Death: 9 JUN 1866

Partnership with: Christian KURTZ

Ancestors of Henry ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Christian ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-Christian ZUG
         |          \-Anna KANNABEL
Henry ZUG
         \-Magdalena BLANK

Descendents of Henry ZUG

1 Henry ZUG
  =Christian KURTZ

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Henry ZUG

Father: Moritz ZUG
Mother: MARIA
Birth: 8 MAY 1752
Residence: Chester County, Pennsylvania
Death: 21 FEB 1826

Partnership with: Barbara KURTZ
Marriage: 26 DEC 1775
Child: Barbara ZUG
Child: Mary ZUG
Child: Phoebe ZUG Birth: 20 JAN 1776
Child: Elizabeth ZUG Birth: 1784
Child: Abraham ZUG Birth: 1787
Child: Henry ZUG Birth: 1789
Child: David ZUG Birth: 16 MAY 1791
Child: Samuel ZUG Birth: 26 JAN 1793

Ancestors of Henry ZUG

                               /-Hans ZAUG
                    /-Hans ZUG
         /-Moritz ZUG
         |          \- GUT?
Henry ZUG
         \- MARIA

Descendents of Henry ZUG

1 Henry ZUG
  =Barbara KURTZ  Marriage: 26 DEC 1775
    2 Barbara ZUG
      =John GARBER
    2 Mary ZUG
    2 Phoebe ZUG
      =Joseph COFFMAN
      =Joseph HALL
    2 Elizabeth ZUG
    2 Abraham ZUG
      =Elizabeth WEISLER
    2 Henry ZUG
      =Temperence BISHOP
    2 David ZUG
      =Eleanor STEPHENS
    2 Samuel ZUG

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Infant ZUG

Father: Jacob ZUG
Mother: Gertrud "Charity" GNAEGI
Birth: AFT. 1808
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Infant ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Moritz ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-Jacob ZUG
         |          \- MARIA
Infant ZUG
         |          /-Johannes GNAEGI
         \-Gertrud "Charity" GNAEGI
                    |          /-Christian (Jotter) YODER
                    \-Magdalena YODER
                               \- BARBARA

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Infant ZUG

Father: Jacob ZUG
Mother: Gertrud "Charity" GNAEGI
Birth: 18 OCT 1781
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Infant ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Moritz ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-Jacob ZUG
         |          \- MARIA
Infant ZUG
         |          /-Johannes GNAEGI
         \-Gertrud "Charity" GNAEGI
                    |          /-Christian (Jotter) YODER
                    \-Magdalena YODER
                               \- BARBARA

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Infant Twin ZUG

Father: Jacob ZUG
Mother: Gertrud "Charity" GNAEGI
Birth: 1801
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Infant Twin ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Moritz ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-Jacob ZUG
         |          \- MARIA
Infant Twin ZUG
         |          /-Johannes GNAEGI
         \-Gertrud "Charity" GNAEGI
                    |          /-Christian (Jotter) YODER
                    \-Magdalena YODER
                               \- BARBARA

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Jacob ZUG

Father: Abraham ZUG
Mother: Maria KURTZ
Birth: NOV 1794
Death: 24 MAR 1875, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Partnership with: Christiana HAUCK

Ancestors of Jacob ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Moritz ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-Abraham ZUG
         |          \- MARIA
Jacob ZUG
         |          /-Abraham KURTZ
         \-Maria KURTZ
                    \-Barbara BOLLINGER

Descendents of Jacob ZUG

1 Jacob ZUG
  =Christiana HAUCK

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Jacob ZUG

Father: Jacob ZUG
Mother: Gertrud "Charity" GNAEGI
Birth: 18 JUL 1803
Death: 1872, Urbana, Ohio

Partnership with: Magdalena GEHMAN

Ancestors of Jacob ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Moritz ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-Jacob ZUG
         |          \- MARIA
Jacob ZUG
         |          /-Johannes GNAEGI
         \-Gertrud "Charity" GNAEGI
                    |          /-Christian (Jotter) YODER
                    \-Magdalena YODER
                               \- BARBARA

Descendents of Jacob ZUG

1 Jacob ZUG
  =Magdalena GEHMAN

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Jacob ZUG

Father: Christian ZUG
Mother: Catherine (Christina) KURTZ
Birth: 23 MAR 1778
Death: 11 JAN 1847, Mifflin County, Pennsylvania

Partnership with: Catherine FISHER

Ancestors of Jacob ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Moritz ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-Christian ZUG
         |          \- MARIA
Jacob ZUG
         |                     /-Stephen KURTZ
         |          /-Stephen KURTZ
         |          |          \-Magdalena BURCKI
         \-Catherine (Christina) KURTZ
                    \- VERONICA

Descendents of Jacob ZUG

1 Jacob ZUG
  =Catherine FISHER

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Jacob ZUG

Father: John ZUG
Mother: Magdalena GNAEGI
Birth: 27 APR 1786
Death: 31 MAR 1868, Juniata County, Pennsylvania

Partnership with: Anna HERTZLER

Ancestors of Jacob ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Moritz ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-John ZUG
         |          \- MARIA
Jacob ZUG
         |          /-Johannes GNAEGI
         \-Magdalena GNAEGI
                    |          /-Christian (Jotter) YODER
                    \-Magdalena YODER
                               \- BARBARA

Descendents of Jacob ZUG

1 Jacob ZUG

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Jacob ZUG

Father: Christian ZUG
Mother: Magdalena BLANK
Birth: 30 OCT 1788
Death: 14 MAR 1864

Partnership with: Anna SUMMERS

Ancestors of Jacob ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Christian ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-Christian ZUG
         |          \-Anna KANNABEL
Jacob ZUG
         \-Magdalena BLANK

Descendents of Jacob ZUG

1 Jacob ZUG

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Jacob ZUG

Father: Jacob ZUG
Mother: Gertrude MILLER
Birth: 16 OCT 1791
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Jacob ZUG

         /-Jacob ZUG
Jacob ZUG
         \-Gertrude MILLER

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Jacob ZUG

Father: Yost ZUG
Mother: Anna LONG
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Ancestors of Jacob ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Christian ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-Yost ZUG
         |          \-Anna KANNABEL
Jacob ZUG
         \-Anna LONG

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Jacob ZUG

Father: Johannes ZUG
Birth: 15 MAR 1781
Death: (Date and Place unknown)

Partnership with: Anna MAST

Ancestors of Jacob ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Christian ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-Johannes ZUG
         |          \-Anna KANNABEL
Jacob ZUG
         \- CATHERINE

Descendents of Jacob ZUG

1 Jacob ZUG
  =Anna MAST

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Jacob ZUG

Father: Christian ZUG
Mother: Anna KANNABEL
Birth: 1750
Death: 1822

Ancestors of Jacob ZUG

                               /-Hans ZAUG
                    /-Hans ZUG
         /-Christian ZUG
         |          \- GUT?
Jacob ZUG
         \-Anna KANNABEL

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Jacob ZUG

Father: Jacob ZUG
Mother: Anna LONG
Birth: ABT. 1785, Somerset County, PA
Death: Lancaster County, PA

Ancestors of Jacob ZUG

         /-Jacob ZUG
Jacob ZUG
         \-Anna LONG

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Jacob ZUG

Birth: ABT. 1750, Berks County, Pennsylvania
Death: ABT. 1822, Holmes County, Ohio

Partnership with: Anna LONG
Marriage: AFT. 1776
Child: Anna ZUG Birth: Somerset County, Pennsylvania
Child: Magdalena ZUG Birth: Somerset County, Pennsylvania
Child: Elizabeth ZUG Birth: 1771, Somerset County, PA
Child: Barbara ZUG Birth: 11 MAR 1778, Pennsylvania
Child: Jacob ZUG Birth: ABT. 1785, Somerset County, PA
Child: Mary ZUG Birth: 12 MAY 1789, Somerset County, PA
Child: Solomon ZUG
Child: David ZUG
Child: Peter ZUG
Partnership with: Gertrude MILLER
Marriage: BEF. 1776
Child: Gertrude ZUG
Child: Jacob ZUG Birth: 16 OCT 1791
Partnership with: Magdalena SCHROCK
Marriage: AFT. 1792
Child: Gertrude ZUG

Descendents of Jacob ZUG

1 Jacob ZUG
  =Anna LONG  Marriage: AFT. 1776
    2 Anna ZUG
      =Jacob "Bob Jake" SCHROCK
        3 John M. SCHROCK
        3 Jacob SCHROCK
        3 Elizabeth SCHROCK
        3 Henry SCHROCK
          =Barbara MILLER
        3 Magdalena SCHROCK
        3 Andrew SCHROCK
        3 David Jacob SCHROCK
        3 Joseph SCHROCK
        3 Christian SCHROCK
        3 Benjanmin Jacob SCHROCK
        3 Anna SCHROCK
    2 Magdalena ZUG
      =Christian MILLER
        3 Leah MILLER
          =Joseph MILLER
        3 Moses Christian MILLER
        3 Child of MILLER
        3 Benjamin MILLER
        3 Mary MILLER
        3 Solomon Christian MILLER
        3 Christian MILLER
    2 Elizabeth ZUG
      =Jeptha YODER
    2 Barbara ZUG
      =Solomon HOCHSTETLER
    2 Jacob ZUG
    2 Mary ZUG
      =Christian SEESE
    2 Solomon ZUG
    2 David ZUG
    2 Peter ZUG
  =Gertrude MILLER  Marriage: BEF. 1776
    2 Gertrude ZUG
    2 Jacob ZUG
  =Magdalena SCHROCK  Marriage: AFT. 1792
    2 Gertrude ZUG
      =Jacob HOLDERMAN

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Jacob ZUG

Father: Moritz ZUG
Mother: MARIA
Birth: APR 1757
Death: FEB 1829

Partnership with: CHRISTINA
Partnership with: Gertrud "Charity" GNAEGI
Marriage: 1778
Marriage: ABT. 1779
Child: Magdalena ZUG Birth: 3 SEP 1779
Child: Frances "Fanny" ZUG Birth: 18 OCT 1781
Child: Infant ZUG Birth: 18 OCT 1781
Child: Nancy "Anna" ZUG Birth: 1783, Salisbury Township, Lancaster County, Pennslyvania
Child: John ZUG Birth: 1 APR 1786
Child: Charity ZUG Birth: 15 AUG 1788
Child: Leah ZUG Birth: 1792
Child: Rachel ZUG Birth: 1795
Child: Elizabeth ZUG Birth: 1798
Child: Christian ZUG Birth: 1801
Child: Infant Twin ZUG Birth: 1801
Child: Jacob ZUG Birth: 18 JUL 1803
Child: Phoebe ZUG Birth: JUL 1808
Child: Infant ZUG Birth: AFT. 1808
Partnership with: Mary WILLAUER
Marriage: ABT. 1810

Ancestors of Jacob ZUG

                               /-Hans ZAUG
                    /-Hans ZUG
         /-Moritz ZUG
         |          \- GUT?
Jacob ZUG
         \- MARIA

Descendents of Jacob ZUG

1 Jacob ZUG
  =Gertrud "Charity" GNAEGI  Marriage: 1778  Marriage: ABT. 1779
    2 Magdalena ZUG
      =Joseph SCHMUCKER
      =Christian ZUG
    2 Frances "Fanny" ZUG
      =Peter SCHMUCKER
    2 Infant ZUG
    2 Nancy "Anna" ZUG
      =John PLANK
    2 John ZUG
      =Elizabeth MAST
    2 Charity ZUG
      =Daniel MAST
    2 Leah ZUG
      =Jacob PLANK
    2 Rachel ZUG
    2 Elizabeth ZUG
      =Christian PLANK
    2 Christian ZUG
    2 Infant Twin ZUG
    2 Jacob ZUG
      =Magdalena GEHMAN
    2 Phoebe ZUG
      =William WEITZEL
    2 Infant ZUG
  =Mary WILLAUER  Marriage: ABT. 1810

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Johannes ZUG

Father: Hans ZUG
Mother: GUT?
Birth: ABT. 1721, Darmstadt, Germany
Death: MAY 1790, Chester County, Pennsylvania

Partnership with: MARY
Partnership with: VERONICA
Child: John (Dick Hans) ZUG Birth: 15 MAY 1756
Child: Christian ZUG Birth: 29 SEP 1758, Berks County, Pennsylvania
Child: Daniel ZUG Birth: 20 JUL 1760
Child: Barbara ZUG Birth: 6 OCT 1762
Child: Elizabeth ZUG Birth: 27 AUG 1763

Ancestors of Johannes ZUG

                    /-Hans ZAUG
         /-Hans ZUG
Johannes ZUG
         \- GUT?

Descendents of Johannes ZUG

1 Johannes ZUG
  = MARY
    2 John (Dick Hans) ZUG
      =Magdalena FISHER
        3 Daniel ZOOK
        3 Christian ZOOK
          =Anna LAPP
        3 John ZOOK
        3 Magdalena ZOOK
          =Christian (Christopher) ESH
        3 Lena ZOOK
        3 Elizabeth ZOOK
          =John BOLLER
        3 Jacob ZOOK
          =Unknown KAUFFMAN
          =Unknown EVANS
          =Barbara YODER
        3 Barbara ZOOK
          =Unknown ASH
      =Anna YODER
      =Barbara MAST
    2 Christian ZUG
      =Magdalena MAST
        3 Jacob ZOOK
          =Elizabeth HOSTETLER
        3 John ZOOK
          =Barbara KAUFFMAN
        3 Christian ZOOK
          =Leah (Bear) BAIR
        3 David ZOOK
          =Susanna LEFEVER
          =Hannah STONECIPHER
        3 Mary "Polly" ZOOK
          =Solomon SCHMUCKER
        3 Daniel ZOOK
          =Catherine SNYDER
        3 Leah ZOOK
          =Henry KOFFROTH
        3 Elias ZOOK
          =Mary SHEAFFER
    2 Daniel ZUG
      =Catherine KING
        3 Sarah ZOOK
        3 Solomon ZOOK
          =Catherine MILLER
        3 Hannah ZOOK
          =Gideon YODER
        3 Elizabeth ZOOK
          =John "Valley John" LAPP
        3 Susannah ZOOK
          =Benjamin STUCKEY
        3 Jacob ZOOK
          =Catherine SMUCKER
        3 Johannes ZOOK
        3 David ZOOK
          =Anna LAPP
    2 Barbara ZUG
      =Jacob KING
        3 John "Yost" KING
          =Elizabeth YODER
        3 Anna "Nancy" KING
          =Daniel ZOOK
        3 Samuel KING
          =Anna "Nancy" YODER
        3 Barbara KING
          =David ZOOK
        3 Mary KING
          =John YODER
        3 Catherine KING
          =David HOOLEY
        3 Elizabeth KING
          =Peter YODER
        3 Magdalena KING
          =David YODER
        3 Jacob KING , Jr.
          =Barbara ZOOK
          =Magdalena ZOOK
    2 Elizabeth ZUG

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Johannes ZUG

Father: Christian ZUG
Mother: Anna KANNABEL
Birth: 1745
Death: MAR 1821, Chester County, Pennsylvania

Partnership with: CATHERINE
Child: Barbara ZUG Birth: 8 APR 1770
Child: Veronica (Fanny) ZUG Birth: 12 OCT 1771
Child: Christian ZUG Birth: 15 FEB 1773
Child: John ZUG Birth: 5 OCT 1774
Child: Catherine ZUG Birth: 18 AUG 1776
Child: Mary ZUG Birth: 15 AUG 1779
Child: Jacob ZUG Birth: 15 MAR 1781
Child: David ZUG Birth: 15 APR 1783
Child: Anna ZUG Birth: 15 APR 1783
Child: Mary ZUG Birth: 1790
Child: John ZUG Birth: 1790
Partnership with: MARY

Ancestors of Johannes ZUG

                               /-Hans ZAUG
                    /-Hans ZUG
         /-Christian ZUG
         |          \- GUT?
Johannes ZUG
         \-Anna KANNABEL

Descendents of Johannes ZUG

1 Johannes ZUG
    2 Barbara ZUG
    2 Veronica (Fanny) ZUG
      =Jacob RIEHL
    2 Christian ZUG
      = SARAH
    2 John ZUG
    2 Catherine ZUG
    2 Mary ZUG
      =Jost YODER
    2 Jacob ZUG
      =Anna MAST
    2 David ZUG
    2 Anna ZUG
      =John MILLER
    2 Mary ZUG
    2 John ZUG
  = MARY

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John ZUG

Father: Abraham ZUG
Mother: Maria KURTZ
Birth: 20 OCT 1793
Death: 14 SEP 1879, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Partnership with: Maria HACKMAN

Ancestors of John ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Moritz ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-Abraham ZUG
         |          \- MARIA
John ZUG
         |          /-Abraham KURTZ
         \-Maria KURTZ
                    \-Barbara BOLLINGER

Descendents of John ZUG

1 John ZUG
  =Maria HACKMAN

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John ZUG

Father: Jacob ZUG
Mother: Gertrud "Charity" GNAEGI
Birth: 1 APR 1786
Death: 24 JUN 1868, Chester County, Pennsylvania

Partnership with: Elizabeth MAST

Ancestors of John ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Moritz ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-Jacob ZUG
         |          \- MARIA
John ZUG
         |          /-Johannes GNAEGI
         \-Gertrud "Charity" GNAEGI
                    |          /-Christian (Jotter) YODER
                    \-Magdalena YODER
                               \- BARBARA

Descendents of John ZUG

1 John ZUG
  =Elizabeth MAST

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John ZUG

Father: Christian ZUG
Mother: Magdalena BLANK
Birth: 28 DEC 1774
Death: 8 DEC 1842

Partnership with: Elizabeth KURTZ

Ancestors of John ZUG

                               /-Hans ZUG
                    /-Christian ZUG
                    |          \- GUT?
         /-Christian ZUG
         |          \-Anna KANNABEL
John ZUG
         \-Magdalena BLANK

Descendents of John ZUG

1 John ZUG
  =Elizabeth KURTZ

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