Newspaper Transcripts
Some Selected Reports from the Hampshire Chronicle
Monday, September 2nd, 1782
PORTSMOUTH, Saturday, Aug. 31.
On Thursday morning between nine and ten o'clock, the Royal George man of war, of 100 guns, on board of which Admiral Kempenfelt had hoisted his flag, nearly in the center of Lord Howe's fleet at Spithead, most unfortunately and instantaneously went to the bottom. The melancholy event was occasioned by the ship being heeled[?] upon her side, in order to have the water-pipe of her cistern repaired, at which instant of time a strong squall of wind at N.N.W. threw her further on her side, and the lower port holes being unluckily open, she filled and went down in less than three minutes. The alarm and confusion at an event so unexpected and horrid, is indescribable. A victualling sloop, and several wherries full of people, which had just put off in order to go ashore, were drawn down by the prodigious whirlpool and suction occasioned by the sinking of the ship. Of about fourteen hundred men, women, and boys which were on board, not more than 320 were saved; and it must give unspeakable concern to every lover of his country, as well as to the humane heart, that the brave and able veteran Admiral Kempenfelt is amongst the drowned. - Major Graham, and several other officers of marines, the surgeon, the master, three lieutenants, several midshipmen, and some ladies who had gone on board to see the ship, were also lost. Captain Waghorn, Admiral Kemenfelt's Captain, was fortunately gone on duty for a few hours on board another ship. The ship's complement was 900 men, and she was completely manned with the best seamen, victualled and ready for sea at an hour's notice. There were also a number of carpenters from the yard, at work in her; and several of the officers, and the whole of the marines, had only come on board from Portsmouth the preceding evening. The unspeakable distress this fatal catastrophe has occasioned is inconceivable. The shore for a length of time exhibited scenes of the most poignant grief, being lined with persons lamenting their fathers, their husbands, or their children, who had perished in this calamity. And every one will read with added concern that the brave Admiral Kempenfelt, who had hold of the same rope with a marine, was so exhausted and fatigued, that he let go but a few minutes before a boat reached the unhappy spot where he sunk, and picked up the marine alive.
Though the depth in which she now lies, about fourteen fathom, is not considerable, it seems to be the general opinion here, that she cannot be raised, as no purchase can be obtained equal to the immense weight. But if this ship, so long the pride of our navy, and so essential a part of the strength of the country, at this most critical period, could be recovered, the loss of so many brave and able seamen is irremediable, and never sufficiently to be lamented.
An accident of this kind to a capital ship, is unprecedented in the annals of the Navy.
The Royal George man of war is the oldest first rate in the service; she was built at Woolwich, her keel was laid down in 1751, and she was hauled out of the dock in July 1755, it being unusual to build such large ships on slips to launch; she was pierced for 100 guns, but having lately had two additional ports, including the carronades, mounted 108 guns; she was rather short and high, as all the old first rates are, but so good a sailer, that she has had more flags on board her than any vessel in the service. Lord Anson, Admiral Boscawen, Lord Hawke, Lord Rodney, Lord Howe, and several other principal officers have repeatedly commanded her. Lord Hawke commanded the squadron in her which fought the French under Constans, when the Superb of 70 guns, was sunk by her cannon, and Soliel Royal, of 84, burnt on shore; she carried the tallest masts and squarest canvas of any English built ship in the navy, and originally the heaviest metal, viz. 52, 40, and 28 pounders, but they were lately changed, on account of her age, to 40, 32, and 18 pounders.
The following ships sailed to join the squadron in the North seas.
Bellena | 74 |
Fortitude | 74 |
Dublin | 74 |
Panther | 64 |
Crown | 64 |
Polephemus | 64 |
Diana | 14 |
| | | | | | |
Which makes the whole squadron fifteen sail of the line and one frigate :
Yesterday arrived the Cerberus frigate from Plymouth
The Monsieur is gone out of harbour to Spithead.
Arrived the Diana frigate from a cruize, and Courier-de Lisbon, from Petersburgh.
Sailed yesterday the Rainbow, of 44 guns, on a cruize; the Antigua brig from Plymouth; and the Peterel surveying sloop, to the eastward.
SOUTHAMPTON, Saturday, Aug. 31.
Arrived since our last, the Earl and Countess of Sussex, Lord and Lady Willies, Lady Clanricard, Ladies Amelia and Augusta De Burgh, Capt. Isted, Capt. Ridley, Sir Thomas and Lady, Mr. George, and Miss Rumbold, Mr. Losac and family, Rev. Mr. Knox, Mrs. Harvest, two Miss Sainthills, Miss Pest, Mr. Alcock, Mr. T.P. Wheeler, Mr. Willet, Mr. Hodges, &c. &c.
A letter from Guernsey says, that a French privateer called La Chabonniere, commanded by Mons. de Lianos, of 16 guns and as many swivels, is taken by the Fortitude privateer, after an engagement of one hour, and is brought in there with one ransomer on board.
This morning some dispatches were received from Jersey, which contain an account of four French frigates being cruizing off there, which had retaken 3 French prizes that were carrying in there, that they had stopped their privateers from going in and out.
WINCHESTER, Saturday, August 31.
David Tyrie, who was executed at Portsmouth on Saturday last, for carrying on a treasonable correspondence with the French, could not be prevailed upon to make any discovery of his colleagues in the above iniquitous business. A few days since before his execution, he sent up an offer to the Secretary of State's Office, to discover a person in an elevated line of life, who is caressed by the first people in the country, whole connexions and situation enable him to give our enemies the best information, and who has for some time followed this business; together with several others in an inferior situation, provided Government would enter into an engagement that they should not be prosecuted for any overt act up to the present time - but this offer it seems was rejected. It was hinted to him, whether, on condition of saving his own life, he would give up the above people to a due course of law; but he declined it, saying, he despised life upon any terms where that of another person was involved, and that, whether he lived or died, no blood should lay at his door. - He conducted himself from the prison here to the place of execution, and during the whole of the preparation for his miserable dissolution, with the most singular composure and magnanimity.
From the time he was put on the sledge, till be came to the gibbet, he continued in an unconcerned conversation with the gaoler, in which he expressed that he thought there were not three better, sounder, or honester hearts in the kingdom, than his own, which was just going to be burnt. That there was only one thing which gave him concern, which was, that his father was living, and he feared this misfortune would bring his grey hairs with sorrow to the grave. He declined saying a word to the populace, observing, that he knew not why he was to feed or gratify the idle curiosity of the multitude. He never hung his head the whole time. - When arrived at the place of execution, no halter was provided, upon which he smiled, and expressed astonishment as the inattention and neglect of his executioners; and indeed the business would have been retarded for some time, had not a rope and pulley been procured out of a lugger that lay under shore, during which time he read several passages in a bible he carried in his hand. - Before he was drawn up, he delivered a paper, setting forth, that he had authorised no person to publish any account of his life, nor was there any one who knew sufficiently of him to give any genuine particulars of his transactions in[?] the world.
After hanging exactly twenty-two minutes, he was lowered upon the sledge, and the sentence literally put in execution. His head was severed from his body, his heart taken out and burnt, his privities cut off, and his body quartered. He was then put into a coffin, and buried among the pebbles by the sea-side; but no sooner had the officers retired, but the sailors dug up the coffin, took out the body, and cut it in a thousand pieces, every one carrying away a piece of his body to shew their messmates on board. - A more dreadful, affecting execution was perhaps never seen. It was computed by many intelligent persons on the spot, that there was not less than a hundred thousand spectators present on the occasion.
A gentleman of Ley was some time last week robbed at the mile stone end beyond Havant, in this county, of his money, by three men but indifferently mounted.
Since our last John Freemantle was committed to our gaol, charged with stealing divers sorts of apparel, and nine shillings in silver, from out of the dwelling house of William Smart, at Chutes, in the county of Wilts.
Tuesday morning the Bishop of Llanduff was consecrated at St. Mary le Bow church, in Cheapside, to the See of Salisbury.
The sale by auction, by John Weller, jun. of several houses, with sundry implements in the cyder trade, advertised in the second page to be on the 10th inst. is unavoidably postponed to a future day, of which timely notice will be given in this paper.
T Y R I E's T R I A L
This day is published,
The TRIAL of DAVID TYRIE, Convicted of High Treason, at the Castle of Winchester, held by adjournment on Saturday the 10th of August, 1782, before the Hon. John Heath, Esq; one of the Justices of his Majesty's Court of Common Pleas. Containing the whole of the Evidence, the several letters produced and read in Court, and the Defence of the Prisoner in an excellent Speech from Mr. Counsellor Watson.
Winchester; Printed and sold by J. WILKES, and may be had of the booksellers at Gosport and Portsmouth, and of Skelton and Mills, Southampton.
S O U T H A M P T O N.
FOR the MASTER of the CEREMONIES, on Saturday the 14th of September inst. there will be
Tickets to be had at the Rooms, and of Mr. Dawson, at Mr. Brimyard's in High-street.
WANTED, A YOUNG GENTLEMEN of a liberal Education, as an Articled Clerk to an Attorney - For further particulars apply to Mr. Ridding, Attorney in Southampton.
WANTED immediately, A JOURNEYMAN TALLOW-CHANDLER and SOAP BOILER. - Apply to Mr. Richard Baker, of Portswood, near Southampton.
ON Wednesday night last, on Stockbridge Race Down, A BLACK MARE, about 14 hands high, very particularly marked just above the hoof with a mouse coloured brown. - Whoever will inform of bring her to Wm. Powlett Powlett, Esq.; of Sombourne, near Stockbridge, shall be handsomely rewarded.
To be LETT, and entered upon immediately, That well accustomed INN, THE FEATHERS, at Basingstoke, situate in the centre of the town, both for the market and other trade, all of which is at present extensive, with stabling for near sixty horses, and considerable more are erecting for the accommodation of the Exeter and Taunton Coaches and Exeter Waggons, which are to inn at this house as soon as the stabling is completed; the Basingstoke waggon to London and Southampton, and the Winchester ditto to Reading, inns also at this house. The stock and furniture to be taken to by a fair appraisement. - For particulars enquire at the said Inn.
Mr. B. Taylor's Furniture, &c. advertised to be sold on the 5th of September and following days, is postponed.
"IF after my death, any person should attempt to impose a HISTORY of my LIFE upon the public, I leave this to serve as a declaration, that I have left neither instructions nor materials for any person to write a history from, and that no man living had my confidence so far as to be able to give any thing like a genuine account of my actions to the world. I was sincerely disposed to have done it myself, for the benefit of mankind, and my poor orphan babes, but the time allowed me after my conviction was not sufficient. - I leave this therefore as a caution to the public, in the hands of Mr. John Vowell, jun. whom I request to make it publicly known, should any publication respecting me be attempted."
Winchester Gaol, Aug. 23
Witnesses Robert Serle, Under Sheriff of Hants, J. White, jun. Deputy Keeper of Winton Gaol.
To Mr. John Vowell, jun.
From hence it becomes obvious that the Book now advertised under the title of "A true and concise account of the Life and Trial of David Tyrie," to be had of Messrs.Sadler and Burdon in Winchester, Collins and Johnson in Salisbury, Dawkins in Gosport, Breadhower in Portsmouth, Skelton and Mills and Baker[?] in Southampton, is no other than a spurious [?] publication, compiled from mere imagination, to answer mercenary purposes.