Name Index to North Wiltshire Musters
North Wiltshire Musters Anno 30 Henry VIII [Year 1539]
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detailCadewell Johes. Calne, Borough of Calne Calcott Francis The Lord Bysscope of Salysburyes Servants. Selkeley Calffe John Pyrton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Callewey Crystofer Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Calm Thomas Calne, Borough of Calne Candell Thomas The Lord Bysscope of Salysburyes Servants. Selkeley Cangelowe Robertus Calne, Borough of Calne Cangelowe Thomas Calne, Borough of Calne Cannoppe Henric. Burton Hyll. Mallmesbury Cappe Willm. Lacoke. Chippenham Care Henry Mylton. Kynworthstone Carowe Robte. Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Carpenter Henry The Lord Bysscope of Salysburyes Servants. Selkeley Carpenter John Rodebourne. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Carpenter Robte. Overton. Selkeley Carrynton John Cossam Chippenham Carter Henricus Weste Assheton. Wharwelldown Carter John Abery. Selkeley Carter Richard Aschton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Carter Robert Estyngray. Chippenham Carter Thomas Sherstone Magna Chippenham Carter Thos. Wroughton. Kyngbrygge Carter Willyam Chesulden. Kyngbrygge Castelcombe Richard Westroppe. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Castell Henrie Cruddewell. Mallmesbury Cathoe Hugo Studley. Calne Catroo Robte. Hygheworth. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Cattcott Johes. Edyngton and Tynhed. Wharwelldown Cawsten Jenover Crykkelade. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Cawsten John Chelworth. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Caymorun. Johes. Assheley. Mallmesbury Celey Nicholas Greattlyngton North Damerham Chadwell Edmund Croston and Wylton. Kynworthstone Chamber Thos. Kennett. Selkeley Chamberlayn Richard Lackam. Chippenham Chamberleyn Thomas Wyllyam Wroughton and his Servants. Selkeley Chapleyn Jno. Swyndon. Kyngbrygge Chapman Johes. Calne, Borough of Calne Chapman Willm. Lackam. Chippenham Chapman Willm. Lacoke. Chippenham Chapman Willm. Calne, Borough of Calne Chappe John Sherstone Magna Chippenham Chappe Wyllyam Sherstone Magna Chippenham Chappell Willm. Mallmesbury, Boroughe of Mallmesbury Chappman Nicholas Boxe. Chippenham Charleton John Collyngbourn. Kynworthstone Chatterton James Lyddeyoth Tregosse. Kyngbrygge Chaundeler Johes. Calne, Borough of Calne Chaundeler Robtus. Frokefelde and Okelle. Kynworthstone Chaundeler. Richard Mylton. Kynworthstone Chedrocte Hewe Westcombe. Kynworthstone Cheppeman Wm. Bysschoppyston. Selkeley Cherche Nicholas Lyddeyoth Tregosse. Kyngbrygge Cherche Thomas Lyddeyoth Tregosse. Kyngbrygge Chere Robtus. Mylton. Kynworthstone Chessam John Chippenham , Borowhe of Chippenham Chessher Edward Brembill. Chippenham Chester John , senr. Abery. Selkeley Chester Thos., senior Yattesbury. Calne Chesterman John Bakynton. Selkeley Chesterman John Wyllyam Wroughton and his Servants. Selkeley Cheyney Robte. Pewsey and Charcotte. Kynworthstone Cheyney Thos. Pewsey and Charcotte. Kynworthstone Cheyney Wyllyam The Lord Bysscope of Salysburyes Servants. Selkeley Chocke Henry The Lord Bysscope of Salysburyes Servants. Selkeley Chocke John Schalbourn. Kynworthstone Cholys Robte. Lodyngton. Kyngbrygge Chore Willyam Chesbery. Kynworthstone Churche Thos. Brodhynton. Kyngbrygge Churge Richard Lydearde. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Chyfforde Edmund Aschton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Chylde John Chytte and Conney. Kynworthstone Chylde Thomas Est Grafton and Weste Grafton. Kynworthstone Chylde Wm. Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Clark Richard Sherstone Magna Chippenham Clark Wyllyam Sherstone Magna Chippenham Clarke Johes. Steple Assheton. Wharwelldown Clarke Johes. Newnnton. Mallmesbury Clarke John Chippenham , Borowhe of Chippenham Clarke John Sherstone Magna Chippenham Clarke Renoldus Mallmesbury, Boroughe of Mallmesbury Clarke Robart Sherstone Magna Chippenham Clarke Robert Lacoke. Chippenham Clarke Thomas Kevyll Wharwelldown Clarke Walterus Kevyll Wharwelldown Clarke Wyllyam Newnnton. Mallmesbury Clarke Wyllyam Brynkeworth. Mallmesbury Clarke als. Crocker Th. Colston. Wharwelldown Clements Crystofer Hygheworth. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Clerke John Croston and Wylton. Kynworthstone Clerke John Overton. Selkeley Clerke Richd. Est Bedwyn Kynworthstone Clerke Thomas Lydearde. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Cleter Robte. Pyrton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Cleve Nicholas The Lord Bysscope of Salysburyes Servants. Selkeley Clyfford Richard Abery. Selkeley Clyfford Thomas Netherstratton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Clyfforde Thomas Aschton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Clytter Richard Ofcotte. Kyngbrygge Clytter Rychard Brodhynton. Kyngbrygge Cobham Richard The Lord Bysscope of Salysburyes Servants. Selkeley Cocke Edward Pewsey and Charcotte. Kynworthstone Cocke John Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Cocke John Servants to our Lady Dorrell. Selkeley Cocke John Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Cocke Thomas Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Cockes Thomas Aldebourn. Selkeley Cockes Thomas , jun. Wanboroughe. Kyngbrygge Cocks John Merston Mesye. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Cocks Thomas Westroppe. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Cocks Willyam Charnamestrette Kynworthstone Cocks Willyam Sevynhampton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Coggiswell Henry Boxe. Chippenham Coggiswell John Colern. Chippenham Coggiswell Willm. Colern. Chippenham Cok Willm. Cok Boxe. Chippenham Coke Thomas Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Coke Water Collyngbourn. Kynworthstone Coke Willym. Lacoke. Chippenham Coks Nichus. Mallmesbury, Boroughe of Mallmesbury Cole Rayffe Okebourn Seynt Andrewe. Selkeley Cole Richard Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Colege Christofer Shyldon and Loeldon. Chippenham Coler Johes. Sutton Beynger. Mallmesbury Coler Ricus. Sutton Beynger. Mallmesbury Coler Willms. Sutton Beynger. Mallmesbury Collas Robte. Beydon. Selkeley Colle John Okebourn Seynt Andrewe. Selkeley Colle Thos. Okebourn Seynt Andrewe. Selkeley Collens Willyam Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Coller Rayffe Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Colles John Beydon. Selkeley Colles Willyam Burbage Savage Kynworthstone Collesham Thomas Aldebourn. Selkeley Colley Henry Aldebourn. Selkeley Collman George Chrystenmallfforde. North Damerham Colls Willyam Merston Mesye. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Collyer Wyllyam Hankerton. Mallmesbury Collyn John Okebourn Seynt Andrewe. Selkeley Collyngs Robte. West Toknam. Kyngbrygge Collyns John Lacoke. Chippenham Collyns John Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Collyns Rayffe Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Collyns Wyllyam Brynkeworth. Mallmesbury Colman John Axforde. Selkeley Colman Richard Thornehyll Kyngbrygge Colman Richard Colman Est Bedwyn & Weste Bedwyn Kynworthstone Colman Thomas Okebourne Seynt George. Selkeley Colman Thomas Aldebourn. Selkeley Colman Walter Okebourne Seynt George. Selkeley Colman Willyam Lodyngton. Kyngbrygge Colmer John Lodyngton. Kyngbrygge Colyar Henry The Lord Bysscope of Salysburyes Servants. Selkeley Colyns Wm. Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Comauur Richard Elcombe. Kyngbrygge Combe Roberte Chesulden. Kyngbrygge Come Robte. Wanboroughe. Kyngbrygge Compten Thomas Aldebourn. Selkeley Condale Nichus. Kevyll Wharwelldown Condate Willm. Kevyll Wharwelldown Constable John Brode Hynton. Selkeley Constable John The Lord Bysscope of Salysburyes Servants. Selkeley Constable Thomas Lyddeyoth Tregosse. Kyngbrygge Cooke Edward Pewsey Kynworthstone Cooke Thos. Forthecott and Kepvell. Kynworthstone Coppe Richard Wroughton. Kyngbrygge Corbett Thomas Mallmesbury, Boroughe of Mallmesbury Corderey John Chytte and Conney. Kynworthstone Cordrey Thomas Chytte and Conney. Kynworthstone Cordyng Robte. Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Corke Robt. Sherstone Magna Chippenham Cornocke Robt. Castellcombe. Chippenham Corte Lyonel The Lord Bysscope of Salysburyes Servants. Selkeley Cossenar Henric. Brynkeworth. Mallmesbury Cossyn John Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Cote Wyllam Estemonstrett. Calne Cotterell John Eston Kynworthstone Cove Henry Lyghe. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Cove. James Wynterbourne Bassett. Selkeley Coventre Thos. Wanboroughe. Kyngbrygge Cowdrey Willyam Est Bedwyn Kynworthstone Cowdrey Wm. Frokefelde and Okelle. Kynworthstone Cowe Stephen Mounton. Selkeley Cowley Johes. Studley. Calne Cowley John Estyngray. Chippenham Cowley John Westroppe. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Cowper John Abery. Selkeley Cowper John Lackam. Chippenham Cowper John West Toknam. Kyngbrygge Cowrtes Johes. Hankerton. Mallmesbury Cowrtes Thomas Kemble. Mallmesbury Cowrtes Wyllyam Kemble. Mallmesbury Coxe Morrs Lacoke. Chippenham Coxe Richard Chrystenmallfforde. North Damerham Coxe Robert Chrystenmallfforde. North Damerham Coxe Tho. , the yonger North Wraxall. Chippenham Coxe Thomas Chrystenmallfforde. North Damerham Coxe Wyllyam Chrystenmallfforde. North Damerham Coxefillde Wyllyam Chippenham , Borowhe of Chippenham Crede Johes. Kemble. Mallmesbury Crede Richard Cossam Chippenham Crede Willyam Castellcombe. Chippenham Crey Johes. Sutton Beynger. Mallmesbury Crey Nicholas Chrystenmallfforde. North Damerham Crocke John Okebourn Seynt Andrewe. Selkeley Crocker als. Clarke Th. Colston. Wharwelldown Croke George Kennett. Selkeley Croke Thomas Okebourn Mesey. Selkeley Croke Thomas , jun. Okebourne Seynt George. Selkeley Croke Thomas , senr. Okebourne Seynt George. Selkeley Croker John Kyngton Mighell and Northlangley. North Damerham Crome John Elcatt. Selkeley Cromell Henry Slaughtenforde. Chippenham Cromwell Crystofer Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Crosby Rayffe Chesulden. Kyngbrygge Cruche Robte. Tytcombe Kynworthstone Cruche Wyllyam Westcombe. Kynworthstone Cruger Thomas Sherstone Magna Chippenham Cruger Willm. Sherstone Magna Chippenham Cryppes John Rammesbury. Selkeley Cryppes Thomas Aschton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Cryspy George Aldebourn. Selkeley Crystofer Edward Servants to our Lady Dorrell. Selkeley Crystofer Thomas Burbage Savage Kynworthstone Culke Wyllyam Charleton. Mallmesbury Cummyn Wyllyam Wotton Ryvers. Kynworthstone Curr John Servants to our Lady Dorrell. Selkeley Curre Willyam Charnamestrette Kynworthstone Curryer Johes. Mallmesbury, Boroughe of Mallmesbury Curtes John Okebourn Mesey. Selkeley Curtes Thos. Pewsey and Charcotte. Kynworthstone Cusse John Eysye and Eton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Cusse John Swyndon. Kyngbrygge Cusse John Merston. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Cusse Richard Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Cusse Thomas Merston. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Cusse Willm. Swyndon. Kyngbrygge Cusse Willyam Pyrton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Custerd John Midnall. Selkeley Cutte Robte. Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Cutts Thomas Overton. Selkeley