Name Index to North Wiltshire Musters
North Wiltshire Musters Anno 30 Henry VIII [Year 1539]
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Surnames Index "K" Surname Forename Tithing/Town Hundred Click on
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detailKame Willyam Sevynhampton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Kare Robtus. Mylton. Kynworthstone Kaynell Thomas Castellcombe. Chippenham Kean Nicholas Chippenham , Borowhe of Chippenham Kechen Wyllyam Bysschoppyston. Selkeley Kelme Robte. Eston Kynworthstone Kelmett Wyllyam Burbage Savage Kynworthstone Kelowe Robte Lyghe. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Kember Walter Ludyngton. Kyngbrygge Kemble Thomas Wedhyll. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Kemble Thos. Netherstratton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Kemmes John Whettham. Calne Kempe Henry Tytcombe Kynworthstone Kempe Radus. Kemble. Mallmesbury Kempe Thomas Sherston Pynkeney. Chippenham Kempe Thomas Bysschoppyston. Selkeley Keppe John Wroughton. Kyngbrygge Kerme Robte. Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Ketyn John Elcatt. Selkeley Kewe Jno. Helmarton. Kyngbrygge Keynes John Cossam Chippenham Knapp Johes. Sumerforde Magna. Mallmesbury Knapp Johes. , senr. Sumerforde Magna. Mallmesbury Knolls Johes. Brokenborowh. Mallmesbury Knyght Johes. Cruddewell. Mallmesbury Knyght Johes. Oxsey. Mallmesbury Knyght John Lyghe. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Kyett Thomas Collyngbourn. Kynworthstone Kylbery John Bittson. Chippenham Kylbery Roger Bittson. Chippenham Kyllyn Johes. Blakelonde. Calne Kyllyng Jno. Pewsey and Charcotte. Kynworthstone Kymewe Robte. Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Kyng Humfrus. Pynnell. Calne Kyng Johes. Brokenborowh. Mallmesbury Kyng John Kyngiswood Chippenham Kyng John Rammesbury. Selkeley Kyng Matheus Mallmesbury, Boroughe of Mallmesbury Kyng Stephyn Clenche. Kynworthstone Kyng Thos. Wanboroughe. Kyngbrygge Kyngseke Robertus Calne, Borough of Calne Kyngton Georgius Mallmesbury, Boroughe of Mallmesbury Kyngton Robt. Lacoke. Chippenham Kynston George Burbage Savage Kynworthstone Kyppyng John Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Kyrby Thomas Midnall. Selkeley Kyrkham Thomas Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Kyrton Edward Crykkelade. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Kyrton John Westroppe. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple.