Name Index to North Wiltshire Musters
North Wiltshire Musters Anno 30 Henry VIII [Year 1539]
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detailNassche John Swyndon. Kyngbrygge Nasse Thomas Lyddeyoth Tregosse. Kyngbrygge Nasshe Meric. Edyngton and Tynhed. Wharwelldown Nasshe Wyllyam Kevyll Wharwelldown Naylour Thomas The Lord Bysscope of Salysburyes Servants. Selkeley Neck Henry Kyngton Mighell and Northlangley. North Damerham Neell James Beydon. Selkeley Neell John Beydon. Selkeley Neell Wyllyam Beydon. Selkeley Neelle James Beydon. Selkeley Nell Robtus. Milborn. Mallmesbury Neth Willm. Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Nett Thos., the elder Nettyllton North Damerham Nett Thos., the younger Nettyllton North Damerham Nett Wyllyam Cossam Chippenham Nette Thomas Kyngiswood Chippenham Newe Alesaunder Rammesbury. Selkeley Neweman Edward Lydearde. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Neweman Robte. Tytcombe Kynworthstone Neweman Robte. Pyrton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Newman John Aschton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Nicholls Johes Calne, Borough of Calne Nicholls John Cossam Chippenham Nicholls Nicholas Boxe. Chippenham Nicholls Richus Calne, Borough of Calne Nicholls Roger Newnnton. Mallmesbury Nicholls Thomas Nettyllton North Damerham Nicholls Thomas Newnnton. Mallmesbury Noble Nicholas Brembill. Chippenham Noble Thomas Lacoke. Chippenham Nobull Thomas Lackam. Chippenham Noed John Chippenham , Libertye of Chippenham Noedys Henry Westkyngton. Chippenham Noett John Shyldon and Loeldon. Chippenham Noett Robt. Colern. Chippenham Noett Thomas Sherstone Magna Chippenham Nollach Johes. Calne, Borough of Calne Noodde Jno. Thornehyll Kyngbrygge Norban Rads. Brynkeworth. Mallmesbury Norban Walterus Brynkeworth. Mallmesbury Norbansell Wyllyam Brynkeworth. Mallmesbury Norborn Humfrey Brembill. Chippenham Norborn John Brembill. Chippenham Norman Gyllys Mounton. Selkeley Norrs Johes. Calne, Borough of Calne Norrs Richard Lacoke. Chippenham Norrys Thomas Aldebourn. Selkeley North Jno. Chesbery. Kynworthstone North John Chippenham , Borowhe of Chippenham North Thomas Aschton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Norton Willm. Mallmesbury, Boroughe of Mallmesbury Norwaye Richard Colern. Chippenham Norwey Ric. Castellcombe. Chippenham Notton John Lacoke. Chippenham Nowell Edward Hartham. Chippenham Nowell John Boxe. Chippenham Nowell Richard Boxe. Chippenham Nowell Thomas Boxe. Chippenham Nowell Willm. Bittson. Chippenham Nowell Wyllyam Boxe. Chippenham Noys Thos. Est Grafton and Weste Grafton. Kynworthstone Nycholas Thomas Merston Mesye. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Nycolle Robte. Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Nycolson Richard Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley