North Wiltshire Musters

The Hundred of Selkeley.

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The Tythyng of Brode Hynton.

Willyam Frankeleyn)Archers.
John Hey)
John Marchaunte)
Wm. Frankeleyn)

John Bocks)Bills.
John Davy)
John Gowze)
John Constable)
Wyllyam Meryke)
Rychard Symons)
John Brewer)
Richard Whytebourn)

John Tuke, senr.)five harnes
John Adys)
Richard Hunmer. With all the reste of the same Tythyng)

John Frankeleyn)
Wm. Smith. With all the reste)too harnes

Andrew Potter. With all the reste)one harnes