North Wiltshire Musters

The Hundred of Kyngbrygge.

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Index By Surname (click on letter)
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Thomas Stephens)Archers.
Hewe Myddylhurste)
John Spencer)
Willyam Carter)
Walter Myller)
Henry Hyx.)
Willyam More)

Cristofer Jacobbe)Bills.
Willyam Davys)
John Gardener)
Roberte Peter)
John Hewlett)
James Templer)
Roberte Deram)
Thomas Lemwell)
Austen Toppyn)
Antony Stephens)
Willyam Smyth)
Richard Restroppe)
Thomas Smyth)
Wyllyam Byggenall)
Thomas Myller)
Roberte Combe)
Willyam Andrewes)
Rayffe Crosby)
Thomas Gardyner)
Richard Gybbes)
Jefferey Place)

Thomas Stephens iij harnes
John Morse a harnes
Jone Morse a harnes
Robt. Smyth a harnes

And all the reste of the Tythyng besyde too harnes