North Wiltshire Musters

The Hundred of Kynworthstone.

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The Towne of Chytte and Conney.

John Corderey)Archers.
Willm. Hapgood)
Richard Mundy)
Willm. Stotewell (sic))
Henry Savery)

John Chylde)Bills
Robtus. Hordon)
Thomas Asscheredgge)
Rayffe Murnoo)
Thomas Upgood)
John Savery)

Chytte and Conney afforsayde.

John Munday. With all the reste of the same Tything, one harnes.

Thomas Cordrey, Gentylman)Horse & Harnes.

Willm. Swette Wyllyams Horse & Harnes.
John Chylde a Horse

Robtus. Jurdeyn)one Harnes
Richard Munday)