North Wiltshire Musters

The Hundred of Kynworthstone.

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The Towne of Est Bedwyn & Weste Bedwyn.

Willm. Stokdale)Archers.
Robtus. Rycalle)

Robtus. Smyth)Bills
Willm. Bysschoppe)
Richard Hytchyns)
Willm. Parkyns)
Robtus. Parkyns)
Thomas Isode)
Thomas Morlande)
John Abyngton)
John Russche)
Emery Wynterbourne)
Thomas Wyllyams)
Edmund Wyn.)
Willm. Slegge)
John Baker)
Richard Colman)
Thomas Iles)

Est Bedwyn & Weste Bedwyn aforsayde.
Willm. Pecke)on Harnes
Mother Myller)

Thomas Wyllyams)one Harnes

And all the reste of the Parische, one harnes.

Richard Bygges, John Dobson. Will all the reste, one harnes.