North Wiltshire Musters

The Hundred of Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple.

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Thomas Yate)Archers
John Avenell)
Xpofer Clements)
Thos. Aleyn)
Symon Mathewe)
Thomas Berye)
Robte. Russcheton)
James Dobbeson)
Henry Harryson)

Roger Woodschawe)Bills
John Mathewe)
Robte. Catroo)
John Blakegrove)
Walter Robyns)
John Rose)

Symon Yattehorse, harnes, bill, swerde, & daggar

Thos. Yatehorse, harnes, bill, swerde and daggar

Roger Woodschawea harnes
John Evenella harnes

John Matthewe)a harnes, bill, swerde and daggar
Robte. Catroo)

John Blakegrowe)a harnes, bill, swerde and daggar
John Bryn)

Water Robyns)a harnes, bill, swerde and daggar
Crystofer Clements)
John Rose)

The holle town besyds they above named too harnes, too bowes, two scheffe of arrowes