North Wiltshire Musters

The Hundred of North Damerham

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The Tythyng of Nettyllton.

Thos.Nett, the elder)Archers x
Wyllyam Bysshoppe)
Wyllyam Sedds)
Thos.Nett, the younger)
John Bullocke)
John Shyrwyn)
Roger Serjant)
Thomas Nicholls)
Thomas Davy, junior)
Robart Bysshoppe)

Water Haynes)Byllmen iiij
John Aust)
Wyllyam Bullocke)
Wyllyam Davy)
Jno.Smyth of Woodstrett)

The whole Tything hath in redynes, j horse, ij harnes with other small wepyns.