Name Index to North Wiltshire Musters
North Wiltshire Musters Anno 30 Henry VIII [Year 1539]
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detailSaddeler Thos. Elcombe. Kyngbrygge Saddeler Willyam The Lord Bysscope of Salysburyes Servants. Selkeley Salby Thomas Edyngton and Tynhed. Wharwelldown Salwaye John Cossam Chippenham Samon James Netherstratton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Sanborowe Thos. Forthecott and Kepvell. Kynworthstone Sauey Radulphus Cherell. Calne Saunder Thomas North bradley Wharwelldown Saunders Eye Calne, Borough of Calne Saunders Richard Estyngray. Chippenham Saunders Thos. Lydearde. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Saunders Willm. Rammesbury. Selkeley Saunders Willyam Burbage Savage Kynworthstone Saunders Wyllyam Lydearde. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Savage Ricus. Sumerford Parva. Mallmesbury Savery Henry Chytte and Conney. Kynworthstone Savery Johes Heddyngton. Calne Savery John Chytte and Conney. Kynworthstone Sawyer Davyd Crykkelade. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Sawyer John Rammesbury. Selkeley Sawyer Richard Mordon. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Sawyer Robte. Clacke. Kyngbrygge Sawyer Willyam Lackam. Chippenham Sawyer Wyllyam Chippenham , Borowhe of Chippenham Scarborowe Robert Hankerton. Mallmesbury Scarborowe Thomas Hankerton. Mallmesbury Schalwell John Preschette. Selkeley Schangelton Thomas Schalbourn. Kynworthstone Schepperd Willyam Aldebourn. Selkeley Sckott Thomas Chippenham , Borowhe of Chippenham Scott Henry Shyldon and Loeldon. Chippenham Screeveyner Thomas Charleton. Mallmesbury Screvenar Robert Chippenham , Borowhe of Chippenham Screvenar Wyllyam Chippenham , Borowhe of Chippenham Scull Richard Kennett. Selkeley Scutter George Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Seale John Este Tokenam. Kyngbrygge Seale Robert Vokan, alias Voghan. Chippenham Sease John Chippenham , Borowhe of Chippenham Sedds Wyllyam Nettyllton North Damerham Selos Willyam Wanboroughe. Kyngbrygge Selwyn Wyllyam Milborn. Mallmesbury Sely Nichus. Sumerforde Magna. Mallmesbury Semyng Robt. Boxe. Chippenham Sener Wyllyam Shyldon and Loeldon. Chippenham Senger John Pyrton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Senior John Pyrton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Serjant John Greattlyngton North Damerham Serjant Roger Nettyllton North Damerham Serjant Thomas Coston. Mallmesbury Serteign Wyllyam Kevyll Wharwelldown Serten Ric. Lye. Chippenham Serten Robert Lye. Chippenham Servant Henry Lacoke. Chippenham Sevear Wyllyam Kyngton Mighell and Northlangley. North Damerham Sewarde Robte. Kennett. Selkeley Seymer Wyllyam Sherstone Magna Chippenham Seymour Symon Rodebourne. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Seyr Thomas Pyrton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Shadwell Willyam Burbage Savage Kynworthstone Shaxton John The Lord Bysscope of Salysburyes Servants. Selkeley Shele John Yatton Kaynell Chippenham Shepard Willyam Cossam Chippenham Shepereve Thomas Rammesbury. Selkeley Shepford John Kennett. Selkeley Shepparde Thomas Sherstone Magna Chippenham Shepperd Wyllyam Servants to our Lady Dorrell. Selkeley Sheppere Henry Aldebourn. Selkeley Shereborn Richard Cruddewell. Mallmesbury Sherer Ricus. Brynkeworth. Mallmesbury Sherley Willyam Eysye and Eton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Shermour Robte. Lyghe. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Shermour Thomas Lyghe. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Shermour Thomas Pyrton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Shermour Wm. Swyndon. Kyngbrygge Sheyle Thomas Yatton Kaynell Chippenham Shomaker Hughe Chippenham , Libertye of Chippenham Shomaker Ricus Compton Bassett Calne Shoremor Ricus. Oxsey. Mallmesbury Showryng Stephen Chippenham , Borowhe of Chippenham Showryng Thomas Edyngton and Tynhed. Wharwelldown Showter John Abery. Selkeley Shroppsher John Lacoke. Chippenham Shyllton Robt. Castellcombe. Chippenham Shyllverthorn Georgius Steple Assheton. Wharwelldown Shypperyve Nicholas Okebourn Seynt Andrewe. Selkeley Shyrwyn John Nettyllton North Damerham Skatysby Wyllyam Bysschoppyston. Selkeley Skeriff Thomas Kevyll Wharwelldown Skippyng John Okebourne Seynt George. Selkeley Skott Johes. Compton Bassett Calne Skott Johes. Heddyngton. Calne Skott Nichus. Yattesbury. Calne Skott Ricus. Heddyngton. Calne Skott Robtus. Studley. Calne Skott Willm. Heddyngton. Calne Skuse Ricus. Dawntesey. Mallmesbury Skuse wt. Stout Ricus. Dawntesey. Mallmesbury Skynner Edmund Merston Mesye. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Skynner Willm. Mallmesbury, Boroughe of Mallmesbury Slade Henry Hullavynton. Mallmesbury Slade John Chrystenmallfforde. North Damerham Slade Robt. Castellcombe. Chippenham Slattford Wyllam Shyldon and Loeldon. Chippenham Slayter John The Lord Bysscope of Salysburyes Servants. Selkeley Slegge Willm. Est Bedwyn & Weste Bedwyn Kynworthstone Sleppe Nicholas Crykkelade. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Sleyterman John The Lord Bysscope of Salysburyes Servants. Selkeley Sloper Robte. Mounton. Selkeley Smallwood Edwardus Calne, Borough of Calne Smart Edmond Chippenham , Borowhe of Chippenham Smart John Greattlyngton North Damerham Smart John Colern. Chippenham Smart Thomas Edyngton and Tynhed. Wharwelldown Smarte Richard Swyndon. Kyngbrygge Smarte Thos. Lodyngton. Kyngbrygge Smert Robertus Edyngton and Tynhed. Wharwelldown Smith John Pewsey and Charcotte. Kynworthstone Smith Wm. Brode Hynton. Selkeley Smyth Androwe Abery. Selkeley Smyth Antonius Sumerford Parva. Mallmesbury Smyth Edward Castellcombe. Chippenham Smyth George Collyngbourn. Kynworthstone Smyth Henry Colern. Chippenham Smyth Henry Boxe. Chippenham Smyth Jno. Nettyllton North Damerham Smyth Johes. Mallmesbury, Boroughe of Mallmesbury Smyth John Kyngton Mighell and Northlangley. North Damerham Smyth John Abery. Selkeley Smyth John Fosbery. Kynworthstone Smyth John Wroughton. Kyngbrygge Smyth John Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Smyth John The Lord Bysscope of Salysburyes Servants. Selkeley Smyth Nicholas Colern. Chippenham Smyth Phylypp Alyngton. Chippenham Smyth Randall The Lord Bysscope of Salysburyes Servants. Selkeley Smyth Richard Abery. Selkeley Smyth Richard Kennett. Selkeley Smyth Richard Servants to our Lady Dorrell. Selkeley Smyth Robert Lacoke. Chippenham Smyth Robert. Clenche. Kynworthstone Smyth Robt. Colern. Chippenham Smyth Robt. Bittson. Chippenham Smyth Robt. Chesulden. Kyngbrygge Smyth Robte. Wroughton. Kyngbrygge Smyth Robte. Bysschoppyston. Selkeley Smyth Robtus. Est Bedwyn & Weste Bedwyn Kynworthstone Smyth Roger Collyngbourn. Kynworthstone Smyth Thomas Greattlyngton North Damerham Smyth Thomas Pewsey Kynworthstone Smyth Thomas Abery. Selkeley Smyth Thomas Rammesbury. Selkeley Smyth Thomas Chesulden. Kyngbrygge Smyth Thomas Sevynhampton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Smyth Thos. Wanboroughe. Kyngbrygge Smyth Thos. Pewsey and Charcotte. Kynworthstone Smyth Water Rammesbury. Selkeley Smyth Willm. Weste Assheton. Wharwelldown Smyth Willm. Semyngton. Wharwelldown Smyth Willyam Helmarton. Kyngbrygge Smyth Willyam Chesulden. Kyngbrygge Smyth Willyam Lydearde. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Smyth Willym. Mallmesbury, Boroughe of Mallmesbury Smyth Wm. Thornehyll Kyngbrygge Smyth Wylliam Okebourn Mesey. Selkeley Smyth Wyllyam Kyngton Mighell and Northlangley. North Damerham Smyth Wyllyam Kemble. Mallmesbury Smyth als. Dauys Johes. Dawntesey. Mallmesbury Snellyng John Cossam Chippenham Snellyng Wyllyam Cossam Chippenham Snow Willyam Est Bedwyn Kynworthstone Sodye Thos. Pyrton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Solyffe Wm. West Toknam. Kyngbrygge Somersett Edmund Burbage Savage Kynworthstone Somersett Thomas Est Grafton and Weste Grafton. Kynworthstone Somersett Wyllyam Est Grafton and Weste Grafton. Kynworthstone South Henry Mounton. Selkeley Southewood Thomas Chalston. Calne Southwod Richard Westkyngton. Chippenham Sowdeley Robt. Lokyngton. Chippenham Sowreman Robt. Cossam Chippenham Spakeman John Wroughton. Kyngbrygge Spakeman Nicholas Thornehyll Kyngbrygge Sparks Henric. Mallmesbury, Boroughe of Mallmesbury Sparrowe Henry Westroppe. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Sparrowe Ricus. Brokenborowh. Mallmesbury Sparrowe Robt. Kyngton Mighell and Northlangley. North Damerham Specks John Kyngiswood Chippenham Spek Rogerus Mallmesbury, Boroughe of Mallmesbury Speke Ricus. Brokenborowh. Mallmesbury Spencer Johes. Brynkeworth. Mallmesbury Spencer John Chesulden. Kyngbrygge Spencer Robte. Servants to our Lady Dorrell. Selkeley Spencer Rychard Bakynton. Selkeley Spencer Wylliam Bakynton. Selkeley Spense Wyke Wm. Bysschoppyston. Selkeley Spenser Cristofer Bakynton. Selkeley Spondys Nicholas Okebourne Seynt George. Selkeley Spryngall Willm. Calne, Borough of Calne Spycer Frauncys Kyngiswood Chippenham Spycer John Kyngiswood Chippenham Spycer Rich. Edyngton and Tynhed. Wharwelldown Squyor John Netherstratton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Stafford George Cossam Chippenham Stammers John Clateford. Selkeley Stammers John , senr. Clateford. Selkeley Stammers Thomas Clateford. Selkeley Stanford John Okebourne Seynt George. Selkeley Startupp Robert Kyngton Mighell and Northlangley. North Damerham Stawler Robtus. Frokefelde and Okelle. Kynworthstone Stephen . . . . Servants to our Lady Dorrell. Selkeley Stephens Antony Chesulden. Kyngbrygge Stephens John Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Stephens Richard Buschton. Kyngbrygge Stephens Richard Thornehyll Kyngbrygge Stephens Thomas Chesulden. Kyngbrygge Stephens Thomas Swyndon. Kyngbrygge Stephens Thomas Beydon. Selkeley Stephins Richard Kyngiswood Chippenham Stephyns Johes. Studley. Calne Stephyns Johes. Semyngton. Wharwelldown Stephyns Johes. , junr. Kevyll Wharwelldown Stephyns Johes. , senr. Kevyll Wharwelldown Stephyns Ric. Castellcombe. Chippenham Stephyns Richard Collyngbourn. Kynworthstone Stephyns Robtus. Heddyngton. Calne Stett Thomas Chippenham , Borowhe of Chippenham Stevens John Midnall. Selkeley Stevens Thomas Midnall. Selkeley Stevens Wyllyam Swyndon. Kyngbrygge Stevgus Willm . Swyndon. Kyngbrygge Stevyns Thos. Ludyngton. Kyngbrygge Stevynson Thomas Burbage Savage Kynworthstone Stevynson Thomas Burbage Savage Kynworthstone Stewte Richd. Collyngbourn. Kynworthstone Stockeman Thomas Langley Buryell. Chippenham Stockeman Wyllyam Kyngton Mighell and Northlangley. North Damerham Stokdale Willm. Est Bedwyn & Weste Bedwyn Kynworthstone Stokefeld Richard Aschton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Stokeman Jno., the elder Tuderyngton Lucas. Chippenham Stokeman Jno., the younger Tuderyngton Lucas. Chippenham Stokeman Thomas Tuderyngton Lucas. Chippenham Stone Richard Latton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Storye Walter Burbage Savage Kynworthstone Stotewell Willm. Chytte and Conney. Kynworthstone Stotten Willm. Clacke. Kyngbrygge Stout wt. Skuse Ricus. Dawntesey. Mallmesbury Strange Robte. Somerford Keyns. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Stratford Willyam Crykkelade. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Stratton Johes. Compton Bassett Calne Straughte John Lodyngton. Kyngbrygge Straunge Edwardus Charleton. Mallmesbury Strette Willyam Collyngbourn. Kynworthstone Stretton Robt. Brembill. Chippenham Stretton Willm. Brembill. Chippenham Streytte Thos. Wroughton. Kyngbrygge Strong Johes. Calne, Borough of Calne Strotton Thomas Beydon. Selkeley Sturrege Nichus. Burton Hyll. Mallmesbury Stutte Willyam Wanboroughe. Kyngbrygge Stutward Thomas Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Stybbes Wm. Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Stychell Antony Swyndon. Kyngbrygge Style John Blakelonde. Calne Style John Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Style Thomas Mounton. Selkeley Styll Wills. Chalston. Calne Stylle John Burbage Savage Kynworthstone Styllman Richard Chrystenmallfforde. North Damerham Styllman Thomas Chrystenmallfforde. North Damerham Suckett Henrie Calne, Borough of Calne Sutton Willm. Sowthick. Wharwelldown Sutton Wyllyam Brembill. Chippenham Swallowe John Kennett. Selkeley Swayn Lawrence Castellcombe. Chippenham Swete Michael Milborn. Mallmesbury Sweteapple Phelyppe Schalbourn. Kynworthstone Swette Wyllyams Willm. Chytte and Conney. Kynworthstone Sydworth John Crykkelade. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Syer Wyllyam Pyrton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Syllaru Robtus. Weste Assheton. Wharwelldown Sylvester Wyllyam Brodhynton. Kyngbrygge Symes John Crykkelade. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Symkyns Johes. Colston. Wharwelldown Symmes Henry Mylton. Kynworthstone Symmes John Midnall. Selkeley Symmes Wyllyam Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Symmyns John Latton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Symmys Johes. Rodborn. Mallmesbury Symmys Johes. Blakelonde. Calne Symmys Ricus. Steple Assheton. Wharwelldown Symmys Robtus. Kevyll Wharwelldown Symmys Willym. Westkyngton. Chippenham Symonds John Boxe. Chippenham Symons John Aschton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Symons Rychard Brode Hynton. Selkeley Symons Thos. Lodyngton. Kyngbrygge Syntou Willyam Collyngbourn. Kynworthstone