Name Index to North Wiltshire Musters
North Wiltshire Musters Anno 30 Henry VIII [Year 1539]
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Surnames Index "T" Surname Forename Tithing/Town Hundred Click on
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detailTalbott Phylyppe Bakynton. Selkeley Talbott Willyam Pewsey Kynworthstone Talbotte Hewe. Pewsey and Charcotte. Kynworthstone Talleman Johes. Henton Wharwelldown Tallman Robtus. Heddyngton. Calne Tanner Henric. Burton Hyll. Mallmesbury Tanner Henric. Mallmesbury, Boroughe of Mallmesbury Tanner Phyllyppe Wanboroughe. Kyngbrygge Tanner Richard Kyngton Mighell and Northlangley. North Damerham Tanner Richard Kyngton Mighell and Northlangley. North Damerham Tanner Robte. Crykkelade. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Tanner Thos. Wanboroughe. Kyngbrygge Tarraunte John Chesbery. Kynworthstone Tarraunte Robert Burbage Savage Kynworthstone Tarraunte Thomas Wotton Ryvers. Kynworthstone Taunton Phus. Edyngton and Tynhed. Wharwelldown Tayllour Wyllyam Wroughton. Kyngbrygge Taylor Edus. Sutton Beynger. Mallmesbury Taylor Henric. Sutton Beynger. Mallmesbury Taylor Johes Chalston. Calne Taylor Johes. Estemonstrett. Calne Taylor Johes. Calne, Borough of Calne Taylor Johes. Charleton. Mallmesbury Taylor Johes. Kemble. Mallmesbury Taylor John Castellcombe. Chippenham Taylor Robtus. Semyngton. Wharwelldown Taylor Thomas Kyngiswood Chippenham Taylor Thomas Edyngton and Tynhed. Wharwelldown Taylor Thomas Kevyll Wharwelldown Taylor Water Kyngton Mighell and Northlangley. North Damerham Taylor Willm. Yatton Kaynell Chippenham Taylor Willm. Langley Buryell. Chippenham Taylour Carnysshe Chrystenmallfforde. North Damerham Taylour Henry Ludyngton. Kyngbrygge Taylour Rayffe The Lord Bysscope of Salysburyes Servants. Selkeley Taylour Richard Charnamestrette Kynworthstone Taylyny Thomas Wyllyam Wroughton and his Servants. Selkeley Tegan John Milborn. Mallmesbury Tellyng John Aschton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Tellyng Thomas Pyrton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Temberell Johes. Kemble. Mallmesbury Tembrigge Willm. Slaughtenforde. Chippenham Tempelour John Aldebourn. Selkeley Templer James Chesulden. Kyngbrygge Temys Christofer Lacoke. Chippenham Teris Thomas Steple Assheton. Wharwelldown Tertell Edus, Brokenborowh. Mallmesbury Teynter Jeynover Crykkelade. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Thatcher Henrie Calne, Borough of Calne Theche Willyam Westroppe. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Thedalle John Boxe. Chippenham Thomas Henric. Mallmesbury, Boroughe of Mallmesbury Thomas Hewe Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Thomas Roger Rammesbury. Selkeley Thome Edus. Weste Assheton. Wharwelldown Thorman Nicholas Chesbery. Kynworthstone Thorn John Chippenham , Borowhe of Chippenham Thresher Edwardus Sowthick. Wharwelldown Thresscher Thomas Collyngbourn. Kynworthstone Thresscher Willyam Collyngbourn. Kynworthstone Thresschere Thomas Collyngbourn. Kynworthstone Thressher Thomas Sowthick. Wharwelldown Thurman Wyllyam Collyngbourn. Kynworthstone Toke John Lyddeyoth Tregosse. Kyngbrygge Tokey Richard Kennett. Selkeley Toms Richard Merston Mesye. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Toms Richard Merston Mesye. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Toms Richard Merston Mesye. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Toms Walter Latton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Tomson George Cossam Chippenham Toppe John Kennett. Selkeley Toppyn Austen Chesulden. Kyngbrygge Topyn Robte. Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Towghwoode Thomas Chippenham , Borowhe of Chippenham Townesend John Crykkelade. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Townesend Robtus. Heddyngton. Calne Townesend Thomas The Lord Bysscope of Salysburyes Servants. Selkeley Townesende John Vokan, alias Voghan. Chippenham Townesende Thomas Kemble. Mallmesbury Townsend Johes Heddyngton. Calne Townsend Thomas Chelworth. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Townsende Wyllyam Shyldon and Loeldon. Chippenham Townysende Lewis Cossam Chippenham Travys Hewe Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Treberd Thomas Rammesbury. Selkeley Trebolde Thomas Kennett. Selkeley Tremnell Thomas Brembill. Chippenham Trendall John Tytcombe Kynworthstone Treyberd Richard Rammesbury. Selkeley Trogant John Aldebourn. Selkeley Truman Robart Chrystenmallfforde. North Damerham Trusloo Thos. Abery. Selkeley Truston Cossam Chippenham Truvirgy Jacobus North bradley Wharwelldown Tryndall Richard Eston Kynworthstone Tryndar Thomas Latton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Tucker Johes. Sowthick. Wharwelldown Tucker John Greattlyngton North Damerham Tucker Ricus. Sowthick. Wharwelldown Tuckey John Wyllyam Wroughton and his Servants. Selkeley Tuctar Robte. Bysschoppyston. Selkeley Tugwell Robte. Helmarton. Kyngbrygge Tuke John , senr. Brode Hynton. Selkeley Tukker [?] John Jons Midnall. Selkeley Turke Clemens Segre. Mallmesbury Turke Wyllyam Segre. Mallmesbury Turner John Aschton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Tyler Jno. Helmarton. Kyngbrygge Tyler Johes. Studley. Calne Tyler John Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Tyler Willm. Edyngton and Tynhed. Wharwelldown Tyler Wyllyam Kyngton Mighell and Northlangley. North Damerham Tylour Edmund Eston Kynworthstone Tylour John Marleboroughe, Towne and Boroughe of Selkeley Tylour Thos. Helmarton. Kyngbrygge Tymberlond Thomas The Lord Bysscope of Salysburyes Servants. Selkeley Tymson Robt. Colern. Chippenham Tyrbyn John Pyrton. Hyghworth, Cryklade and Staple. Tyrraunte Thos. Lynam. Kyngbrygge Tyrraunte Thos. Lynam. Kyngbrygge Tytcombe John Okebourn Seynt Andrewe. Selkeley Tyttecombe Rayffe Okebourne Seynt George. Selkeley Tyttecombe Wyllyam Okebourne Seynt George. Selkeley Tyttecombe Wyllyam Okebourn Seynt Andrewe. Selkeley