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The Last Will and Testament of Harriet Edgerton (Yates
Co. Probate; Vol. R, pp. 253 – 255)
Be it Remembered, that heretofore to wit, on the 14th day of November 1892, Eugene L. Edgerton as nephew named in the last will and testament of Harriet Edgerton late of the town of Starkey in the county of Yates, deceased, appeared in open court before Hanford Struble Surrogate of said county, and made application to have the said last will and testament, which relates to real and personal property, proved; and on such application the said Surrogate did ascertain by satisfactory evidence who were the legatees, devisees, heirs at law and next of kin of said testator and their respective residences and the said Surrogate did thereupon issue a citation, in due form of law, directed to the said legatees, devisees, heirs at law and next of kin by their respective names, stating their respective places of residence, requiring them to appear before said Surrogate at the office in the Town of Milo on the 14th day of November 1892 to attend the probate of said will. And afterwards, to wit, on the said 14th day of November 1892 satisfactory evidence by affidavit was produced and presented to the said Surrogate of the due service of said citation in the mode prescribed by law, and on that day after due proof of the mailing of the order of publication and citation upon the non-residents of the state of New York and no one appearing to oppose the probate of said will, such proceedings were thereupon had afterwards that the said Surrogate took the proof of said will hereinafter set forth upon this 14th day of November in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety two; and he adjudged the said will to be a will valid to pass personal property, and the proofs thereof to be sufficient, which said last will and testament and the proofs thereof are as follows, that is to say: The Will Know all men by these presents that I Harriet Edgerton of the town of Starkey Yates Co., N.Y. being of sound mind and memory do make publish and declare this to be my last will and testament, that is to say. First. I direct my Executor hereinafter named to pay all my just debts and funeral expenses. Second. I direct my Executor to take all my clothes and wearing apparel all my silver and silver plated ware and books, and make such distribution among my relatives as he may deem fit and proper giving the same to such parties as free gifts without any further accountability to any person or persons or to my estate. Third. I direct my Executor to convert all the rest of my personal estate except as above provided into money unless the same is well invested in interest bearing securities and give the same to Phebe Jane Edgerton, widow of my deceased brother Andrew Edgerton, and I do hereby bequeath the same to her and I make this provision for her with the exception and request to her that she make good use of the same and use the interest if necessary for the comfort, care and support of herself and her invalid son Fred Edgerton, and at her death that she will make a suitable provision for him if he survives her. Fourth. I give and devise to George I. Edgerton son of my deceased brother Andrew Edgerton the use, rents and profits of all my Real Estate wherever the same may be during the term of his natural life, and at his death then to his three surviving children in fee and I further direct that the said Real estate be charged with the payment of the following legacies viz. To my niece Harriet Edgerton, and to each of my nephews Morton Edgerton and Marvin Edgerton children of my deceased brother James M. Edgerton each One Hundred Dollars. To Frank Edgerton son of my deceased brother James and Theron Edgerton son of my deceased brother Andrew each Fifty Dollars. To Sarah Edgerton widow of my brother James deceased and Phebe Jane Edgerton widow of my deceased brother Andrew each Fifty Dollars. To the first Christian Church of Starkey and Reading Two Hundred Dollars. To the Christian Biblical School at Stanfordville Duchess Co. N.Y. One Hundred Dollars, as a part of the endowment fund of said school. To the Christian Publishing House at Dayton Ohio Fifty Dollars. To the Starkey Seminary Fifty Dollars. And I further direct and it is my will that if the said George I. Edgerton accept the provisions of this will as mentioned herein it must be in full liquidation and satisfaction of any and all claims and demands of every name and kind which he may have or claim to have against me or against my said estate, whether such claims are presented by himself or by other parties through him. Fifth. I hereby nominate and appoint William S. Sharp of Rock Stream N.Y. to be the Executor of this my last will and testament. August 29, 1883. Harriet Edgerton The foregoing instrument was subscribed by Harriet Edgerton the testator therein named in our presence, and at the time of making such subscription she declared the same to be her last will and testament and each of us did at the same time and at her request sign our names at the end of the same in her presence as witnesses thereto. S. L. Wilkins Witness Residence Dundee N.Y. Allitta E. Sharp Witness Residence Rock Stream N.Y. Back to Harriet Edgerton page |