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The Distribution of the Estate of John Edgerton III
We the subscribers being appointed by the Court of Probate for the District of Norwich to divide the estate both real and personal that did belong to Mr. John Edgerton late of Norwich deceased to the widow and children of said deceased according to law and being sworn according to law in purpose thereto, we have performed said service in the following form and manner. (viz.) To the widow and relict of said deceased we have divided and sett to her for her use and improvement during her natural life twenty two acres of land on the westerly side [of] the farm on Seneca Hill bounded as follows Beginning at a chestnut tree by the highway then West 32o South one hundred and fifteen rods and half to a great rock and bounded on the lands of Simon and Jabez Huntington thence westerly by said Jabez Huntington twenty seven rods to a chestnut tree then southerly by land that did belong to Eleazer Hide thirty rods then East 28o North forty rods thence East 32o North one hundred twenty rods to the highway thence northwesterly by the highway twenty five rods to the first corner: – We have also sett to said widow for her use and improvement during her natural life the one third part of the dwelling house on the farm (viz) the southermost room in said house with the one third part of the cellar and the third part of the chamber and the third part of the well with liberty in the kitchen and well to wash and bake and pass and repass to the cellar and chamber and to pass and repass to the barn and highway as she shall have occasion and also the one third part of the barn on said land for her said use and improvement during her natural life. We have also sett to said widow the one third part of said personal estate to be hers forever. viz.
To John the eldest son of said deceased we have sett to him a double portion or two sixth part of said estate viz. eighteen acres and fifty three rods of land with the dwelling house and barn standing thereon bounded as follows: viz. Beginning at a chestnut tree by the highway then West 32o South by Simon Huntingtons land thirty five rods and half to a heap of stones then South 32o E seventy rods then East 30o N by Samuel Wheats land twenty rods then northeasterly by said Wheats land twenty four rods then northwesterly by said Wheats land eleven rods and half then West about 15 degrees south by the highway twenty one rods then northeasterly by the highway thirty five rods to the first corner. To Hannah the only daughter of said deceased we have sett to her one sixth part of said estate to be hers forever viz. two third parts of said personal estate in sundry articles with what she had advanced to her by said deceased in his life time amounting to the sum of forty nine pounds thirteen shillings and seven pence with six acres and four rods of land bounded as follows Beginning at the westerly corner of land sett out to John in the line of Simon Huntingtons land thence West 32o South by said Huntingtons land fourteen rods and half to a heap of stones: thence South 32o East sixty nine rods to a heap of stones thence East 30o North by Samuel Wheats land fourteen rods and half to a heap of stones: thence North 32o West by Johns part seventy rods to the first corner. To Stephen the second son of said deceased we have sett to him one sixth part of said estate viz. fifteen acres and 3 quarters of land: Bounded as follows: begin at the west corner of land sett out to Hannah: then West 32o S by Huntingtons land thirty six rods to a heap of stones then South 32o East sixty six rods to a heap of stones then East 20 rods by said Wheats land to a moor stone: thence N 32o West by Hannahs part twenty rods to the first corner. To Jedidiah the 3rd son of said deceased we have sett to him the one sixth part of said estate [viz.] fifteen acres and 3 quarters of land Bounded as follows (viz.) beginning at the westerly corner of Stephens part then West 32o South by Jabez Huntingtons land twenty eight rods to a large rock then South 17o E fifty nine rods to a heap of stones then East 20o North by Elisha Edgertons land thirty eight rods to a moor stone: then East 30o North by Samuel Wheats land eight rods to a heap of stones thence North 32o West by Stephens part sixty six rods to the first corner. To Andrew the fourth and youngest son of said deceased we have sett to him the remaining part of said estate (viz.) fifteen acres and three quarters of land bounded as follows: begin at a great rock the westerly corner of Jedidiahs part thence West 28o South by Jabez Huntingtons land twenty seven rods to a chestnut tree then southerly by land that was Eleazer Hides sixty eight rods: thence East 20o North by Elisha Edgertons land forty rods: then East 20o North by said Elishas land sixteen rods to the moor stone: thence West 17o North by Jedidiahs part fifty nine rods to the first corner with allowance for each of the persons before named their heirs and assigns liberty to pass and repass across the said land to the highway as they shall have occasion – In witness whereof we have sett our hand the 5th day of April 1779 Simon Gager James Hide Theodor Hyde Back to John Edgerton page |