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Joshua Edgerton, son of Sims and Lucretia (Horsford) Edgerton.



January 10, 1781; Norwich, New London Co., CT.  (VRp I:415)


June 13, 1849; Franklin, New London Co., CT.  (Franklin Cong. ChR 1:451)


Joshua Edgerton was born at Norwich, Connecticut on January 10, 1781, the youngest son of Sims and Lucretia (Horsford) Edgerton.  His father died when Joshua was one year old.  Joshua was probably raised in Norwich or Franklin and resided in Connecticut for most of his life.


The household of Joshua Edgerton was recorded in the 1820 Federal Census of Franklin, New London County, Connecticut (pg. 1190), with the following enumeration:


1 male “of 26 and under 45”  (Joshua);

1 female “over 45 years of age”  (possibly mother Lucretia); and,

1 female “of 26 and under 25”  (wife ?).


Joshua Edgerton who was listed as a head of household in the 1840 Federal Census of Windham, Windham County, Connecticut (pg. 256).  His household consisted of only one male, aged 50 – 60. 


Joshua was probably the “Joshua Edgerton” who died at Franklin, Connecticut on June 13, 1849, “aged 68 years”, as recorded at the Franklin Congregational Church (ChR 1:451).  No burial site has been found.


[NOTE:  Contrary to previous research, it is almost certain that Joshua, son of Sims and Lucretia (Horsford) Edgerton was not the Joshua Edgerton who had a wife, Roxanna, and a son Clinton DeWitt Edgerton, born in New York State on April 17, 1814.  This latter Joshua was almost certainly Joshua Edgerton (~1780 – 1815), youngest son of Ebenezer and Desire (Granger) Edgerton of West Granby, Connecticut.  This latter Joshua was reportedly killed by Indians in New York State and his wife taken captive.]



Original Source Documents:


1820 Federal Census – household of Joshua Edgerton; Franklin, New London Co., CT.

1840 Federal Census – household of Joshua Edgerton; Windham, Windham Co., CT.