Edward KNIPE, vicar of Cliburn & Warcop, died in 1575. Part of his will relating to Cliburn & Warcop, is dated 27 December 1574. The will was proved before Thomas BURTON, LLB., Vicar- General to Richard, Bishop of Carlisle on 30th March 1575. The will was transcribed by Mr. H. HORNYOLD- STRICKLAND for the Cumberland & Westmorland Archaeological Society Transactions ( vol.xliv,NS ). I gyve to the parish of Warcoppe, xl.s, to be distributed to the poore of the same parishe forever, and to the parishe of Clyborne, to be distrobuted amonge the poore of the same parishe forever. And for the trew performance of the same I will that my executors keape this order:- first, that they shall meate together at Warcoppe church on the next Sunday after Sainte Martyne after God shall call upon me to His mercye or els the next Sonday after that at the longeste; and thether they shall call as maynye of my poore Kynesfolke na,med before that can convenientlye comme and quietly they shall divid to every one of them there portion aforesaid without sute or troble, and that they take of them a quytance or tyckett for the same; and to those that cannot come it shalbe sent, receyvinge ye quyttance or tyckett. And I will that my Executors deliver unto the churche wardens of Warcoppe the same tyme xl.s, to be devyded the next Sonday imediatlye after the receyte, wherin I will they have a speciall consideration unto such poore householders that laboreth trewlye for there lyvinge and is over charged with children. Also I will that the church wardens shall make a trew certifycate in wrytinge unto my executors the next Sondaye imedistlye folowingehow and to whom they have bestowed the forty shillings aforesaid; and yf at any time they be found negligent or do not trewlye and sincerelye distrobute the same accordinge to the trew meaninge of my will that then they shall loose the benifit of the said xl.s and it shalbe distrobuted amonge the pooreste of my kynneryd accordinge to the discretion of my executors. And yf it chance that my executors do not agree of the said division I will that they repare unto one or two of my Supervisors for ye determination of the same; unto which there judgment my executors shall stand unto and aggree quyetlye without futher troble. Also my will is that my executors shall take the very same order with the church wardens of Clyborne and they with the poore of the parishe as is prescripted before with the church wardens and poore of Warcoppe. In the Name of God Amen I Michael Knott of Rydal in the County of Westmoreland being in good Health and perfect Mind and Memory praised by God but calling to Mind the uncertainty of this Transitory Life do make ordain publish and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following ffirst and Principally I commit my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God in whom I trust and hope to be saved and my Body I commit to the Earth to be decently and privately interred And as to my Temporal Estate I dispose of the same as followeth ffirst I give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife Susannah Sixty Pounds in the Year and every Year during the Term of her natural Life to be paid by my Executors hereafter named at four equal and even Payments that is on the first day of ffebruary on the ffirst day of May on the first day of August and on the first day of November Yearly and every Year during the said Term of her Natural Life the first Payment to be made on such of the said days as shall happen next after my decease Also I give and devise unto my said Loving Wife Susanna my Dwelling House Orchard and Gardens at Rydal to live in if she think proper during her viduity only and also the Use of my Plate Household Goods and Household ffurniture or so much thereof as she may reasonably require or have occasion for during the said Term of her viduity and not longer Upon this Condition and not otherwise that she Claim no Power nor any Right or Title of Power out of any the Messuages Tenements Lands or Grounds that I die possessed of I give and bequeath to my Daughter Dorothy the Sum of two thousand Pounds to be Paid by my Executor hereafter named at the End of one Year after my decease And I give and bequeath to Michael Briggs my Nephew the Sum of ffive Pounds to be paid him on the second day of ffebruary Yearly and every Year during the Term of his natural Life the first Payment to be made on the second day of ffebruary next after my decease Also I give Twenty Shillings to such Poor Householders in the Township of Rydal and Loughrigg and Twenty Shillings to such poor Householders in Grasmere as shall attend Divine Service at Grasmere Church the second Sunday after my decease to be divided by my Executor hereafter named and the Churchwardens of each Township but nothing to be given to such Persons as have Weekly Pensions in either Township And I give devise and bequeath to my Son George all my Messuage Tenements Lands and Grounds whatsoever in Grasmere and all my Messuage Tenements Lands and Grounds whatsoever in Rydal (reserving the aforesaid Bequest to my Wife) All my Land and Grounds whatsoever in Loughrigg All my Messuages Tenements Lands and Grounds whatsoever known by the Name of Deer Park in Preston Richard and all my Right Title Part and Share in the Iron Works both in England and Scotland And also all my Right Title Part and Share in the Iron Mine and Newland Mill or any thing thereunto belonging whatsoever To old to my said Son George his Heirs and Assigns for ever Subject nevertheless and lyable to make good the Payment of all my Just Debts the Annuities and legacies beforementioned and my ffuneral Expences I Also give and bequeath to my said Son George all my Goods Chattels Cattle Stock in Trade Bills Bonds Mortgages and all other my Personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever (Mich Knott) paying my Just Debts Annuities Legacies and ffuneral Expences And I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my said Son George Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament ,my said Son George being at present in the East Indies It is my Will and Mind and I do hereby give full Power and Authority to my dear and beloved Wife Susanna, ffletcher ffleming of Raipigg in the County of Westmorland Esquire William fford of Ulverston in the County of Lancaster Esquire and Nathaniel Taylor of Comstone in the said County of Lancaster Gentleman to transact the whole Affair in every respect relating to my said Son George In Trust for him till his return from the East Indies or that he gives proper directions to the Contrary In Witness whereof I have to this my last Will and Testament containing two Sheets of Paper to the first Sheet put my Hand and to the latter Sheet put my Hand and Seal this sixth day of November in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty seven Mich: Knott (Attestation Clause) Isaac Knipe George Cumpstone John Park Proved Archdeaconry of Richmond 6 October 1772 to George Knott Proved at London 15 December 1778 PCC Prob11/1048 Micheal KNOTT of Rydal, will dated 1767. In the Name of God Amen I Michael Knott of Rydal in the County of Westmoreland being in good Health and perfect Mind and Memory praised by God but calling to Mind the uncertainty of this Transitory Life do make ordain publish and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following ffirst and Principally I commit my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God in whom I trust and hope to be saved and my Body I commit to the Earth to be decently and privately interred And as to my Temporal Estate I dispose of the same as followeth ffirst I give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife Susannah Sixty Pounds in the Year and every Year during the Term of her natural Life to be paid by my Executors hereafter named at four equal and even Payments that is on the first day of ffebruary on the ffirst day of May on the first day of August and on the first day of November Yearly and every Year during the said Term of her Natural Life the first Payment to be made on such of the said days as shall happen next after my decease Also I give and devise unto my said Loving Wife Susanna my Dwelling House Orchard and Gardens at Rydal to live in if she think proper during her viduity only and also the Use of my Plate Household Goods and Household ffurniture or so much thereof as she may reasonably require or have occasion for during the said Term of her viduity and not longer Upon this Condition and not otherwise that she Claim no Power nor any Right or Title of Power out of any the Messuages Tenements Lands or Grounds that I die possessed of I give and bequeath to my Daughter Dorothy the Sum of two thousand Pounds to be Paid by my Executor hereafter named at the End of one Year after my decease And I give and bequeath to Michael Briggs my Nephew the Sum of ffive Pounds to be paid him on the second day of ffebruary Yearly and every Year during the Term of his natural Life the first Payment to be made on the second day of ffebruary next after my decease Also I give Twenty Shillings to such Poor Householders in the Township of Rydal and Loughrigg and Twenty Shillings to such poor Householders in Grasmere as shall attend Divine Service at Grasmere Church the second Sunday after my decease to be divided by my Executor hereafter named and the Churchwardens of each Township but nothing to be given to such Persons as have Weekly Pensions in either Township And I give devise and bequeath to my Son George all my Messuage Tenements Lands and Grounds whatsoever in Grasmere and all my Messuage Tenements Lands and Grounds whatsoever in Rydal (reserving the aforesaid Bequest to my Wife) All my Land and Grounds whatsoever in Loughrigg All my Messuages Tenements Lands and Grounds whatsoever known by the Name of Deer Park in Preston Richard and all my Right Title Part and Share in the Iron Works both in England and Scotland And also all my Right Title Part and Share in the Iron Mine and Newland Mill or any thing thereunto belonging whatsoever To old to my said Son George his Heirs and Assigns for ever Subject nevertheless and lyable to make good the Payment of all my Just Debts the Annuities and legacies beforementioned and my ffuneral Expences I Also give and bequeath to my said Son George all my Goods Chattels Cattle Stock in Trade Bills Bonds Mortgages and all other my Personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever (Mich Knott) paying my Just Debts Annuities Legacies and ffuneral Expences And I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my said Son George Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament ,my said Son George being at present in the East Indies It is my Will and Mind and I do hereby give full Power and Authority to my dear and beloved Wife Susanna, ffletcher ffleming of Raipigg in the County of Westmorland Esquire William fford of Ulverston in the County of Lancaster Esquire and Nathaniel Taylor of Comstone in the said County of Lancaster Gentleman to transact the whole Affair in every respect relating to my said Son George In Trust for him till his return from the East Indies or that he gives proper directions to the Contrary In Witness whereof I have to this my last Will and Testament containing two Sheets of Paper to the first Sheet put my Hand and to the latter Sheet put my Hand and Seal this sixth day of November in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty seven Mich: Knott (Attestation Clause) Isaac Knipe George Cumpstone John Park Proved Archdeaconry of Richmond 6 October 1772 to George Knott Proved at London 15 December 1778 PCC Prob11/1048 |
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