Westmorland, England, Wills Abstracts, Surnames S



Matthew SAGAR, schoolmaster, Upperby, county of Cumberland -
Died 26 Mar 1896
His estate became distributable upon the death, 19 June 1944, at St Leonards-on-Sea, of his widow Mrs Elizabeth Ann SAGAR. By the terms of his will, rents and profits to be paid to his widow during her lifetime, then to be divided equally between his brothers and sisters. All of these predeceased the widow, and upon her death the estate to be divided between the deceased's brothers' and sisters' children. A legal letter concerning the division of the estate mentions the children of Mr Richard Thomas SAGAR: Thomas Matthew SAGAR and James SAGAR, both of Victoria, Australia. A third child was the recipient of the letter, Mrs Dora Jane CUTHBERT of Salisbury.
Solicitors: Hough & Co, 34 Fisher St, Carlisle, England.

Christopher SALKELD, Knock, p. Long Marton; 1732.
In the Name of God Amen I Christopher SALKELD of Knock in the parish of Long Marton being in good health of body and of sound and perfect mind and memory praise be given therefore to Almighty God so make and ordain this my present last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say, first and principally I command my soul into the hands of Almighty God hoping through the merits of death and passion of my Saviour Jesus Christ to have full and free pardon and forgiveness of all my sins and to inherit Everlasting Life and my body I commit to the Earth and to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named and as touching the disposition of all such Temporal Estate as it hath pleased Almighty God to bestow upon me I give and dispose as followeth First I will that my Debts and funeral Charges shall be paid and discharged Item I give to my Loving and Dutiful wife Jennet one cow and one Bedstead and Bedding belong girdle pan and frying panhaf dozen of pigins, two milk bowls. Item I give unto my son Thomas Salkeld the sum of twenty pounds. Item I give unto my son Robert Salkeld the sum of twenty pounds. Item I give unto my Daughter Elizabeth Mounth the sum of ten pounds. Item I give unto my daughter Jane the sum of ten pounds. Item I give unto Dorify Steadman dresser, three pewter dishes, a Bedstead and round table . rest and residue of my personal Estate Goods and Chattels whatsoever I do give and bequeath to my loving sons John Salkeld and Robert Salkeld full and sole Executors of of this my last Will and testament and I desire that my body be buried in the parish church yard and I hereby revoke and disannul and make void all former Wills and Testaments by me heretofore made. In Witness wereof I the said Christopher Salkeld to this my last Will and testament have set my hand and Seal the twenty ninth day of March in the year 1732 Christopher Salkeld.
Witness John Blenkarn, John Willan, Tho Bland.

William SALKELD of Crosby Ravensworth, 20th September 1742
In the name of God amen I William SALKELD in the County of Westmorland (Yeoman) being sick of body but perfect mind and memory praise to God revoking and disaruling all wills by me here to fore made or appointed do make this to be my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following
that is first and principally I commend my soul to God that gave it to me hoping by death and passion of his son and my saviour Jesus Christ to receive free pardon of all my sins which hitherto I have committed or may fall into during my abode in this transitory world and my body to the ground decently to be buried in the parish church yard of Crosby Ravensworth afore said as my executor here after mentioned shall think fit and proper.
And for all my goods Chattels, Household stuff and Husbandry whatsoever and wheresoever they be I give in manner and form following.
First I will that all my debts and funeral expenses be paid by my executor
I give to my son Thomas Salked Ten Pounds
I give to my daughter Anne Jackson wife of James Jackson twenty shillings yearly and during the term of five years it is my will that if she die before the Expiration of the above said term the yearly payment to rest in the hands of my executor.
I give to my son James Salkeld Five Pounds. My aforesaid son James Salkeld now being gone as a volunteer in his Majesty�s Service commanded by Admiral Vernon in the West Indies has not been since heard of now my will is that if he does not return and make his .... to my executor once in seven years to lay claim lawfully to the aforesaid sum to be given to use of my executor.
I give my grandson James Salkeld otherwise Dent Ten Pounds.
I give my son William Salkeld Five Shillings.
I give my son John Salkeld my Cottage House and Garth as the same is now standing and lying in Crosby Ravensworth commonly known by the name of Mark�s as was purchased by me.
I likewise give to my aforesaid son John Salkeld all my Bills Bonds Obligatory Husbandry Gear and those implements of working tools whatsoever and wheresoever they be.
Likewise constitute and appoint and ordain my aforesaid son John Salkeld to be my executor of this my last Will and Testament paying all the legacy�s above (except ..) immediately after one year be expired after my decease in witness there of I the said William Salkeld to this my last Will and Testament have here unto put my hand and seal the 20th day of September in the fifteenth year of our Lord George the second by the Grace of God of Great Britain and Ireland King defender of the faith and so forth in the year of our Lord Christ 1742.
Sealed Signed Published & Declared - This to be my last Will and Testament in the presence of us and at the request of the testator.
Witness Lancelot Wilkinson Signed William Salkeld
Edward Rannison
Edward Thwaites
Transcript of Document authorising Will of William Salkeld :
We John Waugh Doctor of Laws Vicar General Spirituals of the right reverend Father in God George by Divine permission Lord Bishop of Carlisle and also Official Principal of the Consistory Court of Carlisle in this behalf lawfully authorised, Do by the Prefents make known to all men that on the Eleventh Day of May in the Year of our Lord, One thousand seven Hundred and forty three before the Revd Robert Wardale clerk of our Surrogate The last Will and Testament of William Salkeld late of Crosby Ravensworth in the County of Westmorland and Diocese of Carlisle aforesaid deceased (a copy wherof is hereunto annexed) was proved, approved and registered and that administration of all and singular the Goods, Chattles and Credits of the said Deceased, in the said �. , and any way concerning the said Will was granted to John Salkeld son of the deceased the sole executor named in the said Will, being first sworn upon the holy Evangelists well and faithfully administer the same, and to make a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the said Goods, Chattles and Credits, and to exhibit the same into the Registry ---- and also to render a true and just Account thereof, when thereunto lawfully called (the Right of every one saved)
Given under the Seal of our Office the Day, Month and Year of our Lord aforesaid.
Thos. Jackson Registrar
Transcript of Inventory of Goods -
A true and perfect Inventory of all Goods, Chattles and Credits whereof William Salkeld of Crosby Ravensworth In the County of Westmorland yeoman lately died possessed.
Appraised by those whose names are here subscribed the 13th Day of October 1742
------------- and Apparel 14:1 : 0
Bedding, sacks and other things 1:2 : 6
Working Tools 0:5 : 6
Husbandry Gear 0:13: 4
Horse and Hay 1:13: 6
Goods in Mark House 0:2 : 0
Books 0:6 : 0
A ----- Mill 5:1 : 0
Debts owing to the Deceased 43:5 : 0
Total 62:15:10
Wm. Thwaytes
Edwd Thwaites

Launcelot SCAIFE, of Hartley Castle, parish Kirkby Stephen, Westmorland, gent. -
Will dated 11 Dec 1652 - To be buried in Kirkby Stephen. Mentions my son Robert, my son Arthur - A sixty pounds debt - one third to wife, the other two parts to son Arthur Scaife. Sister Sarah BOUSFIELD & her husband, sister Elizabeth ORTON and her husband - their debts owed to me, freely forgiven - To Rowland SCAIFE, forty shillings My sister Mary HAISTWHITTLE - To Mr Francis HIGGINSON, a piece of gold To my servants Jenkin MORLAND and Elizabeth WILKINSON, each 10 shillings - Residue to wife Jane and son Arthur - joint executors - Supervisors: my brothers Robert SCAIFE and Arthur SCAIFE, with the assistance of Bartholomew SANDERSON and Robert ATKINSON - to each of them 5 shillings. To Poor of Kirkby Stephen 40 shillings to be added to the Parish stock and the benefit thereof to be distributed yearly at the discretion of the minister and Churchwardens. Proved PCC 7 Dec 1657, by relict Jane SCAIFE.

Robert SCAIFE, Winton, parish Kirkby Stephen, Westmorland, gent -
Dated 18 November 1674 -
To my son Richard SCAIFE, lands called Rooceby Scarth in parish of Kirkby Stephen
My son and heir Robert SCAIFE; my son John SCAIFE, my daughter Mary SCAIFE - to John and Mayr, farm called Ransonn situated in Staynmoor, parish of Brough.
Mentions lands in Winton. - Legacies to poor of Kirkby Stephen and to poor of Crosby Ravensworth -
Daughter Margaret BOUSFEILD; daughter Agnes HARTLEY -
Rest to wife Mary SCAIFE, son Richard SCAIFE, and son John SCAIFE - to be joynt executors -
Arthur SCAIFE, brother of Hilbeck Hall, John BRACKEN, nephew of Kirkby Stephen and Robert WALLER of Winton to be supervisors of will -
Witnesses by Robart WALLER, Thomas EWEBANK, Myles WALLER, and James HOWGILL.
Proved Appleby 9 May 1677.

John SCAIFE, elder, of Crosby Garrett, Co. Westmorland -
Dated 5 November 1667 - To be buried in my parish churchyard of Crossbiegarrett - to the poor of town of Crossbiegarrett, 10 shillings , to be divided at my burial by John TAILOR my son in law and Thomas SIMSON my grandchild, both of Crossbiegarrett -
To the maintenance of a school for the town of Crossbiegarrett, 20 shillings, the interest to be given yearly to the School Master in part of his wages.
Ten shillings, the interest to go yearly to the maintenance of Smardall bridge-
To each of my grandchildren living at my death (except the children of William JOHNSON of Crossbiegarrett), three shillings four pence -
To William PETTIE son of Edward PETTIE of Sowleby, three shillings four pence -
To Richard RICHARDSON, my grandchild, one Bible which was his father's and one ......[?] standing in the Low Chamber, and if he dies before 21, then Bible and ....... should return to Edward TAILOR son of said John TAILOR -
To grandchild John SIMSON of Crossbiegarret, three pounds -
To my son John SCAIFE's two children , three pounds to be divided equally -but that it remain in Executor's hands until they reach the age of 16 years -
To my grandchild Thomas SIMSON, my Bible "which he now hath" -
To the School master of Crossbiegarrett six pence and to all his "schollers each of them one penny to be divided amongst them at my burial".
My brother Richard SCAIFE of Winton - my best "rayment"....
The rest of my goods to John TAILOR of Crossbiegarret my son in law and Issabell PETTIE of Sowlebie my daughter and Jane WALKER my daughter of Blaetarne - joint executors -
Witnessed by James RICHARDSON Jnr. Lancelott RICHARDSON, Christo: GRAINGER.
Probate 15 Jan 1667 to John TAYLOR, Issabella PETTY and Jane WALKER.
An Inventory of the goods of John Scaife of Crosby Garrett deceased was taken December... [page torn] by James BELL, James RICHARDSON, Thomas SCAIFE and Edward SIMPSON:
Debts were owed to him by Thomas SCAIFE, Thomas SIMSON, Gyles BLENKARNE, Thomas ATKINSON, Henry ........, Robert WILKIN, Richard WILSON, Henry .......RIDGE, Edward PETTY, Bernard DOWTHAITE, Thomas DENTON, Christopher WATSON, John TAYLOR, John PETTY jun., Richard LAIDMAN, and Richard GRAINGER.
The deceased owed �3-6-8 to Richard RICHARDSON.

George SEWELL of Kirkby Thore, Gentleman
(bur 16 Jun 1804 at Kirkby Thore, aged 40 years Householder)
Will written 9 May 1804; proved 14 Sep 1804;
Mentioned in Will:
George GOWLING, son of Thomas GOWLING late of Kirkby Thore deceased, the sum of one hundred pounds when he reaches 21 years.
Sister Sarah GOWLING - Mother of George.
Sister Jane GRAHAM wife of John GRAHAM
Nephew Joseph GRAHAM son of John GRAHAM of Edenhall,
Sister Elizabeth wife of the Rev Jonathan NICHOLSON,
Sister Mary wife of the Rev Hugh ATKINSON,
Sister Nancy wife of John EGGLESTON
Nephew Jonathan GRAHAM son of John GRAHAM - Edenhall
Execs. Rev Hugh ATKINSON of Asby Co Westmorland; Sister Sarah GOWLING -widow.
wit. Thos. BRIGGS of Appleby and Atty.at Law; - John POWLEY of Edenhall.

Rev.Jonathan SEWELL of Kirkby Thore, Clerk
[buried Kirkby Thore, died 19 Feb 1803 aged 84 years; Incumbent of Temple Sowerby and Soulby Chapels]
Will written 12 Nov 1799; proved 21 Sep 1803.
Mentions wife Catherine - all household furniture except my writing desk;
Son George, writing desk
Daughters Mary, Sarah, Ann, Jane and Elizabeth each ten pounds
Wife Catherine and son George to receive remainder of personal estate.
Witnesses, John HORN, William WINTER.

Sarah SEWELL, widow of Great Musgrave -
Will written 4 Oct 1786; proved 26 Oct 1786.
[Buried Great Musgrave 24 Oct 1786]
Mentions John LANCASTER of Dumfries twenty pounds -
Isabel WILSON of London five pounds -
Joseph SEWELL, the son of the Rev. Jonathan SEWELL of Kirkby Thore, five pounds -
Mary HOW of Musgrave five pounds and a little chest of drawers -
Frances HOW of Musgrave one guinea -
Mary WAISTEL my servant five pounds -
Sole exec. Rev.Jonathan SEWELL of Kirkby Thore.
(Sarah LANCASTER mar. Joseph SEWELL 15 May 1743 Great Musgrave)

Christopher SIMPSON, of Wateby, p. Kirkby Stephen, yeoman, 1717 -
Will dated 13 Oct 1716 -
- to daughter Elizabeth, tenement at Raisbecke in Orton alias Overton, my widow to have no claim -
- my loving wife Margaret SIMPSON, all my houses and lands in Wateby, and after her death to my daughter Sarah, now wife of Cuthbert MORLAND -
my daughter Elizabeth now wife of William BOWNESS -
- the three daughters of Sarah - Isabell, Margarett and Elizabeth -
- the two sons of Sarah - Thomas and Christopher
- the two daughters of Elizabeth - Mary and Margaret
- Rest and residue to wife, sole executrix.
Witnessed by Lancelott HUTCHINSON, John HASTWHITTLE, John WILLSON. Inventory appraised by Myles BARRETT, John THOMPSON (jur), Lancelot HUTCHINSON (jur), John HASTWHITTLE. Total 54-03-00; funeral expenses 5-00-00. On the administration document, wife Margaret signed "hir marke", and William BOWNESS signed in his own hand.

Anthony SIMPSON, Kirkby Stephen, innkeeper, 1723 -
Will dated 27 Mar 1719 -
Son Ralph SIMPSON, son Thomas SIMPSON, son Isaac(?) SIMPSON, son William SIMPSON.......
Rest & residue to daughter Mary SIMPSON, sole executrix.
Witnesses: Tho: WHARTON, Margaret Y....EY, John WILLSON, jurat.
Inventory appraised by Jno WILSON (jurat), Robert HORNSBY (jurat), Robert THOMPSON & Jno THOMPSON, 8 May 1723.

James SIMPSON, Raltenraw, p. Caldbeck, proved 1739

James SIMPSON, of Hartley Castle, parish of Kirkby Stephen, yeoman -
Will dated 1 Feb 1739 - My son Robert SIMPSON, 40 pounds- My daughter Dorothy, the wife of Anthony DIXON, 40 pounds - My grand-daughter Christoball SIMPSON, daughter of my late son Thomas SIMPSON, 40 pounds when 21 - To Elizabeth SIMPSON, her sister, 30 pounds when 21 - If they [ie Christoball and/or Elizabeth] should die, their legacies to be divided equally between my son Robert SIMPSON and my son Anthony SIMPSON.
Rest & residue to loving wife Barbara SIMPSON, executrix - James SIMPSON
Witnesses: Philip RUDD, Christopher COPLAND, Sarah STEVENSON, Michael ROOK, sworn. Proved 12 June 1740.

Richard SIMPSON, Far Cross Bank, Kendal, Westmorland, gent.
Will dated 29 Nov 1829.
To my nephews and nieces - the following legacies:-
Thomas CHEETHAM 96 pounds; Henry CHEETHAM 96 pounds; Esther KIRKBY 90 pounds; Alice GAINS 90 pounds; Mary FOLKS 90 pounds (she to pay Ann BARTON 5 pounds); Ann MAHONY 80 pounds, and to her son Thomas MAHONY my silver watch; to Helen ARMISTEAD relict[?] of late William ARMISTEAD 5 pounds; to Ann BARTON 10 pounds;
To Rev Thomas WILKINSON 5 pounds and to sd Thomas WILKINSON 10 pounds to be paid into fund for support of Catholic Clergy.
My wearing apparel to be divided between Thomas and Henry CHEETHAM and my little trifles of silver plate to be divided between Ann MAHONY and Esther KIRKBY.
My books to be divided amongst all my nephews.
Residue equally among nephews and nieces: Thomas CHEETHAM, Henry CHEETHAM, Esther KIRKBY, Alice GAINS, Mary FOLKS, and Ann MAHONY.
Executors: Edward GIBSON, Kendal, builder; Matthew DEROME, Kendal, marble mason.
Witnesses: Thomas ......[?]; George HOLIDAY, John HOLIDAY.
Proved 12 Apr 1832.

Thomas SPOONER, Winton, blacksmith
Will dated 8 Mar 1741.
Witnessed by Jno CUMPSTON, Richard ORTAN [sic], Michael ROE.

Bond re: Joseph STALKER, Grocer late of Ambleside, parish of Grasmere -
Bonds persons: Betty STALKER, of Ambleside, parish of Grasmere widow and relict; John CROSSFIELD of Ambleside, parish of Windermere, Gentleman; James DOWBIGGIN of Hawkshead in parish of Hawkshead, Lancashire.
Bond Date: 25-September-1845
Death date: 23-June-1845
Bond amount �2,000
Administrator: the said Betty STALKER
Goods valued at under �1,500

Administration of the personal estate and effects of Jane STALKER, late of Saint Catherines in Applethwaite in County of Westmorland, who died eighth of January 1866, widow, intestate.
Letters of Administration granted 21-Feb-1867 at Carlisle to Wilfred STALKER of Ambleside, Joiner one of the natural and lawful children.
Sureties: Jonathan STALKER, Basket maker and James LONGMIRE, Timber Dealer, both of Windermere in said county of Westmorland
Effects: under �450, no leaseholds.

Agnes STALKER of Windermere in the County of Westmorland, widow.
Will dated 13-September-1867
Executors and trustees: my friends Robert LOGAN of Low Wood Windermere, Hotel Keeper and David Henry FENTON of Kendal, Bank Manager
Witnesses: Isabella WILLAN, Matthew BLYTHE
To Robert LOGAN and David Henry FENTON all my money and securities and all other personal estate whatsoever upon trust to pay and discharge all my just debts, funeral and testamentary expenses. And upon further trust to take within twelve months of my decease two sums of one hundred pounds each. One of the said sums towards the education and advancement of my grandson George Harold LOGAN; the other said sum of one hundred pounds towards the education and advancement of my grandson Elleray Brown LOGAN.
The interest on the residuary of my personal estate to be paid to towards the education and advancement of my granddaughters Agnes LOGAN, Kate LOGAN and Mary LOGAN until the youngest of them attain the age of twenty one.
And the residuary to be divided equally amongst my daughter Margaret LOGAN and my said grandchildren George Harold LOGAN, Elleray Brown LOGAN, Agnes LOGAN, Kate LOGAN and Mary LOGAN share and share alike.
My trustees shall be paid a reasonable remuneration for their loss of time and trouble.
Codicil to the will of Agnes STALKER of Windermere in the County of Westmorland, widow, dated 9-May-
Whereas, since the date of my said will I have with the consent of the parties to be ultimately entitled thereto taken a valuation all the furniture, plate, linen and china given to me by my late husband for life and for the amount of which valuation I intend to given my note of hand to my daughters Ann GREEN and Mary BELL I direct that the amount of such valuation shall be paid to the said Ann GREEN and Mary BELL as soon as conveniently may be after my decease out of my residuary personal estate.
And whereas I have arranged that my daughter Margaret LOGAN shall have the use and enjoyment of the furniture and effects so taken at valuation aforesaid and also of any sum of money which I may in my lifetime advance to her without payment of interest or other charge whatsoever for the term of her natural life provided nonetheless and I do hereby declare that if my said daughter shall at anytime hereafter intermarry with Captain GHRYLLS such life interest shall be forfeited and immediately upon the death of the said Margaret LOGAN or upon such marriage as aforesaid my trustees shall convert such furniture and effects into money and I do hereby given and bequeath the same unto and equally between and amongst such of my said grandchildren George Harold LOGAN, Elleray Brown LOGAN, Agnes LOGAN, Kate LOGAN and Mary LOGAN as shall be living at the death or marriage as aforesaid of the said Margaret LOGAN ...
Witness: Jane FIDLER; Jno. BOLTON
Probate 18-Sep-1868:
Agnes STALKER late of Villa Lodge Windermere in the County of Westmorland, widow died at Villa Lodge Windermere: 24-July-1868
Proved granted at Carlisle by the oaths of Robert LOGAN of Low Wood, Windermere, Hotel Keeper and David Henry FENTON of Kendal, Bank Manager, the executors named in the will
Effects: under �2,000. No leaseholds

Ann STALKER of Park House, Windermere in the County of Westmorland, spinster.
Will dated 21-March-1898
Executors and Trustees: my sister Margaret STALKER and John Titterington BOWNASS of Windermere, solicitor
Witness: J.T. BOWNASS, Sol. Windermere; Frederick FAWKES, Electrician, Windermere
To my sister Elizabeth STALKER, all my property whatsoever and wheresoever, if she be living at the time of my death, but if not so living then unto my sister Margaret STALKER.
Probate 22-Mar-1911 at Carlisle.
Anne STALKER of Park House, Windermere, spinster died there on 6-January-1911
Proved at Carlisle; administration granted to Margaret STALKER of South View, Windermere, spinster, sister of the deceased and John Titterington BOWNASS of Windermere, solicitor, the executors named in the will.
Gross value of estate: �653.8.3
Net value of personal Estate: �114.16.2

Administration of the estate of Wilfred STALKER of Loughrigg House, Ambleside in the County of Westmorland, Naturalist, who died 10th of January 1910 at South West Dutch New Guinea, a bachelor.
Letters of administration granted at Carlisle 25 Apr 1910 to Wilfred STALKER of Ambleside aforesaid, cabinet maker the natural and lawful father.
Sureties: George GATEY, solicitor and Edward TYSON, bookkeeper both of Ambleside.
Gross value of estate �692.11.8
Net value of personal estate: �692.11.8

Wilfred STALKER of Ambleside in the County of Westmorland, Joiner.
Will dated 21-March 1908
Executors: son Wilfred and daughter Elizabeth Jane HIRD.
Witnesses: Edw. TYSON & C. MARTINDALE, clerks with Messrs. Geo. Gatey & Son, solicitors, Ambleside.
To my grandson Wilfred STALKER, my gold watch;
To my grandson John STALKER HIRD by gold Albert Chain with the seal attached;
To my daughter Elizabeth Jane HIRD the following articles of household furniture which are not part of the stock in trade of the business of joiners carried on by me in partnership with my son:
couch and six chairs; the small chiffonier now in the office or dining room in Compston road; two half tester iron bedsteads and two mattresses; one four post Birch; one bedstead; one large rose wood Loo table; and one small cupboard with Chintz panels; my shares in the Ambleside Assembly Rooms Company and in the Ambleside and District Mutual Benefit Building Society; Money in my name in the Manchester and Liverpool District Bank at Ambleside;
As to the residue of my estate both real and personal, I bequeath the same to my son Wilfred subject to payment of following legacies:
To each of my eleven grandchildren as shall be living at my decease - ten pounds
To my daughter Elizabeth Jane HIRD five hundred pounds
Probate 25-Feb-1913: Wilfred STALKER of Ambleside, joiner died 3-Jan- 1913 at Ambleside.
Proved at Carlisle, administration of estate granted to Wilfred STALKER of Loughrigg House, Ambleside, Joiner and Elizabeth Jane HIRD of Walton Cottage, Ambleside, widow, son and daughter of the deceased, the executors named in the will.
Gross value of estate �2,717.16.5
Net value of personal Estate; �1,187.9.4

Mary Agnes STALKER, the wife of James STALKER of Tennis View, Broad Street, Windermere in the County of Westmorland. -
Will dated 21-March-1916
Executor and trustee: Henry DOBSON of Denewood House, Windermere, solicitor.
Witnesses: Mary Ann ATKINSON, Broad Street, Windermere; Emma KELLET, Westbourne House, Windermere.
To my sister Hannah ROBINSON my wearing apparel and jewellry, chest of drawers, warming pan, medicine chest, two pictures (one of the King and the other of Queen Elizabeth) Carpet (formerly belonging to my sister Elizabeth WARD) stair carpet, knit rugs and mats.
To my husband James STALKER all the residue of my household furniture and domestic effects and also the sum of five hundred pounds which is now invested in the War Loan. Also, to my said husband my cottage called Woodland Cottage with Laundry attached situate at Windermere and the four dwelling houses situate and being Nos. 3,5,7 and 9 Nether Street in Kendal or my whole estate and interest therein.
To my trustee the residue of my real estate and the residue of my personal estate upon trust to pay my funeral and testamentary expenses and debts and the following legacies:
To my foster children Louisa WEST and Nellie TYLER the sum of ten pounds each.
To Nurse REYNOLDS (formerly Windermere Nurse) the sum of ten pounds.
To Dr. CHAPMAN of Windermere, my medical attendant, the sum of thirty pounds.
To Annas KELLET of Windermere the sum of thirty pounds.
To the said Henry DOBSON thirty pounds.
To all my brothers and sisters, the residue to be divide equally.
Probate 21-Aug-1916: Mary Agnes STALKER (wife of James STALKER) of Tennis View Windermere died at Windermere 16-July-1916.
Proved at Carlisle, administration granted to Henry DOBSON of Denewood House Windermere, Solicitor the sole executor named in the will.
Gross value of Estate �3821.1.4
Net value of personal estate: �1059.19.11

Wilfred STALKER of Loughrigg House, Ambleside in the County of Westmorland, retired cabinet maker. -
Will dated 22-December-1933
Executors and trustees: son in law Henry WHITTAKER and Bernard HORRAX of Stock Ghyll, Ambleside.
To my wife �50 to be paid within one month after my decease, and all my watches, jewels and personal effects.
To my grandson Henry Wilfred Brian WHITTAKER, son of my daughter Janet Gertrude WHITTAKER of Oldfield House, Windermere �50.
To each of my grandsons Peter STALKER NELSON and John Michael NELSON sons of my daughter Elsie Mary Winifred NELSON of 2 Shore Road, Isle of Man �50.
To Douglas Haig GLOVER and Winifred Dorothy GLOVER son and daughter of James John GLOVER, the husband of my daughter Margaret Muir Gillies GLOVER of 1 Vanburgh Place, Edinburgh �25 each.
My wife to have the use and enjoyment of all my furniture clocks plate and plated articles linen china glass books pictures musical instruments and all other articles of domestic or household use or ornament during her life, she keeping the same properly insured against fire.
My trustees to permit my wife during her life to have the use and occupation of my residence known as �Loughrigg House� Ambleside if she shall so wish, she paying all rates and taxes and keeping the same properly insured against fire and in good repair.
Subject as aforesaid, all my real and personal estate to my trustees upon trust to pay my funeral and testamentary expenses and debts and legacies of my will and duty on all legacies and to invest the residue upon trust to pay the annual income thereof to my wife during her life and after her death the trustees to stand possessed of my residuary estate and income thereof in trust for my said daughters Margaret Muir Gillies GLOVER, Janet Gertrude WHITTAKER and Elsie Mary Winifred NELSON.
Probate 17-Sep-1934: Wilfred STALKER of Loughrigg House, Ambleside died there 30-July-1934
Administration of estate granted to Henry WHITTAKER of Oldfield House, Windermere, Provision Dealer and Bernard HORRAX of Stock Ghyll, Ambleside, mill owner, executors named in the will.
Gross value of estate �14,027.18.3
Net value of personal Estate; �9,149.12.7
Estate Duties and interest of �840.7.1 has been paid

Margaret Macadam STALKER formerly of Loughrigg House Ambleside in the County of Westmorland, but now residing at Oldfield House Windermere, Widow. -
Will dated 25-January 1935
Executors: son in law Henry WHITTAKER and Bernard HORRAX of Stock Ghyll, Ambleside
To my daughter Janet Gertrude WHITTAKER my cottages number 2 and number 6 on The Green Ambleside now in the occupation of Mr. DUGDALE and Miss DAVIS respectively
To my daughter Elsie Mary Winifred NELSON my cottages Number 4 and 5 on The Green, Ambleside now in the occupation of Mr. CHRISTOPHERSON and Miss KITCHEN respectively.
To my said two daughters all the rest of my real and personal estate whatsoever
Codicil to the last will of Margaret Macadam STALKER of Oldfield House Windermere, dated 5-Feb-1937
To each of my four grandsons: Henry Wilfred Brian WHITTAKER, Peter STALKER NELSON, John Michael NELSON and Giles STALKER NELSON twenty five pounds
To my daughter Janet Gertrude WHITTAKER my mahogany wardrobe and my mahogany writing desk.
To my daughter Elsie Mary Winifred Mary NELSON my mahogany chest of drawers my water colour by �Tucker� of Annan also Madonna and Child hanging over my mantel shelf
Probate 5-Apr-1937: Margaret Macadam STALKER of Oldfield House, widow Windermere died there 17-Feb-1937.
Administration of estate granted to Henry WHITTAKER of Oldfield House, aforesaid provision dealer and Bernard HORRAX of Stock Ghyll, Ambleside, mill owner, executors named in the will.
Gross value of estate �1,887.0.9
Net value of personal Estate; �1,042.7.10
Estate Duties and interest of �55.7.1 has been paid.

Annie STALKER of Salisbury Villa Windermere in the County of Westmorland, spinster -
Will dated 27-May-1938
Executors and trustees: my brother Robert Kendall STALKER of Greenholme Farm Blawith near Ulverston and my sister Hannah BARBER of Waterslack Farm Silverdale near Carnforth
Witnesses: John ROBINSON and GD NICHOLSON, clerks with Messrs Geo. Gatey & son, solicitors, Windermere
Pay my debts funeral and testamentary then divide equally between my brothers and sisters namely the said Robert Kendall STALKER, the said Hannah Barber, Mary LANGTHORPE, Isabel PICKERING Margaret STALKER and Agnes STALKER.
Probate 11-August-1941
Proved at Carlisle, administration granted to Robert Kendall STALKER of Greenholme Farm Blawith near Ulverston in the County of Lancaster, farmer brother of the deceased and Hannah BARBER of Waterslack Farm Silverdale near Carnforth in the County of Lancaster (wife of Robert BARBER) the sister of the deceased, executors named in the will
The testatrix was of Salisbury Villa Windermere in the County of Westmorland, spinster and died there 16-July-1941
Gross value of estate: �164-7-7

Isabella STALKER of Salisbury Villa Windermere in the County of Westmorland, spinster -
Will dated 27-August-1941
Executors and trustees: Clifford LOVERIDGE of 8 West Avenue, Barrow-in-Furness and John H. DIXON of Kirk Beck, Coniston
Witnesses: Matthew POLLOCK, 4 Tram Lane, Kirkby Lonsdale South Westmorland, Baker & Confectioner and HB GREENWOOD, solicitor, Kendal
Erect over my grave a headstone with suitable inscription thereon of my own and my sister Margaret�s death at a cost not exceeding twenty five pounds.
I hereby forgive the loan of one hundred pounds that I made to my sister Elizabeth STALKER.
Pay my debts funeral and testamentary expenses.
Invest the residue of my estate and to pay the income to arise there from to my niece Margaret STALKER in such manner and in such sums and at such times as may seem best to my Trustees.
After the death of my niece Margaret STALKER I give all the residue of my remaining estate unto the Exclusive Brethren through their Kendal meeting to be used for the benefit of the poor Brethren.
Probate 23-October-1941
Proved at Carlisle, administration granted to Clifford LOVERIDGE of 8 West Avenue, Barrow-in-Furness in the County of Lancaster, engineer and John Henry DIXON of Kirk Beck, Coniston in the County of Lancaster quarryman and farmer the executors named in the will.
The testatrix was of Salisbury Villa Place Windermere in the County of Westmorland, spinster and died 4-September-1941 at Windermere
- gross value of estate: �1308.1.9
- net value of personal estate: �280.0.3
- Estate duties paid �38.8.6

William STEEL, p. Kirkby Stephen, proved 1777