Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
wife of G W
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
_Samuel ASHING ______ | _James ASHING _______| | (1767 - 1857) m 1798| | |_____________________ | | |--Jacob ASHING | (1809 - 1886) | _James FORD _________ | | (1754 - ....) |_Sarah Jane FORD ____| (1777 - 1845) m 1798| |_Blanche WEST _______+ (.... - 1840)
1 m under 5 (son Joseph)
1 m 20/30 yrs (?)
1 m 30/40 yrs (Jacob)
1 fm under 5 (dau Eliza J.)
1 fm 20/30 (wife Keziah) age off by abt. 6 yrs
-pg 417 HH46
Jacob Ashing, 40 OH
Martha 19 OH
Joseph 13 OH
Eliza J 12, OH
Isaac N 7 OH
Lydia A 4 OH
Mary J 6m OH
(*Couple of items to note on this census: place of birth for Jacob listed as Va. Maybe Martha gave this info - she was young and married just 6mos. earlier. Also baby girl-Mary J. Ashing-wonder if this child was Martha's and Jacob raised her as his own?? Jacob & Martha married in month of Feb. - if age correct for Mary J. then she was also born in the month of Feb.)
Jacob Ashing 50yrs farmer �u�b. OHIO�/u�
Martha Ashing 28yrs keeping house b. Ohio
Joseph Ashing 24yrs farmer b. Ohio
Eliza J. Ashing 22yrs b. Ohio
Isaac N. Ashing 18yrs b. Ohio
Lydia A. Ashing 14yrs b. Ohio
Rebecca Ashing 8yrs b. Ohio
Mary Ashing 11yrs b. Ohio
Emily Ashing 5yrs b. Ohio
Charles Ashing 4yrs b. Ohio
Samuel Ashing 1yr b. Ohio
(*Note Eliza J listed with father) - remember Walt Burgner telling me this not unusual in census records. Many times they recorded all those who had lived in the home during the past year.)
-pg 425 HH321
Jacob Ashen 60yrs farmer �u�b. Ohio�/u�
Martha Ashen 40yrs keeping house b. Ohio
Rebecca Ashen 19yrs helping mother b. Ohio (see story for Rebecca pg. 23)
Emma(Emily) Ashen 17yrs helping mother b. Ohio
Charles Ashen 15yrs at school b. Ohio
Anna Ashen 6yrs at school b. Ohio
Elizabeth (Lizzie) 2yrs at home b. Ohio
-pg 467
Jacob Ashing widowed 70yrs �u�b. Oh�/u� shoemaker
Charles Ashing son single 22yrs b.Oh farm labor
Anna Ashing dau single 15yrs keeping house b.Oh
Lizzie Ashing dau single 12yrs at home b.Oh
Others listed in this household:
Sarah Bird - widowed - retired - no age - b.Va
James Hattan - 22yrs - farm labor
James S. Dunlop - 22yrs - farm labor
Pheba Hitchman -8m - b. Oh
Hester Lafferty - single - 69yrs - retired - b. Oh
(Note: no clue who these other people are. Appears the two Jameses are helping Charles run farm. 2 older women ??? baby ???)
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1884-1888
CD 400 - Marriage Index, OH
Champaign Co- Marriages 1805-1864 Probate Court Vol A-G
_John BLOSE _________+ | (1786 - 1846) m 1817 _Lewis BLOSE ________| | (1819 - 1879) m 1843| | |_Ann Amelia PENCE ___+ | (1795 - 1877) m 1817 | |--Emory T BLOSE | (1859 - 1886) | _John ANDERSON ______+ | | (1797 - 1877) m 1815 |_Elizabeth ANDERSON _| (1819 - 1890) m 1843| |_Nancy LOWER ________ (1797 - 1881) m 1815
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1884-1888
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1871-1884
_John BLUE __________+ | (1819 - 1863) m 1840 _Ezra BLUE __________| | (1843 - 1932) m 1865| | |_Eve Mary SIPHERS ___ | (1815 - ....) m 1840 | |--William E BLUE | (1873 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Sarah Ellen TUTTLE _| (1846 - ....) m 1865| |_____________________
William Blue �tab�27
Flora B Blue �tab�22
Lavina Fern Blue �tab�8/12
__ | _Gilford B COOLIDGE _| | (1852 - 1924) | | |__ | | |--Bertha Mae COOLIDGE | (1892 - 1974) | __ | | |_Irene B ____________| | |__
_Charles CRIM _______ | _Daniel CRIM ________| | (1794 - 1848) m 1816| | |_____________________ | | |--Elizabeth CRIM | (1816 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Ann Marie BARGER ___| (1795 - 1878) m 1816| |_____________________
pg 319 Elizabeth Stevens, 34 VA
Mary 13 OH
Sarah 11 OH
Thomas H 31 OH
Samuel 6 OH
_John Harper "Hank" DOWNEY _+ | (1839 - 1912) m 1866 _John A DOWNEY ______| | (1871 - 1962) m 1895| | |_Susanna Ellen LONG ________ | (1839 - 1905) m 1866 | |--Donna Dee (Duer) DOWNEY | (1896 - 1984) | ____________________________ | | |_Pearl G WARNER _____| (1877 - 1959) m 1895| |____________________________
_Andrew Edwin EBERT _______+ | (1859 - 1925) m 1874 _Ora O EBERT ________| | (1875 - ....) | | |_Margaret Amanda CHAMBERS _+ | (1861 - 1920) m 1874 | |--Kenneth EBERT | | ___________________________ | | |_Daisy ______________| | |___________________________
_James Luther EVILSIZOR _+ | (1897 - 1983) m 1921 _Charles William EVILSIZOR _| | (1927 - 2012) | | |_Mary E COMER ___________+ | (1897 - 1979) m 1921 | |--Kaden EVILSIZOR | | _Forest William CRABILL _+ | | (1900 - 1956) m 1925 |_Sharon Joy CRABILL ________| | |_Iva Gertrude LANIER ____ (1901 - 1939) m 1925
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
_Phillip KIZER ______ | (1767 - 1818) _John KIZER _________| | (1808 - ....) m 1832| | |_____________________ | | |--Victoria KIZER | (1845 - 1920) | _____________________ | | |_Elizabeth YARNELL __| (1805 - 1875) m 1832| |_____________________
Champaign Co- Death Certificate Index
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1855-1871
_John MCADAMS _______ | (1763 - 1839) m 1797 _John MCADAMS _______| | (1807 - ....) m 1829| | |_Catherine STEWART __+ | (1763 - 1839) m 1797 | |--Eliza MCADAMS | (1832 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Rachel GRAHAM ______| (1809 - ....) m 1829| |_____________________
_Barton MINTURN _____+ | (1780 - 1866) m 1800 _Jacob MINTURN ______| | (1802 - 1880) m 1824| | |_Hannah JONES _______+ | (.... - 1806) m 1800 | |--William O MINTURN | (1844 - 1905) | _____________________ | | |_Elizabeth CLEMMONS _| (1804 - 1862) m 1824| |_____________________
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
_David PENCE _________+ | (1779 - 1863) _David PENCE _______________| | (1810 - 1848) m 1836 | | |_Barbara OFFENBACHER _ | (1785 - 1836) | |--Johanna Amanda PENCE | (1849 - ....) | _Peter OFFENBACKER ___+ | | (1760 - ....) |_Ann Catherine OFFENBACHER _| (1814 - ....) m 1836 | |_Elizabeth ___________
_James RUSSELL ______+ | (1754 - 1831) m 1775 _Robert RUSSELL _____| | (1783 - 1873) m 1811| | |_Sarah OSBORN _______+ | (1755 - 1795) m 1775 | |--James W RUSSELL | (1812 - 1897) | _Valentine MILLER ___+ | | (1762 - 1843) m 1789 |_Mary Ann MILLER ____| (1788 - 1881) m 1811| |_Sarah CONARD _______ (1768 - 1844) m 1789
Tombstone Inscription
Tombstone Inscription
CD 400 - Marriage Index, OH
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1884-1888
2/6/1884 50th wedding anniversary
_Archibald SHADLEY __ | (1817 - 1888) m 1855 _Samuel Alvin SHADLEY _| | (1868 - 1953) | | |_Nancy A BEASON _____ | (1833 - 1901) m 1855 | |--Infant SHADLEY | (1916 - 1916) | _John HODSON ________ | | |_Laura Alma HODSON ____| (1878 - 1953) | |_Druzilla HALSON ____
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
_Peter SPEECE _______+ | (1789 - 1871) m 1809 _Levi SPEECE ________| | (1836 - 1927) m 1856| | |_Sarah PRINCEHOUSE __ | (1791 - 1867) m 1809 | |--Daughter SPEECE | (1860 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Elizabeth STAHL ____| (1837 - ....) m 1856| |_____________________
1860 Champaign Co, OH-by Paul Nitchman
Marriage Record- County Record Books
________________________________ | _Napoleon B WAGNER __| | (1896 - 1969) | | |________________________________ | | |--Horace D WAGNER | (1919 - 2006) | _Reuben F PENCE ________________+ | | (1871 - 1906) m 1894 |_Florence G PENCE ___| (1897 - 1986) | |_Annetta Cora "Nettie" MILLARD _ (1875 - 1967) m 1894
Lillian Wulhonsen �tab�39 widow IN IN IN sales lady bakery shop
Keith Wulhonsen �tab�7 son IN